Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 194: No one left

Obituaries led everyone. Trying up the spiral staircase against the choking smoke.

As he ran, he ordered the soldiers behind him: "Bottles, everyone has listened to me. They were choked by the smoke, and they must have no strength to fight with us. So I want to catch them all alive, you know?"

Everyone thought of the companion who had arrived in the same place, and felt resentful. Although they were a little reluctant, they still yelled in a low voice and said, "Yes, sir."

At this time, billowing smoke rose, almost completely obscuring everyone's sight. This creates a terrifying effect in this straight up and down space without windows.

Everyone immediately felt the yellow choking of the thick smoke and had difficulty breathing. One after another tightly covered the wet cloth covering his face. Gasping heavily.

Lorraine's eyes were also flushed with choking, and tears flowed straight out. I couldn't help cursing in my heart: "This **** war is really not something people should be treated for."

But despite thinking like this in his mind, he ran forward with strides, while desperately opening his eyes, looking forward.

At this moment, I heard a violent coughing sound not far in front.

Lorraine then noticed that before he knew it, he had already climbed up, embossing the tail of the magician team, and couldn't help being overjoyed.

He waved back and the team stopped immediately.

Lorraine knelt down, and through the thick smoke, it was vaguely visible that there were several black figures in front of him bending over there, coughing constantly.

His eyes rolled. With a gesture to the side, Berta rushed over immediately. Behind them, several soldiers also gritted their teeth to load up the crossbow, then stared at them with blood-red eyes. Cover up Lorraine's actions.

Lorraine took the two of Berta and walked a few steps forward. It's only a few steps away from the magicians, and you can do it right away.

At this moment, I saw that the several magicians could hardly bear the yellow choking of the smoke, and they covered their mouths and noses, closed their eyes, and fumbled and turned and walked down.

Lorraine and the two immediately flashed and pressed against the wall. I watched the people passing by, wiping the corners of their clothes. Then, taking advantage of the gap, he flashed out, raised the hilt in his hand, and hit the necks of those people with lightning.

Under the heavy blow, the two magicians immediately rolled their eyes and responded.

The other three magicians realized that the situation was wrong after the guidance, and turned around one after another.

At a glance, they saw that Lorraine and the two were looking at them with a grin. They couldn't help but pale in shock, shouting before they came.

At this time, Lorraine had already shot at the same time.

The two of them immediately saw a heavy iron sword hilt sharply enlarged in their sights, and then, before their eyes became dark, they did not wake up.

The third person finally reacted at this time.

He put down the handkerchief he was covering his mouth in amazement, opened his mouth, just about to speak.

Lorraine had raised his right foot and kicked him hard in the stomach.

The man snorted in pain and swallowed the shout back. He held his belly tightly with his hands, his waist was bent like a stuffed prawn, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans rolled down his forehead.

At this moment Berta raised his right hand and cut it down heavily on the back of his head.

The man immediately snorted, and fell straight to the ground like a rock.

Lorraine saw his skillful and ruthless movements, and couldn't help but look at this long, white, fat guy with a grin, and said: Beckham, don't tell me. You are also a good hand at sap and sap. "

Berta hesitated and said, "Sir, in fact, I am the one who is often shamed by them."

Lorraine stopped immediately and said, "It's okay. Don't be hated by others, you must be mediocre. Often being overcast by people means that you are capable of a kid, but I am very optimistic about you."

Bertha was taken aback for a moment, seriously thought about Lorraine's words, shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said, "Sir, thank you for your appreciation."

He looked at Lorraine and couldn't help but feel grateful.

This is a rare good officer. Has always been the first to take the lead. He also knows people with insight and looks at himself differently.

Lorraine didn't know what he was thinking. He pulled a sword flower from his long sword and rushed upward.

Berta was afraid of losing and dared not neglect. He roared backwards, "Everyone is following"

With that, he followed Lorraine and rushed upwards.

Under the cover of the billowing smoke, Lorraine led everyone along the spiral staircase, rushing non-stop all the way.

Lord Lorraine took the lead, knocking over all the figures he encountered along the way with a single sword, and fainted to the Divine Seal Throne.

Those mages had been playing for a long time, and they were a little tired. I was choked by the smoke again, and couldn't help coughing on the ground. Half of his life was lost, and there was no power to fight back.

Even if there are two strong bodies, they can barely support. But these weak and old mages. Once approached by the blood bulls of these powerful martial arts groups, where is the opponent. It was almost like a sick chicken in front of a weasel, only trembling.

These poor guys hadn't seen each other, and were easily taken by everyone in Lorraine.

Lord Luo rushed all the way, as if entering the land of no one, between gestures. It has knocked down more than ten wizards. I couldn't help feeling very proud, and thought to myself: "At that time, under Liu Da'er, the student Zhao Zilong, the double-spoke red stick, was in front of Changpopo with seven in and seven outs, and that's about it."

As he was rushing to kill, he saw the figure shaking in front of him, and he was not polite at the moment. He raised the hilt of the sword in his hand, and when it came to him, he gave him a hard blow.

He went up. The more I felt the dense smoke in front of me, the more difficult it was to breathe. Later, I can only walk forward with my hands.

Like an old farmer who is hoeing the ground, he knocks one over when he touches one, and knocks another over when he touches another, and his hands are extremely harsh.

Lorraine knocked over several people again and again, and heard their screams, "Can't help but mutter: "These guys are really terrible, they are just like cockroaches, and they can survive the smoke.

Suddenly, I felt black. Something seems to be blocking the way.

He stretched out his hand and touched it, and immediately realized that it was a thick and solid iron door. Only then did I know that I knew Iwamaka had already reached the top, and all the people along the way had been cleaned up.

He couldn't help but sighed softly, and then remembered another thing, everyone on the road was cleaned up. In other words, not only the invading wizards were knocked down by themselves, but also the pastors stationed on their side were not left, all of them were knocked down.

Lorraine couldn't help but laugh or cry.

He moved his sore wrist, and muttered in a low voice: "I said that after the knock, the scream sounds familiar. It was originally his own."

Berta also leaned in at this time. He barely opened his eyes to look at the iron door and slammed it twice. He found that the door was unusually strong and motionless. He couldn't help but turn around and said, "Sir, what shall we do now?"

The sound of abandonment came through the thick wet cloth, and it sounded particularly strange.

Lorraine thought for a while, and then slowly said: "Berta, what do you say the door is for?.

Bertha was startled. Muttered: "What is the door for? Sir, are you still in the mood to care about this? Although everyone has a wet cloth to protect it, it can last longer, but if you stay a little longer, it will be almost like bacon. Up."

Speaking of later, he was anxious and yelled.

Then slowly reached out, knocked on the door, and asked loudly: "Is anyone home? I'm Lorraine."

Berta's angry nose was tilted to one side and shouted: "Sir, you have tried your best. We can't open this door. Let's get out quickly. If you don't leave again. Everyone is going to die here,"

When he said this, he saw a warm cheer from the door: "It's the Earl of Lorraine, yes, it's the voice of Lorraine, I know. Let's come"

Immediately afterwards, the door vibrated and opened a small slit.

Berta was stunned for a moment, and the big eyes almost didn't come out.

The choking smoke that was pervading the entire passageway could not find a way out. As soon as the air circulated, the people in the room immediately followed the crack and got in. The people in the room also coughed loudly.

Lorraine breathed a sigh of relief. Then turned back and said to Berta: "Notify the brothers below, hurry up and put out the fire. We won this battle."

Berta agreed. Turned around and ordered.

Lorraine had already opened the door and got in.

At this time, the dense smoke had completely poured in. There was a lot of choking smoke all over the room.

Lorraine took a look and hurriedly walked over to the Throne of God Seal and opened all the windows.

Those guys with choking eyes crawled to the Throne of God Seal. He stretched his head out of the window, breathing in the fresh air greedily like an amnesty, each panting like a vicious dog, his tongue stretched below his chin.

As the window opened. Smoke billowed immediately. After waiting for a while, the fire below was also extinguished, and no thick smoke came up. The thick smoke above was blown away by the cold wind again and immediately dissipated.

At this point, the person on the other side can finally be seen.

Lorraine opened his red and swollen rabbit-like eyes and looked at the embarrassed priests opposite. The faces that used to be honest and decent, but now they are just like myself, all of them smoky, black and white, just like Dutch milk.

The pastors also slowed down at this time.

They looked up at the brilliant color on each other's face, unanimously stretched out their hands, pointed at each other and laughed.

Lorraine couldn't help but smile for a long time. These guys usually look like dogs. When they speak, three sentences represent the gods. They always say how beautiful and wonderful life is around the gods. They didn't expect them to be afraid of death.

It's really disrespectful and not qualified to be a qualified god

At this time, I saw a tall and thin middle-aged man standing up. It was the great accountant of the seminary, the red robe pastor Connor.

He waved to the people behind him, and said, "Okay, don't laugh everyone."

Then he turned to Lorraine and said, "Earl, thanks to the blessings of the gods, you can make it in time, otherwise we will all become sinners of Mechanized Ye Danlin."

Lorraine couldn't help cursing in his heart, saying: *, Sir, when I was desperate with them, I didn't see your gods come out. Give me a finger. If you knew this way, you should be handed over to your gods. Anyway, with their guarantee, even if they are dead, no one can blame me.

But on the surface, he was still calm. He just grinned and grinned, then turned off the subject, and said, "Who can tell me what is going on? What is the casualties of everyone?

Conner remembered the situation at the time, his face immediately showed a lingering expression, and he trembled: "At that time" we had eaten at the Internet and were about to change shifts. At this time, I heard an alarm sounded over the city, and everyone was about to go for reinforcements, and the magicians appeared from nowhere. Block the gate of the tower and throw fireballs inside and set lightning."

"Everyone saw that the situation was not busy, Zhan returned to the tower, and during the reading process, the Shen Xin fought bravely. Seeing invincibility, but our heroic gods' spokespersons in the world have been inspired by the great spirit of the gods. But still fighting hard.

It was too dangerous just now. You see, I have already decided to die in the line of duty, and even the suicide note has been written. "

As he said, he took out a piece of paper from his arms, lightened his throat, and then began to read with great emotion, saying: "Dear child, colon, father"

Everyone was stunned. Exclaimed in unison: "Child? Dad?"

Conner was taken aback, and then reacted. He always blushed, and hurriedly folded the piece of paper and punched it haha. Vaguely said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I copied it wrong, I copied it wrong

As he said, he hurriedly shrugged the paper back into his arms.

Lorraine saw the flustered expression on his face and immediately knew: This guy must have raised a mistress outside!

The Hongpao pastor, Mr. Conner, although his job is just an accountant. But he was completely worthy of his background, who crawled out of the scum ditch of the seminary, and looked at the suspicious expressions on everyone's faces, and even pretended not to see him.

He coughed a little with an old face, and then continued: "In short, under these extremely harsh and extremely difficult conditions, we still promoted the fearless spirit of sacrifice as clergy, and launched a desperate fight against the enemy. ,"

All the patrol members could not help but groan in their hearts. This guy has a thick skin

Lorraine couldn't help but shrugged: This stinky **** should really take the royal exam. Don't be a promising dog official. I'm really sorry for his old thick skin.

If it is in normal times, he still has the heart to gossip with this guy, but now the situation is urgent, and I don't know how the other two towers are going. Lorraine is anxious, and he doesn't want to answer him anymore, just said quickly: "Your Excellency has worked so hard to write a report. We will report our achievements as usual."

Conner was overjoyed immediately, rubbing his hands with joy, and said: "Oh, count, you are so kind. You are so kind."

Lorraine remembered the only way to promote wealth among the five thousand years of Chinese officialdom, so he went up, smiled, and said, "It's okay. Anyway, I don't pay for it. If you have wealth, everyone is the king."

The spokesperson of the gods in the world, representing justice, glory, and bravery immediately laughed, thinking that Lorraine looked more pleasing to the eye. I almost wished that I could have a daughter, or betray a girl for glory, tied up. I will give it to him too"

At this time, the soldiers who had reinforced the other two towers also came to report that the two towers are also safe.

The magicians who attacked those two towers were feigning attacks.

Just contain them. You can't go out and call for help. therefore. It was easily solved by the two guards who had touched the attack and sap.

But nevertheless. There was still a wary magician who saw that the situation was wrong, cast his magic and jumped into the air, and ran away with his tail between.

Lorraine listened to their report. Unable to frown, he secretly said in his heart: This is really a pity.

He thought for a moment, and asked sharply: "What do the mages stationed in the magic tower eat? Why didn't you catch that person?"

The guard hesitated. Then he looked embarrassed.

Lorraine couldn't help being furious. He patted the table and said, "What the **** is going on?"

The guard smiled bitterly, did not answer, just kept winking at him.

Lorraine started to think of it for a moment. At the beginning, in order to firmly control the air supremacy in his hands, he mobilized all the wizards who were able to fly out and formed a combat flying team.

Thus. The guards in the magic tower must be empty, especially the mage sitting in it is the astrologer who teaches Stahl who is inaccurate.

It would be good for the group of old, weak and disabled soldiers to be able to draw a tie with the kindergarten children. How can you expect them to do more.

Thought of this. He couldn't help sighing, and said; "It's a pity, if you can catch that escape guy. That's fine."

At this moment, someone outside the window sneered and said: "The guy who ran away, are you talking about this person?"

Immediately afterwards, I saw a dark thing coming in through the window. Flew in with a whirr. Then it slammed heavily on the floor, and there was a loud noise.

Everyone was surprised. Then they all hugged their heads and lay on the ground.

Lorraine also rolled on the spot and then picked up the gun in his hand and looked up from the ground.

I saw a tall man. Beautiful Taobao women's clothing Tmall Taobao mall Taobao women's winter jacket m moving female magician proudly standing in the middle. Standing on the ground with one foot, the other foot was raised and stepped under something.

Everyone took a closer look. I saw that she was stepping on her slender and beautiful jade feet, and it was an Almohad empire mage wearing a black robe.

Lorraine exhaled immediately, got up from the ground, then reinstalled the musket, and said: "Lorraine. Why are you here? We are almost finished here."

Rowling snorted coldly. Dai raised her eyebrows and said, "You mean I'm late?"

Lorraine looked at the magician who was stepping on her feet, only to know immediately that this was the guy who had escaped. He must have been panicking and bumped into Luo Linna's hands.

He smiled strangely. Whispered: "No, not at all"

There is a chapter in the evening. (To be continued)

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