Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 234 - Beyond the power of ten stars

Chapter 234 – : Beyond the power of ten stars

He yelled in horror, his voice piercing.

Colorful brilliance came to him in an instant.

They are all the eternal overlords of their world, as well as the supernatural power secret realm powerhouses in the first stage of manifestation.

They saw the emperor of their race, looking in horror, and looked at him one by one in the distance, and they also saw him.

The black beam of light that destroys everything hits.

The aura of destruction enveloped the entire world at once, causing countless creatures to open their eyes in amazement, and tremble all over their bodies, almost

Can’t speak.


In an instant, the terrifying black light beams suddenly traveled through the infinite distance and arrived at once.

“No no no no

The emperor yelled mournfully, watching the light beam arrive all at once, passing through, it can be expected that the next second

The whole world will fall apart in an instant.

The continent fell, the force rushed into the core of the earth, burst out all at once, and the entire planet would collapse in an instant.

This kind of power cannot be stopped at all, it can only wait for death.

He yelled, but all was to no avail, but when he was desperately desperate, the power of terror arrived all of a sudden

In front of him, 28 stopped strangely.

The horrible black beam of light just stopped within half a meter in front of him, aimed at his head, not in front.


The emperor was so frightened that he shuddered, and suddenly bowed down on his knees. The surrounding hegemons and the first stage of manifestation were great.

Yes, they also bowed down one after another.

The voice was extremely horrified and said: “Old ancestors, we did nothing! We just went to attack an aboriginal world, we

There is no law of the illegal empire, please forgive us, forgive us!”

He yelled sadly: “We will not attack, we will not attack, we will not attack the indigenous world, please open

Well, bypass us this time, just once

As if hearing his words, the black beam of light faded a little in front of everyone, and the color became lighter and lighter.

Finally disappeared completely.

When Guangdong disappeared, Emperor Yuxue, who bowed down in the void, suddenly collapsed. He didn’t have any strength at all, and his face was still wearing

The power of panic.

Constantly grateful: “Thank you, ancestor, for sending ancestors.”

The people around also hurriedly shouted.

This time it was really an escape from the dead.

But they don’t know that this power is not the true ancestor of the broken star realm, but the second order of the Sutra of All Things used by Jiang Yuan.

Duan, the power of momentum, a twenty-fold increase, a full force of twenty stars.

All of a sudden, he traveled an infinite distance and arrived at this planet.

After Jiang Yuan felt the planet of life, he hurriedly stopped the urging of the power, otherwise the power of horror,

It will smash the disaster emperor.(Read more @

The power penetrated at once, and the continent below directly shattered and disintegrated, and passed into the core of the earth. The entire planet is extremely promising.

Can be beaten to pieces.

This kind of power is truly terrifying to an unimaginable degree.

The power of one person breaks a planet, even if it was Jiang Yuan once, he can’t even think about it, but now, he can be light.

Easy to do.

Soon, the beam of the student head turned into a light, steadily fading.

When he finally disappeared completely, Jiang Yuan’s complexion was a little red, and his breathing became heavier.

Not air.

It’s the dark matter that can be seen everywhere in the universe.

This punch directly exploded twenty times the combat power, full of twenty-star power, and immediately drew out one-tenth of the blood in the body.

The power needs to be changed.

As the realm gets higher, the power beyond oneself explodes, and the more terrifying the power consumed.

In the past, when the combat power was still low, the cell potential of the body was not opened, even if it exploded a hundred times, there would not be any.

Too much wear and tear.

Because the limit of man has not been reached.

But in today’s realm, it has already reached the limit of the human body.

Exceeding the limit time and time again.

Every time you exceed the limit, the benefits are endless.

With this punch, Jiang Yuan felt that the second stage of the Sutra of All Things, the use of momentum, was not perfect, and there was still a lot to repair.

Where to change,

Then he took a step forward and disappeared directly into the sky. When he reappeared, he had already returned to the room.

Open the paper and pen directly, and start to correct the problem.

At this time, both Ruikang and Jinglong Overlord were all paralyzed on the sofa weakly.

At this moment, no matter if it is Jinglong Overlord or Ruikang, they all feel a deep sense of powerlessness, Jiang Yuan in their eyes,-

It becomes extremely unfamiliar.

Especially the Shocking Dragon Overlord, in his impression, Jiang Yuan was still a few months ago, just when he broke through the emperor.

But this

How long has it been.

Such a terrifying power can actually burst out.

His brain can’t think.

so horrible.

Throughout the history of the rise of Jiangyuan, in a short period of time, from a warrior to a warrior, in the blink of an eye, you rushed to all directions.

Town general.

When I watched it, I was already the physical overlord, colorful colored glass.

Just when everyone thought that this was his limit, he once again broke people’s perceptions, beyond common sense.

In general, rushed into the first stage of the manifestation.

Immediately afterwards, he made an extremely crazy move, slaying thousands of powerful beasts, and even slaughtered a fierce beast on a continent.

350 all turned into the power of blood.

Assault the invincible will, take the leap, and achieve the disaster-emperor, above all else.

Lead the human race into a new world.

But how long is this, a few months! The power burst out all at once, unexpectedly surpassing the one-star power of the Emperor Calamity Evil.

Limit, burst out the power of ten stars.

Especially with the last punch, they all felt breath.

Jiang Yuan’s whole body’s momentum has changed, becoming terrifying, a little bit is actually changing the climate temperature of the entire planet, almost

It is equivalent to the ancestor of Broken Star Realm in the imagination.

“You people

It took a long time for Ruikang to react. His complexion looked as if the dragon overlord was shocked, and his eyes were full of envy, envy.

When the eyes are red.

“I don’t know this very well either.” The Startled Dragon Overlord could only gasp in an air-condition, and said with a trembling voice.

One night passed quickly.

In the morning of the next day, Jiang Yuan was like an ordinary person, after washing up, wearing simple casual clothes, and Jiang Haocheng

Qiming and the three stood together.

Jiang Hao and Cheng Qiming under the majesty of Murong Qingyue, although they were very reluctant, they were still dressed in red armor with their backs

Wearing a scarlet cloak.

The three of them stood together, there seemed to be no difference in age, and those who didn’t know thought they were brothers. ,

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