Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1465: Fighting Tiger

The courtyard wall is a bit broken, the door is a bit old, and the thatch on the roof is much thinner. The chickens in the courtyard are no longer the same ones...

Amu looked at this simple courtyard and two similarly simple thatched huts. He grew up in this low, small, and old earthen hut. m.

When Amu stretched out his hand to push the door, it seemed as if he had a clear heart. The two dilapidated doors made a squeaky dry sound, and the hard door shaft made a toothless mute sound, and he hit from inside. Open.

Then a short woman appeared in front of her eyes.

When Amu left, his gray hair was now completely white, his face was covered with deep wrinkles, and his eyes had become a little dry and godless, without the previous moistness, it was like a soul was drawn People who have left are average.

Had it not been for the faint hope in her heart, she would have already become a walking dead.

As soon as the woman opened the door and saw Amu in military uniform, she couldn't help but startled. Immediately, the basket in his hand fell to the ground, and the contents were scattered all over the floor.

She stared at Ah Mu, her hands tightly covering her lips, tears flashed in her eyes, for fear that she would cry in the next moment.

Amu was also very excited. He smiled reluctantly and said hoarsely: "Mom, I'm back."

Talking, stretched out his hands.

The skinny mother grabbed Amu, then put her arms around him, and wept bitterly.

Amu choked up for a while, tears bursting out of his eyes. For the past two years, he has not been at home, except for his mother alone. The army has never issued him military pay, even if he received it later, others are far away. In the human continent, it cannot be delivered to one's own mother.

Without Amu, just thinking about it, you can already know how hard her life is.

The neighbors around heard the crying and could not help walking out of their homes.

There are no idlers in this small village. Men go fishing or work, while women take their children at home to sew and repair. There are always endless tasks waiting for them.

Seeing the thin woman pulling a strange soldier there crying, everyone was amazed. But then someone recognized the soldier's identity.

Seeing the two of them crying in their arms, everyone couldn't help sighing and sighing.

"Unexpectedly, this kid Amu is so fateful that he is struggling to come back."

"I thought that under those nobles, this kid wouldn't survive for three months."

"Looking at him in this beautiful military uniform, it's obviously a mess."

"This is good for my old lady, and I have the blessing of the great devil~!"


Then everyone stepped forward to comfort them both.

Amu's mother also invited everyone into her yard.

The deserted courtyard suddenly became lively.

The neighbourhoods all rushed in, congratulating Amu on the reunion with his mother.

Since he was captured, there has been no news. Although the villagers didn't say anything, they all guessed in their hearts that the kid might have died there.

Amu's mother also pulled him and told him that if she hadn't helped her neighbors, maybe her lonely old lady would have starved to death.

She lives on the help of her neighbors and weaving fishing nets.

And everyone is naturally modest, and the villagers are always the simplest.

In gratitude, Amu took out the things he bought in the military welfare agency and distributed them one by one.

"Hello Uncle Amu."

These are all children, this big white rabbit toffee naturally has to be given out.

"Uncle Amu is so handsome~!"

Naturally, it goes without saying that small mouths are sweet, children are smart, and they will become great in the future, and you have to secretly add two more.

"Ouch~ Amu is out of luck."

This is the neighbour's aunt, and you have to offer half a catty of flying eagle sugar.

Those white sugars are as fine as sand, pure and without any impurities. Everyone who was quoted at the moment was praised for a while.

When these villagers enter the city, they can dig out two copper plates and buy a cup of light sugar water for the children as a snack reward.

"Amu, I haven't seen each other for two years. I've grown up so old. Hey, you don't recognize me? When you were a kid, I even hugged you."

This is the uncle neighbor and must not be offended. First, we must respectfully hand over a cigarette.

The uncles took the cigarettes, and they were also amazed at the moment. This cigarette is a high-end product, and only the noble lords and rich people in the city can buy it.

Although they have heard of it before, they have never tried it themselves.

Immediately, Amu took out a match and helped light it.

Everyone followed Amu’s appearance, and there was a burst of fog. Although some people were choking and coughing again and again, but after all, this represents an elegant way of life. A cigarette and a white smoke are very grand, just like Like a nobleman.

Everyone also bite the bullet and took a few more mouthfuls.

Soon someone felt the wonderful taste in it, and took a sip, refreshed, and there was some airy feeling, which was really good.

Seeing this, Amu also handed over a packet, and then handed over a box of matches.

The cigarettes of the Military Welfare Agency are definitely not high-end products, and they are naturally not too expensive. They are still consumed with the soldiers' salary.

It is a pity that the old man just took the match in his hand, and before he had time to take a closer look, he was snatched away by the eyes of the old ladies next to him.

This match is incredibly good.

With a light stroke, there will be fire. It is extremely convenient to make a fire and cook a meal.

Don't need to knock on the ground with a fire knife and sickle for a long time like before. When sparks are coming up, you have to put some hay quickly to ignite.

It takes a long time each time. It's so troublesome~!

The old men found that their things were taken away by the woman on the spot, and they didn't save a bit of face. They were furious and were about to break out.

Amu hurriedly took out the Feiying Erguotou he had brought, and poured a small cup for everyone.

As soon as the bottle was opened, just the tangy scent made the drunks drooling. These hillbillies who had only drank inferior potato wine smelled this scent for the first time.

Those who want to make noise will not be noisy, and those who want to make noise will not make any noise.

Everyone picked up their wine glasses and drank them all.

The wine burned from the throat to the stomach like a fire, and the irritating men shifted their facial features one by one, grinning, and after a while, they all admired one after another. It really was a good wine~!

And Amu, like a trick, lightly lit a match on the wine glass and shook it back and forth several times, and immediately saw a blue flame rising in the wine glass.

Everyone couldn't help looking at it again, stunned, and gasped: The drinks can be lit, if they don't see it with their own eyes, who can believe it is true?

The water can catch fire, my God, this is simply a miracle~!

As new and novel things were taken out, the small courtyard became more and more lively. These rare goods from the human continent can open the eyes of villagers who have never made it out of the Caribbean.

Everyone looked at everything that Amu took out.

Many girls from the village also rushed over after hearing the sound, and then stood far away, beating Amu curiously and timidly.

The former Amu was a thin and timid boy who always said nothing. He was just an inconspicuous child in the small village. Compared with those who followed his father up to the mountains and the sea, those who were physically strong were more popular with girls.

At this time, Amu is no longer the thin boy who was two years ago. After two years of tempering, he has grown into a standard soldier.

Although he can't help but circulate in the crowd, his waist is straight, his demeanor is generous, and his beautiful woolen military uniform makes his leather boots shiny.

He looked awe-inspiring, heroic, extremely valiant, and a great man of the Semitic.

All the girls who are pregnant with spring are all squinting...Uh, looking at him affectionately, some bold and even flew over with a wink—the Semi girls have always been unrestrained and passionate. Dare to love and hate.

Amu, who was busy, blushed and heartbeat, and then secretly chatted with the most beautiful girl among them, Er Ya also flirted with each other.

That girl is a flower in the village. Two years ago, the thin Amu was very inferior, and only dared to peek from a distance, but now...

The aunts next to them noticed their little actions, and the women with knife-mouthed tofu-heartedness immediately announced it without mercy.

All the people who were cited were roaring with laughter.

Amu's mother shuttled back and forth in the crowd, radiant and happy, even the original wrinkles were smoothed, as if suddenly twenty years younger.

Everyone praised Amu silently, young and promising, let her, as a mother, listen to her ears and sweet her heart.

"This Amu is really getting better and better."

"That is, the salary of two gold coins in a month is more than that of my dead old man in a year."

"Sister-in-law will enjoy a blessing in the future."

"Just wait and hold your grandson, see the little girls outside are drooling..."


All kinds of praise came like a tide, and she couldn't close her mouth in joy, but then she couldn't help but tears.

Many years later, when a reporter interviewed General Amu’s mother, he wanted to know how General Amu went on the road to success. I plan to produce a long piece of inspirational literature about Diaosi's growth into a rich and handsome man. By the way, I patted the flattery of this famous general in the Republican government.

The old lady was rubbing the buds, and she couldn't help sighing with tears: Amu was pulled into a strong man at the beginning, and she thought she would never see her again in her life...

Later, the book "From the Poor to the General: The Autobiography of General Amu" wrote: General Amu lives in the free Caribbean Special Zone, with a touch of ears and eyes, and a broad mind.

Therefore, there are few strange ambitions, and since childhood, he has set up ambitions to strive for the reconciliation of mankind and the Semitic peoples and for world peace.

Later, upon hearing the news of the conscription, he resolutely joined the Semitic Expeditionary Army and did a lot of work in the process.

Spread all kinds of information at the risk of their lives. Braving artillery fire in the war, traveling between the trenches of the two sides, and finally made a huge and indelible contribution to the reconciliation of the two clans and the independence and freedom of the Semites~!

When almost the whole village gathered in the small courtyard and talked about the excitement, listening to Amu's recount of their adventures in the Fourth Division in the past year, there was a sudden sound of footsteps.

Immediately afterwards, a burly, sturdy man walked in swaggeringly surrounded by a dozen hunters armed with spears and bows.

Seeing that person, the atmosphere in the courtyard suddenly became cold.

This big man is a master in their area.

Although the Caribbean relies on the ocean, many people rely on the ocean for a living, fishing or running boats.

But these people are not the same. They live on the hilly forests of the Caribbean, hunting for generations, and form a family.

This has also created their vigorous skills, outstanding arrow skills, and superb martial arts.

This big man was named Kane. He was a well-known hunter with a high martial arts skill. He also went out and wandered out when he was young.

It is said that he was almost selected to be a knight of the Royal Guards, obtained a registered permanent residence in the capital, and achieved a glorious career, but then he was hit by an arrow in his knee, and that glorious career naturally stopped abruptly.

But even so, in the Caribbean, he is still a highly respected hero.

When the big man came to the courtyard, he couldn't help but stared at the crowded villagers in the courtyard, especially when he saw Amu in a military uniform standing in the crowd, his eyes flashed several times.

Someone greeted him and said, "Kane, what are you doing here?"

The big man snorted coldly, then looked away, turned his head and searched the crowd. Immediately I saw the village chief hiding in the crowd, and then stepped forward and said: "Mr. Barr, you really are hiding here."

The village chief couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and said in a bitter voice, "Brother Kane, what are you doing this time?"

Kane shot the steel fork in his hand and smiled: "What else can be done, of course it is to beat the tiger."

Hearing his words, everyone present was silent.

Amura gave the people next to him a moment, and asked softly: "What's the matter?"

The man took a peek at Kane and whispered: "After you left, a fierce tiger came to our back mountain.

Every once in a while, I went down the mountain, stole a cow and a sheep in a few nearby villages, and killed a few people. "

Amu couldn't help being surprised: "Is there such a thing?"

Behind the Caribbean is a swamp and mountain forest that stretches for hundreds of miles. Things like wild beasts in the forest come out from time to time, and every time the villagers spend their money to solve it.

The man smiled, and then said: "Kane heard about it, so he took the job and asked for a lot of gold and silver from the villages. But now, it has been two months, and there is not even a tiger hair. Fishing.

And every time I went to each village, I ate for nothing, and I had to take some more before I left. It has become a bully who is doing harm.

The chickens in the homes of the fellow villagers were almost eaten by them.

That's all right.

Now he is in love with Er Ah, and he must marry his eldest son. "

Amu's heart sank suddenly.

The man paused and continued: "Don't you know that his eldest son is a fool. If he gets married, Er Ya will be ruined in his lifetime."

Amu looked not far away, and immediately saw a pair of bright eyes staring at him unblinking, and Chuchu's pitiful eyes were filled with pleading and hope.

The young Amu suddenly felt the blood rushed his head.

At this moment, I heard Kane say loudly: "Mr. Barr, I have discussed with you many times. When on earth did you agree to marry Erya?

If you don’t marry, we won’t fight this tiger~! "

Village Chief Barr grinned and said with a wry smile: "Brother Kane, Brother Kane, don't worry, let's discuss and discuss again."

Then the young man next to him said impatiently, "Also discuss it~! I have discussed so many times, and there is no result.

To tell you the truth, asking your Erya to marry our house is the high incense that you have burned for several lifetimes.

No worries about eating and drinking, the wind can't blow, the rain can't beat, wear gold and silver all day long. What else do you poor people want to ask for? "

The people in the village couldn't help but stare at each other. From the heart, his words seemed to make some sense.

This group of hunters rely on their ability to be a bird of the government, never pay taxes, they hide in the mountains when they come from the government, and they often do some cheap transactions, better than these poor fishermen.

The young man stepped forward and said coldly to the girl: "You hurry up and clean up, this time we come back into the mountain, and you will follow us."

As he said, turning his head, his gaze swept across the crowd fiercely, and he said sternly: "If you dare not agree, you will fight this tiger yourself. If anyone gets killed again, it doesn't matter to us. ..."

I'm silly, this is a stand-up to be grabbed~!

Although the people in the village are a little ignorant, they are all caribbeans, and they are very clever.

The tiger didn't hit, they had already collected the money. Then he took a fancy to Er Ya, planning to take Er Ya away. Looking back, who knows, will they continue to grab third, fourth, fifth, and sixth... the marriage problems of their old and young men will be solved.

It's easy to eat, maybe you have to go with a mistress or something.

There was a commotion in the courtyard.

The young man immediately took off his coat and threw it heavily on the ground, saying in a weird voice: "What? There are still people who are not convinced, planning to practice with a buddy?"

Seeing his exquisite muscles, everyone present couldn't help being silent again. The other party had practiced martial arts, a common people who could beat eight of them with dung forks.

Village Chief Barr was also anxious, and said, "You...what are you doing? Do you want to steal it? You beat the tiger, we paid for it."

The young man snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "Just give the two little money? Don't forget, we have to fight hard, and we don't have enough money."

Mayor Barr suddenly stagnated.

The young man paused and said, "So, if you want us to fight our lives, you have to trade people. You must marry that Erya to my brother. Otherwise, the men won't go anymore~!

In the future, whoever loves someone, was bitten to death by a tiger, and admitted that he was unlucky. "

As he said, he handed over a stool and sat down with a face turned.

Village Chief Barr looked at the vicious group of hunters, and then looked back at his fellow villagers, everyone bowed their heads with guilty conscience.

Although the village chief has a good relationship with him, he still can't fight with those strong hunters for him, let alone beat others.

Not to mention, this is to destroy the tiger-the common enemy of everyone. Although the daughter of the village chief was sacrificed, everyone felt a little bit of heartache. But looking at it from a dialectical point of view, if this is married, then it will jump out of the sea of ​​bitterness and go to live a good It’s really not good, everyone can also angrily condemn it afterwards: this good cabbage It's been arched by a pig again~!

Village Chief Barr couldn't help sighing, then looked at his daughter. But she found that she didn't look at herself, but looked at Amu on the other side pitifully.

Village Chief Barr's heart moved, and then he gritted his teeth and sullen his heart, and then said loudly: "Well, you want to marry my daughter, it's not impossible. But let's talk ugly, no matter who it is, you want to marry me. My daughter, I have to trade tiger skins~!"

Kane looked at Mayor Barr and could not help but curse in his heart: This **** old fox~! Sure enough, it was extremely cunning.

He was afraid that he would marry his daughter and would not do anything. That's why such a rule was established.

But immediately, he burst out laughing. Then he stretched out his hand and said: "A word is sure?"

Mayor Barr gritted his teeth and patted him repeatedly, saying: "A word is fixed~!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, reward, and support you. My biggest motivation.)

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