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“How could this be?”

Open the box, Chen Xiaobei’s expression will startled.

There is no 9th Eight-Branched Giant Snake scale that Li Xiang is looking for.

Instead, a dark purple spar was placed.

What is important is that the crystal spar of this material, which Chen Xiaobei has seen before, is exactly the same material as the string of rosary beads in the interlayer of Dulong Fangzun!

“9 nether purple crystal! A big piece of 9 nether purple crystal. Wow, Brother Bei! Can I take a sip? Don’t you greet me…”

Xiao’er 2’s eyes were shining straight, and his voice was a little trembling.

This little thing is a typical foodie, and when you see the food, you can’t move.

From its reaction, it can also be seen that the spiritual item grade of 9 nether purple crystal is more Top Grade than the purple vein cold iron of the cast Jin box.

For Xiao’er, the more top grade spiritual object, the more delicious.

“Can’t eat now!”

Chen Xiaobei said: “I used to stolen my dream bell before, I learned from Hirooka Okakaguchi that inside this box is the key of an ancient treasure house! Let you bite it, what if the door won’t open? !”

“But I am greedy…” Xiao’er stared at the 9 nether purple crystal with a stunned face, and his saliva flowed out.

“Hold it first! After we find the treasure house and open the door, let’s eat together!”

Chen Xiaobei picked up the 9 nether purple crystal and could not help taking a deep breath: “It’s still the same, so cold…”

Chen Xiaobei has a strength of 39000Physique, and he is still afraid of cold!

This is precisely because, 9 nether purple crystal is a spiritual object of Yin Attribute, which exudes a kind of bone coldness itself!

Chen Xiaobei took the 9 nether purple crystal and observed it carefully.

The spar is about the size of a palm, and looks like a token. Apart from this not at all, there is no special place, and it does not indicate where the treasure house is.

“It seems I have to ask Galuran.”

Chen Xiaobei immediately took out Ghost Raising Cage and released the weird-looking 8–Star alien, Galuran.

“Brother Bei! What are you doing with me?”

Galoran stood out, nearly 3 meters in size, which seemed to be bigger than before, and Yin Qi was more prosperous, send cold shivers down one’s spine.

“En? How do I feel like you are getting stronger?” Chen Xiaobei asked curiously.

“Because of the string of 9 nether purple crystal beads!”

Galoran said: “The Extreme Yin Qi of 9 nether purple crystal fits perfectly with my body and is a Supreme supplement! It is of great benefit to my Spirit Physique. Although Combat Force has not been enhanced, I have returned to Peak Stage. !”

“Returned to Peak Stage?”

Chen Xiaobei eyebrow raised and asked, “So, did you recall something about the past?”

“Yes! I really remember something!”

Galoran said seriously: “The place where I slept, in the seabed, is a piece of Ancient Remains…”

“Seabed? Ruins?”

Chen Xiaobei narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment, and said: “according to what you said, that ruin is most likely to be the ancient treasure house that Hikawa Kasaka said! And this 9 nether purple crystal is the key to open the treasure house! “

“Huh? There is a 9 nether purple crystal!” Galoran’s eyes lit up, and his eyes fell on the 9 nether purple crystal token in Chen Xiaobei’s hand.

“Can you remember the specific location of the ruins?” Chen Xiaobei asked.

“I can’t remember it at the moment, but if you get closer, you might have some sense…” Galuran said less surely.

“Quickly! Surround the dormitory! Your Majesty the Emperor is coming back! Never let the gangster escape!”

At this moment, there was a wave of restlessness outside, and it was clear that the guards of the Emperor’s Palace had all arrived and sealed the palace.

Listening to their voices, Hiroshikawa Universe already knew that he was caught in the lured the tiger away from the mountain plan and was rushing back.

“We have to go!”

Chen Xiaobei immediately put 9 nether purple crystals into Ghost Raising Cage, and explained: “Garran, think about it again, can you remember the location of the ruins! Later, I will ask you again!”

“As you bid!”

Galuran returned to Ghost Raising Cage.

Xiao’er also drilled back into Chen Xiaobei’s pocket.

“let’s go!”

Chen Xiaobei stepped on Flying Nimbus in one step and rushed directly into the sky from the hole in the roof.

The group of guards outside Cultivation was mediocre, and even if they didn’t even see it clearly, Chen Xiaobei slipped away.

Spirit Stone in the treasury of the island country has been hollowed out by Chen Xiaobei, and there is nothing worth cherishing here.

Chen Xiaobei took Flying Nimbus and headed deep into the mountains, originally intended to meet Six-Eared Macaque.

However, just after Chen Xiaobei flew away from the urban area of ​​the island country, it was not long before the air in the rear suddenly burst into violent roars!

“what happened?”

Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly, and when he looked back, it turned out to be startled!

Behind him, there are ten black fighters, chasing at full speed!

This is not a common fighter, but the latest Falcon supersonic fighter developed by the United States!

This fighter, known as the fastest actual combat aircraft in the world, is still in a state of confidentiality, and only the United States and its hardcore allies are equipped! People in other countries have never even heard of it!

So, how fast is this fighter?

As a comparison, I know that Flying Nimbus at the foot of Chen Xiaobei is a Magical Artifact made by Thunderclap Seed with heavenly clouds, which can be used daily thousand thousand li!

And this Falcon fighter can quickly approach Chen Xiaobei!

This proves that the speed of this Falcon fighter is faster than the Flying Nimbus at the foot of Chen Xiaobei!

A rough estimate, almost 15 times the speed of sound!

Such a fighter, coupled with supersonic missiles and missiles, is enough to bomb the Celestial Manifestation Middle Stage powerhouse.

Because of this, only those who control a large number of advanced and modern weapons can control the power of a country!

“This is dangerous! I still underestimate Chen Caicai and Hiroshikawa Universe… They just called the most advanced supersonic fighter in order to catch me!”

Chen Xiaobei’s brow furrowed and his sense of crisis doubled: “The master puppet has already been used. Only 24 hours later, it can be used for the second time! These ten fighters are enough to kill me!”

“Moreover, the 6-ear Li Xiang and they, all hiding in the forest in front, the battle must not start here! Once they are exposed, I can’t protect at all!”

“What should I do?”

Chen Xiaobei frowned, 1000 counted 10000 count, or missed the island country military this step chess!

In this situation, it will not take long for Chen Xiaobei to enter the range of those ten Falcon fighters. At that time, the speed of the missile missiles will only be faster, and he can’t escape!

“Did I make a mistake and lose all games?”

Chen Xiaobei’s heart is tight, now if something goes wrong, all previous efforts will be in vain!


It was at this moment that Chen Xiaobei’s eyes turned around and suddenly saw the turn of events!

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