Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 334 - The despair of Dan Chenzi

Chapter 334 – :The despair of Dan Chenzi

Dan Chenzi’s brain suddenly rumbling, like thunder in the sky, blasting rumblingly, and his ears are deaf.

The brain is running fast, and countless information flows in the mind.

Suddenly I realized a truth, why Wen Su was so anxious to let his brother leave, it was not that Peng Yu made a big mistake

Instead, stay away from yourself!

Something happened to me, and the matter was extremely huge, and the shock caused Wen Su to have nothing to do, so I immediately called myself away.

Brother, put aside the relationship with yourself.

“Oops, something must have happened to the Danyuan.

Dan Chenzi’s complexion suddenly became extremely pale, breathing was difficult, and his body was directly distorted, turning into a ray of light.

Drill into space, travel through the speed of light.

In just an instant, I came to the Rongdeng Danfang, and my breath surged and enveloped all of a sudden, and I needed to check it out for the first time.

When the reason is reached, correct it immediately.

Otherwise, I’m really finished.

Almost instantly, his eyes saw a figure that made himself extremely “Nine Seven Three” horrified.

That inverted figure is the existence that even Peng Yu can tremble with fear.

The real loftyness, everything about him, is always listed as the top secret, and the entire Wang Teng Xingyuan is paying attention

Keep him, and he is.

Jiang Yuan


In an instant, Dan Chenzi’s brain was blank, and he fell to the ground for an instant, trembling with fear, and his face was extremely pale.

It’s uglier than crying-

When it fell, Daozengde’s ridicule sounded in his ears.

“Your party is really interesting, you can pretend! Even if you leave, your attitude is tough, but it’s useless. We are angry

Feeling sensitive, you can find him soon, and let him accompany you at that time.

After finishing speaking, Zeng De said directly to Zeng Yuan: “How about it, did you find it?”

Zeng Yuan suddenly widened his eyes when he heard the voice, his face instantly became extremely pale, and his body couldn’t help shaking.

Cold sweat kept falling from his forehead.

“I found it, yes yes

Seeing Zeng Yuan’s appearance, Zeng De’s breath immediately condensed, a feeling of unpleasantness spontaneously arises, and the sound is unconscious.

Bring a trembling voice: “What is it? You said it!”

“Yes, it is Wang Teng Xingting’s direction!”

Almost at the moment his voice fell,-the breath rushed over,-Dao was so crazy, it even reached hysteria

There was a scolding from the bottom.

“Zeng De, Zeng

Almost the moment the voice fell, Dan Chenzi appeared instantly, his expression almost distorted with anger, and he rushed up all at once.

He lifted his foot and didn’t leave his hand at all.

Zeng Yuan’s eyes widened, and the moment he saw Dan Chenzi, he was almost frightened, unable to avoid it, and abruptly resisted.

The body broke apart with a bang.

I didn’t even have time to say the scream

Zeng De was so scared that he shuddered. As soon as he uttered his words, he heard the angry roar of Dan Chenzi.


“Damn things, brave, brave, our chief instructor of Wang Teng Xingting dare to catch, Dan.

He snarled frantically: “Who gave you the courage, who instructed you, today is not clear, both you and Zeng Yuan’s race

No one can escape from annihilation.

Zeng De’s face was extremely frightened, and his heart was beating frantically. He had never seen Dan minister so angry when he was so angry.

It’s crazy-like.

The actual anger almost condenses into flames.

Especially his words, Chief Instructor.

He he he he actually arrested Wang Teng Xingting’s chief instructor.(Read more @

In an instant, his gaze looked at Jiang Yuan in amazement, and the name Wen Su and the cold double temperature appeared in his mind.


Friend of the chief instructor, what does this mean.

It means that the man who is constantly ridiculed by himself is at least a chief instructor, the supreme existence of the Valkyrie level.

One person can destroy the killing god of his entire race.

With a stroke, he suddenly knelt down and bowed towards Jiang Yuan, his bones all melted away.

Crazy kowtow, his voice trembled, and wailed in fear: “Chief instructor, I, I, I, I. I know, I just listen

To the villain slander! I, I, I, I just came in accordance with the rules and regulations. ”

“Damn thing, talk to me about the rules and regulations.”

Dan Chenzi’s heart beat, and he almost breathed horror-

Once he follows the rules, he cannot escape the blame. The responsibility is indispensable. Once he sits down, he doesn’t need Jiang Yuan to do it.

The face will immediately come down and kill him directly.

Don’t talk nonsense with him at all, kill is kill, just replace him directly.

Knowing everything, Dan Chenzi instantly kicked Zeng De,-the next son knelt in front of Jiang Yuan on one knee, his eyes were extremely true

Sincerely said: “Chief instructor, you must not listen to him crazy

Dog remarks, we won’t have the right to arrest people in the Danfang, this is completely

He decided in private, and I’m in the healing hospital today, I don’t know about this at all!”

Jiang Yuan glanced at the other person lightly, without sadness or joy in his eyes, and said lightly: “Handle it yourself.

Almost at the moment when Jiang Yuan’s voice fell, Dan Chenzi’s eyes suddenly exploded violently.

Time appeared in front of Zeng De.

Zeng De’s eyes widened, looking at the indifferent and even strange Dan minister in front of him, he opened his mouth to say something, but found that,

The chest is cold, and the heart is directly penetrated.

In an instant, an icy chill swept across the body in an instant, all the cells were almost frozen, and the sound was in the throat.

Scrolling in the middle, but can’t send a word.

Kaka Kaka

From the position of his heart, a layer of silent frost quickly froze, and instantly swept across his body, and in a blink of an eye, it completely changed him.

Individuals freeze and become icicles.

Before Jiang Yuan could speak, Dan Chenzi hurriedly lowered his head and said respectfully: “Please rest assured, the instructor, I will definitely understand this matter.

The investigation will definitely arrest all the behind-the-scenes masters. ”

Jiang Yuan frowned.

But this expression fell in front of the Dan minister, and suddenly he took a breath, his expression even more terrified, and his body couldn’t stop it.

Trembling, as if waiting for the verdict

Zeng De was so scared that he shuddered. As soon as he uttered his words, he heard the angry roar of Dan Chenzi.


“Damn things, brave, brave, our chief instructor of Wang Teng Xingting dare to catch, Dan.

He snarled frantically: “Who gave you the courage, who instructed you, today is not clear, both you and Zeng Yuan’s race

No one can escape from annihilation.

Zeng De’s face was extremely frightened, and his heart was beating frantically. He had never seen Dan minister so angry when he was so angry.

It’s crazy-like.

The actual anger almost condenses into flames.

Especially his words, Chief Instructor.

He he he he actually arrested Wang Teng Xingting’s chief instructor.

In an instant, his gaze looked at Jiang Yuan in amazement, and the name Wen Su and the cold double temperature appeared in his mind.


Friend of the chief instructor, what does this mean.

It means that the man who is constantly ridiculed by himself is at least a chief instructor, the supreme existence of the Valkyrie level.

One person can destroy the killing god of his entire race.

With a stroke, he suddenly knelt down and bowed towards Jiang Yuan, his bones all melted away.

Crazy kowtow, his voice trembled, and wailed in fear: “Chief instructor, I, I, I, I. I know, I just listen

To the villain slander! I, I, I, I just came in accordance with the rules and regulations. ”

“Damn thing, talk to me about the rules and regulations.”

Dan Chenzi’s heart beat, and he almost breathed horror-

Once he follows the rules, he cannot escape the blame. The responsibility is indispensable. Once he sits down, he doesn’t need Jiang Yuan to do it.

The face will immediately come down and kill him directly.

Don’t talk nonsense with him at all, kill is kill, just replace him directly.

Knowing everything, Dan Chenzi instantly kicked Zeng De,-the next son knelt in front of Jiang Yuan on one knee, his eyes were extremely true

Sincerely said: “Chief instructor, you must not listen to his mad dog’s remarks. We have no right to arrest people when we are promoted to the Danfang. This is completely

He decided in private, and I’m in the healing hospital today, I don’t know about this at all!”

Jiang Yuan glanced at the other person lightly, without sadness or joy in his eyes, and said lightly: “Handle it yourself.

Almost at the moment when Jiang Yuan’s voice fell, Dan Chenzi’s eyes suddenly exploded violently.

Time appeared in front of Zeng De.

Zeng De’s eyes widened, looking at the indifferent and even strange Dan minister in front of him, he opened his mouth to say something, but found that,

The chest is cold, and the heart is directly penetrated.

In an instant, an icy chill swept across the body in an instant, all the cells were almost frozen, and the sound was in the throat.

Scrolling in the middle, but can’t send a word.

Kaka Kaka

From the position of his heart, a layer of silent frost quickly froze, and instantly swept across his body, and in a blink of an eye, it completely changed him.

Individuals freeze and become icicles.

Before Jiang Yuan could speak, Dan Chenzi hurriedly lowered his head and said respectfully: “Please rest assured, the instructor, I will definitely understand this matter.

The investigation will definitely arrest all the behind-the-scenes masters. ”

Jiang Yuan frowned.

But this expression fell in front of the Dan minister, and suddenly he took a breath, his expression even more terrified, and his body couldn’t stop it.

Trembling, as if waiting for the verdict.

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