Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 202 - Emperor of Disaster (17)

Chapter 202 – :Emperor of Disaster (1/7)

There is another name in the realm of calamity, which is the emperor, and he is honored as the emperor.

Die Emperor, the truly incomparably sacred and glorious name, implied that the whole world could not be the land of kings.

It is the commander of a race, the emperor, who can change the world and reverse the yin and yang with every word and deed is the supreme will.


It is beyond the eternal overlord, above the overlord, and shows the ultimate sage~.

The Eight Desolate Realm is the human emperor, and the human emperor goes a step further. It is the first stage of the manifestation of the sacred, the mysterious realm of magical powers, and the human race is further up

The apex, the second stage of the Manifestation of Saints-the eternal overlord.

To enjoy life forever, it is the shelter of the human race, with one’s own body sheltering the earth in all directions, it is extremely noble.

But above the hegemon, there is the real emperor of the human race, the emperor of disaster.

Only the civilization that gave birth to the emperor can run rampant in the universe, escape from ignorance, and be recognized by endless galaxies and races.

Recognize your identity, or you will be a native or a slave.

The town general is equivalent to a great general who guards the city. The king is the county guard, and the king is the ambassador of the border.

Duan Shentong Secret Realm is a first-grade minister.

In the second stage of the Manifestation of Saints, the eternal overlord is the princes of the Quartet, with great power.

The emperor of disaster is the godless king who controls thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, who speaks forever and rewrites the epic.

The human race has undergone a hundred years of cataclysm, and the emperor has never been born, which means that there is no emperor to coordinate everything, chaos, and fighting each other.

Although the forces are huge, united as one.

In the eyes of the tens of thousands of races in the universe, it is a dish of scattered sand, an ignorant civilization, vulnerable to a single blow, and can defeat extinction at will.

But now, Jiang Yuan seems to have touched the third stage of Manifestation, the realm of disaster.

The black torrent particles he turned into suddenly penetrated through the layers of the two psychic secret realms, and penetrated in all directions.


Pieces fall on both.

The twin holes of the two manifested sages suddenly opened wide. They looked at each other in horror, and they all saw the fear in each other’s eyes, and the muscle gods.

The shock of the classics was horrified to the extreme.

“Go back now

The two suddenly ran and snarled, and the terrifying power burst out, and all the cells in the body seemed to be colliding hydrogen atoms

The next collision exploded.

It produces extremely terrifying power, rushing out of all pores.

Wherever he went, countless black particles were directly shattered by the spirituality in them, and they fell like raindrops.

The speed of the two soared to an extreme, the space around the body was directly torn apart, and the power of supernatural powers turned into

A rainbow bridge suddenly appeared, spanning an infinite distance, reaching the bottom of the big crack.

The human kings around, and even the human kings, were hit by the fiery wave of blood all at once, and they couldn’t stabilize their figures and were forced to one after another.

Forced to keep going backwards.

Even some town generals who were too close were penetrated by the shocking force and entered the five internal organs, resulting in large internal organs.(Read more @

Damage to the area.


The surrounding human emperor couldn’t stop it at all, with a look of horror on his face. Unexpectedly, the first stage of the manifestation of the saints broke out.

The horror is waiting for Chengdu.

It was just a burst of breath, and they couldn’t stabilize their bodies, and their internal organs would be damaged.

Amidst everyone’s horror, the Rainbow Bridge carried the two into a large, dark crack in an instant.

But as their bodies were advancing, they shrank quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was a small amount of black in their bodies.

Particulate matter, split crazily.

Constantly wrapping cells, extracting the energy of qi and blood violently.

Jiang Yuan’s combat power is increasing crazily every minute and every second, the most terrifying one in history, the power of one hundred thousand dragons, the brakes

In between, it enters the number of one hundred thousand.

Power of 120,000 Dragons m

Power of 130,000 Dragons

Of the 140,000 Dragon

Power of 150,000 Dragons

With just breathing effort, Jiang Yuan’s combat power once again soared wildly, breaking through the power of 200,000 dragons in one fell swoop.

With ten times the explosion, nearly eight million dragons have the power.

It is only one step away from the third stage of the manifestation of the saints, the road to the emperor of disaster.

But the bodies of the two Manifestations of God have completely shriveled, and the rainbow bridge underneath is shaking, and the color is beginning to fade.

There were only a pair of eyes with a look of horror.

“What the hell are you?”-The supernatural power and the beast roared, and finally the strength to support the Rainbow Bridge was completely lost

Go, in the big black crack, fell straight down.

He roared, venting the fear in his heart, his expression on his face was unprecedentedly pale.

Yiqiu flowers——

Jiang Yuan’s methods are too terrifying, incarnate in thousands, endless black particles, and locusts are as pervasive as locusts.

The moment they entered the body, they began to split, consuming their physical energy and blood power a little bit.

The two supernatural power-class fierce beasts can’t even feel their double

Legs, legs seem to be no longer their own.

That’s because their legs have been completely replaced by black particulate matter.

All parts are black material.


“Even if I die, I will ask you to die with it.”-

The beast with supernatural powers finally couldn’t bear the terrible unknown, and went violently, roaring, touching the gold in his mind.

Dan, desperately, madly injected the energy of the whole body that can be mobilized into the golden core.

If you want to explode directly, let Jiangyuan’s bamboo basket get nothing.

But Jiang Yuan had a careful plan long ago, and they thought of their self-destruction a long time ago, after they mobilized the power of vitality and blood crazily

At that time, a black particle followed the power of qi and blood, disguised the color, and drilled into the golden core together.

“Die me


The two fierce beasts, strong in the secret realm, roared, their voices constantly oscillating, with a resolute color, wanting to return together

Yu Jin.

The golden pill at the center of the eyebrows suddenly bulged, instantly doubled in size, and the shape began to become irregular.

Come, sometimes oval, sometimes long.

Even the golden halo surrounding the golden core was directly broken.

The color of the whole golden pill has gradually changed from gold to red as if it were a steel plate.

It will explode in the next second.

“Die. You won’t get anything-

The fierce beast roared, he already felt it, Jiang Yuan used a weird method to tear them down.

The physical body continues to strengthen itself.

Worse than parasites.

“Want to die if you had this idea before, you can still do it, now obediently become my strength and pave the way for me

The way of Edijun!”

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