Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1476: Unintelligible battle

Due to the severe cleaning and destruction of the interior by Prime Minister Madolins, the vitality of the bureaucratic and aristocratic class within the Semi was greatly injured. m.

At the same time, the prime minister's personal power has been greatly expanded, and he has firmly assumed the power, and trained the Semitic government to be obedient like a dog.

According to incomplete statistics, in just the month of January 837, nearly 10,000 noble and noble bureaucrats in the Semi were arrested and imprisoned.

It is not only Akaderin, but the **** operation directly executed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs has expanded to all parts of the Semitic. This trend has even spread to Thunderbolt, the capital of Thunderbolt that has always been at odds with Akaderin.

Due to the defeat of the Expeditionary Army, the strength of Thunder Flash's various forces has changed. These puppies also intend to take this opportunity to rearrange the order of the rivers and lakes.

Groups of secret police rushed to various places with orders signed by the Prime Minister, to capture anyone who looked like a rape.

Due to the arrest of too many renegade traitors-the boss of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, known as Madolins' number one bulldog, Doston, even learned the evil capitalist advanced management method without a teacher, and took the last to eliminate system.

That is to say, the secret police in various departments have set task indicators and evaluation standards. They are evaluated on a monthly basis. Whoever catches the most spies will be promoted, and those who catch the least will be laid off.

For this reason, the secret police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs gave full play to their enthusiasm and initiative, and some of them even gave the entire City Lord's Mansion a pot.

The result was that all prisons were overcrowded, and every cell was overcrowded.

In order to make more room for the rebellion of these heinous Semitic public enemies, the prison had to release a large number of murderers, robbers, and bandits.

Most of these desperadoes were recruited by the secret police and became their powerful thugs and accomplices. Shaosheng became the most powerful subordinate of the Prime Minister.

When the news reached the Caribbean, I was shocked. Lord Lorraine's comment on this is that in times of trouble, evildoers will appear.

There was a joke at the time. If you want to save your life and not be caught by the secret police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the best way is to kill someone on the street and have the police of the Ministry of Justice arrest you. They won't even send you in. The prison was already full.

Among the 10,000 nobles, 3,000 of them have been interrogated efficiently by the special court. During the entire interrogation process, those poor people did not even have time to open their mouths to defend themselves.

These people are personally selected by the Prime Minister himself. The specific operation process is to send a list of people arrested every day.

While drinking coffee, the Prime Minister closed his eyes again and again, using a red pen to sketch on the dense list—because he didn't like bad guys.

The unlucky ghosts that are sketched will be treated as serious criminals and dealt with quickly.

But today the group of Semitic nobles who were tried by the special court were a bit wronged. That day, the Prime Minister was in a hurry and hurried out the whole piece of paper with a red pen.

The judge immediately attached great importance to this list. The judge in charge analyzed the handwriting, line thickness, and ink concentration. Prime Minister Madolins attached great importance to this list.

The judge immediately arraigned all the criminals on the list.

Hundreds of prisoners were strung together by a thick iron chain and dragged into the court by rough jailers.

In order to save trouble, the shrewd and efficient secret police invented this method. They buckled each prisoner on an iron chain, and as long as they were optimistic about the first prisoner like a sheep, the others would follow obediently.

The secret police beat and kicked all the slow prisoners mercilessly.

There is no prisoner who has experienced many severe tortures without injury. Many of them can barely move with the help of friends before and after.

This group of unkempt and **** prisoners came into the hall. The huge court was filled with them, full of unbearable smell.

The trial judge even saw a few familiar faces among the prisoners. When those people saw him, they all cast pleading eyes.

That poor gaze, even if the lion saw it, he would feel softened.

And the judge is far inferior to the lion, so when he saw those people's eyes, he couldn't help but feel soft.

But only for a second, after he saw the bloodthirsty eyes of the special commissioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs next to him, the judge quickly made a decision.

Immediately I saw him picking up a piece of black veil and covering his head, and said in a voiceless voice: "You are convicted of treason, and I, on behalf of the Semi, sentence you to death.

Execute now~! "

Then he banged the gavel in his hand hard.

If he does not do this, it is likely that he should appear as the defendant tomorrow and wait for his deputy to announce his death sentence.

Knowing that they were bound to die, many of the prisoners were frightened and slumped on the spot, and some were even frightened and incontinent, unable to say a word.

This will naturally be taken by the special court as hard evidence of a guilty conscience.

And those who yelled for injustice on the spot, struggling desperately, pulled the chains that bound them, as if they could get out of trouble.

Others cursed Madolins hoarsely, cursed the lackeys of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with various vicious words, and even spit at them.

Every time at this time, a few strong jailers rushed up and kicked them violently. They were bleeding from their noses and mouths, and they were dying. Completely dispel the arrogance of these traitors.

It is said that at the peak, a judge set a record of 27 death sentences in one hour.

On the main square of the Akkadrin Imperial City, there are seven guillotines. The triangular guillotine was pulled up high, looking extremely eerie and terrifying.

Every day, starting from the morning, a carriage full of prisoners from the Ministry of Internal Affairs rushed in continuously to unload those prisoners with their hands tied behind their backs in front of the guillotine.

They lined up in a long line in front of the guillotine, waiting for the execution.

On the other side there are also more than a dozen wooden platforms, all of which stand a huge wooden pier.

This is exclusively for executioners.

Due to too many people, the guillotine is not enough. As a result, the firing squad had to temporarily recruit dozens of executioners.

This also makes the ancient execution method of beheading with a knife reappear in people's sight.

The second method of execution is very popular among the people onlookers.

Although there are crowds of ordinary people who come to the main square every day to watch the execution, there are obviously more onlookers in front of the beheading platform than the ordinary people watching in front of the guillotine.

Because the executioners were not professional enough because they were rushed to work without training.

When they were beheading, many people couldn't cut their heads cleanly. As a result, the blood was smeared, and because of the severe pain, the prisoners often screamed sharply and terribly before they died.

At this time, all the people onlookers grinned, exposing mouthfuls of yellow and black teeth, and cheered like a mountain whistling and a tsunami.

In fact, these dead people just simply like to watch the fun.

They didn't care whether they killed the pillars of the Semites, scholars, thinkers, or ordinary thief, or murderers.

As long as there are murders to watch, they will all be very happy. Of course, if the aristocratic bureaucrats in the past died, they would naturally be happier. Even laughed wildly.

Whenever the nobleman's head was chopped off, the executioners grabbed the hair on that head with blood-stained hands, and after a little inspection, they started shouting.

"Gold teeth, shiny gold teeth, five copper plates."

"Pretty hair, this is the hair of a noble woman, it's soft and flowing, it's the most suitable wig."

"Gold earrings, pure gold earrings, as long as a silver coin."


When all the value on those heads has been squeezed out, then it will be thrown into a big basket and squeezed together with other hideous heads stained with blood.

At this time, it was impossible to see which of the nobles was more noble.


Although Madolins carried out such a **** cleaning and suppression of the interior, the heads of the city of Akadrien were rolling, but...

However, this man was respected by officials and the people as the "incorruptible" and considered the most powerful and outstanding prime minister in the history of the Semites. He turned a blind eye to the small group of human gangs entrenched in the Caribbean.

Neither the generals were summoned to formulate countermeasures, nor was the army mobilized to prepare for battle, and no mobilization orders were issued to the Semitic.

This is a very strange thing, the enemy has already killed the door, Madolins is still busy cleaning the room intently.

Because all the Semis have known for thousands of years that humans are their unshakable public enemy.

The Semi people can’t eat enough, don’t wear warm clothes, the nobles kill people indiscriminately, the necromancers wantonly slaughter, get sick, lose chickens, their children look like neighbors... etc., all because of humans, all of them. wrong.

Many years of official propaganda have also taught them that they must hate humans and be ruthless. As long as they defeat humans, they will be better off.

At that time, there will be human slaves, women who sleep in humans, and with human money, everyone can live a happy life like a landlord and old fortune, eating meat every day.

Conversely, if humans are defeated by humans, they have only one dead end, and the encounter will be worse than the humans defeated by them.

As the leader of the Semitic people, Madolins should set an example for the Semitic people. As soon as the humans marched, they should assemble heavy troops to attack the human coalition in the Caribbean, kill them all and drive them down the sea. Feed the fish.

It's like the battle that captured the Caribbean in five hundred years.

But he didn't do that, and kept brandishing the butcher knife vigorously at his own people.

This is actually easy to understand.

Because this is just a very typical way of raising the thief's self-respect.

As long as humans are still on the Semitic continent, and as long as the threats from humans to the Semis do not go away, those Semitic people who are afraid of human invasion will have to compromise on Madolins.

Infighting at this time will only cause the Semitic to split the civil war, and the Semi has no hope at all.

The same was true for Hawkes, the commander of the Forbidden Army, even though Madolins moved his men, but for the sake of the overall situation, he still swallowed his breath.

It wasn't until the butcher knife hit his neck that it was unbearable that he ran away in anger.

It was just a run away, the old gentleman never got the idea of ​​pulling up the guards to kill Madolins.

Therefore, only if humans are in the Semitic continent for one day, Madolins can continue his great purge with peace of mind.

The other reason is...somewhat funny.

Because Prime Minister Madolins was so enthusiastic about purging and arresting a large number of middle-level officials, the government work was almost brought to a standstill.

In many departments, only the gatekeepers and a few clerks are left, and they are all temporary workers. The officials to fill these vacancies have not had time to be selected.

Even though he wanted to send troops, but there was nothing he could do.

Because the various things needed for sending troops, such as personnel, military pay, military equipment, materials, food and grass... all these need to be approved and allocated by a series of officials.

Need officials to organize and supervise in person.

And these people are basically all arrested, even if they are not arrested, they are still on the way.

Those who are still in the office are not thinking about work, but thinking about whether they should run away.

Sometimes, in order to deal with some sudden emergencies, it is more convenient to set up a table in the prison cell, where people are all here.

However, Prime Minister Madolins is not worried about this, even very optimistic.

At the cabinet meeting, he pointed out very clearly that human beings have traveled across oceans, the logistics are weak, and the ability of human soldiers to do war is low.

For thousands of years, countless examples have proven that one Semitic soldier can easily defeat ten human soldiers.

The only thing they rely on is the traitors inside the Semitic. Only by selling and destroying them can they have a chance to defeat the powerful Semitic. The Million Semitic Expeditionary Army was defeated by the internal traitors.

Therefore, as long as we take the lead ourselves and catch all the internal traitors of the Semi, the enemy will lose himself without fighting.

What's more, human beings are now in the land of the Semites. We have an absolute advantage. The Semites have a population of hundreds of millions, and there are 40 million adult men over the age of 16.

We can organize five million or even tens of millions of troops to drown the enemy.

Although his self-confident words were scorned by countless experienced generals, it is indisputable that humans have been standing still for two months since they occupied the Caribbean.

If humans attacked decisively at the beginning of the landing, the empty and chaotic Semites would not be able to help humans at all, and the human army could drive straight in for a few thousand miles.

Maybe this will have already hit Akaderin.

But the human coalition just waited. It seems to be to verify what Prime Minister Madolins said.

This makes many Semitic military experts feel inexplicable, unanimously agreeing: This is not scientific~!

Either human generals are stupid, or as the Prime Minister said, they are vain, but they are actually very weak.

According to common sense, this kind of cross-sea operations requires all materials to be transported from the human continent, which puts tremendous pressure on logistics.

Even if it is rationed in accordance with the Semitic minimum standards, the millions of troops need 1,000 tons of food every day, and in order to distribute the food to each soldier, the transportation and distribution will need to consume about 30% of the total.

In addition, there are weapons and clothing, construction materials, military vehicles, mules and horses, forage...

A city cannot provide such a large amount of supplies.

Therefore, after occupying a place and gaining a foothold, only rapid expansion of the territory can form an effective strategic buffer zone and calmly deal with counterattacks.

Second, more strategic resources, food and population can be plundered from the local area. Only by fighting and raising war can we firmly take root.

After occupying the Caribbean, Lorraine, instead of rapidly expanding the territory, adopted a defensive trend, constantly consolidating the line of defense.

This makes people feel incredible. Everyone wondered whether Lorraine, the flying eagle war god, was blown out by humans?

Some military experts even counted Lorraine's countless achievements, and then emphasized that Lorraine was actually a coward, only relying on his pale face, sweet mouth, and good skill to deceive those ignorant girls.

Take the route of nepotism and make a fool of yourself.

Later, when leading the army, the blind cat encountered a dead mouse and won the battle. Then he spent money on hiring people, desperately bragging about his stinky feet, so the human side also used falsehood and gave him a false name of "God of War".

In fact, he was nothing. If he didn't believe it, he would let that guy bring a million little brothers to the uncle to try.

Uncle can poke him to death with a finger~!

Although Lord Luo really brought people over by then, he might not know what will happen, but now Luo Lin is far in the Caribbean, beyond his reach. Everyone puts their mouths open and launches a powerful public opinion offensive, and it still has nothing to do with him. questionable.

Anyway, in the past two months, everyone has not dared to talk casually, but it is definitely not wrong to scold Lorraine vigorously.

On the other side, Lorraine laughed all afternoon after learning what those people thought. I am very reminded of an old saying: When humans think, God laughs.

For the IQ of those Semitic military strategists, Sir Alex Ferguson was really speechless.

More than a thousand years have passed, and they still have not made much progress. Their war thinking still stays a thousand years ago, when the Semites attacked humanity.

It is true that all the wars have really competed in numbers. The enemy can be wiped out by mobilizing heavy troops several times the number of the enemy.

It was this kind of thinking that caused the Semitic Expeditionary Force to be annihilated in a mere one year.

Rate an army of one million to attack a vast continent with a population of over one hundred million, which is full of difficulties.

It is impossible to completely conquer or destroy the

In particular, the other party has absolute local advantages, with various fortresses everywhere. It is easy to assemble a huge army. At the beginning of the war, a series of victories may be achieved, but later, it will inevitably evolve into a reckless war of attrition.

This is like a real-time strategy game.

The start on his side was too weak and his ability to replenish troops was poor. At this time, tactics such as Rhino RUSH did not work at all for what field camps were used for fast attack.

The only way is to immerse yourself in development, climb the tree of science and technology as soon as possible, and establish a strong modern chemical industry system so that the local area can provide sufficient logistical supplies.

At the same time, by sending out spies, the priest can recruit the opponent's soldiers and weaken the opponent's strength. Then crazy rioters

Only in this way can we grow stronger step by step, and finally start a decisive battle with the enemy.

Under such circumstances, the entire Caribbean has become a huge construction site~! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe (this site), give a reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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