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Ding Dingao directly rushed out, and the violent True Astral suddenly surged, directly transforming into a pair of huge gruesome ghost claws!

“Yes… that’s the trick! Ding Dingao used it to tear sandstorms, and the poison brake broke his heart!”

“My God! True Astral fluctuation is so strong! It feels 30% stronger than when he tears sandstorms!”

“How is this good? Mr. Chen will be torn in half!”

“Moreover, as long as you touch the body with the pair of ghost claws, you will be poisoned! Ding Dingao cultivation poisoning, is not just talking about playing!”

“Mr. Chen! Hurry up! What time is it, are you still drinking??”

Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone around him made an eager exclamation, and his heart had already mentioned his throat.


Chen Xiaobei, like everyone else, opened Green Jade bottle gourd and looked up to’drink’.

Although the action is chic, he quickly anxiously killed everyone around him.

The great experts of 130,000 Combat Force have all killed their faces. You are still drinking, and it is not such a way to die!

“Don’t worry about it, Mr. Chen has won…”

At this moment, Zhuo Qunfeng stood up and said tangledly.

The reason for the entanglement is because Zhuo Qunfeng’s heart cannot imagine how Chen Xiaobei will win? But as long as he saw Green Jade bottle gourd, Zhuo Qunfeng knew that Chen Xiaobei had won.

“Already won… how is this possible…”

Everyone around was dumbfounded and could not believe Zhuo Qunfeng’s words at all.

Even Zhou Xiaokun, who was not far away, looked sideways and disdainfully: “Zhuo Qunfeng! Have you been brainwashed by that little bastard? It’s just him? What’s the winner?”

On this side, Ding Dingao already laughed wildly: “No doubt, this little bastard has been scared by me! Watch me kill him! Luo Puti is mine! hahaha…”

“Poison brake tears heart!”

Along with Ding Dingao’s angry roar, the tremendous pair of ghostly claws suddenly burst out!

At first, the two claws are closed, like a sharp blade, you need to directly pierce Chen Xiaobei’s chest, and tear Chen Xiaobei into 2 halves directly from the center!

Ding Dingao used this move when he first encountered a sandstorm.

However, the sandstorm at that time was only equivalent to one hundred thousand Combat Force, plus Zhou Xiaokun joined forces, so Ding Dingao did not do his best!

But this time is different, Ding Dingao has used all one’s strength, and the Celestial Manifestation Peak Stage 130,000 Combat Force has been brought to the extreme.

Undoubtedly, at this time, Ding Dingao was suffocating and wanted to kill Chen Xiaobei in one blow to revenge his arm.

“It’s over… it’s over… Mr. Chen hasn’t responded yet… is this waiting for death…”

Although Zhuo Qunfeng has forecasted the outcome of the battle, everyone around can’t believe it! This kind of preview, just like a fantasy story, a 3-year-old child knows it is fake!

However, only the next moment, everyone on the scene was completely stunned.

“Ling! 9! Xiao!”

Chen Xiaobei inadvertently covered the Green Jade bottle gourd, saying a word in the mouth one word that no one could understand.


So, everyone felt that the Purple Gold rays of light flashed, and Chen Xiaobei disappeared directly from the place!

It disappeared directly, even the shadow disappeared. This is not fast, but teleportation!

flash! Now!

Almost at the same moment, Chen Xiaobei had appeared in front of Ding Dingao.

“En? This …”

Ding Dingao’s face was bold and bold.

Because it was a direct flash at the same moment, Ding Dingao’s brain hadn’t even reacted yet.

“Peerless! Shade your legs!”

Chen Xiaobei will not give Ding Dingao any reaction time, just take out the Super Certain Kill Skill directly!

The right leg was bent backwards, and she also tried her best. Chen Xiaobei swooped hard and kicked Ding Ding proud’s crotch!

Not long ago, Ding Dingao also believed that he would win. He would tear Chen Xiaobei into two halves, and didn’t expect to dream, Chen Xiaobei would flash to himself.

So that at this moment, Ding Dingao did not prepare in half a snack, the brain couldn’t react, and there was no True Astral in his body!

Simply put, Ding Dingao’s most vulnerable parts have been completely exposed to Chen Xiaobei’s most brutal trick!


With only a muffled sound, Chen Xiaobei’s right foot had no suspense in the center of the heart.

“Ao… oh…”

Ding Dingao screamed like an old hen, and the whole person was kicked directly and flew up, like a sky monkey, mounted heavily on the top of the cave, and then fiercely smashed back to the ground.

“I… my chicken… my egg… Ao…”

Ding Dingao clutched his crotch, and howling broke out.

That kind of inhuman pain is definitely the most painful experience Ding Dingao has experienced in his life! There is nothing more painful than this!

However, what made Ding Dingao desperate even more was that his treasure was completely gone!

Xiao convex was kicked thinly by Chen Xiaobei, and the position was even recessed.

Seeing the scene in front of us, all the men present subconsciously clamped their legs, rolled their throat knots, and swallowed.

This fuck looks so painful!

“Ding Dingao, the name speaks for itself, the manhood is concave!”

Chen Xiaobei looked condescendingly at Ding Dingao with a sadistic smile!

manhood concave?

“Pu…” Ding Dingao spewed out with a bit of old blood.

from now on, join the Court Eunuch team directly, even your own name becomes unbearable to look at! Depressed to the deepest soul!

“This… what is going on here?”

Seeing the scene in front of me, all my friends were already stunned.

keep on saying Ding Dingao who wanted to kill Chen Xiaobei in seconds, but was killed by Chen Xiaobei in one second, even without losing the counterattack!

Compared with Chen Xiaobei, Ding Dingao was weak.

What makes everyone unimaginable is that Chen Xiaobei’s right leg, from the sole to the lower leg, is completely covered by the Purple Gold Dragon scales.

Although the dragon scales are slowly disappearing, such a picture still shocked everyone.

In the past 5 days, everyone has been wondering, Chen Xiaobei’s pants are broken below the knee, and the shoes are nowhere to be found.

Now finally understood the answer.

“Tell me, how do you want to die?” Chen Xiaobei asked Ding Dingao with a cold eye.

“I… I… I don’t want to die… Zhou Shao saves his life… Zhou Shao saves his life…” Ding Dingao has suffered so much that he has completely lost the combat capability. There is no other way but to call for help.

“Save…save you?”

Zhou Xiaokun expression was shocked, even turned his head and ran: “Save your sister! That kid is so horrible, I can’t save you! You can die with peace of mind!”

As he said, Zhou Xiaokun rushed to the passage around the underground lake and wanted to enter the Jinggu ancient country first.

There is no doubt that the strength shown by Chen Xiaobei has deeply shocked Zhou Xiaokun.

This product did not dare to defy Chen Xiaobei’s cutting edge, just wanted to rush into the ancient country, to see if he could get some benefits, and then find a chance to get out.

However, he was just near the underground lake, and a terrible mutation suddenly broke out!

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