Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1475: He must be sent by you

When time entered January 1, 837, the Semitic nightmare began. M.

Akaderin has encountered extreme cold weather that has been rare for decades. The bustling city of the past is as lonely as frozen, but it is the heart of Akaderin that is colder than the weather.

Some people even say that this winter that freezes to death is a punishment from the Great Demon God, and the evidence is that the traitors and worms are constantly being dug up in the city.

Due to the unfavorable handling of the officials of the Ministry of Justice, the result led to the successful collective defections of a group of senior royal officials such as Pat and Hawkes.

This became the biggest scandal in the government of Prime Minister Madolins.

Therefore, the Minister of Justice Sarris was accused of being another rash and traitor hidden in the Semitic government, and was immediately arrested by the secret police of the Ministry of the Interior.

After careful interrogation, the Semi official announced that under the wise leadership of Prime Minister Madolins, they finally succeeded in uncovering another major incident of a flash **** conspiracy to destroy my good situation, and all involved in the case The spies were caught in one go.

Headed by the Minister of Justice, Sarris, it was this bludger hidden in the government that informed Hawkes and the others, which made them succeed in defecting.

Fortunately, the Semites now have the leadership of the wise and savvy Prime Minister Marados.

As long as his old man glanced gently with his eyes, he could see through the true colors of those clowns, and exposed all their actions.

Those despicable little people can only tremble in the thunder-like eyes of his old man.

Therefore, although Hawkes’ defection caused a lot of losses to the Semis, but because of Prime Minister Madolins’s timely insights and arrangements in advance, the officials of the Ministry of the Interior were on duty and fighting bravely, so Successfully saved most of it.

In a word, everything is still under the control of His Excellency Prime Minister Madolins.

At the same time, Madolins once again issued a warning that there are still many stray traitors hidden within us, who are plotting to subvert us. Therefore, everyone must continue to keep their eyes open, strengthen their confidence, and fight those traitors.

The road is tortuous, but the future is bound to be bright. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Madolins, the Semitic will move from victory to victory.

Although the announcement was just a fluttering page, it was not easy for the secret police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Because they smashed Sarris's ten fingers and pulled out a whole row of teeth, they all got their tongues out when they were tired, and they got his confession.

Many parts of it were brainstorming and brainstorming based on Sarris's confession, because the guy was too weak to speak for a long time before the trial.

After Madolins got that confession, he was extremely happy right now... well... extremely angry.

In anger, he dropped more than 20 valuable imported crystal glasses, then patted the table, and gave important instructions to the Minister of the Interior Dosdon: "Check, check it out for me~!

No matter who is involved, we will never tolerate it, and we must give the Semitic people an explanation. "

Subsequently, under the instructions of the Prime Minister, led by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and assisted by the Prime Minister’s Guard, a vast inventory operation was launched in the Lingshan government agencies at all levels.

Madolins took a straightforward and resounding name for this operation, hoeing.

It also issued a document requesting government departments at all levels to take cooperation with the **** operation as the primary task, and deal with anyone who delays or neglects it.

In the past, because it was led by the Ministry of Justice, officials more or less had a sense of law during the investigation, but when this important task fell on the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the whole scene began to lose control.

After all, as secret police and secret agents, they are never disciplined.

For them, all processes and methods are not important, what is important is the result~!

Look at the FBI, Homeland Security, and other secret police agencies in the country, and you can know what kind of urine is this kind of guy.

As long as they use slogans such as national security and combating terrorists, they can arrest them without restriction, and then put the suspicious elements in jail, and use the rice version to kill you three thousand, and be kind and friendly. Interrogation.

And this is still in the country that claims to have the most human rights, the most fair and just. At this moment, when they work, they are naturally more unscrupulous.

The secret police can ask what confession the internal government and the prime minister need, which can be called first-class efficiency.

For a while, everyone was in danger.

Of course, there were also splashing puppies who saw the cheapness, and immediately reported their former enemies, and then happily counted the bounty, watching the enemy wailing and being caught by the secret police and dragged into the carriage. ——In order to stimulate the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in the work of scavenging rape, Madolins also issued an order that the reporter can be allocated one-fifth of the property of the reported person.

But in the afternoon, he hadn't been relieved from the joy of the morning. Even before the gold coins were warmed up, the secret police who rushed in immediately caught him and dragged him into a carriage-his enemies also gave him Reported.

Everyone will report, and everyone is a reporter.

Seeing that Madolins's storm was getting worse and worse, the nobles had to rely on the Prime Minister in order to protect themselves, and lived by flattering with extreme humiliation.

And more nobles rolled up their bedding and went away to join the Caribbean Semitic Provisional Republican government.

If they really want to run, there are many ways. After all, the nobles are all over the world, and they are all in the same spirit. After Akaderin, the prime minister's brand has begun to be discounted.

The nobles who dragged their families with their mouths even formed a crowd on the sea and land.

Because there are too many nobles, it is far from being able to accommodate a small republican government temporarily erected. Now the provisional government is only located in Caribbean City, and the army is only 50,000 to 60,000, and it is actually controlled by Lorraine. command.

Therefore, this situation makes President Brad feel happy, but also feel a little headache.

The more nobles who took refuge in, the correctness of the president and the legitimacy of the interim government were revealed. But at the same time these people also have to eat.

Every day just before bed, you have to consider who is here again today, and then what kind of position to arrange for them, and how much money to pay each month is considered appropriate.

After all, everyone is a royal family, and all of them have come to him. If they don't take good care of them, where can the president's face be put?

Now is the time when people's hearts are unstable, and it is best to buy people's hearts and consolidate their position.

It is a pity that there are only a few positions within the government that are well paid and have few jobs, and they were all divided up on the first day of the establishment of the interim government.

And so far, the republican government has lived entirely by borrowing money. The president himself also lives by counting rice grains at home, which is extremely inadequate, and even saves on sanitation and decoration expenses.

With so many people here at once, the Provisional Government simply cannot take care of them.

President Brad is also distressed that his expenses are too large, in order to save expenses.

And more importantly, in order for Madolins to kill fewer members of the Semitic royal family, and preserve the royal bloodline as much as possible-these people are the backbone of Semitic rule. Only by relying on them can they effectively rule and manage the Semitic Norda territory.

When his head was hot, he also made a faint move.

The President personally wrote an article in the newly established "Caribbean Times", telling the opposite Prime Minister Madolins that there are not so many insiders among the Semites.

As soon as this report came out, it was like stabbing a hornet's nest, causing a terrible reaction.


"Jingling bell..." At eight ten in the morning, with the crisp sound of the imported alarm clock, Prime Minister Madolins slowly woke up from his sleep. Seeing the beautiful girl who fell asleep next to her at the age of sixteen or seven, who was like a flower bud with crystal tears on her face, she couldn't help feeling proud.

If it were in the past, although Prime Minister Madolins could find such a young girl, there has never been one that can compare with that girl's noble status.

That girl was born in a royal family, and she was a royal family with a noble status.

Far from being such an old and ugly man, but also only a humble sideman of the royal family that could possess.

Fortunately, Lord Madolins is now in power, giving power to the world, and talking about it in Akadelin.

In order to beg Uncle Ma to forgive his father-not long ago, the hapless nobleman was imprisoned in Guantanamo Prison for being convicted of espionage-the girl was at the banquet last night and was as old as Madolins, his grandfather The person fell in love at first sight, and then took the initiative to seduce Madolins who has noble sentiment.

Looking at the girl's pure face, Madolins only felt a headache caused by a hangover, but could not remember the girl's father's name.

Madolins shook his head vigorously: Just leave this small matter to his entourage. The Prime Minister, who doesn't need to deal with everything, personally intervenes.

It's just an individual. Since you can release it, you can grab it again...

He got up from the bed, put on his robe, went to the dining room, and sat down at the table.

Drinking coffee to wake up, while silently thinking about a major question: among the twelve royal families, who else has a beautiful girl who hasn't played with?

Maybe it’s because of his low birth, maybe he was once despised. Before he was picked by Cameron, he was just an inconspicuous middle-level bureaucrat of Akadeline, living a nine-to-five, two-point-one-line boring. life.

The noble's dinner and entertainment have nothing to do with him.

After holding the arrogance, he has always had a special interest in noble women. It seems that this way, he can make his status no longer lowly.

It's not that there are no women who take the initiative to throw in their arms. As the prime minister trusted by the high priest, Madolins is powerful. However, before this, most of them were widows or officials' wives, and they were quite out of the way.

At this moment, someone came in with the Dibao and placed it respectfully on the table.

Madolins took back his thoughts, then took the black coffee in front of him, took a sip, then picked up the Di Bao and looked at it carefully.

Because of the low literacy rate among the Semites, although newspapers have been passed from humans for a long time, there is no market at all.

Moreover, the lack of movable type printing and the corresponding equipment makes the cost of the newspaper extremely high. Only government officials can barely support it, and distribute it everywhere in the form of official mansion newspapers.

The Dibao is sent and received by a dedicated person and has been sorted beforehand. Therefore, all important news is placed in the most eye-catching position, so that after Madolins picks up the Dibao, you can see the content inside.

Madolins flipped through the three editions, but found that they were all praising the great Prime Minister of Destiny. He smiled unsatisfactorily and then turned to the fourth edition.

After just watching a party, Madolins stood up immediately, ignored the spilled coffee, and shouted anxiously: "Assemble cabinet officials, and hold an emergency meeting immediately~!"

Following his order, the attendants in the prime minister's house moved quickly.

After receiving the news, the cabinet officials rushed all the way, hitting their butts on the heels, and all came quickly.

This can't help them. Now the Prime Minister is very powerful. If the time is delayed, the Prime Minister Long Yan will be furious. If you can't say it, you can hide it in the government, conspiracy, deliberately delaying time, and affect the Prime Minister to do in time. He made a wise decision and deliberately put the nation to death...', and then dragged it out and beheaded.

A dozen or dozen heads are chopped off on the execution platform in the main square every day.

Seeing that all the officials were there, Madolins immediately slammed the newspaper in his hand on the table and shouted angrily: "Have you all read this newspaper? Look, what is this? Damn it. The flashy leader, the Semitic enemy Brad is starting to attack us~!"

Many officials also just got up from the woman's bed, and hurriedly came without even brushing their teeth. How could they know what happened.

And those who knew, looking at Madolins in a rage, all pretended not to know at the moment.

Everyone craned their necks and looked at the Dibao, only to see a few lines of characters written on it. Rebellious leader Brad published an article in the newspaper.

The following is vaguely a clipping from the "Caribbean Times." The main meaning of the above is that the Semites do not have so many internal traitors. I begged Prime Minister Madolins to be merciful, kill fewer people, and leave some blood and seeds for the Semi and the royal family.

Although the article was extremely pertinent, in Madolins's opinion, it was pointed at his nose and cursed him for being brutal and bloody, which was naturally intolerable.

After reading this, the officials looked at each other and looked at each other. Many people felt that what Brad said was actually very reasonable. In this way, the Semites themselves would suffer the most by arresting and killing people.

But watching Madolins furiously furious, all of them were extremely afraid, shrinking into their own chair, no one dared to speak out.

Madolins snarled for a long time, and finally calmed down. Then he pointed his index finger to the table and set the tone, saying: "Gentlemen, look at this newspaper and see how Brad is begging. Phase, what does this mean? Huh?"

He paused, and then replied by himself: "That said, these shameless gangsters are afraid. They are afraid of our removal operation, because the removal operation has already been touched... No, several of them were hidden in our flash. The foundation of the family.

His article, on the other hand, proves the correctness of our removal action, so we must continue to implement it unswervingly~! "

After speaking, he looked at the officials with his own Shuo Shuo's energetic eyes.

Under his sharp gaze, the officials nodded in agreement.

Some people even couldn't help but admire loudly: The Prime Minister is really sharp-eyed and clear-headed. I saw through Brad's tricks at once and let his conspiracy go bankrupt again~!

Then he proposed to a group of officials, asking everyone to join the ‘Three Calls Long Live’ and pay the highest respect to the great Prime Minister Malindos.

A group of officials yelled at the **** flattery while they all got up. Then they raised their hands high above their heads and shouted at Malindos: "Board planting, board planting, board planting"

In this traditional Semitic way, I pay tribute to Prime Minister Malindos who once again saw through the enemy's conspiracy and saved the future of the Semitic in time.

In the end, this vicious political incident aimed at discrediting Prime Minister Madolins and viciously attacking the Semitic government was quelled.

But Madolins just smoothed things out. Within two days, a new newspaper came out. It also marked an article signed Lorraine in a striking font: Humans have never infiltrated the flash. Within the family. Things like Philayan, Gironde, Venio, Brisoni... etc. Royal nobles are not spies for humans at all, and have never cooperated with humans.

This article was not written by President Brad, but Lord Luo thought it was fun and wrote it himself.

These royal families had tried their best to solicit by the Provisional Government, but those puppies didn't eat Sir Alex Ferguson's set, and were not willing to come over.

Since they don't give face to Sir Alex Ferguson, he naturally doesn't have to give them face.

After reading the article, Madolins took the table and gave important instructions to the cabinet members: "This is another enemy's conspiracy. There is no silver in this place. The thief shouts to catch the thief..."

Immediately, the secret police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dispatched immediately to arrest them. But without exception, they all emptied.

Those people were not stupid. After reading the newspaper, they grinned and yelled at Lord Luo, while packing their luggage, holding their tails, ran desperately towards the Provisional Republican Government.

And their defection also proved once again that Prime Minister Madolins's foresight and vision are like torches.

He also succeeded in capturing a large number of spies lurking inside the Semi, destroying the enemy's major conspiracy, and promptly regaining major losses for the Semi.

And Sir Alex Ferguson almost had to roll on the ground. There is no more mad and stupid opponent than this guy.

This stuff is easier to use than his own Sir Alex sent someone out to recruit the nobles of the Semitic. As long as the other party doesn't agree, he will break the news in the newspaper, and so and so, definitely not sent by us.

Then the next day, the stubborn guy had a sullen expression, and while cursing the wicked Lord Luo, he ran towards the provisional government.

Of course, there are really hard guys who don't want to leave.

However, they were taken away by the secret police, tortured and beaten, and finally their heads were cut off. There are fewer and fewer fools left.

Later, even if the people sent by Lord Luo Jue were still on the way, the nobles over there had packed their bags and ran over.

In this situation, a rumor began to spread.

So that after everyone drank too much, Hawks patted the table, pointed to Lorraine’s nose, and said categorically: "Madolins must be sent by you~!" (To be continued. If you want to continue. You like this work, you are welcome to (this site) to subscribe, give a reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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