Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 265 - Power of a Thousand Stars

Chapter 265 – : Power of a Thousand Stars

At the moment of breakthrough, the combat power soared wildly, and the speed reached an unthinkable level, surpassing the speed of light.

Is the speed of light.

Three Hundred Stars

Of the Five Hundred Stars

The power of six hundred stars

The power of seven hundred stars.

The power of nine hundred stars

Power of a Thousand Stars

The combat power has been soaring to the power of a thousand stars before it slowly stops, but this is not the end.

Life expectancy has also begun to improve.

One hundred thousand years

One thousand years

One hundred thousand three thousand years_.

One hundred thousand years

150,000 years

Two hundred thousand years

Life expectancy increases with the times, and in the blink of an eye, it reaches 200,000 years——

Ten thousand years, life is almost immortal, spanning countless times, is the overlord of the ages, can shelter a race for ten thousand years, two

One hundred thousand years, what a long time that is.

The human race recorded history only five thousand years ago, and two hundred thousand years are true. What it represents will last forever.

Not only that, the most terrifying thing is the position of the gold core on the eyebrows——

The golden fruits, from small to large, are condensing little by little, born out of the illusion, just like a tree

Like the fruit, it hung on one of the golden rings of Qi and Blood Gold Core.

Jiang Yuan’s brain worked for a while, and he immediately knew what the fruit was called.

Wudao supernatural power fruit.

It is the phenomenon that martial arts have been used to the extreme, and martial arts have entered the Tao. This kind of martial arts supernatural powers will be condensed and hung in the golden ring.

Above, absorb the energy of Jin Dan’s operation all the time, and strengthen oneself.

The fruits continue to grow, and the magical powers become more and more powerful.

Jiang Yuan has already started his fist, and what he learns the most is the fist. Whether it is the earliest collapse of fist or the Shenmai meridian, it is all fist fortune.

The one used.

Now all boxing techniques are merged into one, condensed into martial arts supernatural powers, which have been summarized and summarized. They are not limited to moves, but-

This kind of magical power can be displayed at will.

When Jiang Yuan raised his hand slightly, he could feel the peculiar power lingering around his fingertips, and when he clenched his fist, there was a white line.

The phantom of the color dragon flashed by.(Read more @

Without letting go of Jiang Yuan’s fist, the shadow of the white dragon continued to condense, detaching from both hands, swirling around his arms, and then

Wrapped around, opened the mouth of the dragon’s head, and roared fiercely.

An invisible aura envelops Jiangyuan, and the momentum changes instantly, exuding a mighty and domineering fairy aura, as if

The immortal god from the nine heavens has flowing hair.

As soon as the fist was released, the magical powers automatically dispersed, and the white dragon gradually faded, and finally disappeared completely.

Jiang Yuan has a feeling that the current self, with this punch, the magical powers bloom, the dragon roars, sweeping everything,-

Learning to be able to completely smash the former self, there is no possibility of life at all.

And it won’t just destroy the nucleus of the ancient star with a single punch as before. Now the entire planet can be destroyed

They are completely crushed.

Originally Jiang Yuan would not be so scary to break through the Broken Star Realm, but his accumulation was too scary.

Jin Dan 30 rings, Tianyi Jin Dan, usually does not show the mountains, but at the critical moment, it bursts out all at once to supply the martial arts.

Taoist magical power fruit, accelerate the cohesion, and reach the sky in one step.

Normally,-respecting the disaster and emperor, breaking through the broken star realm, the combat power can only reach the power of a hundred stars, but Jiang Yuan directly turned

Times, reaching the power of a thousand stars.

In general, the emperor of disaster needs constant polishing, condensing the previous martial arts, constant understanding, retreat and thinking, time and time

Summarize and condense the whole body into martial arts supernatural powers.

The time consumed will be counted for tens of thousands of years, and the condensed martial arts supernatural power fruit, only Sesame

It’s so big, and I have to keep using the Qi and Blood Gold Pill to keep it warm, unable to display it.

Jiang Yuan can not only use it, but also continuously expand his supernatural powers, saving countless hours, so much time.

He can also condense new martial arts supernatural power fruit.

Every time a martial arts supernatural power fruit is added, the power of supernatural powers will increase by one layer, and they complement each other.

The more magical fruit, the stronger the burst of power.

Unpredictable, countless wonderful changes were born.

Jiang Yuan’s brain turned for a while, the origin formula was crazy deduced, and his 100,000-fold talent was also used to the extreme.

The way to come.

From the tens of thousands of future roads, I found a golden avenue, immediately understood the future road, and knew everything.

It turned out that before the three realms of Manifestation of Saints, he was still considered a mortal, but after the broken star realm, he used martial arts to enter the Tao.

Mortals already exist like gods and demons.

High above, overlooking the common people.

The next road is more difficult and complicated, and it needs to keep storing more huge knowledge and condense many martial arts supernatural powers.

As a result, a golden ring full of blood and vitality.

Achieving a qualitative change,-the next transformation

, Great achievements.

How powerful is the Great Lord, he has no basis, no object to observe, no way to start, it is difficult to infer, only knows

It was an extremely terrifying state, quite terrifying.

He just deduced it, and felt the pain in his brain so much that it contained too much information, and he couldn’t hold it.

“” But I have just broken through now, but my realm is extremely stable, and I feel that my body has been strengthened again and my potential

Great increase, the power of a thousand stars is not my upper limit, it can continue to grow stronger

Jiang Yuan muttered to himself in a low voice, and he felt the changes in his body all at once. All cells were better than before.

It is more than twice as powerful, and the strength that can be endured is even more vast.

In the past, each of his cells could store dark matter, but there was an upper limit, and only a small amount could be stored.

In the second stage, it exploded with all strength. After a few punches, it was exhausted and could not be sustained.

But now, the volume of each cell has not changed, but the inside seems to be a small world of (Li Zhao),

The area continues to expand, the potential is doubled, tens of thousands of times the previous, and the dark matter that can be stored is even greater.

Jiang Yuan didn’t need to move, all the cells in his body would automatically absorb dark matter, and each one was a whale, swallowing frantically, a large amount of dark matter was pulled and precipitated, continuously accumulating and compressing.

Even Jiang Yuan glanced over, and he could see that under each cell, there was extremely dense dark matter compressed.

Almost piled up into a thick black substance, which became a kind of crystal-

In an instant, Jiang Yuan’s eyes kept flashing, and he felt a brand new change.

Unprecedentedly powerful, the realm, combat power, lifespan, and potential are all improved, soaring wildly, compared to the previous moment.

I don’t know how powerful it is.

If you are currently in the Aqua Blue Star, facing the beast in the Broken Star Realm, you can pinch the opponent to death with one hand, which is as simple as pinching an ant.

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