Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 222 - Jiang Hao breaks through the town general

Chapter 222 – : Jiang Hao breaks through the town general

In his perception, after the precipitation of Jiangyuan over the past few months, the aura is stronger and more unfathomable, filling

Full of majestic terror.

“What’s the matter?” Jiang Yuan’s voice resounded, his mouth did not open, almost like a kind of telepathy.

Jinglong Overlord adjusted his mentality and said: “Just now, our space observatory found a suspected alien

The object of the battleship is approaching our planet.

Jiang Yuan made a bump in his heart, his brows wrinkled deeply, and a bad premonition rose up and said;

It’s been fine for thousands of years? How come something like this suddenly happened?”

Doubts flashed in Jiang Yuan’s heart, and he said directly: “Let’s go to the observation station.”

The voice fell, the two stepped out in one step, their bodies directly shook the space, moved instantaneously, and instantly disappeared in place.

Appeared in the observation station in one second.

At the observation station, Overlord Cangyuan and Overlord Xingyue were already waiting. Seeing Jiangyuan’s arrival, Overlord Xingyue hurriedly left.

Coming up, he said solemnly: “I have investigated.

“What the hell is going on?” Jiang Yuan couldn’t help but frown and asked.

“According to our recent data comparison, about the middle of last month, there was a kind of electric wave from a region of our planet.

Spread out, into space.

“I suspect that the object in the sky that is suspected of being an alien warship came from following this electric wave.”

While talking, Star Moon Overlord picked up a tablet, zoomed in on an area, and finally appeared on the ice.

Between, the location happens to be between the ancient city of freshman and the ancient city of sophomore.

“What you mean is that there may be an alien spacecraft in the ice below these two ancient cities, because of some kind of

The reason, was activated, and sent a signal to outer space?”

Jiang Yuan just glanced at it, and already guessed a lot of things.

Overlord Xingyue nodded slightly, with a serious expression in his eyes, guessing this possibility.

“Do you know why?” Jiang Yuan frowned and asked again.

Overlord Xingyue looked dodgy and looked around, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Jiang Yuan realized it instantly, knowing some, too many people can’t tell, so he waved his hand directly,-a black light curtain.

Envelop them all at once.

In the next second, I heard Xingyue overlord saying: “According to the photos taken by our satellite, on that day, a group of people appeared

People, take a look!”

Speaking of Xingyue Overlord, he handed the computer to Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan saw a line of four familiar voices in the screen sneaking holes, and then jumped in one by one.

Take a closer look.

No one else, but Jiang Hao and Cheng Qiming, the daughter of the emperor, and a minor girl.(Read more @

“It didn’t take long for them to enter the ice layer, and some signal fluctuations came from the inside. It should be you.” Xingyue struggled for a while.

Finally said: “They caused it.”

“This bastard

Jiang Yuanqi crushed the computer.

Unexpectedly, in the past few months of their retreat, Jiang Hao and Cheng Qiming’s ability to cause troubles has been growing day by day.

The starships were found by them.

Also ran in.

“Quiet your qi, clear your qi” Xingyue Overlord quickly comforted: “This is the end of the matter, and it’s useless for you to blame the young man now.


Jiang Yuan took a deep breath and calmed down his emotions: “How long will it be before that alien war rule enters our planet?”

Xingyue overlord said: “There are about twelve hours left, but that spacecraft has already begun to slow down, and it may be towed.

It was extended to one day, about twenty-four hours or so.

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly, and said directly: “No matter what purpose this alien spacecraft has to come to Earth, we must do everything well.


After finishing speaking, he said directly to the startling dragon: “Immediately issue a war order, and all soldiers on vacation will be recalled urgently, although there are warships.

be prepared.

“”” Jinglong’s expression immediately became serious, and his complexion was extremely solemn.

At the same time, in Jiang Yuan’s home, the four culprits are all condensing their own aura and are doing the best.

After the breakthrough.


In an instant, a horrible aura radiated from Jiang Hao’s body, a golden light from the center of his eyebrows

The break spread and swept through the whole body.

Behind his head, a circle of qi and blood golden wheels continued to spin and condense, and finally condense and form.

In an instant, he opened his eyes suddenly, and two golden lights rushed out directly from his eyes.

Ask for flowers

Almost at the moment he broke through, the body of Cheng Qiming beside him also burst out with a loud roar, and the golden light also broke out from the center of his eyebrows.

Flowing everywhere, wrapping the whole body.


Jiang Hao slowly floated, clenched his fists suddenly, feeling the boiling power in his body, his face was full of smiles.

Very excited.

Starting today, his life has finally broken through the limit, enjoying life for thousands of years, which is equivalent to otherworldly.

“It turns out that this is the strength of the town general. It is really extremely powerful. I don’t know how much the Eight Desolate Realm above the town general is.


Jiang Hao couldn’t help but sigh.

But at this time, Gu Yuan’s voice resounded lazily.

“Don’t be happy too early. When you went to my spacecraft, the little girl touched the signal alarm device. If I guess

If the measurement is good, the signal has flown more than ten light-years away, once it is discovered, it will not take long before it will come to you

Investigate our planet, then you will wait to be beaten by your dad!”


Hearing Gu Yuan’s words, Jiang Hao’s excitement for breaking through, like a frustrated ball, couldn’t help saying: “You weren’t

Say, your spacecraft is advanced enough, the star field we are in, the civilization level is too low, no one can capture it?”

“Hey Gu Yuan said with bad intentions: “I don’t say that, how can you make breakthroughs without warning!

In an instant, Jiang Hao’s whole body was shaken, and his hair was frightened and said: “Then what you mean is that the letter we touched

Number, it is very likely that someone has noticed it?”

“It’s not very likely that Gu Yuan’s lazy voice resounded again: “Yes, but you don’t have to worry too much.

The heart, the area where you are, should be within the control of an interstellar empire.

“Strictly speaking, you are also their subordinate planets. They will not do anything to you. At most, they will investigate and log on.

Remember, after all, your planet has a disaster situation, so it is not a native and will not be slaved.

“Moreover, your dad is the emperor of Calamity,-people who come to investigate on your planet are the strongest and will not surpass the Emperor of Calamity.

Seeing your dad, I’m probably going to be scared to death, and feel relieved. ”

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