Chapter 220 – : UFO

Jiang Yuan’s eyes suddenly became serious, as if he was giving an order to himself and also cheering himself up.

At the same time, an order was passed from Jiang Yuan, and it was accepted by the three overlords.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of orders were passed on quickly, and a large number of books were continuously transported to the source of the river.


Jiang Yuan’s idea is very simple.

The reason the Shenmai Meridian has been unable to break through the fifth stage, and even now has almost no effect, is because of its own

Insufficient knowledge reserves.

He is now ready to spend a lot of time to understand more knowledge, to sublimate and shape more

Strengthen the great Shenmai meridian.

Time passed quietly like this.

In a blink of an eye-the night passed, a large number of books were continuously transported to Jiangyuan’s room in a steady stream.

Jiang Yuan seems to have returned to the time when he did not study day and night, and was constantly creating.

At the same time, the entire human race also entered a short period of peace. Only on the first day, the Tao sensationalized the world.

Just for the next.

In the world, all human cities have built sculptures of Jiangyuan to record the greatness of Jiangyuan.

On the second day, the three major overlords, more than 30 deities and the first stage of the Manifestation of the Holy Spirit, will be held in the ancient city of Freshman for one hour.

World-class conversation.

The content of the conversation was broadcast live and watched by all humans around the world.

Establish a unified human system, carry out racial unification, and formulate a new system from the ground up.

One criterion, abolish the death penalty.

Use this as a foundation to establish new laws.

The world has existed in a federal nature, regardless of national territory, no skin color, only race, such as human race or fierce beast

Such a division of aliens.

The three hegemons are the three elders of the human race, and the thirty sages exist in the first stage magical power secret realm. They are the members of the human race.

There are major decisions that need to be passed by councillors, and finally enter the hands of the three veterans.

Screened by the three veterans.

Set a big ruling on top of the three veterans. Jiang Yuan took office in the first term, with one vote of veto, which can be issued by leapfrogging.


The second major ruling will lose one vote, and it will be screened by the three veterans.

In other words, anyone is eligible, even if you are an ordinary person, you can apply for a grand ruling, but you need

Based on your contribution to Terran, make an assessment.

The grading level is divided into one hundred levels.

In addition, the number of conventional armies in the world has remained at 10 million, and the number of warships has been expanded to 30 aircraft carrier fleets.

The front is the formulation, and the back is the plan.

The three elders made a half-year plan.

Within half a year, the world will invest scientific research resources and make every effort to tilt, striving to develop anti-gravity technology within half a year.(Read more @

Within one year, a 10,000-class space battleship was developed.

It is a real battleship with the ability to shuttle through the universe and bomb the ground.

For such a plan, every human being is not unexcited. This will be an epoch-making plan and inspiring.

Everything is developing in a good direction.

But there is no shortage of smart people in this world. It is easy to infer something, but no one says anything.

Pretending to be deaf and dumb, as if knowing nothing.

Time passed so fast.

In a blink of an eye, a month passed quietly.

Under the tilt of resources, research and development in the aviation field is advancing by leaps and bounds, and various scientific research achievements that have been abandoned.

The results are integrated.

Under the collision, infinite sparks are born, and the development enters a high-speed period in a short time.

And this month, Jiang Yuan also used the fastest speed to gather all the knowledge recorded in all the books into

Reserve for your own knowledge.

The next step is to strengthen and upgrade the Shenmai Meridian on the original basis.

Followed by

Two months passed in a flash.

When I arrived in the third month, in a somewhat desolate mountaintop observation station, a fat warrior leaned over.

Erlang legs, sitting on the recliner.

Below the mountain in front of him is the endless ocean, seagulls constantly flying in the sky, making the sound of Ming Cui.

“What a nice weather~”!”

The fat man shook the bottle in his hand with a smile on his face.

Since humans defeated the beasts and alien races, a large number of front-line resources have begun to be sent to the hinterland of the human race, and the original stone has gradually been lost.

As we all know, under constant cutting and subdivision.

Yuanshi has become almost a currency, and basically everything can be bought.

The fat man’s name was Qin Yifei. Three months ago, he was just an ordinary person, but after the Yuanshi became popular, he relied on absorption.

The power of qi and blood in the elemental stone abruptly promoted from 2 to the ranks of junior warriors.

And received such a job as a space observatory.

Nothing happens every day, except for being a little lonely, the monthly salary is extremely high, reaching the level of one-hundred yuan stone.

Almost comparable to some senior martial artists.

He just thought, waiting for him to work for a few years, buy a house and a car in the future, and get a nice girl, and spend it happily-

Life is actually pretty good. “”Little day yo little day”

Thinking about it, Qin Yijia couldn’t help but open his mouth, humming an almost out-of-tune singing, except for him anyway.

No one can sing as much as he wants, and no one says he sings badly.


At this moment, the observation station behind him, the huge radar pot, suddenly turned, and there was an emergency in the room.

Cut the siren.

“Um”, his hand trembling when he was about to drink, his hastily expression instantly turned into a hell.

Zi, stood up suddenly.

Hastily ran towards the observation station.

As soon as I entered, I saw a virtual scene of the starry sky on one of the LCD TVs inside, like a meteorite.

The same things (Li Li Zhao) are constantly approaching.

“My God, is it a meteorite?” Qin Yifei was a joke, and hurriedly picked up the phone at the observation station, crazy

Dial the superior number.

Almost the moment he dialed the phone, a huge aviation monitoring station was all messed up. The ringing of countless telephones

The sound kept resounding.

The huge control center is almost messed up.

“Don’t mess! Be quiet.”

At this moment,-Dao roar suddenly resounded, resounding throughout the observatory, all of a sudden.

Someone calmed down and dressed up.

This is the voice of a king of humanity, full of majesty, the person in charge of the main star observatory, retired from the front line,

Before the cataclysm, he was an astronomer.

“General Manager” an old scholar in his 70s or 80s, in a white coat, with a group of responsible persons, came hurriedly

In front of the king, his voice was trembling.

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