Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1474: Evil capitalism

Accompanied by the huge tremor, the pressure generated by the acceleration of gravity makes all passengers subconsciously cling to the seats. M.

This rapid lifting continued for a minute. The war fortress suddenly fell silent, the floor under everyone's feet no longer trembled up and down, and the huge roar disappeared. Everyone felt a sudden relief, and the war fortress changed to level flight.

When the war fortress named ‘Gray Machine’ just took off, the Semites on board were quite excited.

This is all of them flying to the sky once in their lives.

The boys and girls of those families all put their heads on the windows, looking through the glass at the clouds passing by the windows, and the vast expanse of ground under their feet, yelling constantly.

Although Hawks tried their best to maintain restraint, their faces were flushed, of course because of excitement.

Flying in the sky may not be the dream of every human being, but it is definitely the dream of most people. Looking down on the earth from the sky, naturally, there is a kind of heroic feeling, as if the whole earth is in his own control.

Although they are the highest-ranking officials of the Semi, they have never sat on something of such a high level.

In fact, due to the low mining volume of the Semitic magic spar, the production, supply and marketing system is all controlled by the lich, and the design of the war fortress is too heavy.

And the tyrannical monopoly of the liches-the witches believe that allowing the splashing people to step on the fortress of war is an insult to the dark magic. It's as if the nobleman would not let a pig climb into his luxury car.

For various reasons, these senior officials of the Semi have never expected to sit on the war fort and fly in the sky.

Although everyone knows that the benefits are obvious, such as faster large-scale investigations, and more timely battlefield monitoring and command, no one dares to raise them to the undead high priest.

Compared with human beings, they are indeed a bit pitiful. There are a lot of business jets available for deployment in the United Nations as long as they are needed.

The heads of several major organizations have long been equipped with special planes, such as the Air Force One of Archduke Julian, the Flying Dutchman of Lord Lorraine, and the zero plane of Lester, all of which are famous.

Watching the blossoming white clouds passing by on both sides of the fuselage, watching the earth slowly unfolding under you, the beautiful scenery appears like a huge picture scroll, even with Hawks’s concentration, it can’t help but for a while. The heart is surging.

Grandma's, this is what a real person should live~!

He was thinking like this, and Pat next to him was already murmured and exclaimed: "It was really useless before~!"

The two old men looked at each other, and they both felt very worried.

On the other side, the women were also looking at the scenery outside the window, gathered together, and kept chattering.

At this time, someone came over and distributed food and drinks to everyone.

And the human officer who looked like a mage handed it out and kept apologizing: "I'm really sorry, we are a military plane, and there is nothing else on board. We only have these military rations installed.

There will be delicious food when it arrives. "

Hawkes took a look, but saw a simple tin can and a bottle of yellowish-brown liquid. The white tin can was sprayed with a few simple letters and numbers. The can has been opened with a spoon inserted in it.

He couldn't help being curious, and carefully tasted the can, and found that it tasted pretty good.

The meat was fragrant, rotten in the mouth, greasy and refreshing, and full of flavor. It's even better than the meat porridge made by the chef who has obtained level 4 or 6 at home.

The liquid in the bottle next to it has been bubbling lightly, making a sneer.

He also picked it up and took a sip carefully, um, it was sweet, with a bit of bitterness, and after drinking it, his stomach was a little upset and he couldn't help but belch.

Hawkes couldn't help but blush. As a nobleman, he hasn't been so rude for many years. He hurriedly glanced at it. The rest of the people seemed to be busy looking at their own novel food, not paying attention to their own side. This was a little bit relieved.

He didn't know whether it was the cause of the drink or the psychological factor. After drinking it, he suddenly felt a lot clearer in his mind, and his appetite also opened up a lot.

He couldn't help but smile, these human beings can really do weird things, making so many weird things. But what came to mind immediately, it was a sudden excitement in my heart.

By his side, Halke was already unable to bear it. He grabbed the sleeve of the dispatched officer and asked with concern: "You said this is your military ration? Do all your soldiers eat this?"

Hawkes also stared at the man intently: If humans really produce these foods, transport them across the ocean to the Semitic continent, and distribute them one by one, then their logistical support capabilities will be extremely terrifying.

You must know that the Semitic soldiers still eat potatoes every day, and they can only eat broth during the holidays. Only the most elite troops can eat every meal.

As for the remaining soldiers, they can only rely on their own wild food or resignation. The expeditionary army of the Semites must also collect food on the spot to reach the human continent.

This is also a major reason for the deterioration of the military discipline of the Semitic soldiers. Due to the lack of materials and the hierarchical deductions from the superiors, in order to get enough food, they can only go to the countryside to harass the people.

It’s a myth to eat meat every meal~!

Even the rich landlords and old rich men in the countryside can't do it.

The man was honest, and shook his head immediately.

The Hawkes were slightly relieved, but then their confidence was shattered by the man's words.

I just listened to the person yelling in a complaining tone: "If you eat this stuff all day, who will take it? I don't know how much rebates the guys in the logistics department charge the canned food manufacturer, and use this stuff all day long. we."

The soldiers sitting at the back also agreed with each other, and were quarreling with each other.

"Yes, I feel sick now when I smell this."

"I would rather use it for a thick dough cake."

"That stuff is eaten all day, not as delicious as the spiders we swallowed during survival training in the wild."

"Who said that, let me say that snake meat is the best."

"The big fat bug, the big fat bug is called incense."

"Yeah, crunchy, chicken flavor."


These **** are crooked again, and lively discussing which animal is best in the wild.

But Hawks looked at each other, all seeing the shock and fear on each other's faces.

From the words of the soldiers, it is not difficult for them to understand the meaning: First, these military rations are extremely sufficient-people who can't eat enough all day do not count the food.

Second, when humans train these soldiers, they do everything they want. No wonder they are so sharp and powerful~!

Such arrogant soldiers, coupled with the terrifying weapons they possess...

"Hiss...", they all gasped: Looking at the world, who can withstand their fierce blow? ~! ! !

All of them were silent for a while, and their thoughts were complicated.

Rufian coughed slightly beside her, breaking the strange silence.

She asked the person softly, "Is your **** expensive? How much can you buy?"

What is a rich man?

Miss Rufian's gentle words immediately gave a good explanation for this term.

As a rich person, first of all is to have a domineering attitude that ordinary people don’t have.

When you see good things, the first thing that comes to your mind is how much you can buy and take it for yourself.

As the saying goes, all problems that can be solved with money are not problems. Most problems in this world can be solved with money.

Hawkes laughed, and shook his head.

Her granddaughter is good at everything, and she is usually eccentric, but in this matter, she should think badly.

War fortress, this kind of thing is an extremely precious strategic weapon, no matter where it is, it is controlled material, how can it be bought and sold casually.

But seeing her eyes shining brightly, Hawks couldn’t bear to break her hopes, and then he calculated a little bit in his heart, if he occupied a position in the human army, how likely is it that he would be guilty of confession for personal gain, and a handy man Your granddaughter has a good time?

But then I heard that person say: "This handy machine is not too expensive. In Fengye Danlin, a private war fortress is only 500,000 gold coins. Of course, it is not worthy of weapons.

But if the lady is playing privately, there is no need to buy such a big one. Just buy a mid-range model of 200,000 yuan.

In fact, in order to vigorously develop the aviation industry, on our human side, all governments will give corresponding subsidies to everyone who buys a handy machine..."

Hawks' mind kept humming, and his blood pressure surged upward like a fountain. The throat became sweet all the time, and almost spewed a mouthful of old blood.

Afterwards, I couldn't hear the introduction of that person at all, I just felt a gloom in my heart.

I bought a big watch last year~!

Does this still make sense?

Such precious strategic materials in the Semitic people can't be tributed. The undead high priest saved nearly three hundred seats for hundreds of years.

Humans are actually holding them for fun, and the gang of puppies are so frantic that they actually play with flowers.

The expressions of the other two people next to them were also extremely uncomfortable. Although they didn't want to believe them in their hearts, they couldn't help but believe the facts before them.

Leo played the trick of pre-selling the war fortress in Fengye Danlin, and got tens of millions of start-up funds. Fengye Danlin used the money to build a manufacturing base, and during the war, he expanded the manufacturing field and desperately increased production capacity. .

Although it is still a war period, Luo Linna is already suffering from huge production capacity. If the heavily invested manufacturing field is idle, how can the investment be recovered?

Therefore, the civil war fortress, which is the handy machine, has been put on the agenda and pre-sales have begun.

After a while, Hawkes felt that his heartbeat gradually returned to normal, and then asked aloud: "You are just wasting such an important strategic material. Have you ever thought about it, in case there is a shortage of materials? If that happens, what will you do at that time?"

The other two looked at Hawkes approvingly—this question actually asked them what they wanted.

They also all pricked their ears, wanting to hear how the man answered.

The man was stunned for a moment, looked at Hawks strangely, and then said: "My lord, these materials are all mined, and there will be no shortage of them for a while.

Driven by commercial interests, those people will mine desperately in order to make money. If a mine is really gone, they will immediately look for new sources. Mined more materials out.

Therefore, as people invest more and more funds, the amount of mining will naturally increase, and the materials will only become more abundant. How can there be a shortage? "

Hawks stared at him blankly. Although the other party's words seemed to be reasonable, how could they conflict with his previous knowledge?

The man looked at him, knowing that the adult was in confusion, he smiled and said: "Our Sir Alex said, this is how the'evil capitalism' system compares to the'aristocratic feudal system' Superiority.

Although I don't quite understand the meaning of his words, now we are all better than before.

At least, a few years ago, we never dreamed that we would fly in the sky. "

With that said, the man saluted the Hawkes trio, then turned and walked towards the cockpit.

He walked quite hurriedly. In fact, this is easy to understand, because as a driving student, he not only has to do errands, but more importantly, there is a lot of homework and practice waiting for him to do.

The Hawks three could not help but fell into deep thought.

Although they do not understand the "evil capitalism", as the old imperialist aristocracy, they understand the "aristocratic feudalism" in great detail.

At this moment, they can't help thinking about a question: In the face of strong human pressure, is it time for the Semites, who have inherited a thousand-year-old historical tradition, to make changes?

When they thought of the answer, they couldn't help feeling a panic of fear.

The landing of a human army of millions, with strong ships and advanced firearms, the Semites in front of them are definitely not rivals.

The Semites are now facing a change unseen in the ages, and it is indeed the time when they must change.

Otherwise, the future Semitic will permanently decline, become a barbarian, or even disappear into the long river of history, making the Semitic a historical term.

At the same time, they felt a little fortunate. Because at this critical moment related to the future destiny of the Semitic, the choice they made was extremely wise~!

There are still opportunities in the future.

In the contemplation of several old people, the war fort was roaring, walking continuously through the clouds.

With the passage of time, the joy of just boarding the **** has disappeared. Looking at the clouds one after another outside, people couldn't help feeling tired and bored.

Although he is high in the sky, it is almost the same as sitting in a prison. In fact, it is even worse than prison.

People can only sit on their uncomfortable chairs, with nothing to do, and some people stare out the window in a daze. Some people fell asleep sideways. They had just passed a thrilling night, and they were all tired.

Until dusk, the fortress of war finally arrived at the destination-Caribbean Harbor.

With the arrival of Hawkes and others in the Caribbean, Brad, the president of the Dangeven Semitic Provisional Government, was ecstatic.

A grand welcoming ceremony was held at the moment, and then a dinner was held in his presidential palace. Warmly entertain the Hawkes crowd, pulling them for a while to make a wish.

This is easy to understand. Now President Brad is finally accompanied. He is no longer alone as before, and he doesn't even have a royal official who can tell him. It's as if the entire government is copycats.

In the past, I was the only one being scolded and raped, but now a group of people accompany me to be scolded.

At the same time, the Prime Minister Madolins was... uh... ecstatic.

In the past, he just shouted that there was a spy inside the Semi, and was emptying the Semi from the inside. Although he had arrested a lot of people and forced a lot of confessions, everyone was still half-believing about it.

At this time, the Hawks people left, but they just confirmed what he said, there are indeed spies in the Semitic people, and they are still among the senior government officials.

For example, like Hawkes, the commander of the Imperial Army, Parker, the former military commander, and Harker, the commander of the Southwest Army.

These people are all hiding evil intentions, stealing the Semitic intelligence, and betraying it to humans. This led to the defeat of the Semitic Expeditionary Army. They are the chief culprits for ruining the Semitic Million Expeditionary Army.

Madolins was wise and wise, with a torch in his eyes, and he had timely insight into the conspiracy of mankind and destroyed their plan. To turn the tide, the Semi was successfully saved from the edge of the cliff. Made an indelible great feat to the Semites.

Therefore, on the second day after Hawkes and others left, Madolins had a shining national hero medal.

At the awards conference Madolins made an important speech.

He insidiously taught the Semitic officials and people. Although Hawkes and other heinous bandits have been found out, there are still many of his party members hidden in the government, waiting for the next destruction and subversion. Opportunity for Semitic.

Therefore, the Semitic people must take advantage of the victory and pursue them, holding the great perseverance and determination of ‘I would rather kill a hundred by mistake than let go of one’, and continue to keep their eyes open and not be blinded by the enemy’s disguise. Dig deep, catch all the bad guys hidden in the government~!

The words of the Prime Minister immediately won the audience's cheers, and everyone was moved by the great and selfless dedication of the Prime Minister, and they stood up and applauded desperately with tears in their eyes. In this way I pay my lofty respect to this great man.

That enthusiastic applause rang for 20 minutes, setting the record of all Semitic meetings for two thousand years. It fully shows people's reverence and love for Madolins.

At the same time, the "Winter Moon Terror" that made all the Semi people frightened and unforgettable kicked off. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe (this site), give a reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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