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“Patriarch, it turns out! I’m not at all the wrong person!”

9 Ye said solemnly, with a trace of pride on his face.

After all, Chen Xiaobei’s position as a guest of honor was given by the 9th Lord. If Chen Xiaobei could not sit firmly in this position, he would hit the 9th Lord’s face, but when Chen Xiaobei sat firmly, that would be a face raise for 9th Lord!

“Yes! Old 9 Not only did you read the wrong person! And the most important guest after Calderon Demi-God was brought to my Rothschild family!”

Patriarch said excitedly: “I announce! From now on, Mr. Chen is the Supreme VIP of my Rothschild family! The status is equivalent to Calderon Demi-God!”

“Including me, all family members must respect Mr. Chen, like respecting Demi-God, who dares to neglect, family law disposal!”

As soon as this statement came out, both Master 9 and Fack were shocked.

Although I thought that Patriarch would change my opinion on Chen Xiaobei, but 10000 10000 unexpectedly, Patriarch would actually value Chen Xiaobei to such a point!

Put a little young man in his twenties into the equal sign with the highly respected Calderon Demi-God!

This is definitely a record that has never been approached and will never be approached again!

Hearing these words, Calderon on the side didn’t make any sense. It seemed to be the default. Let Chen Xiaobei sit on his own!

There is no doubt that Calderon is definitely not a good speaker, but the formidable power of Divine Blood Slash fairy map has a strong impact on Calderon’s heart.

Calderon could not understand the depth of Chen Xiaobei, lest Chen Xiaobei have terrifying existence support beyond Earth Immortal, so he had to accept Chen Xiaobei on an equal footing.

“I have another thing to announce!”

Patriarch continued: “From now on, it is officially established that Fack will be the next heir to the Rothschild family!”

“Is this… is this true…” Fak suddenly stunned.

You know, before that, Fack was almost the younger generation of the family, and he had the least hope of becoming an heir.

But now, Fuck is ascending to the skies with a single leap, and is directly on the Peak Stage of the younger generation of the family.

Of course, Fack was very clear in his heart that it was all Chen Xiaobei’s credit for such a result.

“of course it’s true!”

Patriarch said with a smile: “From today on, you will be ready to inherit the family cause, at the same time, at all costs, you should pay Mr. Chen! Remember?”

“Remember!” Fak was nodded, sighing in his heart.

Before this battle, Patriarch was as disdainful as Chen Xiaobei 100, but after World War I, Chen Xiaobei was paid so much attention.

Even the purpose of confirming the family heir is to make Chen Xiaobei more convenient.

That sentence should still be said, powerhouse is respected!

Chen Xiaobei holds Divine Blood Slash fairy picture, in the eyes of others, naturally is the innocent noble Paragon!


Gufeng Mountain.

“Hu…this is incredible…”

Liu Xuanxin let out a sigh of relief, and the whole person eased down: “Xiaobei is indeed an extraordinary person, I was almost scared to death, he reversed the battle so easily! It’s incredible…”


Liu Xiyuan nodded, said: “Even if I borrowed 10000 brains from the old man, I would never dare to imagine that Xiaobei could win! If you don’t see it with your own eyes, you can’t believe it if you kill the old man!

“It’s all right now, let’s go back…” Liu Xuanxin indifferently said.

“Go back?” Liu Xiyuan said: “You should go to Xiaobei!”

“Look for him?” Liu Xuanxin expression started slightly, and said, “What do you look for him? I don’t want to look for him!”

“Isn’t that what you said just now? If you don’t let Xiaobei see your true face, you will regret it for life! Do you forget?” Liu Xiyuan asked with a smile.

“Grandfather! You even overheard me talking!” Liu Xuanxin pretty face slightly red, snorted.

“Old man didn’t eavesdrop, you can’t help but say it, as long as you’re not deaf, you can hear it!” Liu Xiyuan said happily: “Go! Find Xiaobei to make it clear! Men chase women across the mountain, women chase men. Layer of yarn!”

“Pei pei pei! Who is going to chase him? Grandfather talk nonsense, I ignore you!” Liu Xuanxin shyly, stomped his feet, flew directly down the mountain, disappeared within a few seconds.


American Air Force One.

“How is this possible… How is this possible… Chen! Little! North! I’m going to kill you! I must kill you!”

The President of the United States had a greasy expression, his head scratched frantically, and his teeth bite’creak creak’.

At this time, he thought he could easily catch Chen Xiaobei alive, but it was good. Chen Xiaobei was safe and sound. The 300 man he sent was completely destroyed.

Typical trying to gain an advantage only to end up worse off, pretending not to be defeated! It’s stupid enough to explode!

Beside, Osnur Demi-God’s face is also very ugly, and his cheeks are hot and hot, as if they were slapped.

Just a few minutes ago, Osnoll also solemnly vowed to watch Three Great Powerhouses catch Little Monkey!

It’s good, Little Monkey didn’t catch it, Three Great Powerhouses became 3 skeletons! Don’t make this face too loud!

“Adult President! Let me go and grab Chen Xiaobei!” Osnur said calmly.

“Are you going?” The president’s expression froze, shaking his head again and again: “Did you not see? Chen Xiaobei has an Immortal Grade in his hand! What can you do when you go?”

Osnur said: “It is indeed an Immortal Grade! But it does not at all exert its full power! According to my observation, Evil Ghost Formation is incomplete and should only be able to kill martial artists of Earth Immortal level!”

“Are you sure?” The President of the United States hesitated.

“I confirm!”

Osnoll was nodded, and said: “And, to start Immortal Grade, Chen Xiaobei must need a huge amount of Spiritual Qi! Whether he can start the second time is a problem! I am going now, I can just kill him completely unprepared !”

“Be that as it may, but now, we are still on the plane!” President of the United States frowns saying.

“If it is correct, we are about to pass through Dragon City! Open the door directly, and I will dropping from the sky and give Chen Xiaobei a surprise!” Osnur said firmly.

“Okay! That’s it! Act now!” President of the United States made a decision immediately.

“But… I’m a little worried, I passed away, who will guarantee your safety?” Osnoll frowns saying.

“What’s there to worry about? I’m flying to an island country! That’s our own territory! My safety will not cause any problems!” The President of the United States said confidently.

“Okay! That’s it!”

Osnoll got up and walked to the hatch in the middle of the plane.

“Master Demi-God, give you a parachute…” said a flight attendant.

“No need! Just open the door!” Osnoll said indifferently.

“Yes…” The flight attendant swallowed saliva and said, unbelievably opened the cabin door.

Osnoll even jumped from the height of 1000 meters without blinking his eyes!

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