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Howling Celestial Dog: Exalted Immortal Xiaobei is back! long time no see ah! (Excited)

Bull Demon King: Haha, today the Peach Conference, Exalted Immortal were invited to Yaochi for dinner, didn’t expect and Exalted Immortal Xiaobei came to accompany our group of bull ghosts and snakes! (Happy)

Chen Xiaobei: I am not an Exalted Immortal, a mortal that’s all.

Diao Chan: Wow! Xiaobei North! The first talent in this group is not only good at couplets, but also proficient in temperament. This maiden admires you! (Star Eye)

Chen Xiaobei: Haha, the younger sister passed the prize. Actually, my level is average, just good luck that’s all.

Lu Bu: Bold Chen Xiaobei! Dare to tease my wife! When I become Earth Immortal, I will definitely find you heads-up! (kitchen knife)

Chen Xiaobei: I don’t have any… What kind of Combat Force is Earth Immortal… There is something to say… (sweat)

Howling Celestial Dog: Exalted Immortal Xiaobei, ignore Lu Bu, the wife-protecting madman! Whoever talks to the Diao Chan younger sister, whoever he wants to single out! However, after 100 years of cultivated, he hasn’t seen him become Earth Immortal!

Zhao Yun: Lu Bu! You better shut up immediately! Looking at this time, the Peach Conference has been drunk for 3 rounds. Empress Empress and Wenwu 100 cents will soon enter group chat! Annoying her, Pantao is no longer yours!

Hou Yi: I have inside information. All the immortals have toasted. Queen Mother Empress said let everyone join the group and have fun with the people!

Chen Xiaobei: Really coming! Really been waiting!

Cabernet Fairy: cough… cough…! Dear friends, stop chatting for a while! Let’s welcome Queen Mother Empress and The Great Jade Emperor with warm applause! (Applause applause applause)

Bull Demon King: Welcome! welcome! Warm welcome!

Diao Chan: Welcome! welcome……

Howling Celestial Dog: Welcome Queen Mother Empress!




For a moment, the group was very jubilant, like a holiday.

You should know that Queen Mother Empress and The Great Jade Emperor are the masters of Heavenly Court, and their status is extremely respected. If it were not for the Three Realms Red Envelope Group, ordinary people simply did not have the opportunity to contact them.

The Great Jade Emperor: Thank you for your enthusiasm! Today’s host is Empress Empress. Let’s invite her to preside, and I won’t interfere!

Empress Empress: The group friends are so enthusiastic, this palace is very pleased!

Empress Empress: The Peach Conference in previous years can only be used to feast the fairy families in Yaochi. This year, thanks to the Three Realms Red Envelope Group, this palace can finally get together with the Three Realms beings and celebrate together!

Empress Empress: Because the number of flat peaches is scarce, there is no guarantee of one man, so this time this palace can only select ten destined persons from the group to obtain the flat peaches just picked today!

Empress Empress: There are 6 3000-year flat peach, 3 6000-year flat peach, and 9000-year flat peach!

Bull Demon King: My goodness! I thought there were only ten 3000 years flat peach, didn’t expect 6000 years and 9000 years! Empress Empress, you are so generous! I Lao Niu give you thirty two likes!

Diao Chan: Empress! You are so generous! We love you! (Like praise like)

Lu Bu: didn’t expect! There are actually 9000 years of flat peach, if I can get it, I can shock the position of Earth Immortal! (look forward to)

Zhao Yun: If you get me the 9000-year-old flat peach, I can immediately become Earth Immortal! (Extremely expected)

Howling Celestial Dog: My request is not high, just get a 3000 years flat peach!

Cabernet Fairy: I heard that everyone prepared a congratulatory gift for Empress Empress, because many people in the group, Empress Empress could not see it alone!

Cabernet Fairy: So, please use private envelope to send the gift to me, or orange, yellow, green, green, blue, purple, etc. Fairy! After we check, we will report to Empress Empress!

Bull Demon King: Good! The private envelope is already ready! I hand out!

Diao Chan: This maiden is also ready! (Hehe)

Zhao Yun: I hope Empress Empress will like my gift!


All of a sudden, 10000 members of the group sent their congratulatory gifts in the form of private envelopes.

“This posture is simply a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses crossing a single wooden bridge. It’s too difficult!”

Chen Xiaobei was holding the phone and was astonished at the scene in front of him.

Of course, I was surprised. Chen Xiaobei was always full of confidence in the congratulations he had prepared and would definitely stand out!

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaobei put the sashimi’All Birds Paying Looking Up to the Phoenix’ sashimi made by Vortex Chihuo into the private envelope and sent it to Fairy Zixia.

Afterwards, Empress Empress said a few words in the group, and there was no movement.

A few 10000 gift congratulations, even if only counted again, it will take a long time.

Soon, someone in the group couldn’t bear it.

Bull Demon King: I said, what about Empress Empress? Why is there no more? We are still waiting for Pan Taoer!

Lu Bu: Yeah! Why doesn’t a Divine Immortal bubble? Strange!

Hou Yi: cough… cough…… the latest inside news! Fairy Maiden Cháng’é from Yaochi started to dance. Queenpress Empress and all the immortals are enjoying it, so there is no room for us!

Diao Chan: Between you and Fairy Maiden Cháng’é… how is it? (curious)

Hou Yi: What else? She had stolen Immortal Medicine, and now it is Heavenly Realm Divine Immortal. I, Earthly Realm Ghost, do you dare to hate her?

Howling Celestial Dog: cough… cough…, old things in the past, don’t mention it! Let’s talk about the gift! What are you prepared for? Is there any chance of winning?

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Xiaobei immediately opened his eyes and stared at the phone.

As the saying goes, know yourself and know your enemy, fight every battle without defeat!

After understanding the congratulatory gift from everyone, Chen Xiaobei could know if it was possible for him to win the final grand prize, 9000 Pantao!

Bull Demon King: Haha! Speaking of the congratulatory gift, I am sure the most precious thing I prepared! I went deep into the lungs of the Mountain of Flames and fought with a Hegemon King for ten days and ten nights, beheaded it, and stripped its flame scale leather armor! (proud)

Howling Celestial Dog: Great! This is a rare heavenly materials earthly treasures! (Surprised)

Lu Bu: What is that? Cicada and I found a piece of Qinglan Tianjing at Earthly Realm, and specially invited Tiangong Star Monarch to make a necklace. The cost of building it was 99998 Three Realms Merits! (Cool)

Howling Celestial Dog: tsk tsk tsk… Lu Wenhou is really a great generosity! The necklace I want to come to must be exquisite!

Zhao Yun: Cut! The flashy things are useless! My dedicated to Empress Empress is a Spirit Sword! The material is a rare Xuanyue meteorite! The person who forged this sword is even the Mo Mo couple!

Howling Celestial Dog: Bull fork! You can even ask Mogan to cast swords! They are even untouchable people who can’t move my home True Lord Erlang! You this sword will definitely make countless Heavenly Soldier envy jealous!

Bull Demon King: By the way, Exalted Immortal Xiaobei, what gift did you prepare? Come listen! (curious)

Chen Xiaobei: My gift is incomparable to yours, but it is just a plate of cold dishes that’s all.

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