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“Isn’t that obvious? Tianshi is the time for Second Senior Sister and your Crossing Tribulation!”

Chen Xiaobei said solemnly: “If I guessed right, the original old thief gave Senior Sister your instruction is to smooth Crossing Tribulation instead of killing me! Then, between Killing Me and Crossing Tribulation, Second Senior Sister will definitely do his best. Crossing Tribulation!”

“In addition, since Second Senior Sister dared to come out at this time, it means that you have enough strength to resist Heavenly Tribulation!”

“As a result, Second Senior Sister can neither kill me, but also help me resist the power of Heavenly Tribulation, then I can naturally get a glimmer of survival!”

Chen Xiaobei eyebrow raised, said: “This is the importance of time! The enemy has missed this step, and it is impossible to take my life!”

“Good plot against!” Jin Ling Holy Mother heard Chen Xiaobei’s remarks and could not help sighing: “Section Cult has you to chase the wind, it is a great luck!”

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Xiaobei was finally sighed in relief: “With the phrase Senior Senior Sister, I would have escaped today!”

Obviously, Jin Ling Holy Mother has admitted that Chen Xiaobei’s plot against is completely correct.

First of all, the instruction received by the Holy Mother of Holy Spirit is indeed Crossing Tribulation.

Because of her special identity, she has great value for Primeval Lord of Heaven.

Therefore, Primeval Lord of Heaven has no intention of letting her deal with Chen Xiaobei at all, but only hopes that she can Crossing Tribulation as soon as possible and go to Heavenly Realm to help increase the power of interpretation!

This point, Chen Xiaobei is extremely accurate!

Reincarnated Earth Immortal must follow the instructions of the owner of the contract!

In this way, Jin Ling Holy Mother will not give up Crossing Tribulation in order to kill Chen Xiaobei!

Secondly, Jin Ling Holy Mother has enough strength to resist Heavenly Tribulation.

You know, other Peak Stage Earth Immortal are very afraid of Heavenly Tribulation, and no one dares to say that they can succeed with 100% Crossing Tribulation.

However, Jin Ling Holy Mother dare to step out of Independent Space and take the initiative to respond.

This is enough to show that she has full confidence that she can successfully pass Heavenly Tribulation and becoming Immortal.

This point, Chen Xiaobei gave the right!

Since Jin Ling Holy Mother can resist Heavenly Tribulation, the closer you are to her, the safer it is!

Because of this, Chen Xiaobei has been controlling Flying Nimbus since just now, and moved towards Jinling Holy Mother.

“You are really smart!”

Jin Ling Holy Mother said in a complex mood: “Today, you can not only escape a disaster, but also get a great opportunity!”

“The opportunity?”

Chen Xiaobei expression started slightly and was shocked happily said: “Yes! I almost forgot! 6 ears have said, as long as the Crossing Tribulation person successfully knocks on the door of Heavenly Realm! There will be some special opportunities, taking advantage of the door of Heavenly Realm. The gap falls into Human Realm!”

“You shouldn’t die today!”

Jin Ling Holy Mother slowly raised her head, looked towards the thickest and greatest azure thunderbolt in the sky, lightly saying: “Hope you can come to Heavenly Realm alive, when the time comes, I will clean up you by hand!”

“Second Senior Sister, rest assured!”

Chen Xiaobei grinned and said, “I will go to Heavenly Realm alive, when the time comes, I will personally let you regain your freedom!”

“bang! !!”

Chen Xiaobei tone barely fell, the blue thunder locked by Jin Ling Holy Mother, has suddenly fallen down!

That horrible thunderbolt spans million li, the thickest place, with a radius of ten thousand li, which is countless times larger than any Dragon City that Chen Xiaobei has seen!

Needless to say, the power of it.

From the perspective of speed and strength, I am afraid that it has reached the power of 1–Star Heavenly Immortal Late Stage.

This does indeed meet Six-Eared Macaque’s estimate, that is, the strongest power of the outbreak of the Dragon Slayer, and it is absolutely unable to resist the power of a tribulation thunder.

Seeing the scene before me, even Chen Xiaobei was surprised and secretly snorted: “Under such a terrible power, the chance of success of the ordinary Peak Stage Earth Immortal Crossing Tribulation is probably lower than the chance of winning the lottery jackpot! No wonder! , Realm of Earthly Immortals trillion 100000000 million years, the person who succeeded in Crossing Tribulation is almost can be counted on one’s fingers!”

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaobei couldn’t help worrying.

Although Jin Ling Holy Mother has reached the realm of the legendary half-step Heavenly Immortal. But is she really capable of carrying the power of Heavenly Immortal?

10000 Yi Jinling Holy Mother Crossing Tribulation fails, Chen Xiaobei will lose a second-level Senior Senior Sister whose face value and background are top!

Just thinking about it is very, very sorry!

However, in just one second, Chen Xiaobei has understood that his worries are more than that!

“Bang… long long long ……”

I saw that the incomparable gigantic blue thunder suddenly blasted on the golden light around the Jinling Holy Mother. Although a violent shock broke out, it couldn’t shake the golden light! Nothing hurts Jin Ling Holy Mother!

Jin Ling Holy Mother is still suspended in the golden light, quiet and elegant, as if Fairy in the painting, even the hair does not fluctuate at all.

Even Chen Xiaobei, who was hiding behind the golden light, was safe and sound. There was no other problem except that the eardrums were shocked.

“Is it just star burst Qinglei? It’s too boring…”

Among the beautiful eyes of Jin Ling Holy Mother, there was a deep disappointment, her red lips lightly opened, and she said three words indifferently: “Scatter it…”


In the next moment, the golden light around the Holy Mother of Holy Spirit suddenly erupted and transformed into a huge golden wishful image.

“bang! bang! Bang… ”

I saw that the huge golden Ruyi suddenly pushed back up, and between the swings, the Qinglei failed to defeat the army, and retreated.

Immediately afterwards, Golden Ruyi took advantage of the chase and directly crashed into the black cloud!

Vertical and horizontal, invincible!

Where golden light passed, tribulation thunder exploded one after another, and even the black cloud that was as thick as the sea was forcibly torn apart by a crack running through 10,000,000 li!

From the cracks, the blue sky revealed, and 7 colorful divine splendor scattered!

“Then… is that the gate of Heavenly Realm?”

In a trance, Chen Xiaobei saw a gate carved like a white jade in the center of the 7-color divine splendor!

The door opened slowly, and the scene behind Chen Xiaobei could not see clearly, only to see more colorful divine splendor scattered down.

“Chen Zhufeng, your luck is really good!”

Jin Ling Holy Mother said lightly, and at the same time, her body had been shrouded in 7 colorful divine splendors, and began to fly out of the gate of moved towards Heavenly Realm.

“My luck?”

Chen Xiaobei settled down and immediately drove Flying Nimbus to catch up.


On the way forward, the 7-color divine splendor also scattered on Chen Xiaobei’s body, as if the spring rain fell into the soil, and was integrated into Chen Xiaobei’s within the body.

There is no doubt that this is Chen Xiaobei’s chance! It is also referred to as “good luck” by Holy Mother!

However, Jin Ling Holy Mother quickly entered the door, and the door of Heavenly Realm was closed.


Chen Xiaobei absorbed the last divine splendor, and then scattered directly to Flying Nimbus, the whole person moved towards the sea and fell!

When he fell, his eyes were full of surprises! Of course, killing intent is also brewing!

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