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“Speak! Each and everyone, isn’t it just arrogant? Why don’t you dare to let a fart go now?”

Chen Xiaobei asked with cold eyes on the No. 300 man of China.

“We counseled…we dare not…please Mr. Chen let us go…”

“Mr. Chen spare my life please… I promise, from now on, I will never dare to be an enemy again… I will never dare to approach Northern Profound Sect half a step…”

“Mr. Chen Rao Ming… I beg you… we will never dare…”

All around, howling, and more than 300 people are all counseling.

Even the more powerful American forces were quickly wiped out by Chen Xiaobei. The No. 300 man of the Huaxia forces had no choice but to beg for mercy.

“I am very reasonable!”

Chen Xiaobei indifferently said: “The following people are all ordered to act, and I can’t hold them accountable! But the three leaders are all directed at my life, this account must be counted!”

As soon as this remark came out, more than 300 subordinates were sighed in relief, and I was very grateful to Chen Xiaobei, forgiving them so generously.

However, the three leaders were miserable, his face pale instantly, his heart tightened, and his body shivered.

Chen Xiaobei’s thunderous method, they are all seen with their own eyes, Chen Xiaobei want to settle the bill, they simply can’t afford it.

“Mr. Chen! I just want to get back the water-cutting knife… I never said I wanted your life…” Qi Congying explained quickly, trying to clear the relationship.

Chen Xiaobei said disdainfully: “Xu Changqing lost the water-cutting bet, why did you take it back?”

“Yes! Mr. Chen is right! The water-cutting knife belongs to you…I don’t want it…I don’t want it now, not even in the future…” Qi Congying said trembling with fear.

“Hmph! I don’t like you like this person with 2 sides and 3 knives!” Chen Xiaobei said disdainfully: “Now, of course, you don’t! Before the war, if I can’t get a water-cutting knife, would you spare your life?”

“This…” Qi Congying’s expression was stunned, his eyes flashing, and he had betrayed him.

As a matter of fact, when Luo Family Manor was conpelled by circumstances admitting that he had not planted, he already wanted to kill Chen Xiaobei, but now he has never thought about Chen Xiaobei’s life. It can’t be more hypocritical!

“I’m not so easy to fool!” Chen Xiaobei coldly said: “at first, I said, those who want my life, first prepare your own life! You guys when I say play? Those rice guys Is a role model!”

“Mr. Chen! If you have any request, just mention it, as long as we can spare us… We will agree to anything…” Zhou Jianyu said quickly.

“Yes, yes… we must agree…” Han Wuchang and Qi Congying desperately nodded.

Divine Blood Slash Xian Tu is still floating above Chen Xiaobei’s head. Chen Xiaobei wants to kill them, it is easier than killing chickens.

“OK! Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance!” Chen Xiaobei indifferently said: “Contact your Sect and send 10000 Spirit Stones to me in one day, as your life money!”

“What!? 10000 Spirit Stone!?” The three guys hearing this, their eyes almost didn’t pop out.

For the Earth forces, 10000 Spirit Stone is simply astronomical.

At the beginning, the treasury of the island country plus the treasure of the emperor, only had 8,000 Spirit Stone.

3 The Spirit Stone reserve of the Peak Ancient sect is of course much richer than the island country, but asking them to take out 10000 Spirit Stone in one breath is definitely more painful than cutting their meat!

“Why? Do you think your life is not worth 10000 Spirit Stone?” Chen Xiaobei eyebrow raised asked.

“Value! Of course! We will contact Sect…”

The three guys did not dare to hesitate and immediately took out their phones and contacted their respective Sect.

There is no doubt that Spirit Stone is gone and you can make money. If a person dies, then nothing will happen.

At this point, they all knew very well that they did not dare to play any tricks. They all explained on the phone that Spirit Stone must be sent before tomorrow.

Fortunately, their status in their respective Sects is not low, and the three sects Sect Master will certainly save them even if they cut the meat and bleed.

“Okay, the following people can get out of business. These three teasers stay. I will hand it to Spirit Stone tomorrow, and I will let go!”

Chen Xiaobei waved his big hand, and the bloody ability of the 300 subordinates disappeared at the same time.

“Thank Chen Xiaobei for not killing…Thank you Mr. Chen…Thank you so much…”

More than 300 people, 1000 en, 10000 thanks, from the bottom of my heart, thank Chen Xiaobei.

After all, Chen Xiaobei wants to kill them, just like killing a group of ants, it only takes a single thought to do it, but Chen Xiaobei has let them go, as long as this kind of kindness is not a wolf-hearted person, he will be truly grateful!

Soon, more than 300 people ran away.

“Come! Open your mouth to take medicine!”

Chen Xiaobei walked over and gave Zhou Jianyu, impermanence, Qi Congying, and fed a small bottle of Spirit Bewildering Powder, which directly caused these three teasers to fall into a deep coma.

If there is no cure, it is enough to let them sleep for 3 days and 3 nights.

Obviously, the ability impossible of Divine Blood Slash Xiantu has always existed, let these three people sleep, Chen Xiaobei can sit back and relax.

3 people dared not resist, and after eating Spirit Bewildering Powder, they fell into a coma.

Chen Xiaobei was sighed in relief, and took back Divine Blood Slash fairy map.

The head of the 48 blood gods returned to the scroll, and the blood color of the entire space gradually faded away, returning to dullness.

“Immortal Grade is good, but it is too expensive!”

Chen Xiaobei secretly snorted: “The previously injected 30000 Spirit Stone was burned like this… next time I want to turn it on again, I have to wait for 3 Sect to send me compensation!”

Divine Blood Slash fairy map, open once, it will consume Spirit Qi equivalent to 30000 low grade Spirit Stone.

Chen Xiaobei had 50000 before, and now there are 2 10000 left. I don’t want to open it again.

It is for this reason that Chen Xiaobei proposed to send the three funny Sects to 3 Spirit Stone.

In this way, Chen Xiaobei uses Divine Blood Slash fairy map this time, it is equal to free.

Not only experimented with Immortal Grade, but also survived the robbery, the last Spirit Stone does not need to spend, pay a small price for big rewards in return, is One Word-Cool!


But at this moment, the sky dropped an object very fast. That speed was so fast that Spirit Qi’s objects rubbing against the air smoke.


As soon as Chen Xiaobei turned his head, the object hit the ground at the far end.

The earth cracked and sag, the dust was flying all over the sky, and the power was so great that Chen Xiaobei involuntarily thought of meteorites outside the sky.

However, from the dust in the sky, a Daoist came out.


Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed, and the whole person suddenly became alert.

“You are Chen Xiaobei? I’m Osnoll! I’m here to take you back to the United States!” The comer grinned and said with a malicious smile: “Come and follow me, otherwise you’ll die better than life!” “

“Osnur?” Chen Xiaobei narrowed his eyes, and was shocked: “You…Your Cultivation turned out to be…Earth Immortal!”

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