Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 233 - Interstellar Strike

Chapter 233 – : Interstellar Strike

The Shocking Dragon Overlord also wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. Since he became Eternal, this is the first time he was scared out of the cold.

He also barely squeezed out a smile and said: “Tongxi, Tongxi, after all, we are also a member of the empire, and we also live in Rui’s family.

In the future, our race will rely on you!”

Hearing the words of Jinglong Overlord, Ruikang’s complexion became a little more comfortable, and he nodded slightly, looking at the video, but

Found that Jiang Yuan was still suspended in the sky.

Did not mean to leave at all.

“Could it be that the attack just now consumes too much of Jean, and he hasn’t recovered yet?” Ruikang muttered in his heart.

But think about it as well.

With such a terrifying power, with a punch, even the ancestors of Broken Star Realm will be in a hurry. It’s impossible.

There are no restrictions.

In that case, “zero, three zeros”, it’s okay.

“It should be recovery! The attack Rachel just now whispered: “The consumption is too scary. ”

Even the Shocking Dragon Overlord next to him nodded in agreement, such a terrifying attack, I am afraid that Jiang Yuan now can only

Use it once!

However, Jiang Yuan didn’t know their thoughts.

It’s not to deter them. His previous attacks were all about warming up. In the second stage of the Sutra of All Things, the momentum was

Laying the foundation, groping.

Potential is nowhere to be seen, can’t be touched, can’t be seen, can only be felt, feel with heart.

Talents give souls to the heart. The heart is not so useless. It is the source of life and provides all power.

Power is fundamental, containing the profound meaning that Jiang Yuan has never understood.

But now he knows.

The heart is the source of one-cut potential.

In his mind, thoughts are constantly rising, but the speed of the heartbeat is getting slower and slower. In the body, all the blood

The flow of liquid is getting slower and slower.

In the end, the whole body seems to be in a static state.

There is no sound, as if they are dead, all cells are no longer producing terrible qi and blood, and the cold begins

Swept the whole body, freezing his skin.

But his brain is unprecedentedly clear.

All kinds of enlightenment constantly appeared in my heart, and in an instant, an invisible and invisible aura began to emerge from his body.

The inside of the body was surging.

Starting from the heart, it begins to permeate the hearts.

A kind of extreme fraternity spreads all over the body all at once, compassionate and pity others, and there is a kind of great compassion, like a stream of water.

Flowing in the heart.



Fraternity(Read more @


At the last moment, he realized and understood that the second stage in the Sutra of All Things, Shi, was no longer in description.

“What’s up with him?”

Above the earth, Ruikang and others looked at Jiang Yuan, their bodies seemed to be losing their lives, they couldn’t help but wonder, their eyes

There was a trace of astonishment in the gods.

Could it be that the use of that punch is a forbidden technique that consumes life and has no explosive potential?

In their horror, Jiang Yuan’s quiet body, ten fingers, moved slowly, followed by his body.

Slowly moved.

No longer wandering freely, suddenly frozen in place.

At the same time, an inexplicable aura radiated from him.

Unparalleled fraternity, kindness, benevolence

The momentum changed, Jiang Yuan’s expressionless face gave people a caring smile, giving people endless warmth.

Harmony, great harmony.

The next second, Jiang Yuan spoke.


When his voice fell, his fist was slowly raised, and the whole body was not fluctuating at all, but there was a terrifying breath.

Suddenly, life on the entire earth felt suffocated.

Countless people in their sleep suddenly woke up with cold sweat on their foreheads, unconsciously raising their heads to look up at the sky.



Jiang Yuan punched.

The second stage of all things, the potential

It was another horrible light, which suddenly rushed out, swept everything, the speed was even more terrifying, and it passed through in no time.

Poor and remote location.

It lasts without interruption.

On a distant planet, an emperor of calamity hovered above the sky, patrolling the entire earth, watching

As the race army was gathering, his eyes were filled with excitement.

As long as today is over, his army will set foot on an indigenous world and kill the entire indigenous world.

According to the rules of the empire, a planet without a calamity emperor, is not recorded, does not belong to a civilized race, and is an aboriginal

They are also slaves. Whoever finds them can occupy them, and can apply to become a colony of their civilization.


He was extremely excited. When he thought of his race, he could have a second planet of life besides the home planet.

Excited and difficult to hold on.

But at this moment, a feeling of horror on the thighs swept across the body.

At his level, he already has an extremely powerful ability to predict danger.

At the moment this feeling rose, his gaze suddenly penetrated the surface of the planet and continued to extend, just far away.

In addition, I saw a terrifying black light, which arrived in an instant, carrying a terrifying breath of the weather.

“what is that?”

The emperor’s face became pale and frightened for an instant, and his expression was extremely panic. In his feelings, this

The power is too strong, it’s incredible.

There is no energy taste of science and technology, only pure energy and blood power.

“The strong man’s attack” Die Emperor turned pale with fright, his body swayed, his eyes widened in terror, his voice

They all deformed and said: “Exceeding the power of the dragon, surpassing the power of one star, is it the ancestor of the broken star realm.

“Does the ancestor of Broken Star Realm want to kill me?

3.9 He can barely breathe, is terrifying, the real catastrophe is imminent, there is nowhere to escape, and he will definitely die. 1 Strength 1

Going through the hole, the entire planet will be shattered.

The power of horror swept through-cut, he couldn’t survive.

“What the hell is it, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I have offended the veteran of Broken Star Realm.

It must be a misunderstanding,-it must be a misunderstanding”

He was almost addicted and yelled, his own race, his own ethnic group under his feet, once the power arrived,

Their race will be wiped out from the universe.

He shouted loudly, wanting to be heard by the terrifying existence: “The ancestor is misunderstanding _. All are misunderstandings!

I did not do anything against the empire. I abide by the law and discipline. My civilization is a good person!”.

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