Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 338 - Title Wu Sheng

Chapter 338 – : Title Wu Sheng

Not only Lan Liangliang saw this row of data, but Lan Yue’er next to him also saw it.

I was so scared that my whole body muscles were almost condensed in a cold sweat

Million Star Title Wu Sheng

The voices of the two were hoarse, and the siblings looked at each other with great skill for the first time, and they both saw each other’s eyes.


It is true fear.

“I, I, I, I, I picked up a big man back!” Lan Liangliang’s voice is hoarse, with a vibrato

Suddenly, my heart was very anxious.

“Hurry up and look at Mr. Jiang, no, no. It’s not Mr. Jiang’s data panel!”

Lan Liangliang reacted quickly and frantically searched among countless panels. Soon, a gilt rim, obviously not

At the same time, a more domineering panel appeared.

On the panel, every text is full of endless majesty, exuding a touch of golden light, and the handwriting is not like the ordinary handwriting.

Same~, as if it were written by the emperor.

Contains royal majesty, the majesty of the paved surface.

The hearts of the two plopped-plopped wildly.

There were more than 36,700 games, with two gilded characters dotted behind, winning streak.

“Oh my God! !”

Lan Liangliang was incomparably shocked, his complexion stiff and terrifying, and his brain instantly crashed.

Lan Yue’er also opened her mouth wide, dumbfounded, and even the words were so dazzling, as if divine writing, mortals could not

Looking directly at her, her eyes hurt, and tears rolled down.

In an instant, Lan Yue’er remembered her own attitude towards Jiang Yuan, and her scalp was numb with fright, she gasped with air-conditioning in shock.

To the tremor.

At this time, Jiang Yuan suddenly roared in the battlefield.

The voice is endless and refreshing, and the indifferent color in the eyes gradually changes, changing towards craziness, and even golden eyes.

The light penetrates, all distorting the space.

His blood was instantly ignited, and his heart was replaced by madness.

He has never been reconciled to the ordinary, indifferent soul, it is the boiling molten slurry, which is flowing and burning.

He was born a soldier.

“Everything has exploded”

In an instant, the turbulent energy of the whole body exploded frantically, not in capacity, and roared like thunder.

The chapter of the first phase of the power of all things is opened with a tenfold increase.

The power of 400,000 stars is ignited at once, like a raging torch, and the power contained in the burst of all cells is mobilized

Each one is like a burning star core.

Jiang Yuan stepped out, qi and blood surging, diffused, and a piece of black armor was condensed on his body.

It is not a town faction, but it is even more powerful. It is the armor formed by the ultimate compression of blood and blood, which surpasses ordinary star-level towns.

The faction of armor is comparable to that of a large Japanese-level town faction.(Read more @

The defense is amazing.

But this is far from enough.

Jiang Yuan was taking a step out, and the aura on his body rose wildly again.

This is the opening of the chapter of the second stage of all things, superimposed on each other, which is a gain of 30 times. In a blink of an eye, they will explode.

The power of the shattered star realm titled Martial Saint is close to the power of 1.2 million stars.

But is this enough?

Not enough, far from enough.

Jiang Yuan’s madness never ends, and the roaring sound burst out even more terrifying.

“Nine martial arts supernatural powers.””

Following his almost maddening roar, his combat power soared again, instantly reaching the power of 1.3 million stars.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan’s whole body was burning with golden flames.

That is the cells in the body are burning frantically, and each one is comparable to the temperature of the day.

The terrifying temperature blasted out, along the pores, burning the heavens and the earth, any substance is firewood, and it can be ignited.

Burned, burned.

Jiang Yuan was going crazy, and his opponent was going crazy.

There are more than 32,000 opponents, all at the level of Broken Star Realm ancestors, and there are even more than 300 Broken Star Realms with titles.

The god of war, at the forefront, is standing with a titled Martial Saint.

The terrifying existence of the power of millions of stars.

They are like a large army, uniform and uniform, forming a large army, advancing and retreating with a certain degree, and the whole body’s blood suddenly stimulates boiling, unexpectedly

Can be condensed into one.

Above the head, the dark cloud was suddenly distorted, spinning frantically, turning into a huge whirlpool.

The inside is as dark as ink, and the infinite blood-colored lightning, like a spider web, flashes incessantly, vigorously, resounding through the world

Huanyu seemed to be angry from the sky.

Send the Blood Fiend to punish the evil

Seeking flowers 0

Wu Sheng roared and roared instantly, the bloody brilliance in his hands continued to flow, combining with each other, turning into a three-pronged handle, like

Blood casting,-coming from the next rush, like a general rushing for thousands of miles, the momentum is like a rainbow.

Jiang Yuan also roared and rushed away instantly.

Alone, alone, but his momentum, courageous and indomitable, although I have passed away, there is no fear, no


What about the endless army, the sky can’t crush his spine.

At this moment, the Lan family brothers and sisters were completely crazy in the watching area.

It’s really crazy. Through thousands of years, have they ever seen such a shocking scene,-people alone resist the army, like a god

The words reproduce, the epic picture.

“Why is he crazy?” Lan Liangliang shouted, trembling, panicked, and even


What a fearless courage, what a tyrannical will is needed to face this terrifying army without changing face.

Ordinary people have long been scared of their guts, panic all day long, and even kneel down to beg for mercy.

But Jiang Yuan is not, he actually dared to rush up.

Lan Yueer’s breathing is short, her eyes are full of radiance, and the chill is constantly sweeping through her body. At the same time as her hair is terrifying, there are

Endless worship.

“How can I win this! There is no hope at all! !”

In his exclamation, Jiang Yuan has already rushed out, fighting thousands of troops alone, colliding in an instant.

The overwhelming blood, turned into infinite swords, spears and halberds, swept across all of a sudden, and there were all attacks in front of me.

It is almost impossible to get in.

But Jiang Yuan is not afraid at all, his body is like a fish in water, very weird, dodges in the infinite space, and his fists are crazy.

The speed is extremely fast.

In front of him, countless shadows of fists appeared abruptly.

This is the martial arts supernatural power fruit in his mind, the essence of the boxing technique of a fruit, which is unfolded at once, as if from him

Thousands of golden figures rushed out.

Boom boom boom.

In an instant, countless shadows hit the army in the air, and instantly collided with the army in everything

Just a collision, screams in the sky, continuous ups and downs, all ghosts are just a river source, punches are fierce, no

Take care of your death, go all out,-bombard the opponent’s head.

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