Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 193: emergency rescue

Lin immediately didn’t know much about it, and when he stood up, he rushed out of her husband.

When Vera saw it, she screamed and said, "Wait."

With that said, he looked at the table of delicious food with some regret. Then, with a light movement of his finger, Brakerella didn't pay attention and put one of the big bags into his ring space.

She jumped off the chair and ran a few steps in Lorraine's direction. I was still a little unwilling to think about it, turned around, and took a lot of cakes and desserts from the table and put them in my wide pocket. This was the painful roar of tooth extraction in Bracrila. In the middle, the thief slapped his teeth and claws, and rushed out after Lorraine with a smile.

Lorraine came to the street outside and looked in the direction of the city head, but strangely found that there was no such huge clamor of chaos and people screaming when attacking the city, and he was taken aback. Secretly asked: "What's going on?

He raised his head in the direction of the city and looked from a distance, only to see the flames flashing in the distance, and there was a faint trace of panic.

"This bunch of fans" Lorraine couldn't help screaming, and secretly said in his heart: "It must have been too long since the war, someone had a nightmare while sleeping, and there was some hypothesis. Don't let me find out if you look back, otherwise you must cut it. His dog's head"

He just made a poisonous oath in his heart, turning around and going back again. At this time, the alarm bell sounded even more hastily.

Immediately afterwards, more than ten magic lights dragged a long trail. Scratched the night sky. A series of explosions followed. The violent explosion sounded clearly into his ears.

"The alarm is true. Lorraine's heart immediately tightened, and he thought to himself: "*, there are people who are not afraid of death. Just in the day, after cleaning up their cruel meal, he dared to attack at night.

He took Vera and hurried to the direction of the control tower at the head of the city.

The two of them just ran out for a while and came to the side of a fountain pool at a fork in the road, and they happened to encounter a group of panting patrols that were also running.

Lorraine saw the patrol captain, recognized him at a glance, and shouted loudly, "Berta, what's the problem? Do you know the specifics?"

The patrol captain stopped immediately and said, "I'm sorry, sir. We have just received the news, and we are heading to the city."

Lorraine frowned, faintly feeling something was wrong. He waved his hand. Said: "Stop it, stop it all for me."

Everyone was taken aback, all stopped, and cast their eyes on Lorraine.

At this time, I heard a burst of hoarse shouts coming from the head of the city in the distance, and then explosions, screams, and screams continued to sound, showing the extremely lively fighting there.

Lorraine listened attentively. But because he was too far away, the voice was extremely vague. He raised his head and asked the people next to him: "Did you hear what they are saying?"

Everyone pricked their ears to listen, and then shook their heads.

Lorraine stood in the original. He lowered his head and thought about it: Although the city head looked flustered and the fighting was very lively, it seemed that something was wrong. But where did it seem wrong, I couldn't tell for a while.

He turned twice on the ground, but still didn't think of a clue, he couldn't help but become anxious. See a small stone on the ground. He lifted his leg and kicked it over to the God Seal Throne.

Seeing that the stone crossed an arc and flew far away, he couldn't help but grasp the hint of inspiration immediately: There were only more than ten magic lights on the opposite side, and the level of siege was not at all. It's like a sign of a large-scale enemy attack, just like the smelly feet of a certain football team. At a glance, it is not a black whistle, it is a fake, that is to say"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but cried out "not good" and his discoloration immediately changed, raised his head, and quickly said: "Vera. Go and inform Rowrina and the others, and come to the Great Chamber to reinforce."

Vera agreed. Then, holding the hem of the skirt with both hands, he ran out in a hurry.

Lorraine looked at her back, and then said: "Belta. Take your brothers and follow me

After speaking, he turned around and ran towards the magic tower.

Berta looked at Lorraine's direction, stunned for a moment, and said, "My lord, over the city."

Lorraine ran while running. While turning his head, he shouted angrily: "That's a feint, don't worry about it. The enemy is turning the tiger away from the mountain and moving the guards in the city, so as to take the opportunity to hurry under our protective cover. Otherwise, it will be too late."

Everyone was shocked. They all knew: After a day's battle, under the wild bombardment of the catapult, the Maple Leaf Danlin Fort was still intact, but it was the protective shield of the Holy Academy that worked. Without it, the castle would have been broken long ago.

They realized the seriousness of the problem, glanced at each other, and then followed Lorraine, hurriedly ran to the throne of God Seal to the central conference hall.

Lorraine ran forward quickly, thinking anxiously in his heart: Since the other party had a plan for a long time, it must be a large-scale raid. It is only relying on this kind of people, but it will definitely not match the Throne of God Seal.

Along the way, two teams ran into the patrol team that heard the alarm and rushed to the city for reinforcements.

Lorraine was not polite. Immediately they stopped and led them behind.

When he saw the team behind him, he felt a little more settled.

Lorraine led everyone. He rushed into the discussion hall and was immediately shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

I saw that the guards who had been on duty here had already fallen down, and they came to the ground at random. There was no movement at all, and I didn't know for a moment whether they were alive or dead.

Lorraine saw a pool of red wine sprinkled on the table, and the **** red wine dripped from the edge of the table. Li Yi, hi. It seems that the other party is also shortly after the online test. Maybe it's too late

He also had no time to take care of the guards who came to the ground, stepped past them, and hurriedly ran to the Throne of God Seal.

A guard next to him looked at his companion, hesitated, and said: "Sir. They

Lorraine looked back and said, "Don't worry about them. If the protective shield is not damaged, we can save them again. If it is damaged, our experience may not be as good as them."

Everyone shivered when they heard the ominous meaning of his words.

Lorraine looked at them and shouted in a low voice: "Okay, hurry up and follow."

With that, along the steps. Like a whirlwind, ran to the tower behind.

Everyone sees this. With a hurried cry, he followed.

They rushed all the way under the leadership of Lorraine, and saw that all the sentinels and guards along the way had arrived, and they were secretly startled. Although the enemy took advantage of the sneak attack this time, they were able to bring down all these guards. Their power is also conceivable.

Lorraine walked through several corridors. At this moment, the eyes were wide, and he immediately realized that he had passed through the hall and came to the entrance of the tower base square where the three towers stood.

Although from a distance. The three tall towers are not far apart, but they only found out when they reached the bottom of the tower. They were a mile away from each other.

Lorraine watched the square quietly, without any movement, and couldn't help but feel very anxious. There was a little movement, even if a few people died. A few calls are fine. In this way, I don't know how the situation has deteriorated.

He hesitated. Turning around right now, pointing to the captains of the two teams, said: "Alpha, you take people to the Magic Tower, Flanders. You take people to the Military Tower. Pay attention, the action must be light. They can surprise us by surprise, We can also surprise them one by one

The two men grinned immediately.

Azhufa said: "Sir, don't worry. I used to fight in groups. But I always carry bricks, a good hand for yin people."

Flanders also whispered: "Yes, my lord, don't worry. He learned from me for his virgin skills."

The two of them saluted Lorraine, and then hurriedly ran out with their men.

Lorraine saw that they were all well-trained and extremely fast, and then he let go.

He turned around, looked at Berta, and said in a low voice: "Belta, we have a big job here. You know?"

Berta nodded nervously, and said, "Yes, sir. Both of them are in trouble, at most they are diversionary offenses. There must not be too many people. Our side is the opponent's main attack direction."

"Boy, that's right." Lorraine couldn't help but glance at him in surprise, then slapped him on the shoulder, and said: "Take everyone and follow me."

He said, then leaned over, bent over and rushed out.

He led everyone, under the cover of trees along the road, dashing all the way to the base of the tower.

It's still far away. Lorraine saw two guards wearing magic robes standing at the door under the tower.

He hurriedly stopped, and then waved his hand back. The guards were also clever. Before the two people on the opposite side cast their eyes. He swooped to the ground quickly, all hiding in the shadows.

Lorraine looked at the dangling look of the two people opposite, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and whispered to the soldiers behind him: "Give me the crossbow arrows, and then aim them separately. When I give the order, just Hang up these two bastards."

Everyone agreed and took off their crossbows.

Immediately afterwards, there was a "creak. The sound of the bow and crossbow collapsed."

A big soldier next to him hesitated and said in a low voice: "Sir, will they be their own? Let's not kill them wrong."

Everyone was taken aback. They turned their heads to look at Lorraine.

Lorraine looked at the big soldier and said: Boy, what's your name? "

The soldier froze for a moment, and said, "Gamolly, sir."

Lorraine said: "Have you seen those magicians who squat in the corner and draw circles every day, wishing to curse all the dead bald heads of the Holy See, would be short-hearted, rushing over, and then giving these hardbacks like a pug Stand guard?"

The soldier stalled.

Lorraine said again: "Also. Next time, don't talk about Gamolly, sir. It's sir. My name is Gamolly. Otherwise it will cause misunderstandings. Be careful, sir. I will ban you."

As he said, he raised his hand angrily, slapped him on the back of the head, slapped him with a dog to eat shit, and almost fell to the ground, the helmet also fell off, completely covering his eyes.

Someone next to him immediately gloated and made a chuckle of chuckles.

Lorraine looked around. He whispered: "Okay, stop making trouble, are everyone aiming?"

He saw that everyone was silent, and stared at the two opposite people intently, so he nodded and said, "Very well, let it go now!"

Following his low drink, more than a dozen crossbow arrows flew out like lightning under the powerful driving force of the crossbow string. Roaring at the two pitiful fellows, he swooped over to the God Seal Throne.

The three-sided arrow made by precision work immediately ripped the skin when it hit. Create terrible wounds. Like a red-hot fork into a snowdrift, he got in deeply.

The two magicians hadn't reacted yet, even without a scream, they had already died under those terrifying arrows.

Seeing this, Lorraine couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and said in a low voice, "Good job."

He led the crowd and ran past his concubine quickly, and saw that there were a few long arrows in the body of the shower, his eyes were wide with anger, and he was unclear.

Lorraine couldn't help but whispered: "Two of you, I didn't shoot you to death. You are wronged, and you are indebted. Who should you find? Don't come to me

The guards immediately tilted their noses.

They looked at Lorraine's shameless face, and all of them were itching in hatred. At the same time, he thought to himself: This **** is really scumbag. After ordering us to kill, we were afraid that the other party would kill him. We need to carry this black pot for him. "

Some people even whispered: "The two big brothers, although the younger brother shot down and killed people, he also took the order and forced him to force him. Don't come to me.

Lorraine was looking at the door. Hearing this, he couldn't help but glance back and said:

Son, you are very promising. It is a good material for officials. "

The man was taken aback, and said with joy: "Sir, do you mean I have political talent?"

Lorraine opened the crack of the door and glanced inward, and found that it was empty inside, as if there was no one, and could not help but feel strange. As he lowered his head thinking, he said to the man: "No, I mean, you are good at playing football. It's a good material for dog officials."

Everyone immediately grinned and laughed in a low voice. They didn't notice. The nervousness after the first murder disappeared with Lorraine's words.

Lorraine had a bunch of doors at this moment. They broke in, and everyone rushed up with swords and guns, and came to the tower. But what makes everyone strange is that there is not even a single figure.

Lorraine's heart sank. Could it be said that this tower was captured by the enemy just silently?

He saw the stairs leading to the second floor next to him, gritted his teeth, and said in his heart: Even if we have taken it, we have to take it back. Otherwise, it's really finished.

When he turned his head, he shouted fiercely: "Everyone follow me."

After speaking, he rushed upstairs.

He shrugged the crowd and rushed to the third floor, only to hear the roar of fighting from above.

Lorraine suddenly felt relieved, and it seemed that he had arrived in time.

He led the crowd and rushed in. Can not help but froze.

I saw a huge dark space above my head, as if I was in a white smoke. The spiral staircase next to it leads all the way to the top.

At the end of the tall stairs. You can vaguely see the two teams screaming there, using magic and holy arts to attack.

Gorgeous colorful lights flashed overhead from time to time, illuminating the entire tower.

They staggered across the air and flew towards their respective targets. Sometimes they even touch each other in mid-air, and then turn into countless light spots of different colors and disappear into the air.

Although the holy priests in white robes tried their best to resist, they were obviously not the opponents of the magicians. They kept retreating and withdrew upwards.

Everyone in Lorraine looked at the gorgeous battle and couldn't help but stare at each other.

These magicians are so powerful, it would be okay if people like yourself can post them, but the stairs are so empty, it's easy to be spotted.

In this way, it was like a little white rabbit jumping into the big bad wolf classmate's mouth. At medium and long distances, he was easily killed by the opponent with magic points.

At this time, screams and loud curses came from far away from the top. Hear the very nasty and dirty language. Obviously another pastor was injured.

Lorraine saw that the above situation was critical, and he had brought people with him, without the cover of the mage and priest, and did not dare to go to the Throne of God Seal. Can not help but turn straight down in a hurry.

He looked at the empty space above his head and couldn't help cursing: "This bunch of bald heads, if you want to fix it, you can fix it. Fixing such a smoky thing is obviously cutting corners. I took a kickback.

"Wait, Yanbai" he said here, suddenly a flash of light in his mind. Looking at the two parties on the top who were fighting to death, a sneer appeared on their faces.

As soon as he turned around, he ordered the guards around him: "Quickly, find something that can light a fire, and something that can smoke. Bring them all."

The crowd took their orders and scattered all around.

After a while, there was a fire piled up by debris in the middle of the field.

Lorraine took out the Huozhe, swayed in the wind, and a ray of fire suddenly appeared. Then he threw the Huozhe into the fire without hesitation.

The withered yellow flame immediately rose into the air, and at the same time it emitted a thick and choking smoke.

Lorraine looked at the billowing smoke rising and still felt that it was not enough. I remembered that when I was experimenting with sulfur, I took a piece and put it on my body, so I turned it over and threw it into the fire.

Seeing this, everyone else took a piece of sulfur from their bodies and threw them in.

Berta saw the surprised look on Lorraine's face, and explained with a smile: "This is logistical, and it is said to be used to ignite fire."

Lorraine couldn't help sighing, Catherine, I really love you to death. You are really a master of internal affairs. I just mentioned that she had already put this into the hands of the soldiers.

He looked at the thick smoke. It has now rolled up and spread throughout the tower. Under the thick smoke, the view in the tower also blurred.

The people around also followed their instructions and covered their mouths and noses with wet towels.

Lorraine took a deep breath. He pulled a sword flower in his long sword and said, "Gentlemen, it's time for us to perform. Follow me."

With that said, take the lead. Follow the spiral staircase and rush up. (To be continued)

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