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In the deep sea, Dharma moves freely.

Five people who teach in the West, moved towards the center from the west of the Heavenly Tribulation field.

Each person’s Primordial Spirit field is about 300 30 li in radius, so the distance between them 2 2 is 600 6 10 li.

5 people span 3000 300 li, the search area is very huge, and they can find the target faster.

Of course, this search method has a drawback, that is, people are too far away from each other. Once something goes wrong, it is too late to notify their peers.

Master Qu Hua’s dharma body is a Buddha with white hair and white hair. Glittering all over the body, like a beacon in the deep sea! It is an extremely obvious goal!

Undoubtedly, Chen Xiaobei’s first lock was Master Qu Hua!

“En? There is a great treasure in front of spirituality!”

The field of Primordial Spirit of Master Qu Hua suddenly felt an extremely strong spirituality: “That must be the treasure left by Chen Zhufeng! My luck is really good!”

“If you can get the Dragon Slayer or Primal Chaos Blood Sword, I can even remove the Fleshy body, and take it back immediately, let me teach the half-step Heavenly Immortal with Exalted Immortal world, dedicated to Amitabha!”

Thinking of this, Master Qu Hua like a hungry, hungry and hungry wolf, rushed forward as quickly as possible.

“Hahaha…it really is Primal Chaos Blood Sword!!!”

Far away, Master Qu Hua has seen a scene of thick bloody breath swaying in the water, reflecting the space of that side in a dark and fierce manner!

“Great! I can get Primal Chaos Blood Sword, which is a tremendous achievement for Western teaching! Trifling all fleshy body, how to give Deng Zhong! Amitabha will naturally reshape the endless ancient for me Buddha golden body!”

Master Qu Hua was so excited that he had even forgotten why he rushed forward while imagining what rewards and honors he would receive after making great achievements.

However, it is the reason that Heavenly Dao is just right for each other!

When people are most proud, they are also often the most dangerous!

“One thought, cut off the sky!”

Chen Xiaobei’s voice suddenly murmured as Master Qu Hua rushed towards Primal Chaos Blood Sword.

Although Master Qu Hua is fast, he is unprepared.

Chen Xiaobei hid the fleshy body in the Xuya space, and the dharma body in the silt. The longest plot against the time and angle of the shot.

It can be said that Chen Xiaobei didn’t take the initiative to hit Master Quhua, but Master Quhua unknowingly hit Chen Xiaobei’s attack.


Master Quhua uttered a wailing and didn’t expect to dream. He would be the deadliest ambush when he was only one step away from victory!

The point is that this ambush is the biggest nemesis of the dharma body and Nascent Soul, One Will Severing The Heavens!

In an instant, Master Qu Hua’s True Yuan was completely cut off, and it couldn’t work at all. The terrible mental pain hurt him even more because Nascent Soul was injured, unable to move even a little bit.


At this time, Chen Xiaobei’s dharma body had emerged from the silt, and he looked down at Master Qu Hua.

There is a dark breath in this dharma body!

Wearing a set of sharp Demon King Zhan Kai, wearing a Demon King helmet, there is a pair of giant wings like Mojin behind!

Just like the 10000 battles Demon God from a netherworld!

Majesty, bravery, and arrogance!

“Chen…Chen Zhufeng… are you still alive???? This…this is impossible…it’s up to you, how could you survive under Heavenly Tribulation?”

Master Qu Hua was very weak and his voice was trembling, but this did not affect his heart at all by the incomparable gigantic.

At this moment, Master Qu Hua’s 3 views were completely exploded, and he even wondered if he was dreaming.

“Of course I am not dead!”

Demon God’s Battle Armor is very powerful, but his face is still Chen Xiaobei’s. The deep black eyes are full of disdain: “Just because of your group of stinky sweet potatoes and rotten bird eggs, I want to die? I don’t think it’s a child’s play. Yet?”

“This impossible…this…this fundamental impossible…”Mr. Qu Hua’s expression on the face is so damn, even if his brain hole breaks through the sky, it is absolutely impossible to imagine, Chen Xiaobei can survive.

“It’s impossible, it doesn’t matter anyway, anyway, your life and death have been controlled by me!” Chen Xiaobei moved with his heart, released True Yuan, directly rolled up Master Qu Hua, and entered the space of Sumu together.


Within Xuma Space, Six-Eared Macaque and Ziyuan, their 4 demon, are very anxious. I was afraid that Chen Xiaobei would have something wrong.

Until I saw Chen Xiaobei’s dharma body coming in, the talents were finally sighed in relief.

“Brother Bei! Are you okay? I thought I would never see you again…” Six-Eared Macaque was excited, don’t want it, as if she was parting from life to death, and kept expressing emotion.

“Brother Brother Bei! It’s so nice that you can come back! It’s so good!” Ziyuan is even more gleeful, like a little butterfly, flying around Chen Xiaobei quickly, extremely excited.

“You guys look too little on Brother Bei!”

Yan Soul and Profound Soul looked at Chen Xiaobei with adoration, and said, “When Brother Bei came out, when did he ever setback? Only the enemy can’t do it! Our Brother Bei will always be the most darling!”

“Yes! Brother Bei is the best! The battle is invincible! Whatever you want!”

Ghost King passed away nodded again and again, and then glanced at Master Qu Hua disdainfully, taunted: “As for these idiots who dare to fight against Brother Bei, it is purely to die! Come to die one, come to die two pairs!”

“If you want to kill, kill… No need to talk nonsense…” Master Qu Hua is a reincarnated Ancient Immortal, and naturally he will not beg for mercy.

“Want to die? Not so easy!”

Chen Xiaobei moved his mind and directly extracted Master Quhua’s Cultivation and sent it into the profound body within the body.

Although Master Quhua’s Fleshy body is not there, Xuan Po also has no Fleshy body.

After gaining strength, Profound Soul possessed Peak Stage Earth Immortal Cultivation, and at the same time, the Ice Wing Junior’s magic body also reached the strength of Peak Stage Earth Immortal, instantly raising a great level.

Later, Chen Xiaobei used the secret technique to cancel the Heart Demon contract, allowing Xuan Po to enjoy this promotion without side effects.

“Brother Bei! I also want to improve Cultivation!” Yan Soul stopped flying and flew to Chen Xiaobei to protest.

“Relax! There are so many enemies this time! There must be a copy for you!” Chen Xiaobei smiled indifferently, and none of the remaining ten or nine enemies wanted to run.

“Then I can rest assured!” Yan Soul smiled happily.

“6 ears, this guy has only soul left now, can you still be him?” Chen Xiaobei asked.

“Can it be… but I don’t want to get weaker…” Six-Eared Macaque looked sad.

“Relax! Wait until I have enough Spirit Stone to turn you into a half-step Heavenly Immortal, no problem!” Chen Xiaobei said with great expectation: “But now, I just want to know the secret in this guy’s memory quickly!”

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