Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 264 - Break through the broken star

Chapter 264 – : Break through the broken star

“To recruit tens of thousands of talented students, we must speed up the time. The Honglian Empire can ask for a little bit.

Presumably, there are many hidden geniuses. ”

“It is true.” Guang Dezi said: “As long as the Honglian Empire is not stupid, the true geniuses will still be hidden to protect them.

Save, train well, sacrifice ordinary geniuses to complete the above tasks, but we just ask for them, they are different

Give it!” “No” Liu Yue said indifferently: “Is he qualified to refuse an ant-like empire?”

Just as the three were talking, a controller who had the strength to reach the emperor of the disaster could not help but tremble softly: “Liu Yue

Instructor, just discovered a planet with a burst of primordial stone energy? Shall we explore it?”

Liu Yue glanced over at once, and the other party was sweating profusely from fright, and his whole body trembled.

After pondering for a while, Liu Yue said lightly: “- A planet with a huge primordial stone, maybe some talents are not bad.

Characters, then go and see!

“Yes, 28, yes, yes,” the controller nodded quickly.

Just listen to Ba Jin couldn’t help but smile: “I don’t know why, every time I explore a planet, I can’t help but get excited.

“If we are lucky, on which planet would we find a genius at the level of Calamity Edizun, hey

He couldn’t help but laugh when he said that.

Guang Dezi shook his head and smiled: “Don’t dream, the emperor is so rare, it is a rare resource in the universe, yes

The genius among the true geniuses, the existence of evildoers. ”

“With this kind of existence, he can reach Die Evil Emperor on his own home star. As long as he is given time, he can completely enter the Broken Star Realm.

One step to the sky, the two of us tied together are not enough for others to punch.

“We don’t have the right to contact these characters. The best way is to pass them up and let the academy send a great master.

Come, take it away directly and strongly.

Ba Jin smiled and said: “I just imagined it, I know we don’t have the luck to come in contact, but what if!

If we found out, I still want to go with us. That’s a great contribution. I have no other requirements.

Send me to an empire. It’s also good to be an emperor. With all his words, he will dominate the destiny of thousands of races.

“Not promising.” Liu Yue glanced at Ba Jin beside him.

Bucking suddenly laughed a few times.

The three of them knew in their hearts that with the existence of such talented evildoers, the academy recruited students once every thousand years, tens of thousands of times.

Can find one-zun.

Once discovered, how high the status is, it is directly at the level of the lord disciple, surpassing the elite disciple.

Teaching every day, the future achievement is unimaginable,

In a blink of an eye, the rules of war have come to the side of the planet.

The huge size of the battleship is one-tenth the size of the entire planet, like a huge satellite.

It now blocks the light in the universe, and casts a dark light down.(Read more @

At this moment, countless creatures on the entire planet raised their heads, looking up at the huge battleship, with deep expressions in their eyes.

The shock, and the incredible fear.

Among the battleship, Liu Yue’s voice also resounded in the control center: “The battleship scans the entire planet.”

“The scan begins, Didi Didi

Almost at the moment when Liu Yue’s voice fell, an invisible ripple spread out from the battleship and enveloped directly.

The huge planet is shrouded in circles.

Traveling through the atmosphere, entering the surface of the planet, traveling through the earth, continuing to deepen, and all of a sudden, it comes to the underground space,

The location of the current star core.

“Didi Didi found a high-energy reaction

In an instant, a screen directly appeared on the screen inside the battleship, and the huge volume of the star core appeared in the screen.

And beside the star core, there was a black spot like a small sesame, which was unusually abrupt.

The picture expanded in an instant, and Jiang Yuan’s entire appearance was quickly presented on it.

“Liu Yue frowned, and he could see the power of vitality, qi, blood, and stars in the entire space.

Nuclear power materials are constantly being absorbed by the person in front of them.

She herself was an extremely powerful existence in the Broken Star Realm, and she saw it at a glance.

This is not the eruption of Shiyao Yuanshi’s energy, but a sacred emperor who is making a breakthrough in the broken star realm.

Lost interest.

Ba Jin and Guang Dezi also showed disappointment.

“It turns out that someone broke through here!” Ba Jin said lightly, losing interest in an instant.

An ancestor of the Broken Star Realm, in an empire like the Honglian Empire, belongs to the absolute powerhouse, but it is placed in various university residences.

1 At best, it’s just a trivial instructor.

Even if the strength is not enough, even the instructor can’t do it.

Liu Yue’s eyes were also disappointed, and her voice faintly said, “Let’s go.

It’s just a broken star realm that hasn’t broken through

Go directly to Honglian Empire Star.

As her voice fell, the battleship suddenly erupted with bursts of strong voices, slowly moving, and gradually moving away.

Open this planet.

Just a few seconds later, the speed of the battleship broke out in an instant, and the huge volume turned into a ray of light suddenly from the sky and the earth.

Disappeared from the universe.

At the moment when the other party disappeared, Jiang 967yuan opened his eyes and raised his head to look into the distance.

Then he didn’t think much, and closed his eyes again.

At this moment, in his body, the black villain, as if pregnant in October, all the structure of the whole body has been changed.

to make.

Jiang Yuan knew in his heart that it was time for him to set foot on the Broken Star Realm. When the villain opened his eyes, it was the body and the blood soul.

The moment of fusion.

This moment is the beginning of sublimation, transcending one-cut, and instantly stepping into the broken star realm and becoming an ancestor.

at last

The little person like a baby loosened his eyelids and tried to open it.

Jiang Yuan’s heartbeat also accelerated suddenly, and all the cell particles in his body trembled, as if shouting.

The last step is getting closer.


In the next second, the villain finally opened his eyes, as if looking at everything with Jiang Yuan’s external eyes.

Jiang Yuan felt a strange trance.

Immediately afterwards, a brand-new, completely different feeling rose up frantically, the most obvious of which was the soaring combat power.

The basic one-star power, while breathing, soars to ten stars.

Twenty Star Power

Thirty Star Power

Power of Fifty Stars

Power of Baixing

The power of two hundred stars.

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