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1000 mesh planet, the territory of Thousand-Eyes Race.

The entire planet looks like a huge wilderness.

The loess and dead wood can be seen everywhere, and the ruins of white bones are everywhere, giving people a feeling of extreme desolation.

But the strange thing is that on this planet, Spirit Qi is very abundant and very pure.

On this planet, not at all a large city, but on the ground, there are countless burrows.

If there is no accident, the Thousand-Eyes Race is too empty, all living underground.

“Xiaobei, look at the front, the densest place in the cave!”

Song Qingcheng pointed to the far end and said, “I can feel that the 5th Orb is in that position!”

“This is unreasonable…”

Chen Xiaobei frowns saying involuntarily: “A few of the previous ones will absorb the Spirit of Planet Qi and the essence of various resources. Why is Spirit Qi so thick on this planet?”

“In addition, the cave in front is very dense. It is not difficult to see that there are definitely too many Thousand-Eyes Races in that area. Will they not be hurt by the Orb?”

Obviously, the question raised by Chen Xiaobei is indeed very masculine and cannot be explained at all.

“I don’t know the specific situation… But to get the orb, we have to go deep into the ground!” Song Qingcheng looked at the cave in front, beautiful eyes blinked, very sure.

“This can’t be act blindly without thinking!”

Six-Eared Macaque has always been impulsive, but said very cautiously at the moment: “We have entered the middle of the Supreme Void Universe, and with a little difference we will encounter an absolutely unstoppable enemy! Invite killing disaster!”

“Of course I know this, but at least take the 1st Step first!” Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed and he moved directly towards the front.

Six-Eared Macaque and Song Qingcheng glanced at each other, without any hesitation, tightly followed along.

Indeed, staying in place does nothing, it is better to take a step, encounter a problem, and then solve the problem.

Walking to the cave closest to Baozhu, Chen Xiaobei said: “I will go down first, you will be a safe distance away from me, follow behind!”

Song Qingcheng and Six-Eared Macaque are a bit hesitant, but this major event still has to listen to Chen Xiaobei.


Chen Xiaobei took the lead in walking down the cave, about half a minute apart, before Song Qingcheng and Six-Eared Macaque followed.

The cave is very dim. There is a small oil lamp every few dozen meters. People with bad eyesight are almost impossible to move a single step here.

“Who!? Dare to be good at imperial city! Don’t you know it is a death sentence?”

Soon after going deep into the cave, an angry roar came from the dark cave.

tone barely fell, there were 2 strange-looking soldiers, moved towards Chen Xiaobei rushed over.

The upper body of the two soldiers is already humanoid, but the lower body is like a centipede, with a flat worm body, and densely packed hundreds of steps.

Even more weird is that they are covered with densely packed eyes, starting from the neck, back and hands on the body, all full of dangdang, rough estimate, I am afraid that there are no less than 1000 eyes.

If there are people with intensive phobia, I am afraid that they will get goose bumps all over when they see them.

That’s right!

This is Thousand-Eyes Race!

“We are here and do not know the rules of your country!”

Chen Xiaobei was very calm and said politely: “If we have something wrong, please forgive me 2 people!”

“Contain fuck! Where’s the waste? Tritling 8 – Star Earth Immortal realm’s ants, also worthy of talking to us?”

The two vain Thousand-Eyes Race warriors were not only polite, but also foul-mouthed, and were extremely contemptuous of Chen Xiaobei.

However, this is not surprising.

Chen Xiaobei’s Cultivation is only 8–Star Earth Immortal Peak Stage, and these two troops are already 2–Star Heavenly Immortal Late Stage, and Chen Xiaobei is not considered in the eyes, it is completely reasonable.

Chen Xiaobei didn’t want to make trouble, he gave a step and said: “I have no intention of offending, just want to ask, is this imperial city leading to your country under the cave? If the ban is inside, we will go back!”

“Are you qualified to ask questions? If you don’t get out within 3 seconds, Lao’zi will let you lie down!” One of the stronger soldiers raised a long-handed sickle, threatening fiercely.

“If you don’t answer within 3 seconds, I will let you lie down!” Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed, and the whole person’s aura was cold.

Facing unreasonable people, the more you endure, the less they will take you seriously.

The best way to treat such people is to speak with your fists!

Needless to say truth, power is absolute truth.

“Asshole’s! You little waste, Cultivation is weak and pitiful, but the tone is too big! If I don’t kill you today, wouldn’t it be any cat or dog dare to come into my 1000 mesh imperial city in the future?”

The strong soldier raised his sickle and moved towards Chen Xiaobei.


I saw that the powerful warrior inspired the fairy, and the sharp edge of the sickle pointed directly at Chen Xiaobei Qi Sea Dantian!

This is really going to take Chen Xiaobei’s life, it doesn’t mean show mercy at all.

If it is changed to another 8–Star Earth Immortal, I am afraid that in a flash, it will be cut by the sickle waist, fleshy body, dharma body, Nascent Soul, Primordial Spirit, all completely destroyed.

Unfortunately, the person standing here is Chen Xiaobei!


In a flash, Chen Xiaobei stepped angrily, and his figure rushed out like a thunder, 100 times faster than the strong soldier.

“pa !!!”

The sturdy Thousand-Eyes Race warrior didn’t even see what was happening at all, and only heard a crisp sound explode on his face!

“ao ……”

The sturdy Thousand-Eyes Race fighter suddenly flew out sideways and smashed heavily on the wall of the cave.

The huge impact, forcibly shattered the rock walls, even spreading several dozen meters long cracks.


The strong Thousand-Eyes Race warrior had a crooked neck and blood spattered everywhere. 1000 eyes turned up dead fish eyes and passed out on the spot.

And on his cheek, the location of the crackling sound exploded with a particularly clear black purple palm print.

That’s right!

At the moment just now, Chen Xiaobei rewarded him with a big slap in the flace, and directly pumped him to death!

But because Chen Xiaobei moved too fast, he didn’t even know what happened.


Beside, the thinner Thousand-Eyes Race warrior took a breath, and his face became very horrified. Obviously, he didn’t see exactly what happened.

Even if I can’t believe it, a trifling 8–Star Earth Immortal can actually kill 1–Star Heavenly Immortal.

This is simply unimaginable, which is far more mysterious than the fantasy story!

“You still have 2 seconds!” Chen Xiaobei gave him an indifferent glance.

“Say! I said! I said everything!” The slightly weaker soldier desperately nodded, looked towards Chen Xiaobei’s eyes, as if looking at the devil.

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