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Chen Xiaobei’s Physique strength has reached 2–Star Heavenly Immortal Late Stage. Even without the fairy blessing, Physique’s power has exceeded the power of 2–Star Heavenly Immortal Initial Stage.

Such a terrifying power is enough to easily wipe out these two janitor soldiers.

Because of this, the slightly thinner soldier was instantly scared witless, the soul flew away and scattered, absolutely not afraid of Chen Xiaobei’s slightest disobedience.

“Let’s talk, is 1000 imperial city not allowed outsiders to enter?” Chen Xiaobei asked directly.


The soldier swallowed saliva and said, saying: “Actually, anyone can enter the 1000 mesh imperial city, but your strength is too weak, we deliberately make you that’s all…”

“Oh, it seems that he was not wronged in the face!” Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed, coldly said.

“All… it’s all our fault… I ask you adults to ignore the villains, let me go…” The soldier was almost scared to pee.

“Is there a 9–Star God Rank bead in your imperial city?” Chen Xiaobei asked.

“You…how do you know?” The soldier was stunned and swallowed again, accusing him: “This is our taboo! Although everyone knows the existence of the orb, it is absolutely forbidden to mention it!”

“Why can’t I mention it?” Chen Xiaobei asked.


The soldier was hesitant, but felt the cold coercion of Chen Xiaobei, he had to say truthfully: “Because that orb can nourish the spirit vein under the imperial city and bring endless and generous Spirit Qi to our people. !”

“Therefore, everyone in my family up and down regards the orb as a vital lifeblood, and it is strictly forbidden to lift it to outsiders, so as not to attract outsiders to snatch it! This is an unwritten rule of our family, everyone must abide by it! “

Chen Xiaobei was even more puzzled by this remark.

The orbs found before are constantly devouring energy, but this treasure pearl is constantly releasing energy.

Do not!


It seems that I didn’t hear Taixun Hei Kun said that Shennong Orb will absorb energy!

In this way, not all orbs will absorb energy, some should absorb, some will not, and some will even release energy in the reverse direction.

This is really very peculiar. Based on the clues currently held by Chen Xiaobei, simply cannot explain it.

However, this is not important.

The important thing is to put the 5th orb in the bag as soon as possible.

But obviously, this is definitely not an easy thing!

After all, Thousand-Eyes Race treats this treasure pearl as the basic lifeblood of the whole family!

Broke people’s money, such as murdering parents!

Chen Xiaobei’s removal of this treasure pearl is equivalent to cutting off the source of Spirit Qi of the entire planet.

If it is not handled well, it is tantamount to declaring war on the entire Thousand-Eyes Race.

Mass killings are inevitable. If you don’t do it, Chen Xiaobei will be deducted a huge amount of Three Realms Merits. After all, that’s someone else’s thing.

More importantly, even if Chen Xiaobei didn’t care about Three Realms Merits, he would fight hard, but in the end, he might not be able to win!

Don’t forget, this is the middle of Supreme Void Universe!

The danger here is far more than that of the emperor planet ruled by the Taixu Black Kun Emperor!

It’s definitely not going to work hard.

“What happened here !?”

Just then, a very majestic voice came from the depths of the cave.

Looking around, a majestic Thousand-Eyes Race wearing black armor came over here.

His body is closer to a human form, and he has given birth to legs and can walk with strength.

Correspondingly, his Cultivation is much higher than the goalkeeper, reaching the level of 3–Star Heavenly Immortal.

Behind him, there are a full of 100 black armored soldiers, arranged in a neat queue, with the same pace, well-trained, and Cultivation Combat Force all reach the level of 2–Star Heavenly Immortal.

Obviously, the cave guards are nothing more than soldiers.

And this general is the real Thousand-Eyes Race elite soldier.

“General Shang! General Shang! This kid is an intruder!”

At that moment, the thin janitor sergeant instantly changed his face and said black and white: “This kid wants to break into the imperial city forcibly, we just ask him what to do in the city? As a result, he 2 Without saying a word, he shot someone! Look! General Merchant, look at it! Our brothers are all beaten up!”

“Yes!” Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed, and he said coldly: “didn’t expect, you turn your face faster than you turn the book!”

Obviously, this gatekeeper is turning the black and white upside down, intentionally framing Chen Xiaobei.

According to the rules of 1000 mesh imperial city, anyone can enter imperial city.

Apparently it was the two janitors who made Chen Xiaobei difficult, and even wanted to kill Chen Xiaobei. This was why Chen Xiaobei shot him out.

It’s okay, the remaining soldier, actually took a bite back, saying that Chen Xiaobei was unreasonable and directly beat people.

This is clear, that is, relying on a general to support Chen Xiaobei to die alive!

“Boy! Who you are? Is there any hatred with my Thousand-Eyes Race? Why do you hurt yourself without reason?”

General Shang really believed the soldier, and roared at Chen Xiaobei with a frown.

Chen Xiaobei hearing this, said indifferently: “I and Thousand-Eyes Race no complaints, no hatred, the reason why you shot because your watchdog bite people, almost killed my life!”

“Is that true?” General Shang looked towards the soldier.


The soldier suffocated enough to kill Chen Xiaobei: “Obviously this is the kid’s first move. We simply didn’t attack him, let alone offend him! General Shang, you must rule for me!”

“zheng! ”

As soon as this remark came out, General Shang pulled out a machete directly, the blade pointed at Chen Xiaobei, and said, “Boy, between you and my clansman, I must believe my clansman! If you don’t want to die, just kneel down kowtow and admit your mistake, compensate 1,000,000 low grade spirit jade! Otherwise, take your life to pay back!”

As soon as this remark came out, there was a sneer on the cheering soldier’s face, and he looked at Chen Xiaobei with a provocative look, as if mocking Chen Xiaobei for being played in the palm of his hand.

“Do you know? I hate others for slandering me!” Chen Xiaobei’s eyes condensed, and in the deep black eyes, the murderous aura gradually blossomed like substance.

“Slandishment?” General Coldly said: “You hurt you. The fact is already in front of you. Can you deny it?”

“This little defiled me, and wanted to kill me, I killed him, it was justified! If you want to kill me indiscriminately, then I can kill you too!”

Chen Xiaobei said almost word for word: “If your whole family is right and wrong, then I can destroy your whole family!”

“What do you say!?” General Shang’s face went cold.

“Zheng! zheng! Zheng…” At the same time, the elite warriors in the back also pulled out their swords.

“God knows what you did!”

Chen Xiaobei slowly took out the Demon Dragon Tribulation, and said extremely coldly: “If you demand death, I will fulfill you!”

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