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“Uh… Buddha power… so pure Buddha power…”

Several 1000 Evil Ghost patrols in the rear braked hard and stopped about 2 meters in front of Luo Puti. They dared not move forward.

It seems that Qingxin Gudie can cover a range of 2 meters.

“Everyone gets closer, the tighter the better!” Chen Xiaobei issued the order again.

There were still 22 people on the scene. After everyone got close, only half of them were squeezed into the protection scope of Qingxin Gudie.

There are still some people who need to rely on Chen Xiaobei to protect them.

Of course, this is not difficult. Chen Xiaobei owns the clean treasure of Buddha, and Evil Ghost also dare not get close.


The 1000 eyes of Evil Ghost’s 100 eyes of ghosts roared like a gust of wind, and in a blink of an eye, Ding Dingao lying on the ground broke into a bone.

“Buddha! There is also pure Buddhism protection on this kid!”

However, when the little ghosts wanted to attack the crowd, they also stopped 2 meters away in front of Chen Xiaobei, and did not dare to come close!

In this way, Chen Xiaobei guarded the front and Luo Puti guarded the back. The two Buddha treasures echoed each other, and finally enveloped everyone with the power of Buddha.

As for Ding Dingao’s death, nobody cares about it simply. His shameless behavior with Zhou Xiaokun has already made everyone chill, and no one will regret it for their death!

“I have listened to Xun Chou’s report for a long time, and you have the Buddha Treasure that restrains Evil Ghost. See you today, it really is not in vain!”

1000 eyes Evil Ghost’s eyes shifted, faintly smiled and said: “It’s a pity! No matter how powerful your Buddha treasure is, I can’t escape my palm!”

“Why can’t you escape?” Luo Puti frowned, “We only need to report to the regiment, do you dare to stop us?”

“Oh, then you might as well go ahead and see!” 1000 eyes Evil Ghost coldly smiled, the tone is full of confidence.

“I…” Luo Puti just wanted to move, but found that his legs were also entangled in bloody rays of light, making it difficult to move.

At the same time, everyone finds that their legs are imprisoned, not to mention moving forward, even if they want to run.

“What’s going on… Mr. Chen, what’s going on?”

Everyone suddenly panicked.

You know, Zhou Xiaokun of 130,000 Combat Force can’t get out of this kind of imprisonment.

“This imprisonment is the ability of the great formation! It is not the power of Evil Ghost! Fo Li can only restrain Evil Ghost, but it can’t restrain the Formation…”

Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly, said solemnly: “If you want to get out, you must break the formation!”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone’s expressions became solemn.

“Want to break the formation, easyer said than done? Zhou Xiaokun and Ding Dingao were wiped out in a few seconds. With our power, fundamentally breaking the formation!”

“Even Mr. Chen is imprisoned, breaking the formation is hopeless…it’s over…it’s really dead this time…”

“We have to escape from death, are we going to die in Evil Ghost’s hands…I am not willing to! I am not willing to!”

The people all mourned howlly.

Destiny seemed to be teasing everyone, and the despair that had just been rid of it again came down again, covering everyone’s state of mind.

“It seems that you are not stupid enough to be hopeless! You can see the situation clearly, hahaha…”

The 1000-eyed Evil Ghost laughed proudly and said, “What if you have Buddha body protection? Entwined by 10000 ghosts, you won’t be able to get out of it even if you’re in 1000 in 10000. all person!”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was even more desperate.

How can ordinary life have a lifespan of 1000 years and 10000 years? But these Evil Ghosts are 10000 immortal, they are never afraid of wasting time! Because the time they have is almost unlimited!

forcibly kill everyone, not just talk about it casually!

Even more how, everyone on the scene has not yet digged the valley, and eating and drinking is inevitable. Once the water and food are cut off, death will come soon.

“It’s dead…it’s really dead this time…”

“Mr. Chen… Do you still have a way… Come and think of a way to save us… Now we can only count on you…”

“Do you think Mr. Chen is a god? This kind of dead situation can’t be solved by anyone! Don’t embarrass Mr. Chen! He has helped us too much…”

Despair is constantly fermenting in the crowd.

Although, everyone knows that Chen Xiaobei is very strong, but in such a situation, no one dares to hope that Chen Xiaobei can break through.

After all, the horror of this 10000 ghost formation has far surpasses the average person’s tolerance.

Even if Earth Immortal enters the battle, I am afraid it will be difficult to withdraw!

In the eyes of everyone, the hope of Chen Xiaobei breaking the formation is really difficult for some strongmen.

“Don’t panic, I have a way!”

But at this moment, Chen Xiaobei suddenly opened his mouth with a simple sentence, and instantly injected a dose of stimulant to everyone.

“Really? Mr. Chen! Do you really have a way?”

“My God! Mr. Chen! You are so god!”

“Mr. Chen! Quick! Quickly crack this Formation, we escape from the desert, I will not be in the desert half a step in my life!”

Everyone was instantly excited. Chen Xiaobei’s words were like the light of hope in endless despair, which had a huge boost on morale.

Hearing this, 1000 eyes Evil Ghost made a disdainful sneer: “You brat is scared crazy? You have a way to break me 10000 ghosts? Why don’t you say that you can poke the sky into a hole?”

“You don’t need to talk nonsense, you will know the answer soon!”

Chen Xiaobei face doesn’t change, directly extract a black note from the space ring!

That’s right!

This is the magic ghost Xuanfu!

“What’s that? Trifling a Magic Talisman, why break the formation?” 1000-eyed Evil Ghost looked disdainful and didn’t believe it at all.

“The world is infinite! Qiankun borrows the law!”

Chen Xiaobei held the Zhaoxuan Xuanfu with two fingers, and shouted in a deep voice: “I! In the name of 9 Ghost Division! Call! 8 Fang Yingling, listen to my orders!”

tone barely fell, Xuan Fu instantly spontaneously ignited.

The flame is a strange dim-blue, but it is not hot, but it brings a bit of coldness!

“Shua! Shua! shua…”

In the next moment, all the 1000 Evil Ghost patrols behind the crowd rushed up, from chasing everyone to guarding everyone!

Obviously, these 1000 Evil Ghosts are all affected by Zhaogui Xuanfu, and within an hour, they will all be ordered by Chen Xiaobei.

At the same time, there are a lot of common, and emerged from the cave walls.

These common Evil Ghosts are all undead within a kilometer radius, and they are also summoned by summons and ghosts!

As for the 1000 10000-eyed ghosts released by the 100-eyed Evil Ghost, because they are already part of the 10000 ghost formation, they were sealed by the large formation, so not at all was called away by Chen Xiaobei!

Suddenly, in this huge space, a shocking picture of 10000 ghosts vs. 10000 ghosts appeared directly!

Seeing the scene before them, everyone and 1000 eyes Evil Ghost were shocked at the same time.

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