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Obviously, the dozen or so robust men brought by Ye Tianling did not know Chen Xiaobei.

Hearing Ye Tianling’s reward, they instantly roared towards Chen Xiaobei as if they had hit chicken blood.

These more than a dozen people are not ordinary bodyguards, but rather good practice practitioners.

Each and everyone holding a sword, aggressive, and stepping on the ground are trembling. Although there are only a dozen trifling people, it seems that an army is charging!

Blade light and sword shadows enveloped Chen Xiaobei, and the sharp edge of each weapon pointed directly at the deadly point!

There is no doubt that such a force is enough to instantly cut a common person into shattered corpses!

But unfortunately, in Chen Xiaobei’s eyes, this is just a joke that’s all.

“Since you want to kill me, then I’m welcome!”

When Chen Xiaobei’s heart moved, a silver sword pattern flashed in the palm of his hand, and he drank 2 words in his mouth: “Sword! Start!”


In the next moment, the pen that Lan Mengchen had just dropped on the ground just emptied himself!

I saw a silver sword pattern wrapped around the pen, faintly discernible, exuding a very mysterious sword intent.

“WTF! What black technology is that? How could the pen fly by itself?”

“Why do you fly it? Just hack the boy to death, all problems are not a problem!”

“That’s right! A trifling in his early 20s, he didn’t believe he could make a few waves!”

“Slay! For the young Master Ye’s bounty, this kid must be killed!”


The more than ten robust men were all stunned by interests. Without any hesitation, they continued to attack Chen Xiaobei!

They never dreamed that the pen was not a black technology!

It’s a Sword Ancestor Lu Dongbin post, with a portable sword, an evolved ability divine runes!

“Sword Ancestor, 10000 ancestors of swords!”

Chen Xiaobei face doesn’t change, as if the dozen or so red-robined robust men around didn’t exist, at a moderate pace said: “Sword Ancestor divine runes, can gather 10000 things as swords, kill Eight Desolations Six Directions !”

“Smelly Brat! Are you scared of being stupid? Are you talking nonsense? Eat grandfather first!”

A robust man rushing to the front, his hands waved high, a good tungsten steel knife directly split into Chen Xiaobei’s head!


The steel knife came from the top, pulling a strong wind. The power on the blade is definitely not less than 1000 pounds. I am afraid that the common steel will be cut directly!

“zheng! ”

But at that moment, the small common pen quickly flew away and confronted the steel knife!


Just listening to a crisp sound, the steel knife broke into two and a half, and the fracture was very smooth, just like it was cut by a sharp weapon.

“Lie… lie on a big Fuck… how is this possible…”

Pen broken steel knife!

This unimaginable scene instantly shocked the eyes.

The remaining dozen or so robust men, dumbstruck’s stunned moment, have even begun to doubt life!

“You fools! What are you doing there for a moment? Cut it! Cut me to Chen Xiaobei!” Ye Tianling growled hysterically.

While letting his hands go down and hack Chen Xiaobei, he ran towards the car parked on the other side, intending to escape.

Obviously, this is a trick to abandon the car!

Ye Tianling was very aware of Chen Xiaobei’s power, and flirted with more than a dozen men to hold Chen Xiaobei to win time for himself to escape.

Ye Tianling is ruthless enough to exchange his life with more than ten lives! Also decisive enough!

Unfortunately, he underestimated Chen Xiaobei too much!

“If you want to hold me back, the number of people will be ten times more!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes were like ice, and he drank lightly: “Kill!”

At this moment, the dozen or so robust men were still immersed in the shock just now.

Before they came back to his senses, Death God had already arrived!


With a scream, the silver light flashing pen, like a sickle of Death God, draws a cold arc!

The arc is the sword edge, sweeping towards the throats of those ten people in an instant!

fast! quasi! ruthless!

The silver arc flashed in a flash, and dozens of heads rolled to the ground!

The advantage of the sharp edge was unmatched, and the beheading was swept away, and even the bodies of the dozen people were not brought down.

As a result, dozens of headless corpses stood on the spot, and the blood of’Baha’ was mad.


Chen Xiaobei did not stay at all, took a step, and went directly to Ye Tianling.


Ye Tianling’s dreams didn’t expect. More than a dozen people brought by his own careful selection died instantly!

And he didn’t even touch the door of the car himself.

“Mr. Chen ……Big Brother Chen ……please……please spare me…”

Ye Tianling was crying with a sad face, and she knelt down directly.

He is clear about Chen Xiaobei’s strength. Even if he is 2 or 1000, he is not Chen Xiaobei’s opponent.

He has no choice but to beg for mercy!

“No need to talk nonsense, today, you will definitely die!” Chen Xiaobei’s face was like ice, indifferently said.

Hearing this, Ye Tianling’s face was green, and said quickly: “Mr. Chen! As long as you can spare me! I will call my dad immediately and let him withdraw from the dealer’s plan, from now on, we will never be with the dealer again Contacts!”

“Don’t forget, my dad is the richest man in China! Although your military force is strong, your financial resources can never beat him!”

“If you kill me, my dad will at all costs, buy Lan Family Group, kick Lan Mengchen’s family out of the board, kick out Lan’s, and then slowly kill them!”

As soon as this statement came out, Chen Xiaobei’s eyes were a bit cold, but he didn’t speak.

Ye Tianling thought to bluff Chen Xiaobei, slightly relaxed, and arrogantly said: “As long as you let me go, I can guarantee that our Ye Family will never touch Lan Family Group again! Otherwise, take responsibility for the consequences!”

“Consequences? Oh, do you think this can threaten me?”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes were cold, indifferently said: “It is not me who should consider the consequences, but you Ye Family!”


Ye Tianling’s expression was stunned, and he hadn’t had time to speak. The pen that killed more than a dozen people just nailed it directly on his head!


With a stiff body, Ye Tianling fell to the ground.


Ding-Eradicate the 4rd-generation wicked and earn 40000 Three Realms Merits!

The Nether Eye of Strife popped up a message to obliterate Ye Tianling, allowing Chen Xiaobei to directly harvest a large amount of Three Realms Merits.

Immediately after, more than ten messages popped up, all of which were Three Realms Merits. It can be seen that there are more than ten robust men, none of which are good!

Ding-Eradicate the great villains and earn 1000 Three Realms Merits!

Ding-eradicate the big evil…


Ding-The current Three Realms Merits is 2700000 points, which is 300000 points away from the next level (Charm value: 270000, Luck value: 270000)!

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