Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 335 - Jiang Yuan, a representative of Star Court

Chapter 335 – : Jiang Yuan, a representative of Star Court

“Courier Dan, let us go! Someone wants to see you.” One of them has a cold voice, no emotion, as if

Talking to himself at a corpse.

Dan Chenzi’s body couldn’t stop trembling, and he nodded slightly, his voice was a little hoarse: “Who wants to see me?”

The other party did not have the slightest silence, and directly said: “The Supreme Being.”

Upon hearing these words, Dan Chenzi’s pupils dilated in horror.

Suddenly shocked the Supreme Master, his heart was shaken, his heart was extremely desperate, he did not expect himself for a while

Unexpectedly, such a thing happened unexpectedly.

In other words, just now.

The sight of the Supreme Being has long been projected here, and he knows every move here, if he doesn’t show up

I’m afraid I will never show up.

But he also had a feeling in his heart, since he allowed himself to appear, then he was not guilty of death, and there was hope.

At this moment, he once again had the most intuitive and clear understanding of Jiang Yuan’s identity and the importance of Wang Teng’s Star Court.


In the next second, the vitality spread suddenly, swept across in an instant, and expanded to the entire honored alchemy room, with countless people still resting in the room.

The information personnel still don’t know what’s going on.

In an instant, it was swept away by power, and all disappeared in place.

At this time, in a place like Interrogation Room 30, Lan Liangliang and Lan Yue’er were sitting together, their faces pale and sad.


In comparison, Lan Yue’er, Lan Liangliang looked much more stable.

Finally, I couldn’t help sighing: “This time, we have harmed the Jiang Yuan brothers.

We shouldn’t let him come to our house, but it hurts him.

Lan Yue’er opened her mouth and sighed: “Brother! Don’t blame yourself, Wang Teng Xingting is in such a strict place.

It is reasonable, and if it is found that it has nothing to do with Jiang Yuan, he will be let go. ”

I know this, but it’s not what I’m worried about. Although Brother Jiang Yuan doesn’t have much contact with us,

I can see that his character is very hard, he is not afraid of the sky and he is not afraid, just now he directly ran into Zeng De. ”

He sighed: “I’m afraid Zeng De will deliberately target him and make him suffer.”

Lan Yueer’s eyes were a little dark, and she didn’t know how to persuade her.

The two gradually became silent, and they stopped speaking, waiting for the interrogation.

It is clear in my heart that it is not so much an interrogation as it is to extract a confession by torture and torture them.

However, as time went on, doubts gradually appeared on their faces.

The two were detained in a small black room. After half a day passed, there was no movement outside and no one came over.

Even Zeng Yuan, who had been at odds with him, didn’t come over and deliberately make things difficult.

Lan Liangliang’s complexion became more and more puzzled.

They waited for a while, more than an hour passed, but it was still quiet outside, let alone(Read more @

Someone came to interrogate them.

“What’s the matter?” For a long time, Lan Liangliang couldn’t help but stand up and said to Lan Yueer next to him: “I’ll go see

Is the guard locked, why doesn’t anyone come?

He walked to the door, and as soon as he reached the door, the door opened automatically, revealing the quiet corridor outside.

In an instant, Lan Liangliang was shocked.

He walked out cautiously, looking at both sides, but he was even more shocked to find that there was no sound around him.

Even there are no figures, and it’s weird.

He couldn’t help but stimulate his qi and blood. The power of qi and blood was centered on him. It spread quickly like a big net, and the speed continued.

Continued, it soon spread to the entire honored Danfang.

But in the next second, his eyes widened in horror.

Because he was horrified to find out.

Thousands of people have been honored in the alchemy room, and there is a constant stream of people, but at this moment, none of them have been seen, as if they were steaming out of thin air.

Sent in general.

“What the hell is going on?

Lan Liangliang was hesitating in his heart, unprecedented things happened, and could no longer restrain the panic, and hurriedly walked back.

Looking at his sister, she lowered her voice and said, “Something big!”

Lan Yue’er was surprised: “What happened?”

“I don’t know why, everyone disappeared, as if disappeared out of thin air.

Hearing what her brother said, Lan Yue’er was also horrified, and quickly walked out, letting go of the power of energy and blood, and began to explore the four.


Sure enough, the results obtained were as good as his brother.

“It’s all gone!”

Lan Yue’er was horrified, but her brain was running fast, and she hurriedly said to Lan Liangliang: “Brother, or let’s leave now


Lan Liangliang hesitated, took a deep breath, as if making a decision: “What must happen here


The change may be because we were imprisoned in the room, escaped a catastrophe, and left now. ”

The two dared not walk through the front door, and left the front door cautiously.

Walking on the street, even people bowed their heads, their energy and blood trembling, and they said to each other: “Brother, are they from other Star Court people?

Seeking revenge? Kill all the people who were honored in the alchemy room?”

Lan Liangliang was taken aback, not sure: “It’s possible that the three star courts are in contradiction with each other. It’s not a day or two.

But if a courtyard was destroyed all at once, the matter was really big. ”

Lan Yueer’s eyes lit up and said: Doesn’t it mean that we are okay because of a blessing in disguise?”

Lan Liangliang just wanted to nod his head, but suddenly thought of something, and suddenly exclaimed: “No, brother Jiang Yuan!”

Lan Yue’er also had a heartbeat and woke up and said: “.””

Lan Liangliang gritted his teeth and said: “You go back first, and I will go to Yiyue to be honored in the alchemy room.”

Without waiting for Lan Yueer’s consent, she hurriedly turned back.

At the same time, Jiang Yuan was already in Lan Liangliang’s home, in front of him, the Tao projection appeared directly, not someone else.

Text slips.

Wen Su looked at Jiang Yuan with a smile, cunningly like a fox.

“Instructor Jiang, things were in a hurry before, and I had something to tell you.

Jiang Yuan sat down slowly, poured himself a cup of tea, smiled faintly: “If it’s the matter of the two sisters, Lan Liangliang, it won’t

Needless to say, after all things happen for a reason, and some punishments are also due. ‘

“No.” Wen Su smiled and said: “It’s about a person, 030 Dalian Qingyun, this person. I don’t know Mr. Jiang.

Has the officer heard of it? ”

Jiang Yuan faintly shook his head and said: “I don’t know, but I have heard a little bit. I heard that this person is not from us, Yunhui University.

The domain came from other big domains and challenged the Dahong Star Court. “Indeed.” Wen Su smiled slightly, and the projection slowly walked over to Jiang Yuan to sit down, poured himself a glass of water, and

He didn’t shout: “This person is strong and strong, and there are people behind him who are specifically challenging the head of the secretary.

“Tomorrow I will challenge the Destruction Star Court, and as far as I know, among the people in this term of the Chief Dean Star Court, there is no

What’s great, it’s no different from Dahong Star Court, I’m afraid it’s not an opponent. ”

“According to the inference, at most the day after tomorrow, we will come to challenge us Wang Teng Xingting.

Jiang Yuan raised his eyebrows and said, “What? Xing Ting wants me to take action? I’m just the chief instructor. Do you want me to intervene?

A battle at the chief level?”

“No, it’s not. Wen Su quickly nodded and said: “The above means I want you to be the representative of our Xingting Chief Instructor.

Wu, lead all the chief instructors, go to watch the game tomorrow, take a look, or learn something. ”

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