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At this time, Chen Xiaobei did not devour the blood and ghosts of the dozen or so robust men, so he directly obtained Three Realms Merits.

The reason for this is that Chen Xiaobei previously exchanged raw materials for refining Heavenly Court dog food and consumed three Realms Merits.

At this moment, after killing Ye Tianling and more than a dozen wicked people, the three Realms Merits consumed are all made up, and an additional amount is added.

Through the last chat with Howling Celestial Dog, Chen Xiaobei learned that Three Realms Merits is very important.

Of course, it is also important to devour the essence of blood and continue to accumulate the power of Primal Chaos Blood Sword.

This has become a fish and bear paw problem, Chen Xiaobei chooses one side, he must give up the other side.

However, Chen Xiaobei did not struggle with this.

Just like Physique and Combat Force, between merit and Blood Soul, Chen Xiaobei will also consciously seek balance.

Recently consumed Three Realms Merits, Chen Xiaobei will make up for Three Realms Merits first.

Later, when going to the island country, Chen Xiaobei is in desperate need of strength, so, after today, Chen Xiaobei will devour the Blood Soul to accumulate strength.

You know, after the battle of Northern Profound Sect, Primal Chaos Blood Sword swallowed more than 100 enemies and 35 blood races of Blood Race!

With a sword cut, it will reach 80000 Combat Force.

This is definitely a huge assistant.

You know, the biggest trump card in Chen Xiaobei’s Treasure Chest right now is, undoubtedly, the last nuclear bomb harvested from the US military aircraft carrier!

This thing can kill Earth Immortal, but it can also make Chen Xiaobei crush his bones!

Therefore, you can’t use it as a last resort!

Because of this, Primal Chaos Blood Sword became Chen Xiaobei’s most important No. 2 trump card.

The stronger the accumulated power of Primal Chaos Blood Sword, the more confident Chen Xiaobei will be, and the more he can reach the island country!

After the matter here was settled, Chen Xiaobei brought Lan Mengchen back to Northern Profound Sect.

Things have been exposed, only Northern Profound Sect is the safest place.


“Oops! Tianling’s phone can’t be reached! The person sent to catch Lan Mengchen, none of them can be reached!”

The dealer, Ye Jianming, who had been waiting for news, was completely panicked.

“Brother Ye, don’t panic.”

Zhuang Hao Shen Sheng reassured: “I’ve sent Su Lao to pass by, it’s almost time to see, I have arrived at the joint warehouse!”

Situ Hengfeng also said: “The actions at this time are very secretive, and the outsiders simply know that there will be nothing wrong!”

dīng líng líng ——

Just then, Zhuang Hao’s cell phone rang.

“Look! Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives! Su Lao is on the phone!” Zhuang Hao grinned and connected the phone.

Su Lao Court Eunuch’s voice came immediately from the phone.

However, just after the first sentence was finished, the smile on Zhuang Hao’s face was completely stiff, the pupils unconsciously tightened, and the throat knot rolled constantly.

“Zhuangye! What’s going on? What expression did you make…”

Ye Jianming shook his heart and screamed anxiously: “What the hell happened? Don’t scare me!”

Situ Hengfeng complexion sank, also aware of the seriousness of the problem, seriously said: “Zhuangye! It is a very special period, what happened over there? You must say quickly, we can find a way to deal with it in time!”

Zhuang Hao settled down and said, “Brother Ye, you have to be mentally prepared…”


Ye Jianming was not stupid, and his face was pale, and he asked with a trembling voice, “Did Tianling have an accident?”

You know, Ye Tianling is the only son of Ye Jianming, the appointed heir of Ye Family, which is related to the Ye family incense, and it is also related to the future of Ye Family.

Ye Jianming would rather have something to himself than Ye Tianling!

“Zhuangye! You’re going to talk!”

Situ Hengfeng also tense instantly.

He himself was entrusted by Ye Tianling’s grandfather before he went to Shushan to assist Ye Tianling.

If Ye Tianling had a length of 3 and a length of 2 shorts, he could not account for Situ Hengfeng.

“Young Master Ye…Young Master Ye he…”

Zhuang Hao took a deep breath and said, “Young Master Ye, he is dead. We arranged to arrest Lan Mengchen, and everyone is dead!”


Ye Jianming and Situ Hengfeng both jumped from their chairs when they were shocked.

“Who did it? Who is the murderer? Who is it!!!” Ye Jianming let out a heartbreaking roar, his eyes wide open.

“I don’t know who the murderer is…”

Zhuang Hao helplessly said: “However, it is so ruthless to start, I am afraid that it is Chen Xiaobei’s person!”

“How can this be?”

Situ Hengfeng’s face was green: “Our plan was only thought about this morning! Only on the phone, you told Zhuang Ye once, Chen Xiaobei absolutely impossible know!”

“What do you mean by this?”

Zhuang Hao’s expression twisted at once: “is it possible that you suspect that I told Chen Xiaobei the secret? Are you not sick?”

“stop fighting!”

Ye Jianming growled: “I want Chen Xiaobei to die! at all costs, I want Chen Xiaobei die without a burial site! The plan to acquire Lan Family Group begins immediately!”

“I want to make Lan Family’s people completely nothing! I want to make their family ruined! I want to use them as hostages and lead Chen Xiaobei to death!”

“I want to eat Chen Xiaobei’s meat! Drink Chen Xiaobei’s blood!”

Ye Jianming seemed to be insane, roaring with a broken heart.

After all, it is the person who can hold the position of the richest man in China. The great sorrow of his son’s death, not at all crushed him, but inspired his greatest fighting spirit!

Ye Jianming immediately started calling.

Instructed the following people to mobilize all the liquidity and start the execution of the tricks he had planned long ago.

Zhuang Hao and Situ Hengfeng also calmed down and began to do their best to assist Ye Jianming’s actions.

“This time, we use the simplest and most rude method to grab Lan Family Group’s stock directly from the small shareholders of Lan Family Group?”

Ye Jianming said coldly: “As long as I own more than 50% of the shares, I am the absolute holding chairman of the Lan Family Group. Then, I can slowly play the Lan Family, and finally play Chen Xiaobei!”

“This plan is very good!”

Zhuang Hao affirmed: “As long as Lan Family’s life door is held, you are not afraid of Lan Mengchen’s failure. As long as Lan Mengchen is successful, you are not afraid of Chen Xiaobei’s failure?”

Situ Hengfeng coldly smiled, said: “You also said one is missing, as long as Chen Xiaobei is killed, we are the benefactors of Huashan, Qingcheng, Shushan, the 3 ancient hidden sects! when the time comes, there must be countless benefits !”

As soon as the words came out, the three guys looked at each other, and all showed a cold grin.


at the same time.

Chen Xiaobei is also calling and telling his people to prepare for the challenge.

“Wei Zuo! Let me check Ye Family’s trends in the stock market immediately!”

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