Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1473: Out of danger (6000 words, I wish a happy Mid-Autumn Festival)

ps: I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

The horse-drawn carriage galloped rapidly in the night, passing through villages and towns without stopping at all.

The sound of heavy horseshoes and wheels awakened countless sleeping people.

But when they pricked their ears to listen, they could only hear the sound of the team going away. Everyone could not help cursing a few words, then turned over and fell asleep again.

It was a war horse and a car. Obviously, the sons of the noble **** who didn't know which family were playing midnight racing again, or doing other unknown crimes.

The ordinary people like themselves can't afford to offend them, the second generation of officials. It is better to do more than to do less, which will save future troubles.

Even going out is dangerous. It's a small thing to be killed by them. In case they are held accountable, it would be a big deal to ask their family to pay the repair cost of their famous car BMW.

The carriage ran all the way and ran out nearly two hundred miles all night, but fortunately, there were no dangers along the way.

This speed is impossible even if there is the pursuit of Prime Minister Madolins behind, unless Madolins can tell the Lich to dispatch the war fortress, but everyone knows that the Lich Cameron is on the ocean. Drinking wind on an unknown island.

At this time, it was the darkest hour before dawn, and only a few faint stars remained in the dark blue sky.

Hawks looked out through the window of the car. In the fast running, the horse lights on the carriage swayed constantly, illuminating the road ahead and the surroundings less than twenty yards.

With the light of the lantern, you can see that all the horses are already sweating profusely. His body was steaming hot.

And the faces of those with weird clothes were a little tired. After all, bumping on horseback for hours. Even if it is iron strikes, they can't stand it, but they still remain vigilant.

From a general's point of view, he nodded in satisfaction. These young men are definitely good soldiers. Even the most demanding instructors can't find faults from them.

On the contrary, Feral, who was sitting in the carriage, was already sleepy and stumbling. Even though the carriage was bumping and shaking, he was lying on the chair and fell asleep. From time to time, I still complain in my dream that this bed is really uncomfortable.

A hint of pity flashed in Hawks' eyes: As his grandson, his only way out was to join the army, just like all his ancestors.

Can imagine. After sending him to the barracks in the future, he will inevitably suffer a lot of hardships, just like...just as he was back then.

There was a look of memories in Hawks' eyes, as if recalling the vigorous time of his youth, he smiled slightly.

But immediately his expression became resolute. Since he is a member of the Faraines family, one of the Semitic royal families, he must take his due responsibility for the family and the country~!

This is the natural mission of all their royal families.

At this time, the carriage suddenly shook, and its speed suddenly slowed down a lot. Turn on a side road.

Rufian was already in a jealousy, and immediately woke up. Turning his head to look out the window, he asked casually, "Are we there yet?"

Someone outside the window replied: "Yes, miss."

Hawkes' heart sank, and then he also looked out the window. In the dim gray light before dawn, the outside scenery was vaguely familiar.

Hawkes couldn't help but stunned, and secretly guessed in his heart: What is this place? Why do I have this strange feeling? Have I been here before?

The carriage walked a little further along the road paved with stones, and stopped in front of a house with the sound of wheels pressing on the gravel.

Immediately afterwards, the room opened, the dim light illuminates the silhouette of a person, and someone has walked out to greet him.

I saw the man's white hair, full of energy, and he was not young but his waist was straight. To that point, the whole person was like a javelin. At this moment, he raised his hand and opened the door with a smile on his face.

Hawkes took a look, and was taken aback.

That man was the former chief of military affairs, Jacido, Pat.

The reason why it is the predecessor is because during the two-year coup, although the top military generals were not directly killed by the young officers, a series of military leaders were also forced to resign and the military headquarters changed. Became the world of radicals.

Hawkes hurriedly walked down, and then reached out to salute, but then Pat smiled and pulled his hand down, sighed and said, "Oh, old friend, I am no longer a military post. Now, Just a nasty old man."

Hawkes had to smile awkwardly and said, "I didn't expect we would meet on this occasion."

Pat immediately understood the meaning of his words. At the moment, he could only smile repeatedly, shaking his head and echoing emotionally: "Yes, I didn't expect it. In just two years, so many things happened in two years. "

Hawkes hesitated, and asked tentatively, "Even you..."

Although I didn't finish talking, everyone present all understood the meaning of his words: why even you betrayed the life of the revolution...Bah, betrayed the Semitic, and turned to humans.

Pat smiled coldly, with an indignant tone, and said, "That **** Madolins is really outrageous. In order to keep his position, he will ruin the future of the Semites."

Hawkes couldn't help but feel sad. Madolins's disregard of the overall situation to cut off the dissidents will only make the current Semites split faster.

Thinking about it, it feels funny. These people claim to be loyal to the Semites, but they have to go to the Humans to take shelter, and Madolin Sims is clearly a disaster to the Semis, but he is in a high position and holds great power.

Pat saw this, but now he laughed and said, "Don't talk about this, don't talk about this, come in, have a cup of hot tea to warm up your body, brothers and sisters and children have been waiting for you for a long time."

Hawks froze for a moment, and then reacted. Obviously, his wife and the others were picked up after receiving the news. The human agents were really quick~!

He couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and then walked into the hall.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a gray-haired woman standing up in surprise. Behind her. There is also a man and a woman with joy on their faces. It is his son and daughter-in-law.

Hawkes was about to step forward. Then he heard a shout of joy coming from behind.

"Grandma, Dad, Mom..."

Without waiting for the words to fall, a young man rushed up and plunged into the arms of the old woman.

It was Feral.

The old woman hugged her grandson and kept loving and screaming. Seeing Ruphian pouted, and secretly called eccentricity, this kid made trouble all the way. Obviously she didn't do anything, she was the biggest hero.

Hawkes saw it and couldn't help but feel happy. At least, his family can be reunited.

He greeted his family, then sat together and chatted a few words.

Not long after, I heard the sound of carriages and horseshoes outside.

Immediately afterwards, Pat came in with a few more people.

Those people are the family of Harke, another old friend of his own, the commander of the Northwest Military Region.

One by one, they all seemed to be in the dust. The look was quite panicked, and several people were still wearing simple pajamas like him.

Hawkes couldn't help but sink. When he walked to Pat's side, he said solemnly, "Malindos has also started against the Northwest Army?"

Pat didn't speak, but only sighed softly. In order to completely master the army, Madolins seemed to clean them all out.

Hawkes said: "Where are the Harkers?"

Pat whispered: "I don't know the situation yet, their people are looking for him, let us pray for him together~!"

Hawkes was stunned for a long time, but in the end he nodded heavily.

Although he used to be the commander of the Senate's top elite guard, now he can only do this.

He first went to one side and comforted Hark's family a few words, then sat down at the table with a pious face, folded his hands together, and prayed silently to the big demon **** in his heart, hoping that Hark would also arrive safely.

As for the future, I probably don't even know the devil.

After a while, I suddenly heard someone yelling in exclamation next to him: "There is a fire, there is a fire outside~!"

Everyone couldn't help but turned their heads and looked out the window.

I saw three big fires on the tidy lawn outside the villa.

Although the fire wasn't big, it couldn't help jumping up in the red flames, which was especially bright in the dark night.

Someone immediately shouted: "Quickly put out the fire. Copy the guy to put out the fire. Get a basin..."

Feral was young and impulsive, and likes to be lively, immediately jumped up and rushed out, but was immediately pulled by Hawks.

Ferrar still struggled, but Hawkes immediately stared, and he immediately calmed down. Sit down reluctantly.

Hawkes sat down again without making a difference.

Are you kidding, this fire was saved casually?

Uncle Huo was also an old man. Although he couldn't guess what was going on, he could tell at first glance that the three fires were triangular in shape, and they were obviously sending signals outward.

The beating firelight faintly illuminated several dark figures around. One of them had a bright and dark cigarette in his mouth, as if looking up at the sky.

Sure enough, after a while, I heard a thunderous sound from the sky.

The sound is very fast from far to near.

When I first heard it, it was still a faint sound from the horizon, but in the next moment it turned into a rumbling thunder, sounding above my head.

With a huge roar, the shaking house trembled.

The dust on the beams overhead fell down, and the glasses, wine bottles and other things on the table throbbed like legs.

One wine bottle was not stable, and then fell from the table, and smashed to pieces with a ‘pop’.

Everyone couldn't help but was shocked, and cast their eyes on the wine bottle.

At this moment, the ‘rumbling’ thunder suddenly disappeared

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other: What happened? earthquake?

Suddenly someone pointed out the window and stammered in a low voice, "That...that...what is that...what..."

Everyone turned their heads and looked out again.

At this time, the night gradually passed, and a touch of whiteness had already appeared on the horizon.

By the first ray of light in the sky. It can be clearly seen. On the outside lawn there appeared a huge...very strange bird.

Its whole body is pitch black. It has a pair of huge wings that are five meters wide and nearly twenty meters long. Oval head, a huge belly.

It looks extremely weird.

"My God..." I don't know who sighed in a low voice.

People involuntarily stood up one after another, like sleepwalking, standing in front of the window, staring at the huge strange bird.

What kind of monster is this?

Hawkes reacted, he looked around and saw that everyone was still demented. On the contrary, although his granddaughter and another girl were surprised, they reacted earlier than themselves.

And seeing that she looked at her, Rufian made a funny face with her tongue out.

At this moment, I saw a mouth suddenly opened on the side of the strange bird's belly.

Everyone could not help but exclaimed for a while.

"Bird... the belly of the bird is cracked..." Feral couldn't help crying loudly.

But then something strange happened that made everyone stunned, and saw a person in a black fur coat walked out of the strange bird's belly.

It really came out.

At this moment, not only Feral, but even Hawkes couldn't help rubbing his eyes vigorously, thinking that there was something wrong with his eyes.

Rao is that he almost got his eyeballs out, but he can still be sure of one thing, that person walked out of the bird's belly step by step.

Feral next to him touched his forehead. Muttered: "There must be a problem with my nerves, there must be a problem."

Several other people also thought they were having strange nightmares. Their looks are not much better.

Some put their hands in their mouths, and then bite hard, and use their heads to knock the pillars hard.

There is another person who is rolling all over the floor. It is said that this is the most effective solution when having a nightmare. As long as you roll off the bed, you will wake up immediately after the pain of falling.

The former chief, Pat, had a calm expression on his face and poured coffee into the cup, but the coffee had already filled the cup and poured out of the table.

The piping hot coffee flowed on to his pants, and he threw the coffee pot far away with a scream of ‘Oh’.

Everyone reacted: So this is not a nightmare, but a real reality~!

At this moment, the miller greeted him, and the man who came out of the bird's belly raised his arm and saluted each other with him.

A group of Semitic nobles couldn't help but look at each other: I didn't expect human beings to be so powerful now~!

At this meeting they certainly understood that this was definitely not a monster, it was just a war fortress, a war fortress with a strange shape.

Immediately, I saw the man glanced here, turned around and walked back.

But the miller returned to the hall, and then greeted everyone, saying: "The handy machine is here, everyone hurry up and get on the plane. It's already dawn, and we must leave as soon as possible."

The crowds can't help but feel a little weird, handjob? Is this the name of that strange bird?

Out of curiosity, Feral was the first to run out, trot into the belly of the handjob.

His mother was worried, called him, and then ran in. Then Rufian also helped her grandmother, walked in behind her father, and disappeared in the belly of the black hole of the gray machine.

Hawkes hesitated and looked at Chief Pat inquiringly.

Pat smiled immediately and said, "Don't look at me, I am afraid that Madolins will find me on my head, so naturally he will follow.

You go up first, I'll come after a while. "

Hawkes nodded immediately, and then walked towards the handjob.

He came into the belly of the plane and found that the hand-worn machine was made of steel, although it was a little small and crude inside. But there are thirty or forty chairs.

On both sides of the fuselage, there are many glass windows, which can clearly see the outside situation.

He couldn't help turning back and forth in the cabin twice, secretly surprised: human alchemy magic is so advanced, it can transform all kinds of war fortresses as he pleases. It is breathtaking.

At this time, I saw Chief Pat also walking in with his family.

He dangling his cigar, looked around for a while, and then seriously commented: "Not bad~!"

Hawkes could not help the black line at one end. Look at him. Secretly cursed in my heart: as if this old fellow is not sitting for the first time.

at this time. Everyone sat down one after another, and then in order not to show themselves too much, they pretended to be calm and chatted.

At this moment, suddenly there was crying.

Hawkes couldn't help but stood up and shouted: "What's the matter?"

The miller came up and said embarrassingly: "My lord, we can't stay for long. We have to leave as soon as possible. But General Halke's family has to wait for him."

Hawkes said dissatisfiedly: "Then wait."

The miller smiled bitterly and said: "Can't wait any longer, it's already bright now. The chasing soldiers are probably coming soon. According to the regulations, we must take off as soon as possible."

Hawks categorically yelled: "Shit! You robbed the car last night, Madolins can receive news at the earliest this morning. When we find out what we are moving, we will send soldiers over, it will be noon. What are you worried about? ?"

He paused, then continued: "Halke is my old friend. If you don't pick him up, then I won't go."

Talking. Going down.

Pat beside him also shouted immediately: "I'm not leaving either."

The miller grinned anxiously: Are these uncles too bad-tempered?

He stamped his foot and said cruelly: "Okay. Then wait, but I said it beforehand. As long as we see the chasing soldiers appear, we must take off immediately."

Hawks laughed loudly, patted his shoulder hard, and said, "Young man, you are still very courageous~! Look good on you~~"

The miller's face looked as if he had eaten Huanglian, and said, "My lord, it's not easy to get your compliment."

Hawkes and Pat looked at each other, then laughed together.

The mill owner now returned to the outside of the machine, pacing back and forth like a frying heart: the longer the time, the greater the risk of exposure. Once caught by the enemy, it would be a waste of all previous efforts.

Little by little time passed, and the sun rose, but Halke's team was still nowhere to be seen.

The miller turned around and looked at Hawkes. He wanted to talk several times, but Hawkes stared back at them all.

After another half an hour, I suddenly heard a rush of horseshoes in the distance.

"Here~!" Everyone was shocked.

Sure enough, I saw... I saw two slips of smoke, one after the other, rushing towards this side.

Hawkes couldn't help but sink in his heart: Two slips of smoke~!

This only shows one thing, followed by chasing soldiers~!

At this time, the strangely dressed people who had entered the cabin and waited for take-off also picked up their terrible fire sticks and rushed down.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the smoke and dust in front had turned the road and appeared in front of them.

There is a carriage in the forefront, with seven or eight knights guarding beside it. As they ran, they turned back and shot from time to time.

Seeing the **** machine parked here, they turned their heads and rushed straight forward.

At this time, the chasing soldiers from the rear also appeared in front of them.

It was a team of elite light-armored cavalry wearing black cloaks. Although it was far away, a scorpion on the banner in front of him was extremely conspicuous, and it was Madolins's guard.

When they saw the weird big bird parked here, they were all taken aback and slowed down.

Then the carriage rushed to the front.

The knights jumped off the horse in dust, then took an old man out of the carriage and sent him to the cabin.

Hawks glanced at it, and it was his old friend Halke.

Halke's family was already crying with joy at this time, and greeted them.

Watching the scene of their family reunion, Hawkes couldn't help but smile.

At this time, the knights had also jumped into the cabin lying on the ground one by one, breathing heavily.

Someone immediately asked: "What happened?"

One of the knights replied: "Don't mention it, I ran into a patrol team halfway, and there was a wind..."

At this moment, I suddenly heard a muffled thunder.

The guards of Madolins in the distance all shook their reins and rushed toward this side.

A group of knights jumped up immediately, raised their guns, and kept firing at the distance.

Seeing this, the miller immediately shouted hoarsely: "Take off, take off!"

The gray plane shook immediately and made a huge roar.

Amid the roar, the weird soldiers jumped back onto the gray machine one by one, and then closed the door tightly.

The Prime Minister's guards have rushed over, drawing bows and shooting arrows at this side.

Those bows and arrows fell on the steel fuselage, making a sound like raindrops, but none of them could shoot through the fuselage.

At this time, the gray plane was already roaring, slowly rising into the air.

When the Prime Minister's guards saw this, they all opened their mouths and stared at the scene in front of them.

Immediately, I saw that the **** was shocked again, and then flew forward quickly.

In just a few breaths, he disappeared from the sight of the guards. (To be continued)

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