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“What do you mean? The dealer wants to catch me? What the hell is going on?”

Lan Mengchen’s eyebrows were deeply locked, and his heart was greatly affected.

She knows best that the dealer will only deal with her in one situation, that is, when her relationship with Chen Xiaobei is exposed!

If so, isn’t Chen Xiaobei also in danger?

“Tell you the truth! The kid named Chen Xiaobei, the old man has been investigated by us!”

Ye Tianling said with a sneer: “You and Chen Xiaobei have already started to be ambiguous in college, and you still get a broken wire when you come to Dragon City! Zhuang Bifan has been greened into a dog. Why do you say that the dealer wants to catch you?”

“What? Has Xiaobei’s identity been exposed?” Lan Mengchen’s small face instantly turned pale.

The most worried thing finally happened.

“Oh, compared to Chen Xiaobei, shouldn’t you worry about your Lan Family first?”

Ye Tianling said with a sneer: “Within 3 days, I will be fully funded by the Ye Family, and you will completely acquire your Lan Family Group. When the time comes, as long as I say a word, you can leave Lan Family with nothing!

“No! You can’t do this!”

Lan Mengchen was shocked again, and said anxiously: “This matter has nothing to do with my dad! Please don’t involve Lan Family! I will bear all the consequences!”

“Hehe! I will wait for you!”

Ye Tianling licked his mouth and said with a smile on his face: “Originally, I could not come today. The reason why I came here specially was because I wanted to give you a chance?”

“What opportunity?” Lan Mengchen was in a hurry, and his clever head in normal was short-circuited.

“Take off your clothes and serve me comfortably, I will let you Lan Family! Hehehe……” Ye Tianling narrowed his eyes, like a cunning weasel, gazing at the beautiful beauty in front of him.

Lan Mengchen’s appearance, naturally, needless to say!

Even in this situation, it is still a first-class beauty.

Pretty and beautiful face, fair and smooth skin, ink hair thumping shoulders, figure of lithe and graceful, OL small suit and black bag hip skirt, it also highlights the temperament of a temperament lady.

Under the skirt, a pair of slender is slender, like long legs with jade legs, without black silk, but it also has the magic power to make men Bloodline spray.

The Ye Tianling is a famous color embryo, known as a woman.

What he said was to give Lan Mengchen a chance, to put it bluntly, that is, the weasel to give the chicken a New Year’s greetings.

“Impossible! I will never promise you!”

Lan Mengchen refused firmly and said: “If you dare to touch me with one finger, Xiaobei will let you die without a burial site!”

“Oh! Chen Xiaobei is indeed very strong, even one finger can kill me 100 times!”

Ye Tianling’s disdainful laughed, the words turned around and said: “But, I hold this Life Protecting Talisman in your hand! If Chen Xiaobei dares to move me, I will definitely take you to be buried, and I will go to Netherworld to serve me when I die! Haha…”

“Don’t come here! You dare touch me, I will die in front of you immediately!”

Lan Mengchen took a pen out of his pocket and pressed it against his neck, saying abruptly: “Even if it is dead, I will not let you threaten Xiaobei!”

“I’m going to run short oil, what time is it, and still play a chaste girl?”

Ye Tianling Yin said with a smile: “You can die to protect Chen Xiaobei, but have you ever thought about your family? You father, your 7th aunt, 8th aunt, and your 80-year-old grandmother! You want to kill them to death ?”


Lan Mengchen expression froze for a moment, his little white hand shivered, and the pen in his hand fell to the ground.

“Well, it seems that you are quite filial!”

Ye Tianling raised eyebrow and said with a smile: “Take off your clothes and make me feel comfortable serving. I promise you will not kick your dad out of the Lan Family Group!”

“No… please don’t force me…”

Lan Mengchen despaired instantly.

On the one hand is the safety of his family, on the other is his innocent body, no matter how to choose, waiting for her, will be an abyss of pain!

“Chick stop bullshitting! Let you take it off. Lao’zi gave you a face, it was hairy, and Lao’zi ripped all your clothes!”

Ye Tianling grinned like a bad wolf, staring greedily at Lan Mengchen this little sheep.

“No… no… I beg you…”

Lan Mengchen had a hard time advancing and retreating, and tears rolled down.

This situation is so cruel, Lan Mengchen can’t even end his life.

“You two, hold Lao’zi to hold her! Specially to the face to have no shame, Lao’zi is welcome!”

Ye Tianling unbuttoned his button 3 2 times and walked towards Lan Mengchen.

“As you bid!”

The two robust men were also chuckling, preparing for Lan Mengchen from left to right.

For them 2, Lan Mengchen is simply the top grade Goddess in her dream. Even if she can’t possess it, she can secretly have a hand addiction on her perfect lovable body, which is also great!

Both of the robust men deliberately put the perverted hand to Lan Mengchen’s waist and armpits, and they were dying.


Just then, the roof of the warehouse suddenly burst. A silhouette dropping from the sky, landed in front of Lan Mengchen!

“pa !pa! ”

Lairen 2 doesn’t say anything, just one left and one right, 2 big slap in the flace, directly fly the 2 sloppy robust man, the side of the pumping out.

“bang! bang!”

Those 2 guys were fiercely smashed more than ten meters like a meteorite in an instant!

One of them hit his head on the ground like a ripe watermelon, exploding on the spot.

The other guy, who was smashed on a pile of steel bars, was pushed in and out by dozens of steel bars and stabbed a dozen holes in his body.

In a blink of an eye, the two robust men of the lively dragon and animated tiger directly became the dead bodies of both!

There was a momentary loss of voice at the scene, and more than a dozen people fell into silence, with needles audible.

“Xiaobei! Xiaobei, you are finally here!”

Lan Mengchen immediately sees the identity of the coming person, the last second is still desperate netherworld, this second is already a worry-free paradise!

From great sorrow to great joy, Lan Mengchen’s tense heart relaxed like an amnesty.

I also saw two robust men die tragically and were shocked. They couldn’t bear the state of mind, and immediately passed out.

Chen Xiaobei took Lan Mengchen in one hand and placed her on Flying Nimbus.

With a move of heart, Flying Nimbus ascended into the air so that the enemy could no longer touch Lan Mengchen.

“My mother…this…what is going on…”

Ye Tianling and the remaining dozen of robust men, as if hell, the voice shivered.

“Ye Tianling, your Life Protecting Talisman is gone. How do you want to die? Say it!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes condensed and looked at Ye Tianling indifferently, as if he were looking at the corpses.

“I … I don’t want to die …”

Ye Tianling stepped back and forth, and the dog hurriedly jumped over the wall and shouted: “Everyone is going together! Slaughter this kid! I reward you one 100000000! No! Ten 100000000! 100 100000000!”

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