Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 232 - Explosive combat power

Chapter 232 – : Explosive combat power

Jinglong Overlord didn’t even need to compare his eyes, Jiang Yuan’s indifferent pair of eyes appeared in his mind.


Even Ruikang was stunned for a long time before squeezing out such a sentence. He felt that he was not looking at the strong in the same realm.

Instead, he was looking at each other with his ancestors.

“How could such a remote planet be born ~ such a terrifying existence.

Ruikang’s chest was ups and downs, and couldn’t help but breathe the air.

Next, their eyes looking directly at the video were kept vigilant, in case they met Jiang Yuan again, and came down several times.

A strong heart will carry it-can’t help it.

Their cultivation will cause a blow and shake their will.

At this time, Jiangyuan’s momentum climbed to the extreme, and in his mind, everything went through the first stage, the stage of strength, and finally went crazy.

Madness broke out.

A roar burst out from the sky in Jiangyuan.


In an instant, the climbing method accumulated for countless years was suddenly disintegrated and turned into the most primitive straight punch.

Hit out.

All the power in the body surged instantly, entered the arm, and the 30-ringed golden core in my mind was also trembling endlessly.

The halo is spinning frantically.

Like a bell, it resounded with a trace of ancient sounds.

On the entire arm, the clothes that turned into blood and qi were directly shattered, a circle of black halo visible to the naked eye, in the hand

On the kidney, it spreads in circles and compresses.

Suddenly rushed to the fist, burst out suddenly, turned into a terrible black Changhong, and rushed out.


The entire universe seems to burst out with terrifying loud noises, like planets and planets colliding in the vacuum of the universe.

That epic voice resounded throughout the world.

There is a terrifying sound in the universe, and the sky is broken and the earth is cracked, and it is impossible to describe such a terrifying sound wave transmission.

A well and powerful rear demand,-the son surging up, spread downward from Jiangyuan’s body,-the son tears the stench of the mother star

The oxygen layer and the atmosphere are all broken up.

The clouds at an altitude of 10,000 meters were directly shaken out of a huge cave.

The force of terror suddenly hit the surface of the earth, and the earth made a loud noise, and the ground sank abruptly and appeared.

A deep pit of tens of meters with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters.


In the universe, a light beam of terrifying energy visible to the naked eye,-it hits out, and it surpasses people in an instant.

The range that is visible to our eyes and the like.

At the same time, on the mother star, countless combat observation equipment exploded directly, emitting thick smoke.

Report scrapped.

Not only that, the personal terminal that Ruikang carried with him also sent out an alarm frantically, and there was a burst of anxiety.

The taste is passed on.

Ruikang stared at the picture in the video dumbfounded at the moment.(Read more @

Jiang Yuan punched out, and the terrifying black energy beam rushed into the deep space of the universe in an instant, surpassing the speed.

A hundred times the speed of the shadow, even surpassing the fastest sailing speed of their spacecraft.

Extending all the time, his eyes were beyond his naked eyes.

As if there was no end, no one knew where he would bombard.

With a trembling hand, he took out a round terminal from his waist, and a virtual screen immediately popped up on it.

And the picture is very unstable, constantly shaking——

The number of horrors continues to soar-

Star Force

Power of Two Stars

Samsung Power

Four Star Power

Five Star Power

Of the Eight Stars

Power of Nine Stars

Of ten stars

When the number reaches the ten-star power, the terminal burns directly, and the internal electronic components are instantly destroyed, reaching

Reached the limit of observation.

Ruikang looked at the observation equipment in his hand blankly, his whole body was sluggish there, as if all his soul was lost.

It’s not just him, Rachel and the others beside him, as if they had been casted on a body curse, standing stupidly, looking in their eyes

It was broken, there was no focus at all.

Even the Shocking Dragon Overlord was so frightened that his whole body was shivering, his complexion was extremely pale, and his scalp was about to explode.

Although he can’t understand the device numbers of Ruikang and others, the planets constantly appearing on it naturally know that,

That represents the power of one star.

The emergence of a full ten planets means the power of ten stars.

When I thought of this, the Shocking Dragon Overlord felt dizzy.

“My god, he couldn’t help screaming in horror. The shock at this moment was even greater than when the cataclysm came.


Seeking flowers 0

The heart cracked in fright.

Also watching the video, the Star and Moon Overlord, who was doing the mask, stood up from his seat in amazement,


The tablets are crushed.

“Is this still the power of the third stage of the sir?” Xingyue overlord stood there blankly, horrified.

Feeling so scared that she was sweating behind her back.

In the next second, I reacted, dancing with excitement, laughing, and the whole person seems to be back to the young

At that time, she was like a cute and cute girl.

He stomped his feet with excitement.

She is not a fool, how can she not know that Jiang Yuan’s punch is definitely more than one-star power, it is two-star power,

It’s the power of Samsung, she can’t even imagine–

But she knew clearly.

Jiang Yuan’s punch hit the home star, and in an instant, a continent was beaten to pieces, and even the mighty force would hit

Underground, the impact that will cause will be extremely terrifying.

The weak and strong gravity of the entire planet will be shattered, and it won’t take long for the entire planet’s environment to become

Extremely bad and not suitable for human habitation.

“Strong, powerful, incredible. Good, good, good.

Xingyue overlord yelled and even caused the attention of a female town general in charge of eating and drinking in the villa.


She hurried over and saw that the Star and Moon Overlord went crazy, yelling there, very excited, nothing

Happier than.

This state has been going on for a long time, and Xingyue Overlord has slowly recovered.

The Jinglong Overlord, Ruikang and others also slowly recovered.

But the horror in his eyes could not be concealed.


Ruikang watched the video. After Jiang Yuan punched out, he stopped and couldn’t help but reach out and wipe his forehead.

Cold sweat on the head.

He guessed that Jiang Yuan’s method was definitely caused by a secret method that was extremely against the sky. After using it, there would be huge

It’s impossible to use it all the time.

He comforted himself a few words like this, with a smile on his face that was more ugly than crying, and exclaimed sincerely at the Dragon Overlord: ”

Your human race is destined to be a dominant race in the future! “Four

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