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“Smelly Brat! You have a big tone! You made mistakes first, and dare to speak bluntly! Without taking you away today, where do we face Thousand-Eyes Race?”

The soldier yelled in his throat, deliberately fanned the flames, and continued to intensify the anger in the hearts of General Shang and elite soldiers.

They were already very unhappy with Chen Xiaobei’s attitude. At this moment, the face of the whole family was involved. They were even more angry and fighting intents were boiling.

“Little bastard! die for me!”

General Shang rushed up first, raised the scimitar in his hand, and the 3–Star Heavenly Immortal-level power instantly worked.

Although in his view, Chen Xiaobei is just Cultivation of 8–Star Earth Immortal. But since Chen Xiaobei can stun the soldiers guarding the cave, it proves that Chen Xiaobei is so powerful.

Therefore, the general Shang not at all underestimated Chen Xiaobei, and even secretly regarded Chen Xiaobei as a deeply hidden expert.


Because of this, as soon as the Shang general came up, he operated True Yuan to the extreme, without any reservation or any intention of underestimating the enemy.

“Shua~ shua~ shua~ ……shua~ shua~ shua~ ……”

At the same time, the elite soldiers rushed over in full, wanting to surround Chen Xiaobei, so that Chen Xiaobei had no way to escape.

In the eyes of these soldiers, even if Chen Xiaobei concealed his strength, Imperials was an opponent of the generals, so they should be prepared to avoid Chen Xiaobei defeating and fleeing.

“Very good! Kill him! Kill the kid!!!”

Seeing the scene before me, the cheering soldier’s happy brows fluttered and looked at Chen Xiaobei with smug face, as if to say, aren’t you very bullish? Don’t you pretend to beep? In the end, it wasn’t me who was playing with me in the palm of my hand.


nakedly ridiculed!

At this moment, the soldier had determined that he had played Chen Xiaobei and was proud of his plot against.

However, even the dream soldier could not even dream, and his cleverness completely harmed their 1000-headed family.

“Dragon! Extinction!!!”

At this moment, Chen Xiaobei expressionless waved backhand.

In an instant, the 10,000,000 low grade spirit jade was completely burned out, inspiring 5–Star Heavenly Immortal-level power.

“Sa!!!!! hong long long ……hong long long ……”

I saw a black blade rushing out, suddenly turned into a dark Black Dragon phoenix phase.

At the same time, the dark Black Dragon emperor’s dharma all around, even wrapped in the black thunder, imposing manner extremely arrogant, as if to crack the earth, tearing the sky, terrified to the extreme.

“This… how is this possible!?”

Seeing the scene in front of me, General Shang screamed, and the elite soldiers screamed too. The soldier was scared face deathly pale, his heart was tight, and he coughed directly.


5–Star Heavenly Immortal power, so fast that they simply can’t react.

The screaming sound had just come out, and the dark Black Dragon phoenix had already ripped the soldier to pieces.


Immediately afterwards, the dark Black Dragon phalanx was crushed, and the General Shang had no energy to resist.

The scimitar broke in his hand and the armor shattered suddenly. Then, Fleshy body, Dharma body, and Nascent Soul were all destroyed by the black thunder.

Later, the elite soldiers of 100 Thousand-Eyes Race were resisted by military force. Each and everyone was startled, their eyes wide open, their mouths wide open, and the three views shattered.

One second before, they wanted to surround Chen Xiaobei to prevent Chen Xiaobei from escaping.

In this second, they all turned around and ran away with their legs dropped, and they didn’t even dare to look back at Chen Xiaobei! Absolutely not! ! !


However, Chen Xiaobei did not intend to let them go.

The dark Black Dragon phoenix continued to advance forward, and the 100 elite warriors that had passed were like tofu dregs, all of them were crushed into corpses, and the law body Nascent Soul did not retain a little bit.

A knife!

Chen Xiaobei only made one shot, no more than 3 seconds before and after.

The enemies that were aggressive just now have only 102 Primordial Spirits left at the moment, and they move furiously towards the depths of the cave.

If it weren’t for Chen Xiaobei who couldn’t excite the fairy, they would have died completely at the moment.

“Brother Bei! What’s going on here?”

At this time, Six-Eared Macaque and Song Qingcheng rushed over and looked at Chen Xiaobei with great anxiety.

“Get ready to fight Thousand-Eyes Race!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed, and in the dark eyes, the murderous aura was still cold and condensed, without fading in the slightest.

The soldier slandered Chen Xiaobei and wanted to kill Chen Xiaobei.

This is evil. If Thousand-Eyes Race does not distinguish between black and white, and you want to fight Chen Xiaobei, then the entire Thousand-Eyes Race has become an accomplice to help the wicked.

Heavenly Dao punishes evil and promotes good. If that step is true, even if Chen Xiaobei destroys Thousand-Eyes Race, he will not deduct a little merit, and may even increase a lot of merit.

“Open… fight!?”

Song Qingcheng and Six-Eared Macaque hearing this are both expressions stunned, even a little can not believe their ears.

“Brother Bei, aren’t you cracking a joke?” Six-Eared Macaque frowned, “Thousand-Eyes Race is more powerful than the Imperial Family, and here is their bottom card. We have no chance at all!” “

“Xiaobei! You can’t be impulsive about 10000000 in this matter!” Song Qingcheng hurriedly persuaded: “No matter what happened just now, we will immediately withdraw from it, and then we will discuss it again!”

“take it easy!”

Chen Xiaobei was murderous-looking, but not at all lost his calmness: “Do you think I will die because of impulse?”

“No! Brother Bei never acts on impulse!” Six-Eared Macaque knows Chen Xiaobei well.

Song Qingcheng knew better and immediately responded: “Did you say, Xiaobei, you already have a way to deal with Thousand-Eyes Race?”


Chen Xiaobei smiled indifferently and said, “I just killed a lot of Thousand-Eyes Race. They were hidden in the dark ground. The Thousand-Eyes Race was not completely deformed. The lower body was covered with a carapace, and there were also 100 pairs of footsteps! “

“This… what can this say!?” Six-Eared Macaque expression started slightly, accusing it: “Their form is related to the way to deal with them?”

“I’m understood!” Song Qingcheng’s beautiful eyebrows, flashed with wise colors: “Their body should be a very special centipede!”

“That’s right!” Chen Xiaobei nodded, confident aura, like a are under control.

“Can you tell me the truth? Don’t sell it! I’m so anxious!” Six-Eared Macaque was so anxious that he scratched his head and couldn’t figure out how Chen Xiaobei would deal with Thousand-Eyes Race.

“Boom~ boom~ ……boom~ boom~ ……”

Just then, deep inside the cave, there were huge waves of restlessness.

Obviously, more and stronger enemies are gathering and may be attacked at any time.

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