Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 266 - Martial arts gods

Chapter 266 – : Martial arts gods

“It’s time to go back.”

Jiang Yuan’s body was twisted again, and all the matter in his body was transformed into light energy, which was like a ray of light, all of a sudden.

Penetrate and leave the inner core of the star, and come to the surface of the planet.

In an instant, the horrible aura of Jiang Yuan’s body exuded, with him as the center, the speed was comparable to the speed of light, and it directly affected him.

Affect the whole world.

The temperature of the whole world is gradually rising,-all the big floor blocks are shaking, constantly tearing out huge strips.

The rift, magma constantly surging out from it.

Countless tornadoes, born from the clouds, swept across, howled fiercely, with great power, wherever they passed, trees

It was uprooted, and tons of boulders were rolled up.

The whole world is experiencing catastrophe.

Urban highways collapsed continuously and geologically collapsed. Countless cars fell into the cracks one after another. High-rise buildings were all tilting.

Oblique, the end of the world scene everywhere.

Above the ocean, huge deep pits and round holes emerged one by one, constantly swallowing the sea water, and they would be destroyed by large freighters.

Swallowed, torn into pieces.

Countless people ran away exclaiming. 423. Under the mighty power of nature, everything is in ruin. If it is not stopped, the world

The world environment will change drastically, and living things will usher in a great extinction.

Jiang Yuan’s brows were slightly-frowned, his body aura suddenly-closed, the ethereal aura on his body disappeared in an instant, and the whole person changed.

Nothing unusual, ordinary people.

In his eyes, the fusion of the world stopped instantly, the cracking earth stopped collapsing, and the rising temperature stopped.

Degree, crazily reduced.

But the disaster has broken out, and the loss is the loss and cannot be compensated.

Jiang Yuan is not a real god and demon. He cannot change history. If time goes back, maybe the future will gather more martial arts supernatural powers.

Enough to give birth to some terrifying power, reverse the cut, and restore the past.

“The loss is caused by me, but I can’t let you lose in vain.” Jiang Yuan took a deep breath, although he was irritable,

But not cruel.

His brutality is only aimed at the enemy. This planet has a great boon to him, and it is a great creation to help him break through the broken star realm.

Transformation, from then on, one step up to the sky, heaven and man will be separated forever.

Two hundred thousand life span, almost eternal existence, true old age immortality. (ciec)

“The breath is reversed, and the blood and vitality appear in gold”

Jiang Yuan’s voice was extremely magnificent, and it was suddenly transmitted in the vacuum of the universe. Behind him, there was an illusory black figure.

The body is emerging, constantly getting bigger.

The flesh and blood vessels and even the internal organs are condensing and forming step by step, becoming bigger and bigger; in a blink of an eye, a huge giant tens of thousands of meters(Read more @

People are suspended between heaven and earth.

At the same time, a golden light flew out from the center of Jiang Yuan’s eyebrows.

The Zhentian Bell is projected into the starry sky at once, and it keeps getting bigger and bigger, while rotating, it scrolls the endless stream of emptiness, and the waves become one.

As it continues to spread, the buzzing sound resounds through the vacuum of the universe, vast and mighty.

The sound passed down all of a sudden, penetrated the atmosphere, and entered the continental world below, alarming countless people to raise their heads.

Looking at the sky in amazement.

Many people are ashamed and sorrowful. Under the mighty power of nature, ordinary people are as weak as ants and can only make money.

Tie, blame the heavens and the others.

People immediately saw with horror, above the sky, a huge figure, like a god and demon in a fairy tale,

Standing above the stars, looking down at the mortal world.

“What is that then?”

“Is that the god in the myth?”

“God is the god and spirit coming to save us?”

People screamed, crawling out of the ruins, gray-faced, some were shocked and greeted, some were horrified, none

Counting expressions, this moment is all over the faces of countless people.

This moment was too horrifying, a huge figure like a continent, above the sky, in the universe,

Looking down on them, this shock made people tremble.

At this time, Jiang Yuan’s voice also resounded, the voice was mighty, and it was passed on, like the voice of the gods.

Surrounded by the ears of countless creatures.

“I come from the water blue star. I passed through this planet and practiced with the help of the star core of this planet. At this time, my merits are fulfilled and I enter the Tao with martial arts.

Step into the realm of broken stars.

Jiang Yuan’s voice was majestic and mighty, and his voice was like thunder, with constant roar and long duration.

But with a touch of gentleness, it can soothe people’s hearts, make people quiet and peaceful, and suddenly make the whole world panic and panic.

The people stopped and listened to his voice quietly.

This is the perfect fusion of power and qi and blood. Although it was possible to do this in the realm of the emperor, it could not spread far away.

The consumption is extremely huge.

But now, the combat power has soared the power of a thousand stars, and it consumes a little bit, which is insignificant.

“I feel that the martial art of life in this world has not been opened. Today, I am opening the martial art to show all living beings the way of martial arts.

When repairing ten thousand years of life

Those who have obtained martial arts can be physically strong and will not be transformed forever. The void crosses the horizon of the universe, and the fist smashes the mountains and rivers.

Jiang Yuan keeps on elaborating, describing the benefits of martial arts clearly and simply, and planting martial arts in the hearts of countless creatures.

Dao seeds, let them take root and sprout.

“I have three thousand allusions to the martial arts classics, and one thousand allusions to the martial arts classics. When someone on this star breaks through the limit, the body crosses the universe.

At the time of the universe, you can go to a planet named Aquastar, where you can get another two thousand martial arts ceremony. ”

Jiang Yuan’s big hand was to grasp the heaven and earth, and countless material energy was captured and condensed continuously in his hand.

The gathering is transformed into a simple book, exuding a touch of ancient flavor.

Each ancient book is surrounded by a beam of golden energy light, like a meteor, across the sky, the golden light is shining,

It flew out all at once, turned into a thousand streamers, and flew to a thousand places in the sky and the earth.

“Hope good students practice.”

The last voice of Jiang Yuan finally flowed through the whole world, as if it was shocking, the moment the voice fell

His body instantly distorted, turning into a black light and disappearing directly.

But the huge golden body of blood, blood, still remained there, patrolling the earth, slowly turning his body, his back facing

The heaven and the earth, facing the outside of the universe.

This is the benefit that Jiang Yuan left to the world-

The deity contains a golden body of vitality and blood with a full blow, which can reach the power of a thousand stars, and is protected by this body of vitality and blood.

For at least a hundred years, no civilization has dared to invade.

People can observe this clone, and over time, it can stimulate the power of qi and blood, strengthen the foundation, and realize countless martial arts.

Truth, and even those who are gifted with different truths, can use this to create new martial arts classics.

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