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Chen Xiaobei The whole person crashed into the sea very quickly, but at the same time, Cultivation, Lifespan, Physique, has soared rapidly, reaching a whole new level!

Ding-Cultivation: Baby Stage Initial Stage, Lifespan: 314240, Physique: 1100000000 500010000, Combat Force: 4100000000 500010000, Primordial Spirit Attack: Sage Rank!

That’s right!

When the door of Heavenly Realm opened, those Heavenly Tribulation divine splendor absorbed by Chen Xiaobei let Chen Xiaobei’s great realm complete the breakthrough directly.

For Chen Xiaobei, this is definitely the most urgent need, the most yearn for something even in dreams.

You should know that Chen Xiaobei, in order to set foot on Exalted Immortal’s Peak Stage, proved that there is no limit to the Sage Heavenly Dao position. Every breakthrough of great realm cannot rely on medicine pill, nor can it rely on inheritance or mana given by others.

We can only break through great realm with our own perception or the natural opportunity of heaven and earth.

Because of this, breaking through great realm is definitely the most difficult thing for Chen Xiaobei.

It is like an insurmountable sky, which has formed many restrictions and obstacles to Chen Xiaobei, but Chen Xiaobei has no way to take it.

This shows that the result of this time is simply beyond imagination!

You know, Chen Xiaobei just broke through Nascent Soul Peak Stage realm just before departure. Even if I dream, I dare not hope that I can break through great realm in the near future.

However, things are impermanent, disasters and fortunes depend on each other, and the alternation of disaster and opportunity is such a mysterious word!

The moment before, Chen Xiaobei was still in a dead end with no chance!

At this moment, it is already a disaster, and I am happy to see you!

The breakthrough of great realm made Chen Xiaobei directly increase 5 10,000 1 years lifespan, it was so refreshing to fly!

In addition, Combat Force also increased by 110 million.

Although Physique has not grown, for Chen Xiaobei, at this stage, the strength of Physique is actually not very important.

Because the “Phaseless Primal Chaos Law Body” makes Chen Xiaobei’s law body defensive power, which is proportional to Cultivation!

In other words, even if Chen Xiaobei abandons the fleshy body and the defensive power, it can be equivalent to 400000000 50 Million Physique strength, which is definitely enough to deal with opponents at the same level!

Even more how, Chen Xiaobei has enough lifespan to use the Peak Stage at any time, even if he does not abandon the strength of Fleshy body and Physique, it is enough to toughen all enemies under Heavenly Immortal!

With the dual support of Dharma and Peak Stage, Chen Xiaobei does not need to rush to increase Physique’s strength in the short term.

Of course, in the long run, Physique strength is definitely crucial, and it must be improved!

As long as the Sunlight Jewel Box can be upgraded smoothly, “Zhu Tianba Body Tips” can be easily used. The problem of Physique strength is no longer a problem!

Right now, Chen Xiaobei has only 2 things to do.

First, find a powerful treasure to devour and make the dharma body stronger.

Second, attract enemies to’treasure hunt’ and take the opportunity to avenge Xuefen!

In the sky, Chen Xiaobei is one person to 20 people, naturally there is no chance!

But in the deep sea, once the enemy moves separately, Chen Xiaobei has a full chance of winning!

“Pu pass !!!”

Chen Xiaobei fell from a very high position, like a meteorite, which caused a huge splash on the sea.

At the far end, the 20 enemies are constantly staring at the situation in the Heavenly Tribulation realm, and it has been clearly seen that the Heavenly Gate opens and the robbery disappears.

“Heavenly Tribulation has dissipated! Chen Zhufeng must have died in the domain of Heavenly Tribulation!”

Deng Zhong said with extreme affirmation: “Don’t rob me of the treasure left by Chen Zhufeng! Otherwise, don’t blame me! If you can find the treasure for me, of course, I will naturally understand Primeval Lord of Heaven and reward you !”

Obviously, all the benefits of elucidation and teaching are overbearing and want to be swallowed alone. Moreover, others have to help. As for rewards, it is nothing serious. Deng Zhong’s level is simply not qualified to report things to Primeval Lord of Heaven.

Of course, although the other three forces are afraid of explaining on the surface, in fact, they are all their masters and have their own plans.

“We are willing to help… we are willing to…”

Shan Xiongxin, Nine-Headed Insect, and Master Qu Hua all expressed their willingness to help find the treasure left by Chen Xiaobei.


Deng Zhong said: “We will take the four directions of East, West, North, and South, and set off to find! Start the carpet search in the field of Primordial Spirit, you can definitely find all treasure!”

“Good! we’ll set off now!” Shan Xiongxin impatiently wanted to leave.

“Wait a minute!”

Deng Zhong narrowed his eyes and said viciously: “You are both physical body and mortal flesh. Physique dives into the deep sea, which not only affects activities, but also needs to be changed every once in a while. It is too much effort!”

“This is also something that can’t be helped…” Shan Xiongxin frowned slightly, and vaguely felt some unknown hunch.

“I have a way!”

Deng Zhong smiled insidiously and said, “I just have a space for Xu Mi! You all put the fleshy body in it, and just dive into the seabed with your body, so you can move freely without having to change your breath, one move, two gains !”

Obviously, Deng Zhong is not just targeting people. A strong gaze glanced around, meaning that everyone, including Monster Church and Western religion, must do the same!


Obviously, everyone hesitated and did not want to easily surrender their own fleshy body.

For Immortal Cultivator, Fleshy body can be discarded, but that is equivalent to abandoning half life.

Especially for Peak Stage Earth Immortal, once the fleshy body is abandoned, if you want to re-finish the same fleshy body, it will inevitably cost huge resources and a long time.

If Heavenly Tribulation comes during the period when there is no fleshy body, then it is definitely a disaster of extinction, ten deaths without life!

Because of this, everyone does not want to give Fleshy body to Deng Zhong.

“Why? Did you all forget that Primeval Lord of Heaven represented Heavenly Dao in charge of Three Realms?”

Deng Zhong threatened arrogantly: “To persuade you to think about it, disobeying the meaning of Primeval Lord of Heaven, the consequences, can you afford it?”

Obviously, Deng Zhong was afraid that they would swallow after finding the treasure, so they deliberately withdrew their Fleshy Body. As an alternative’hostage’, to threaten them obediently.

“Okay… we promise you…” The people were helpless and could only agree with nodded.

Although they have their own plans in mind, on the surface, it is not good to cast aside all considerations for face, and can only temporarily obey Deng Zhong.

Even Monster Church, who is proficient in fish breathing and can move freely in the water, can only obey. Otherwise, Deng Zhong will definitely threaten them with other methods.

Afterwards, the people separated from the body one after another, hiding the storage bracelet inside the body, and at the same time, handed the Fleshy body to Deng Zhong.

In Deng Zhong’s hands, there really is a space for Xuya to include everyone’s fleshy body in it.

Next, Deng Zhong and their five elucidation members also separated from the body one after another. After putting on the storage bracelet, they put the Fleshy body into the Xuya space.

After all, all five of them are physical bodies and mortal flesh, unable to take Fleshy body for a long time in the deep sea.

“10000 is ready! Let’s set off immediately!”

Deng Zhong shouted very proudly, and then took his own people, rushed directly to the east.

The other three are heading west, south, and north respectively.

At this moment, they all believe that Chen Xiaobei is dead, so everyone’s heart is full of expectations for treasure, which can be described as full of energy and high morale.


They absolutely can’t think of it, and what will be waiting for them next will be the most thorough and complete destruction!

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