Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 201 - Power of One Hundred Thousand Dragons (77)

Chapter 201 – : Power of One Hundred Thousand Dragons (7/7)

“This time, you all died here for me.”

Jiang Yuan’s huge voice resounded all of a sudden, and his whole person was like a god, descending suddenly, at an extreme speed.

A series of black figures were left in the sky.

The terrifying aura changed the complexion of the three Sages in the first stage of the Manifestation of Sage.

“This breath.” The three immediately glanced at each other, and they all saw the look of shock in each other’s eyes.

“How is it possible? How long did it take to break through to the first stage of Manifestation, the realm of supernatural powers”

The three were dumbfounded, their thoughts still stayed in Jiangyuan’s realm of the emperor, but they knew that there was a sacred design.

Set a trap and want to suppress him.

They haven’t got the following news yet.

But now looking at the power that Jiang Yuan burst out, it even surpassed the three of them, plus the terrifying Consummation level flesh body.

Even if the three of them work together, they can’t kill him.

“Go fast.

A manifestation saint suddenly woke up, the voice passed, and he turned and ran.

But at the moment he moved, Jiang Yuan’s descending speed suddenly increased, and he spread out strangely in mid-air.

Turned into infinite black particles, blocking in front of them for an instant.

“I caught you guys for so long. I was not afraid that if I hit the big crack, you all escaped? Now you

Above the earth, I see your 737 running there. ”

Jiang Yuan’s voice was extremely cold and full of evil spirits-

The three masters were awakened, and they suddenly showed a look of horror. The brain quickly thought, and suddenly understood the reason.

Jiang Yuan actually used his own way to treat his body, and they set a trap at the beginning to deliberately slow down the clock.

The rate of decline.

Give them enough time to break through the big crack and resist.

But unexpectedly, this happened to fall into Jiang Yuan’s trap.

Now above the ground, they want to go down, the hope of being blocked by Jiangyuan all at once, and they are surrounded by humans.

The people in the imperial town will try their best to stop them from escaping.

Suddenly I understood the cause and effect, and the three suddenly roared in anger.

“Damn human race, you dare to design to frame us, you really are your own overlord body, immortal and immortal, overwhelming me

Are you there yet?”

The Apparition Saint in front of him roared immediately, almost to death. He acted directly, and the breath of Lei Tian Wanjun exploded wildly.

Fa, suddenly turned into a tiger image, rushed towards Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan was unmoved. The moment the tiger rushed up, his body instantly turned into countless black particles, fiercely.

Then rushed up.

Cover directly on the opponent’s body.

“Get me down.” The Xiansheng roared, and the whole body’s blood and even the cells shook up, a full 300,000

The eruption of the power of the dragon turned into an endlessly turbulent force.

Even an aircraft carrier was shattered into iron powder.

The black particles that Jiang Yuan turned into were densely shaken down.

But a small amount of black particles actually began to deform, turning into countless sharp drill bits, crazy on the surface of his skin.(Read more @

Piercing, got in a little bit.

Xiansheng’s face suddenly changed, and the more powerful qi and blood power shook wildly.

But some particles have penetrated into his body and are splitting apart in an unbelievable way.

Wrap the cells.

A large number of cells were constantly wrapped up, which immediately severed the connection with the Manifestation.

The aura on his body actually dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Not good” The expression on the other side’s face suddenly became shocked, full of horror, and looked at the other two manifested saints, horrified.

Shocked; “Help me quickly.”

The other two manifested saints also changed their faces

Jiang Yuan’s tactics were so terrifying that they were scattered directly and turned into infinite black particles before their eyes.

Forcibly got into the body of a saintly figure.

It’s almost unheard of, and it’s creepy.

But they didn’t hesitate for long, the energy of their whole body burst out at once, and they rushed toward the Manifestation of Saint.

“Save Me”, the Manifestation of Saint’s complexion is getting more and more frightened, the aura on his body is constantly decreasing, and his complexion is constantly paler.

There is no blood.

It seemed that a large number of parasites had entered the body, quickly devouring his (bced) life essence.

The two Manifestations who were ready to help, saw such a scene, suddenly felt a forehead in their hearts, unexpectedly stopped moving, and both saw

The look of shock in each other’s eyes.


Without the slightest hesitation, both of them sounded this sentence at the same time, their bodies quickly regressed, turning into a stream of light and thought.


Jiang Yuan’s weirdness is beyond imagination.

But how could Jiang Yuan let them go, almost at the same time

In the meantime, Jiang Yuan, the owner of the human race, heard Jiang Yuan from the ears of Wang Renhuang.

Majestic voice.

“Block the two groups of manifestation for one second to help me complete the final transformation.

At the moment when Jiang Yuan sounded, everyone and even the town generals moved, directly turning into two torrents, roaring frantically

Roaring, rushing towards them frantically.

“Fuck you things like ants” The two of them were furious and furious, and their power broke out in no time.


Because the Manifestation of God behind them was swallowed by Jiang Yuan, and the whole body gradually became visible at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

It dried up.

As skin and bone, the breath on his body was already weak to the extreme, and Jinping died.

And Jiang Yuan’s breath in his body is increasing crazily.

The basic combat power of 20,000 dragons -_.

Thirty Thousand Dragons

Of Forty Thousand Dragons

Of the Fifty Thousand Dragon

Of Sixty Thousand Dragons

The power of the horrible one hundred thousand dragons stopped in a blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, countless black particulate matter came out from all corners of the opponent’s body, constantly reorganizing in front of him

In the blink of an eye, it turned into Jiang Yuan’s appearance.

At the same time, with a forty-fold increase in the Shenmai Meridian, Jiang Yuan’s combat power directly soared to the power of four million dragons.

You know that in the second stage of Manifestation, the power of the eternal overlord is only the power of a million dragons. Jiang Yuan instantly exceeds

More, and quadrupled.

From this moment on, Jiang Yuan’s power and physical body formally matched, reaching the same level.

His strong self-confidence was even more rolling in his heart. In the next second, his gaze stared at the two sages in the distance.

In an instant, his body spread out again, turning into a billowing black sandstorm,-the next one was shrouded in fierce Zeng

The sky above the power of the Manifestation.

“Do not .””

Both of them opened their eyes in horror, and the death of their companions was tragically dead, and they were emptied of their bodies alive.

A terrible mummy.

Now it enveloped the two of them, and they were panicked. The energy of the whole body exploded directly, burning potential, all kinds of

The overwhelming impact went up, trying to break up the infinite particles that Jiang Yuan had turned into.

Jiang Yuan was also extremely crazy, splitting himself violently.

Once the two Manifestations are swallowed, his power will break through the second stage of Manifestation in one fell swoop, and he will directly become that

The third stage of the manifestation of the human race has never been born, the realm of disaster.

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