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“Hmph hmph! didn’t expect? In your Chinese words, this is called, mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind!”

Osnoll sneered and said, “How is it? Are you going to be obediently surrender directly? Or are you going to symbolically resist?”

Obviously, in Osnour’s view, Chen Xiaobei is fundamentally his opponent, even if he resists, it is only symbolic and does not play any substantial role.

Hearing this, Chen Xiaobei brows tightly knit, the heart is extremely nervous, and it is completely impossible to refute the other party’s words.

You know, the most powerful hole card in Chen Xiaobei’s hand is Divine Blood Slash, but Chen Xiaobei currently has only 2 10000 Spirit Stone, which is not enough to start this Immortal Grade!

Even more how, Divine Blood Slash has only 48 blood gods in the fairy map, far below the number of 10000 ghosts, even if it is activated, it can’t defeat Osnoll.

Of course, Chen Xiaobei also has a nuclear bomb that can kill Earth Immortal!

But the question is, how many Chinese compatriots will be killed when a nuclear bomb is thrown out in Dragon City?

Even more how, the nuclear bomb was really thrown out, and Chen Xiaobei couldn’t run away himself!

The impact of the nuclear explosion can be offset by the main puppet, but the radiation fission after the explosion and the temperature higher than the solar core are enough to make Chen Xiaobei scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!

Divine Blood Slash fairy maps and nuclear bombs can not be used, Chen Xiaobei has almost nowhere to go.

Earth Immortal’s cutting edge is not what Chen Xiaobei can resist now. Once the battle starts, Chen Xiaobei will definitely lose!

“Who are you! Why did you catch me!”

Chen Xiaobei’s complexion, he can only find ways to delay the time to see if there are variables.

“Hehe, anyway, you can’t escape my palm today, so I will tell you with compassion!”

Osnur said proudly: “I am the Presidential Palace of the United States and I dedicate Demi-God, Osnur! The purpose of coming today is to catch you back!”

“Then use your life to exchange Lin Court Academecian’s research results! If the Chinese official pays enough attention to you, maybe you can exchange it with Hou Court Academecian!”

“You can only blame yourself for bad luck! Yesterday, Mr. President visited Europe and was ready to fly to the island country in the afternoon. Just now the plane passed over Dragon City, so I went straight down!”

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Xiaobei’s brow furrowed tighter.

It’s not easy to survive the previous wave of robbery, and another more horrible robbery, how could you be so bad luck?

Is this also the curse of the archaic big witch? Isn’t it too bad?

“Why don’t you speak? Are you scared? Scared?”

Osnur narrowed his eyes and disdaind said with a smile: “Come with me, don’t do unnecessary resistance, it’s just a waste of time!”

“Afraid? The person you’re afraid should be you!” Chen Xiaobei was already very anxious at the moment, but his strong state of mind and superb acting skills made him still look calm.

At this moment the enemy is strong, if Chen Xiaobei shows fear, the opponent will immediately make a strong shot!

On the contrary, if Chen Xiaobei can remain calm, he can make the enemy have some scruples and not show his cards so quickly.

Sure enough, Osnour expression started slightly, and asked, “en? Listening to your tone, do you still have a secret weapon in your hand?”

“Secret weapon?”

Chen Xiaobei himself was also started, and suddenly divine light flashed and affirmed in his mind: “Of course! Even if you are Earth Immortal, I want you to be defeated!”

“En?” Osnour hearing this, his eyes full of suspicion.

If ordinary people say such things, Osnur will not believe it at all and will just take the shot.


These words come from Chen Xiaobei’s mouth, then I have to ask Osnur to think deeply!

After all, the fierce power of Divine Blood Slash Xiantu is still vivid, and Osnour dare not guarantee that Chen Xiaobei can come up with other Immortal Grade!

If Chen Xiaobei really had secret weapons, wouldn’t Osnoll want gutter to turn over the ship?

“Get me off immediately! Otherwise, I will let you die without a whole corpse!”

Chen Xiaobei flipped his wrist and extracted a green bottle bottle gourd directly from the space ring!

The surface of the bottle gourd has a metal-like luster, and there are auspicious clouds and halos around it, which is beyond compare.

“This… what is this!?” Osnur instantly tense up, stepping back three consecutive times, staring at Chen Xiaobei with vigilance.

At first glance, that treasure bottle gourd is a rare treasure that is not available on Earth. Osnur cannot eat deep or deep, and can only retreat firmly to avoid being completely unprepared by Chen Xiaobei.

“Osnur! You call you, do you dare to agree?” Chen Xiaobei pointed bottle gourd at Osnur, the sad child with a smile.

“This…” Osnour suddenly looked bold and bold, and said in a denial: “What do you mean?”

Chen Xiaobei said with a smile: “Have you ever seen “Journey to the West”? The purple golden bottle gourd of the silver horn king, shouting the name of the enemy, as long as the enemy dares to agree, it will be included in the bottle gourd and become a whole body. Pussy to death!”

“What? “Journey to the West”?” Osnur said disdainfully: “What are you doing when I am a 3-year-old child! The King of Silver Horns! Why don’t you say you are God?”

“Don’t you believe it? Then promise me to give it a try!” Chen Xiaobei shouted: “Osnur! I called you, do you dare to agree?”

“I… I still don’t believe this evil! How could the fictional treasure in mythology exist in the world!”

Osnoll shook his heart, shouted loudly: “I dare! I am Osnoll here!”

“En?” Chen Xiaobei expression froze for a moment, suddenly showing a nervous face.

Because Emperor Qing’s Immortal Gourd simply does not have the ability of purple golden bottle gourd, Osnur agreed that nothing would happen.

“You’re a little funny! Sure enough, it’s acting! It’s stupid! Hahaha…” Osnol laughed proudly.

“Osnur! I call you, do you dare to agree!” Chen Xiaobei knows that it is invalid, but still has to ask questions, obviously acting.

“Lao’zi is here!” Osnoir was completely fearless and shouted loudly.

“Osnur! Do you dare to agree?” Chen Xiaobei asked again.

“Why not dare! Even if you ask 1000 times and 10000 times, Lao’zi will also answer correctly!” Osnoll said arrogantly.

Obviously, in his view, the bottle gourd in Chen Xiaobei’s hand is just a waste that looks impressive but is worthless that’s all, there is no egg at all.

“Osnur! I want to earn you Emperor Qing’s Immortal Gourd. Do you dare to agree?” Chen Xiaobei remarked and suddenly changed the question.

“Dare! Dare! Dare! Lao’zi why not dare! hahaha…” Osnol laughed proudly.


In the next moment, Osnore’s body suddenly shrank, becoming like a flying insect, and was directly sucked into Emperor Qing’s Immortal Gourd.

“WTF! Successful!”

Chen Xiaobei immediately covered Emperor Qing’s Immortal Gourd, his face revealing infinite surprise.

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