Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 221 - The first stage of all things

Chapter 221 – : The first stage of all things

Just now, we observed a long strip of object at the position of Venus in the Milky Way galaxy, with a huge volume.

It is about a hundred kilometers long, suspended outside the atmosphere of Venus. ”

“We thought it was an irregular meteorite, but ten minutes ago, this object suddenly left Venus.

The range, at a speed of one hundred kilometers, is rushing towards our home star. ”

Hearing the words of the old scholar, the king’s complexion suddenly changed, and his brows instantly wrinkled and said: “You mean, that’s not

Is it a meteorite, most likely a foreign object from the sky? Or a battleship?”

As his voice fell, the surroundings suddenly became quiet. Although many people have such guesses, this

Such a sentence comes out of the mouth of the king, and its weight can be imagined.

The old scholar nodded hard, his expression extremely ugly.

In an instant, the king’s fist was clenched instantly, and the terrifying power of blood boiled, and he said directly; “At this time, I need

Report up.

After speaking, the whole person turned into a golden light in an instant, and disappeared into the observation center in an instant.

And the three overlords who were dealing with official duties in the tallest building in the first year of the ancient city were also at a loss of 700 at this time, although

There is also a big ruling on the head.

But on the day Jiang Yuan came back, it was true that the door did not go out and the door did not move. He was locked at home by himself every day.

No food, no drink, no sleep.

They wanted to find Jiang Yuan, but they couldn’t help it.

Jiang Yuan is like a lunatic, writing and painting there every day, not knowing what he is writing, as if he is a research madman.

People, day and night.

When they look at Jiang Yuan’s writings and paintings, they will feel dizzy. They don’t understand at all, saying they are ghost paintings.

Shou, but there is a peculiar beauty.

Soon, they also got news from space, and they couldn’t sit still.

“What” Cangyuan’s voice is the loudest, the most rough, although it is much better now than before, it is still a loud voice.

The first one roared out.

The King of Humanity lowered his head, facing the almost greatest existence of the three human races, he also appeared cautious, respectfully treating himself

Know all the news.

“What an eventful season!” The Shocking Dragon Overlord sighed, and said to the two of them: “You stay and continue to observe, I hope

Hope that our current guess is wrong, I will now look for the big verdict. ”

Between speaking, taking a step, the surrounding space is shaking, as if it is moving instantaneously, disappearing in an instant.

But after disappearing, there was still a trace of disaster in the space.

Overlord Cangyuan and Overlord Xingyue looked slightly stunned, and they were immediately astonished, feeling from the body of the overlord Jinglong.

A sense of breakthrough to the limit.(Read more @

In the next second, there was a hint of surprise in their eyes.

If the Shocking Dragon Overlord breaks through the emperor stage of the third stage of Manifestation, then the human race will have two survivors of calamity.

Now, that’s really a shocking event.

At this time, Jiangyuan, the speed of the brain, after a month of crazy operation, has reached an extreme

Limit, the body exudes a peculiar charm.


Soon, a sensation of the brain exploding suddenly rose up, and a wave of enlightenment continued to emerge.

Ten thousand times talent advanced, one hundred thousand times talent

After so long, Jiang Yuan’s talent finally took another big step, reaching the level of one hundred thousand times the talent.

This is a sublimation, qualitative change.

The speed of his brain is running at an extremely terrifying level.

It’s as if the brain before, was besieged by the wall for a while, thinking like this, there is a feeling of powerlessness

Especially the deduction of Shenmai Meridian.

But one hundred thousand times talent suddenly exploded, like the wall that besieged one’s own thinking. Was overthrown directly

The outside has become a vast (cicc) world.

The thoughts of the brain, suddenly liberated, endless wonderful ideas, blooming and colliding in the mind, began to produce

Various ideas.

When I looked down at the Shenmai Meridian, my brain’s thinking became clear at once.

“No, I got it wrong, why was I so stupid before, such a simple principle, so I can’t understand it?” Jiang Yuan

Suddenly, the expression on his face suddenly became excited.

Picking up the pen, the words were written down one by one. Unconsciously, one by one peculiar formula was shaped, directly

It is the cohesive effect of the origin formula.

Every piece of content is an origin formula, which outsiders simply cannot understand.

What’s more frightening is that the origin formula also broke through unknowingly, reaching the 200th level.

What is two-hundred levels? In a most primitive formula, you can fill in two hundred words and combine them into a more complex formula.

Miscellaneous content.

In the previous Jiangyuan, the limit could only be one. The most primitive formula was filled with a hundred text variables, although it was also very

Complicated, but compared with the formula for the origin of two hundred variables, one can perceive one sky and one earth.

In an instant, the first stage of the Shenmai Meridian was slowly portrayed.

It’s no longer a line-by-line formula. Instead, it’s like drawing, drawing a round sphere, in which is the divine vein.

After the first stage of use.

Just breathing, Jiang Yuan stopped the pen in his hand, the expression on his face was extremely surprised, even with a silky madness.

“It’s still a ten-fold increase. I am now a one-star power. A ten-fold increase is a ten-star power.

The power gap is far away, but as long as the divine vein meridian continues to improve, even if it confronts the fierce beasts of the broken star realm, it will not be a single point.

No fight back.

Jiang Yuan thought excitedly.

If he uses the first stage of the Shenmai Meridian now, he is ten times stronger than himself at the moment, and he can kill him with one punch.

One of my own.

“The current Shenmai Jing is no longer a Shenmai Jing. It is based on the original Shenmai Jing and has been upgraded to a higher level, called it

Is it inappropriate for Shenmai Jing?”

Jiang Yuan muttered to himself: “Why don’t it be called Wanwujing?”

The more Jiang Yuan thought about it, the more so, and finally decided on the name. At this time, an aura of disaster suddenly appeared.

In his perception.

In the next second, a figure suddenly appeared in his room.

The person who came is not someone else, but the overlord of Jinglong.

As soon as the other party saw Jiang Yuan, he said in a low voice, “A bad thing has happened.”

Jiang Yuan’s joy was diminished a lot in an instant, and he glanced over at once, with a terrifying and majestic aura.

He immediately rushed towards his face, making the Jinglong Overlord’s complexion stunned.

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