Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 192: Splendid legacy

When people came to the street, it was quiet. Only the guards from far away spit, when the iron armor collided with a light sound.

Occasionally, there was the crackling sound of the torch.

Vera let out a sigh of heat, watching its changing shape in the air, then stretched out her fingers and stirred it twice, sighed, and said, "It's really quiet now.

At this time, a group of soldiers on patrol came inside.

When they saw someone standing here, they immediately put their hands on the hilt of their swords, and became alert in shock.

Wei’s captain asked loudly: "The password, the earl is the wisest, Miss Catherine is the most gentle, Miss Adele is the most wise, Miss Luo Linna is the kindest, and Miss Vera is the cutest."

Lorraine glanced at the man, only to see a young and immature face under the helmet, could not help but mutter in his heart: I am young. It's really hard for him to say such a long password at once

He waved his hand and replied: "In response, Leo is the most handsome and the rabbit's tail can't grow."

The captain of the patrolling soldier was relieved immediately and said: "It's really his own."

They approached holding torches. It was Lorraine, and he immediately saluted and said, "Earl

Lorraine saw the light flashing in their eyes and knew that today's battle had already made them full of confidence in themselves. He couldn't help but smiled faintly, then nodded to everyone and said, "Brothers have worked hard."

With that, he turned sideways and gave way to the patrol.

The captain of the patrol team saluted and said vaguely, "Your Excellency is working hard."

Then led his men and walked past Lorraine.

When the two sides pass by. Lorraine faintly heard someone behind the captain whispered in a happy mood: "Captain, you're over, you're over. It's okay to say Miss Vera is cute, but you can still keep the other lies. Tell your eyes, you must go to **** after you die

Lorraine froze for a moment, but as a commander, you have to allow others to criticize you. Therefore, I took a deep breath and suppressed my anger.

He raised his head to look at the sky, pretending not to hear. Just tell myself over and over again: how beautiful life is, how fresh the air is, how beautiful life is, how fresh the air is"

He hypnotized himself several times. But it still has no effect. I couldn’t help but roared from the bottom of my heart: I must find out the serial number of this patrol when I look back, and then each give them a toothpick, kick their **** and send to the death squad.

Thinking of this, I immediately felt a lot more comfortable.

He was hitting the vicious main truth in his heart, but he didn't expect that after the patrol left, Vera didn't take two steps, and suddenly squatted on the ground with her belly.

Lorraine hurried over to the Throne of God Seal, but Vera didn't get stretched, and couldn't help laughing loudly.

Later, the girl was even lying on the ground without a ladylike figure, and she smiled and said, "You didn't see it. When the captain saw you, her face was red. It's so funny, haha. Haha,"

A cold light flashed in Lorraine's eyes, and he shouted angrily: "Get me up, what kind of look like this, can't you give me a pretend lady?"

With that, it was a palm to her sharp and round buttocks.

Lorraine feels the martial movement of the universe, the holy king makes the sacred king, the night kills the god, the seal of the throne, seeks the devil, the strongest world, the strongest abandonment of the young world, the king of Zhou Qiankun will kill the night god, **** seal, throne, beg the devil, proud world, the strongest, abandon the Shao Dazhou imperial clan Lorraine couldn't help rubbing her fingers with her elasticity and softness, and secretly said in her heart: This girl also feels pretty good. Be sure to fight back more often.

Vera "Oh, she screamed, and she jumped up from the ground. She held her sturdy buttocks with her hands and couldn't help rubbing, and whispered, "Since they are ladies, you shouldn't hit them." Ass. Why is Qi feeling so uncomfortable in his heart, like a cat scratching."

She murmured, then looked up. Seeing the look on Lorraine's face, I couldn't help but say, "Ha. With a grin, I will laugh again.

She saw Lorraine staring fiercely, she was shocked, and she hurriedly put her hands on her mouth, opened those big blue eyes, and looked at Lorraine without blinking. Then, thinking of something again, those big moving eyes were immediately bent, narrowing into two crescent crescents.

It was trying to laugh and panicking, and with a little girlish and shy appearance, it looked very cute and charming.

Seeing this, Lorraine raised his hand. Several times, but seeing her walking around her, she finally spread her hands helplessly. They said, "Forget it, it's just a password. I just said "A lie is the truth if repeated ten thousand times." They all understood it. And no one can do without it.

The few of them almost started fighting, and Leo's little ruffian followed suit. Even if I fight, I still come to hit me. Master, who did I provoke?"

Vera remembered the situation. Immediately holding his belly, there was another burst of laughter.

Lorraine was anxious at once, stretched out her hand to hold her crystal clear and lovely little ears, and said: "You should follow me and laugh while you walk."

Vera immediately cried out in pain again, tilted her head and begged: "Master, I dare not. I really dare not laugh anymore"

Lorraine also ignored it. Hard-hearted, amidst her series of "painful exhortations," she pulled her forward.

Lu met several patrols again. Looking at the wonderful expressions on the faces of those patrols, Lorraine couldn’t help but tick the roots of his teeth. He made up his mind not to fight any more, even if it turned the sky upside down. After going back. Change your password immediately.

When he brought Vera to the front door of the library, Lorraine was already frowning and saw the closed door. Immediately he was rude, first vented his anger

As a result, I found that the thick and strong iron door shook my toes. He just got down to be honest, raised his fist, "Boom! He smashed the door hard.

After a long time. I saw Elder Blaric with a chicken leg in his mouth and opened the library door with a displeased expression.

Before he saw anyone, he started screaming, and said, "Who? Who? Don't you know that you are fighting now? You dare to be so arrogant. Believe it or not, I will call the police to arrest you and go to prison for food." ,what? "

He said that. Seeing Lorraine standing in front of her with a sneer. He blinked his eyes in surprise, and said: "Why are you here? Don't you fight Almohad in the city? Could it be that we have defeated. You came here to inform me to pack and run?"

Lorraine was furious immediately. He sipped at his old face and said, "I'm pooh. You crow's mouth, you only defeated the battle, young master, I am a peerless general in what, what and what. A man of six to seventy thousand people. Little battle is not in the eyes at all."

Brakerella looked at him with a smile but a smile, and said: "In this case, I am here to congratulate you in advance for your victory and success. Goodbye, I will not send it. I am older, I feel less. Rare. There is a war, and there is no one in the library, so I can just rest for two more days."

Lorraine was short of breath. He cursed secretly in his heart, saying: What kind of human nature is this old thing, we have all beaten to death before. It's almost boiling. He did it better, hiding behind. Take a leisurely vacation

He saw Brakerella really going to reach out and close the door, rushing to the moment, and said: "Wait, wait a minute."

Lorington paused. He took a deep breath, calmed down, and put on a smiling face, and said, "I am here with Vera to bring you food. The restaurant is closed. You dare not go to the front with the wizards. Eat, I’m afraid I’m hungry again."

Elder Brakerella looked at him suspiciously and said, "You wait

He poked his head out of the door and muttered: "Don't you see the moon coming out from the west?"

Lorraine stagnated and said, "We are really here to bring you food."

Brakerella snorted coldly, and said angrily: "Will you be so kind?"

Vera saw Lorraine's wink and hurriedly said, "Really, really.

Elder, we really sent you something. You see, these are all for you. "

With that, he took out a large bag of snacks and gave them to Blaric. Fearing that it would not be enough, she turned out all the residue in her pocket and piled it on top.

Vera has been with Lorraine for so long, and now she's a lot smarter, how can she not know how to take advantage? With Lorraine's promise of double return, of course, the more you give, the more you can get back then. more.

Brakerella and Lorraine saw the hill-like snacks, they couldn't help but looked at each other. They all had a numb scalp. They were strange in their hearts. How much stuff does Vera usually carry on her body?

The two turned their heads together. I looked at Vera. Although she was wearing thick clothes, under the meticulous dressing of Catherine's daughters, she still could see the blue girl's slender and beautiful figure.

Vera feels the martial movement of the universe, the holy king makes the sacred king, the night kills the god, the **** seal, the throne seeks the devil, the strongest world, the strongest abandonment of the young world, the king of Zhou Qiankun will kill the night god, **** seal, throne, ask the devil, proud world, the strongest, abandon the Shao Dazhou imperial clan The curled eyelashes flickered twice, and the pure starry eyes blinked. Said: "What happened to you two?

Both Lorraine looked back at the same time.

"It's all right." Brakerella laughed dryly, then looked at the pile of snacks, and said: "Although I don't lack such a thing, it is difficult for your filial piety. I still accept this gift. ."

Lorraine almost lost her breath and tilted her nose, sneered, and said: "It seems that I am worrying too much. But I think a dragon elder lives in the library, not specifically to record girls' thighs in flight lessons? Is this" waiting to come back, I'm going to ask the deans of the three major colleges? "

Elder Brarick immediately became anxious.

He waved his hand quickly, and said, "Be quiet, be quiet, I'm afraid of you. This is my site. If those female magicians like tigress find out, I can't run."

He paused. Then he continued: "Looking at this big night, it's also quite cold. Don't stand at the door. If you have any questions, let's go in and say, come in and say."

Lorraine gave him a stern look and said, "Huh, why did you go?

Then take the lead. Walked in.

Elder Brakerella led Lorraine and Vera to the bottom secret.

As soon as Lorrain walked in, he saw that a large table in the middle of the room was full of food. In the middle of the table was a large lobster that was three and a half feet long.

There are packages of food on the side of the table.

Lorraine looked at these dumbfoundedly, and muttered: "I just understand why you just blocked the door and didn't let yourself in. It turns out that you want to eat alone with the door closed. It's really mean."

Elder Brarick's rare face blushed, then rubbed his hands and said awkwardly: "Last time? I was miserable by those chicks, so I ordered some food, hehe, hehe."

When Vera saw the exquisite food, she immediately moved her index finger, cheered, jumped onto the chair in two steps, got a set of tableware, and ate it unceremoniously.

Lorraine pointed to the package and said, "Is it called a little bit? It's enough for two catties. The dragon will eat for four or five days."

Brarick raised his head and slapped haha. Turning to see, Vera was eating happily with a beaming eyebrow, and said distressedly: "Vera, save me that lobster. I'll just have this one."

Then he dropped Lorraine and ran back to the table to grab food from Vera

Elder Brarick raised the fork filled with meat and said to Lorraine: "If you haven't eaten, let's

Lorraine shook his head. I moved a chair to be in front of the table, picked up a bottle of Pugou wine, poured myself a large glass, and then raised my neck, drank it with a sigh of relief, feeling that I was still not enough, so I gave myself Full of a cup.

He lifted the net, and Elder Brakerella said distressedly again: "This wine is very expensive. You are spoiling things.

Lorraine said irritably: "I was staring at the city for a day, and I was mobilizing soldiers, and sometimes I was smashed. I didn't expect the most powerful combat power of this academy to be free here."

Elder Brarik said: "Don't talk about it, you think I don't know, I am listening to music and picking up girls, what I know is that you are commanding a war, I don't know where I thought the nobles were hunting."

Lorraine said: "I beat and beat him to death. Are you not going to move your ass? By the way, isn't your mission here to defend the academy? The big guys came back and saw their precious apprentices. Yes, let's see how you explain to them

Elder Brarick said without paying attention: "Don't be confused, my mission here is to protect the library, not this college.

Lorraine said: "Cut, wait for the Almohad to come in, see if you can recommend against tens of thousands of soldiers and keep this library

Elder Brarick asked Lorraine back: "Did they fight in?"

Lorraine shrugged and said nothing.

Elder Brarik said: "The hand you played today is very beautiful. No one has ever had the opportunity to do this before. Let the mage rush out for a surprise attack. Fortunately, you dare to think about it. Look at Almohad's mage, hiding far behind the battle line.

Originally, I wanted to sneak out tonight to help you solve those stone throwers, but since you did it yourself, I don’t have to be busy anymore. Without those stone throwers, let the Almohad people slowly grind the walls. Look at the lives of tens of thousands of them. Can change several layers of wall skins. "

Lorraine said: "Where is the rest, you just sit and watch?.

Elder Brarick burped comfortably, then took a sip of wine, and said, "How about it? Show the prototype. Fly out and kill them with a few breaths of dragons? Boy, you don't understand why the dragons are in Maple Leaf Danlin. . But it’s okay to tell you."

Vera also stopped her fork and pricked her ears to listen intently.

Brarik said: "From the beginning of the battle of the gods, the dragons and humans have stood in the same camp, fighting against the demons together.

We are friends with mankind, but according to the peace treaty of the various races, we cannot intervene in human affairs.

From the place where Fengye Danlin was established, there is dragon guarding here. The purpose is just to prevent the penetration of the demons, protect the essence of knowledge, and maintain the independent status of Fengye Danlin, nothing more.

So, as a last resort, we won't let people know about our existence because they know it, it's useless.

Besides, Armor Ye Danlin has stood for thousands of years. You think you can take this place with tens of thousands of ordinary human soldiers. You are too underestimated by Armor Ye Danlin's strength. The tiger took a nap and was caught by the fox. The fox really regarded himself as the king of the beasts, ridiculous. "

Elder Brakerella sneered, and then said: "You little guys, with eyes and no beads, you don't know how to use the magic tower, and the holy light shield. You are only used as a shield to ruin things. "

"Oh?" Lorraine said, "Are they very powerful?"

"It's beyond your imagination, Elder Brarik said: "Eliminate the tens of thousands of people below, just waving their hands, otherwise why would the Demon Race's Million Allied Forces collapse and sink into the sand?

But those things are not something you little guys can use. You'd better squat on the head of the city and drink the northwest wind, and knock against the Almohad. "

"There is another question," Lorraine said, "Do you not care about the consequences of this dangerous pine?"

Elder Brarick asked, "What are the consequences?"

Lorraine said: "The world will almost take the Maple Leaf Danlin when it sees 70,000 people. If you send 170,000 people, or 270,000 people, you won't be able to smash the Maple Leaf Danlin. Such a wonderful piece of fat, Who will not be tempted.

This time it was Almohad, and next time it might be Hardmoar or Modalha.

If they can't shake them this time, they will be busy in front of Fengye Danlin. "

Elder Brarick smiled and said: "Will you shock them? What are you kidding? You have seen all the puppies of Maple Leaf Danlin. Which one is not human spirit, eat The role of people not spitting out bones

Lorraine thought for a while, then fell silent.

Brakerella saw the fast disappearing food on the table and couldn't help but sighed with heartache, and said, "That is my luck. I ran into you two cataclysms.

especially you. I made trouble at the time and didn't finish recording flight lessons this year. Later, this is the stain on my life. When leaving, leaving a splendid and rich legacy to the younger generation is the duty of the guards. My reputation, my glory"

Lorraine looked at his distressed look, couldn't help frowning, and cursed in his heart: This **** home

At this moment, I heard a screaming alarm bell from outside, "Dangdangdang"

The voice tore through the silence of the night and spread far away.

Lorraine could not help but change his color, "enemy"

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