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With a wave of intense and extreme energy fluctuations, the originally clear and colorless underground lake surface suddenly showed bleeding rays of light!

Rays of light sway, like a flame, making the lake directly into a fire sea.

“This… what’s going on!?”

Zhou Xiaokun started, he stopped quickly, and never dared to approach the channel again.

Want to retreat, but it is too late.

“My God…this…these blood lights…why are my feet entangled…no…I can’t move…help…help…”

Zhou Xiaokun’s pupils tightened, as if hell, staring at his legs.

I saw that the scarlet rays of light extended from the lake like tentacles of an octopus, directly entangled the wrinkled legs.

What is even more unimaginable is that light is not an entity, but Zhou Xiaokun is firmly wrapped in place, unable to move in half a step.

“Xiaobei! What the hell is going on?” Luo Puti frowned.

She was the person who wanted to enter the ancient country most. When she saw the scene before her, she suddenly began to worry about herself.

Even if Zhou Xiaokun can’t get in, isn’t he even more inaccessible?

“The energy fluctuates strongly, and ordinary people are imprisoned. This is obviously an array!”

Chen Xiaobei narrowed his eyes and said, “Unsurprisingly, this is the 10000 ghost formation that guards the underground gate of the ancient country!”

“10000…10000 Ghost formation…”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone around him sucked in a breath, and his heart was filled with fear.

In this matter, Chen Xiaobei only told Luo Puti that everyone had no psychological preparation at all, and naturally could not restrain the emotion of fear.

“Help! Help…”

Zhou Xiaokun’s wailing became more and more fierce, because a more terrifying scene appeared again in the bloody fire sea.

I saw that a giant Evil Ghost with ten meters high, slowly emerged from the middle of the bloody fire sea, staring at Zhou Xiaokun from the top.

This Evil Ghost is not only huge, but also very strange.

There are no feet, nothing is bloody below the waist, and above the waist it looks like a human figure.

but! The whole body was covered with ghost eyes the size of palms! The huge body with ten meters height has at least 1000 eyes!

Just looking at its appearance, it’s called have one’s hair stand on end!

It is worth mentioning that its shape is the same as that of the previous Evil Ghost patrol, and it manifests itself.

Even people without Eyes of Yin-Yang can see it.

Zhou Xiaokun was almost scared to urinate, trembling, and wailing: “Help…Mr. Chen, help… As long as you save me again, I will give you 3 pieces…No! I will give you 1 Spiritual Artifacts! Please help me…”

Chen Xiaobei is too lazy to care about him, only concentrate attention completely to observe the 1000 eyes Evil Ghost! At the same time, be careful to guard against the changes of the large array!

Since it is a 10000 ghost formation, it is impossible only this one Evil Ghost!

“Mr. Chen… what should I do now? Are we going to retreat…” Zhuo Qunfeng’s voice trembles a little, apparently already anxious.

Everyone around looked at Chen Xiaobei and regarded Chen Xiaobei as the backbone. As long as Chen Xiaobei gave an order, they would immediately run away.

“That’s too late!”

However, Chen Xiaobei took the head, slowly turned his head, looked towards behind him.

Everyone followed Chen Xiaobei’s gaze and looked towards behind them together.

Suddenly! Everyone’s heart tightened, cold sweat came out of his forehead, and he couldn’t help shaking.

I see! Behind the long cave, countless Evil Ghosts flooded like a flood broke out!

Each Evil Ghost has a very fast speed, I am afraid that Combat Force will not be under a thousand thousand! From the appearance, it is very similar to the Evil Ghost encountered before.

It’s just that these Evil Ghosts are all shining with bloody rays of light, turning the entire space into a bloody netherworld!

“The name of this desert is called Taklamakan, which means’There is no return’!”

At this moment, the 1000-eyed Evil Ghost above the bloody fire sea said in an extremely eerie tone: “Since you are all already here, don’t even want to go!”

tone barely fell, a more terrifying scene appeared!

“Shua … shua … shua …”

Among those ghost eyes on Evil Ghost’s 1000 eyes, a lot of ghost shadows were sprayed out like fountains!

Ten ghost shadows are sprayed out from each ghost eye, with a total of 10000 ghosts, all floating above the bloody fire sea!

In that battle, it was like an army of fierce ghosts that was ready to go. No one dared to go against it!

It seems that this is the real 10000 ghost formation, and the number of interception behind him is 1000 Evil Ghost, probably all of the dark river patrol!

“sou! sou! Oh…”

In the next moment, 10000 of the 100 ghosts rushed out and rushed directly to Zhou Xiaokun.

“No… don’t come near me…let me go…I don’t want to die…”

Zhou Xiaokun uttered a bleak cry, the fear had penetrated into the bone marrow, and I was really afraid of the extreme.

However, his legs were imprisoned by blood light, and he could not move at all. He could only watch a few hundred ghosts pounce on himself.

“Oh…Oh! Ooh…”

It only took a few seconds to hear the sounds of torn skin and flesh, and Zhou Xiaokun had only one bone left, not even the slightest flesh and blood!

The ghost eyes of those little ghosts split a jagged slit from the middle, and turned out to be their mouths!

Still chewing on Zhou Xiaokun’s flesh!


Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone around them took a breath of gas, because they were all among the rivers and lakes, and had experienced the blood and rain, barely able to withstand the horror in front of them.

If the common people see this picture, I am afraid that they will be scared to death immediately!

“Too terrifying… A few hundred ghosts directly killed First Senior Brother… There are a total of 100 imps here, we can’t run any of them…”

“Not only that, there are a few 1000 Evil Ghost patrols behind him, there are intercepts in the front, and there are chasing soldiers in the back! We have nowhere to go…”

“It’s dead…it’s really dead this time…Mr. Chen can’t protect us all no matter how powerful!”


Suddenly, the feeling of despair spread in the crowd.

There is no one who thinks he still has a chance to live. In such a situation, unless Divine Immortal goes down, otherwise, it is simply pulling strongly against a crazy tide!

“It seems that you are still very self-aware! Today, you are all dead! In front of the 10000 ghost formation, no one can live! hahaha…”

1000 eyes Evil Ghost laughed, his tone full of disdain for everyone.

Hearing this, the panic of the people intensified again, and despair completely enveloped their state of mind, even letting them give up resistance and wait for death quietly!

At this moment, only Chen Xiaobei can remain calm, shouted in a deep voice: “Bodhi! Keep your Buddha treasure behind me!”


Luo Puti settled down, Qingxin Gudie had been carrying it close to his body, immediately took it out, held it with both hands, and faced 10000 1000 Evil Ghost like a flood.

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