Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 200 - Tianzhong in Thousand Mile Town (67)

Chapter 200 – : Tianzhong in Thousand Mile Town (6/7)

One mile size

Ten miles

Thirty mile size

Hundred li size

This size has exceeded the size used last time.

But this is not the limit of Jiangyuan now.

Under his frantic urging, the volume of Zhentian Bell reached five hundred miles in a flash. And it is still expanding, changing more and more.


Six hundred


Eight hundred li

Nine hundred miles

A thousand miles

In an instant, Zhentian Bell, such a big Japanese-level town faction, was abruptly urged by Jiang Yuan to reach the extreme point it can reach now.

Limit, thousands of miles in size.

If someone came down from the sky at this time.

That huge Zhentian Clock, like a satellite, truly shields the sky from the sun.

The huge volume can even build a city on it.

In an instant, the huge volume engulfed the whole world at once, and the terrifying aura of the big day-level town began to slowly

Dissemination, full of a breath of ancient vicissitudes.

At this moment, whether it is a human or a beast.

Countless people felt the depression in their hearts and raised their heads.

With the existence of the town general above, his eyes could penetrate the black clouds in an instant, and he could see the terrifying side.

In an instant, the entire battlefield seemed to be quiet,-both eyes looked at the sky in amazement, full of incredible

The shock of the discussion.

What is the concept of thousands of miles? Suspended above the sky, it is almost like a continent.

That heavy feeling made any existence panicked and terrified.


The Beast King was the first to react, roaring, his eyes protruding from fear, his body exploded frantically, and he was about to charge.

Hiding under the big crack.

Only then did the other fierce beasts, the Beast King, and even the Good Emperor react, and they shook back the strong human races around them and fled frantically.

No one of the strong human race chased after him, with a crazy smile on his face, and a crazy and smooth expression in his eyes.

In the next second, a terrifying force of energy and blood-shrouded all of them.

Everyone felt the picture in front of them twisted for a while, abruptly being pulled up to the center of the battlefield.

At this time, the terrifying Zhentian Bell came down all at once.

The first is the dark clouds in the sky, which are directly torn apart, like the Zhentian clock chased by the mainland, black

The material structure is presented to countless creatures.

For an instant, the whole world seemed to be quiet.(Read more @

This is Jiang Yuan’s current strongest strength, and it is also the peak of its performance. It is almost annihilating the world, carrying a mighty disaster.

No one can shake the breath of difficulty.

Countless fierce beasts looked up at the sky, the terrifying huge black clock was falling little by little, but none of them

The fierce beast wanted to escape.

Because they know that they can’t run away at all.

The area covered by it is too large. I can see this end clearly with naked eyes, but I can’t see the other end, as if it is the entire sky-

When the child falls down, everything will be wiped out.

Can’t escape, can’t escape, can only wait for death.

In the human army, countless people also looked at the terrifying clock in amazement, and their souls seemed to be exhausted, shocked.

‘S almost trembling.

Who could have imagined that such terrifying scenes would appear when a war is fought.

This is not a human contender at all, and science and technology can’t help it. It is simply gods and demons who are destroying the world.

But countless people suddenly remembered that such an attack was not directed at them, but at the fierce beast in front of them.

When I think of this, whether it’s an ordinary soldier or a high-ranking emperor, his expressions are instantly congested with excitement, a pair of

Looked at the sky with fanatical eyes.


As the Zhentian Bell continued to fall, the howling of terror continued to resound, and black clouds were all around the bell.

Tossing endlessly, as if the sky was about to be crushed.

At this time, golden lights rushed out of the big tear.

There were golden brilliance that was so dazzling that it was comparable to the great sun, and there were also traces of colorful glazed light in it.

This is not the beast emperor, it is countless times stronger than the aura of the good emperor.

The Beast Emperor was in front of them like fluorescent light.

There are three auras, and it boils all at once. It is the manifestation of three extremely terrifying beasts, the first stage of magical powers.

The realm.

They have been at the bottom of the town, with a hidden aura, as if they didn’t exist, guarding there.

However, Jiang Yuan has long discovered that it is necessary to force them out, kill them in one fell swoop, and devour their flesh and blood, in order to let them

Having reached the limit of his own power, he broke through to the second stage of real manifestation, the realm of the eternal overlord in one fell swoop.

The power of blood provided by the previous beast king was too weak and insignificant.

His ambition is too big, the big one can spring.

In the Lina where they appeared, Jiang Yuan’s blood was completely boiling, his plan was successful, and the net could be closed.

“Suppression for a long time.”

In an instant, all Jiang Yuan’s strength suddenly boiled, and the huge Zhentian Bell suddenly dropped, and the speed increased more than ten times.


The terrifying voice continued to oscillate, and the three supernatural beasts in the first stage of the manifestation of the sage suddenly roared.

“,” People. _ Damn, you should-

Respect and show the saint, his eyes suddenly penetrated one hundred thousand miles in the sky, the power of boiling blood, instantly locked Jiang Yuan, the eyes

There is a strong hatred in it.

Jiang Yuan’s eyes were instantly red, and his killing intent was boiling.

The war of races↓You kill me↓I kill you, all the people who die are each other’s people: There is right and wrong to kill, but hatred is no longer possible

Resolve, either you die or I die.

In an instant, they went crazy and turned into three terrifying streams of light, soaring into the sky at once.

The terrifying power of blood and energy urged crazily, and the powerful power contained in the blood turned into a roaring dragon chant.

It seemed that hundreds of thousands of dragons were roaring.

The three punched together and blasted out suddenly.

The fist of horror, the power of the sea of ​​qi and blood as the carrier, turned into a dragon of qi and blood, all of a sudden

Rise from the ground, up to the sky.

Suddenly, it collided with Zhentian Clock, making a sound that almost shook a continent.


The huge sound resounded all of a sudden, the Zhentian Bell, descending at a rapid speed, was smashed and continued to rise.

And the terrifying power of qi and blood oscillated directly-

The circle, like a light wave, shattered the power of blood contained in Jiang Yuan.

While flying upside down, the volume of Zhentian Bell kept shrinking, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a small light spot.

Jiang Yuan suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed Zhentian Bell, then turned into a black light, and penetrated his eyebrows again.


But Jiang Yuan’s eyes 1 is extremely crazy this time, unprecedented craziness, looking at the three fierce beasts below.

The manifestation of the saint’s power, as if looking at the three deities of flesh and blood.

His fish finally took the bait.

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