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At this critical moment, Chen Xiaobei’s eyes locked on the coastline not far away.

The island country is surrounded by the sea. From the sky, the closest coastline can be reached within ten seconds.

No matter what the Falcon fighter is, it also impossible rushed into the sea to chase Chen Xiaobei.

For Chen Xiaobei, the sea is actually no different from land, so it is appropriate to hide whereabouts.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaobei immediately put the mobile phone into the space ring and rushed to the nearest coastline at full speed!

“Report! Report! The target started flying at low altitude, it seems to be lurking into the forest, please indicate! Please indicate!”

On the fighter plane, island pilots are reporting the latest situation to the command center.

Hundreds of kilometers away from the headquarters of the island air force, the Hirakawa Universe and Ghost Rain are watching the pictures uploaded back from the large frequency screen.

“Your mission is to stare at the target! The bomber has already started, as long as you stare at the target’s direction, no matter where he is hiding, it is a dead end!”

Nichikawa Cosmos issued the latest instructions through the microphone on the podium.

“10000000 can’t let him run away!”

Ghost rain powder fist clenched, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Chen Xiaobei on the big frequency screen.

However, after the effort of these two sentences, the Hirakawa Universe and Ghost Rain were dumbfounded at the same time.

“pu pass!”

On the big screen, Chen Xiaobei did not rush into the forest, but plunged into the sea.

“Report! Report! The target rushed into the ocean! Wouldn’t it be known that he could not escape and committed suicide by throwing himself in the sea? Please indicate! Are you going back? Are you going back?”

The pilot’s report came immediately, and the tone was full of surprises, completely unable to understand Chen Xiaobei’s behavior.

“Suicide your sister! You are a pig brain! How could Chen Xiaobei commit suicide?”

Ghost Rain was so angry that he gritted his teeth, loudly said: “Your ten fighters are all scattered and changed to low-altitude flight, staring at the surface of the sea, Chen Xiaobei will report immediately as soon as he emerges! Warships and submarines will be dispatched immediately!”

“This…” The pilot was a little puzzled, how could a young girl give orders.

“What is this! Immediately execute the order!” Hiroshigawa Universe screamed, and immediately began to mobilize warships and submarines according to the words of the ghost rain.

“Your Majesty the Emperor! I think we need to go by ourselves!”

Ghost rain said solemnly: “This Chen Xiaobei is extraordinary and a little careless, we will fall short of it!”

“I rarely heard Lord Guiyu commenting on someone like this!”

The eyes of Nichikawa Universe narrowed and said, “Let’s go now and drive past the destroyer! As long as Chen Xiaobei dares to show his head, it will be his death!”

“He’s not a fish! He will definitely show his head!” Gui Yu’s voice was cold, and he was really angry with Chen Xiaobei.


The east side of the island country.

peace and security deep in the ocean.

Chen Xiaobei is diving into the seabed at an extremely fast speed.

But the strange thing is that he not at all swimming, but his hands and feet are together, and his body sinks straight, as if the buoyancy of the sea water has no effect on him!

Moreover, he did not show any signs of hypoxia, as if he could breathe in water.

What’s more unimaginable is that after approaching the seabed, all around was dark and almost 5 fingers could not be reached, but his sight was not affected in any way. During the dive, he also actively avoided many fish.

If the common people see this scene, they will be stunned and stunned.

But anyone who knows Chen Xiaobei will know that the reason why he has these abilities underwater is actually due to the big Red Envelope that was robbed in the Three Realms Red Envelope Group in the evening of New Year’s Eve!

Red Envelope from Dragon 3 Crown Prince Xiaobai Dragon, which is stuffed with a pearl in the water!

With this spirit bead, let’s not talk about venturing out of the sea, Chen Xiaobei will have no problem even living in seabed from now on!

“This position should already be very safe!”

Chen Xiaobei stood firm on a reef in the seabed.

Looking up, I am afraid that there is a distance of 1000 meters from the surface of the sea, and the fighter plane absolutely cannot threaten its own safety.

And all around is also very quiet.

Chen Xiaobei sat down on the spot and pondered secretly: “Looking at the time, should the flat peach club start soon? I’ll go around in the group first!”


When Chen Xiaobei’s heart moved, a bubble as large as a washbasin appeared in the water.

There is no moisture in the bubble, but it will not float up, so it motionlessly floats in front of Chen Xiaobei!

“Hmm! Hmm!”

Chen Xiaobei reached into the bubble, and the bubble didn’t break.

This is undoubtedly the small ability to avoid water pearls.

Chen Xiaobei’s heart moved again, and the phone was directly extracted from the space ring.

The air bubbles isolate the seawater, and the phone can operate normally.

Seabed certainly does not have a mobile phone network, but Three Realms Red Envelope Group uses Three Realms Immortal Network, not to mention the water, even Netherworld has a network!

Open the Three Realms Red Envelope Group directly, which is already lively.

Bull Demon King: Why is the time so slow? Wow? When will the flat peach finish? I can’t wait!

Wei Xiaobao: Yeah! The Flat Peach Club can only participate in Heavenly Court Divine Immortal, which is ranked in the fairy class. We can only wait here!

Howling Celestial Dog: You will be content! Without the Three Realms Red Envelope Group, how can we get the flat peach?

Diao Chan: The dog is right! This is the first flat peach meeting after the establishment of the Three Realms Red Envelope Group. Empress Empress made an exception to divide some flat peach and give it to the friends in the group! Such opportunities have never existed before!

Howling Celestial Dog: Do you want to call me a dog for Mao? (sweat)

Diao Chan: Your nickname is 2 dogs, 2 is 2, isn’t that a dog? (Hehe)

Lu Bu: Bold Howling Celestial Dog! Dare to tease my wife! When I become Earth Immortal, I will definitely find you heads-up! (kitchen knife)

Howling Celestial Dog: Obviously your daughter-in-law is teasing me, OK? (Waterfall Khan) Besides, you are an Earth Immortal, not my opponent! (Digging nostrils)

Lu Bu: I… (to get really angry)

Diao Chan: Bubu, don’t be angry! Normally, we don’t bubble up, and today it’s easy to chat with the friends in the group, you have to be happy!

Lu Bu: hmph! If it weren’t for getting a flat peach, I wouldn’t bubble up here! (Proud)

Zhao Yun: It seems like you can get the flat peach! This time it is said that only ten flat peaches will be rewarded to the group! A few 10000 groups of friends are staring!

Hou Yi: I have inside information here! Empress Empress will personally select ten people’s rewards, whoever gives her Senior a good gift, who will get the flat peach!

Jade Faced Vixen: Everyone has prepared a gift! Tonight can be said to be ‘8 cents across the sea, each showing Magical Powers’! In the end, who will fall, it depends on fate!

Chen Xiaobei: cough… cough…! Hello everyone! My Chen Xiaobei is back! (Hehe)

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