Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1466: Beating a tiger

Seeing the village chief and Kane reached an agreement, the girl next to him turned pale in an instant, with an unbelievable expression on her face. Suddenly she cried out with a cry of'Wow', then covered her face with her hands and rushed out Go to the door and disappear behind the crowd.

The people in the small courtyard looked at her slender back and couldn't help sighing. I was silent for a long time. To put it bluntly, this fifteen-year-old girl is just a victim.

Kane laughed, looking very satisfied, and said loudly: "Look at Erya, this girl is so big, she is so shy, haha, hahaha..."

The hunters behind him also laughed together and laughed together.

"It looks like it fits your boss."

"That's right, it's a good relationship."

But everyone in the village was expressionless, looking at everyone in Kane coldly: talking is to separate people. This is a joke for the village chief and the aunts of the village.

But from Kane's point of view, to everyone, it was pure bullying.

If you want to come to Erya's character, if you really want to marry there, you will definitely be bullied by their family.

The hunters grinned for a while, and then stopped awkwardly under the silent eyes of everyone.

Kane waved his hand and shouted loudly, "Go, brothers, hit the tiger~!"

He paused, looked at the mayor of Barr, and continued to shout, "Tiger is here, brother, I invite everyone to have a wedding drink."

The group of Orion suddenly realized, roaring with laughter.

Kane turned around and immediately walked out.

Amu looked at their backs, and knew in his heart: Once these people kill the tiger, Erya must marry that fool, and her life will be ruined cruelly like this!

Although she is not familiar with Er Ya-after all, she is the daughter of the village chief's family, and Amu is the youngest son of the village head widow's family.

But when he thought of the girl's sad and sad eyes, Amu, who was in the same village, immediately rushed to his head.

He is at the age when he has ideals and ambitions. He has just stepped into society and has not been smoothed by reality. He has the ambition and impulse that young people have.

After Ryder was reorganized, they all received political education from the security forces.

Amu is proud of his identity as a liberator of the Semites, thinking that these people are trying to overthrow the necromancers and corrupt nobles who oppress the Semites, and build a safe and fair new society.

It's just when my brain is full of enthusiasm, especially not to see this kind of bullying.

Amu glanced at his mother, gritted his teeth abruptly, and shouted, "Wait a minute."

All Kane suddenly stagnated and turned around. Everyone in the courtyard also turned their heads and cast their eyes on him.

Amu slowly took out his long rifle from the room, pulled the bolt of the gun and checked it carefully, then fastened the armed belt, pressed the ammunition bag to be loaded, pulled up the belt, and carried the rifle on his shoulder. Go up, straighten the military cap on your head, and then say: "I will go too."

Kane was taken aback for a moment, looked at his companions, then looked at Amu, and laughed: "We are going to fight tigers. Very dangerous, young man, can you?"

Amu grinned, and said with a certain expression: "Isn't it just playing tigers? I've been born to death many times on the battlefield, and I'm afraid of a tiger?"

Kane couldn't help but pause.

Of course he knew that the soldier in front of him was a member of the Caribbean Division who had just returned. The heroic deeds of the Caribbean Division had gone crazy these two days, and they had heard of it.

Legend has it that these guys are terrific. When the humans landed, they were surrounded by tens of thousands of warships and hundreds of thousands of armies, and hundreds of thousands of Semitic armies died. Only the Fourth Division fought **** battles and killed one. The blood path highlights the heavy encirclement.

Then he fought for thousands of miles, more than ten battles, countless small battles, breaking through the siege of mankind, and finally security and reinforcements took over.

Later, in the face of the strong attack of the human coalition forces, the front line was defeated one after another. The Fourth Division was ordered to cover the safe retreat of the army and played a vital role. Until the final be surrounded, it became the main division of the Semitic army. .

After Ryder abandoned the dark and turned to the light, he was immediately favored by Lord Lorraine and promoted to a new equipment division that was stronger than most human armies.

There are only three humans in this type of division.

What does this show?

It shows that they are good Caribbean people~!

This glorious record can be compared to the millions of Semitic army.

Even if there is only a ten-year-old young man in front of him, no one dare to look down upon it.

Seeing Kane's hesitation, Amu raised his eyebrows and said: "Why? No? Don't you dare to let me follow? Is it a guilty conscience?"

The young Orion in the middle was immediately furious, took a step forward, and sternly shouted: "Fart, why are we guilty?"

Amu grinned coldly: "What is your guilty conscience? You have been playing tigers for so long, but you haven't even caught the tiger's hair.

I very much doubt whether you are cheating in our village to eat and drink by playing tigers. "

The young hunter yelled angrily, "Is it easy to beat a tiger? The tiger won't jump out and let you beat it. We are looking for tiger tracks and trapping them. These all take time. of."

Amu smiled and said, "Yes, it takes time to cheat and drink."

The Orion stepped forward angrily, pointed the halberd at Amu, and screamed: "What do you mean?"

Amu also didn't give in. He raised his chest and said, "What do you mean? What do you mean? You fight tigers. We paid for it. Why did you come here to bully?"

Everyone in the village reacted at this time, and they also screamed.

"Yes, we paid."

"If the money is too little, we can increase the price."

"Why are we here to cheat and drink?"

"You will come here in two or three days. When you come, let us serve you with white rice and white noodles and entertain you with big fish and meat. Do you want to eat us poorly?"

"You actually forced us to marry your stupid son? It's shameless."

"Grandma's, I'm in a hurry, big deal, let's go outside and invite someone."

"That is, we paid ten gold coins, and we were afraid that we could not find a bounty."


These villagers are not ignorant of the truth, but they all possess the treacherous and cunning peculiar to farmers.

No one took it before, so I didn't dare to confront these hunters. Now Amu is here. Although this young man is young, he is a soldier.

And it's also the subordinate of Lorraine, who is so talkative.

With him behind, everyone naturally doesn't have to be afraid. Of course, if Lord Luo personally supported him, everyone might go to Kane's house to **** relatives.

Seeing the indignation among the villagers, Kane and everyone looked at each other, and his heart sank suddenly, but then he burst into laughter: "Hahahaha..."

Hearing his loud laughter, the villagers were shocked, and they all stopped involuntarily. For this Kane, there is always fear in their hearts.

Kane turned around and came to Amu's side, then looked at him with joy, and said, "Yes, you deserve to be a soldier, he is really bold."

Amu couldn't help but snorted.

Kane also didn't care, paused, and continued: "Fighting tigers is a very dangerous thing, so ordinary people we don't want him to join, costing his life in vain, but you are a soldier, and you must have good skills.

If someone like you joins us, of course we are welcome with raised hands. Haha, hahahaha..."

Kane is also worthy of being an old traitor. He praised Amu indiscriminately and attracted everyone's attention. At the same time, he completely suppressed the villagers' doubts about them.

Amu's face changed a few times, and then he smiled boldly, "What are you waiting for, let's go. I'm still waiting for a tiger skin to beg for kiss."

With that said, he was about to walk outside the door.

His mother hurriedly stood up and shouted, "Amu..."

The voice was full of anxiety and worry.

Amu turned his head, looked at his mother with a toothy smile, and said calmly: "Mother, don't worry, I'll go ask for it, and point to the tiger skin to find you a daughter-in-law~!"

With that, he patted the rifle on his back, then waved his hand and walked out the door.

Kane looked at his back, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, his cruel expression flashed by, but then he smiled, waved to everyone, and said with a big grin, "Don’t give it away, everyone. It’s all too much delay. Go back quickly, we will try to solve the problem today.

Wait for our good news. "

Having said that, leading everyone on the road immediately.

Everyone in the village watched Amu leave. His old lady looked scared again, and she felt boring at the moment. It took two years after she left. She didn’t know her life or death. She just came back and was stirred into this. Among the dangerous things, the villagers are very embarrassed.

Everyone talked about a few words indiscriminately, grabbed the cigarettes that Amu had given them, and then left hesitantly.

Only the sister-in-laws and aunts of a few nearby neighbors are still sitting next to Amu's mother, chattering and persuading and comforting.

Village Chief Barr also left with a few people and came to the entrance of the village, watching Amu, Kane and the others go away, he couldn't help thinking about it for a moment, and then whispered: "You guys, spread the word everywhere. Just say, I said, no matter who it is, as long as you use tiger skins as a bride price, I will marry Erya to him."

The few people looked at each other and understood, and then couldn't help but admire: "High, the village chief. It is really high~!"

Kane thought that Chief Barr's promise was aimed at him, forcing him to stop procrastinating and to kill the tiger as soon as possible, so that he could use the tiger skin as a bride price.

And Amu also thought that the promise made by the mayor of Barr was aimed at him. Ask him to come forward and beat the tiger in front of everyone in Kane.

But in fact, the words of the village chief Barr, the real role is to protect his daughter.

As soon as this sentence was released, there must be those brave and obsessed puppies whose brains became hot, and they ran to beat the tiger.

Invisibly, the fight against the tiger, a sport for the people, has become a competitive market.

In this kind of competition, it was Kane who killed the tiger and asked Er Ya to marry his stupid son only in the worst case.

As long as it is a little better, even if a dog and a cat get lucky and kill a tiger, even if Erya marries, her fate will be many times better than that of her stupid son who married Kane.

If Lord Luo was present, he couldn't help but sigh in admiration now: Under their loyal appearance, these dead people have never lacked the peculiar cunning peasants. There are a lot of shameless demeanors when I was in Fort Lorraine.

Village Chief Barr also sneered proudly at the moment, and then said: "Nonsense, if it's not high, can you be the village head?"

He paused, looked at those people, stomped his feet, and said, "What are you doing stupidly? Are you guys not hurrying?"

The few people then split up and told the villages what the Chief Barr had said.

Village Chief Barr raised his head and looked at it, but saw that the backs of everyone in Kane were getting smaller and smaller. He couldn't help but snorted again, then put his hands on his back, turned around to leave, and froze on the spot.

I saw next to a small tree not far away, his precious daughter was tiptoeing, looking at the back of Kane's people away.

Obviously, it is absolutely impossible for the sad girl to be the rough elders who look at Kane, the only possibility is to miss that heroic young soldier.

In the heart of the girl, Amu, in a brand-new military uniform, instantly changed from a cowardly child to a handsome young man, leaving the gang of sea-smelling wage earners far behind.

Not to mention, he stepped forward to fight the tiger and save himself from the bully. This is exactly like the prince who rescued the princess from the evil dragon in a fairy tale.

In this situation, even the most indifferent girl will send *...Bah, bah, Fachun. What's more, she is also a young girl at the age of dreaming.

Mayor Barr hesitated for a moment, and wanted to call her daughter back, but then he sighed, then pretended not to see it, turned his back and walked back.


Amu followed behind everyone, non-stop, rushing all the way into the forest.

A group of hunters walked for a long time, seeing that Amu was still able to keep up with them, and they couldn't help showing surprise expressions.

As hunters, climbing and wading are frequent things. Therefore, they have excellent legs and feet. They can walk and jump for more than a dozen miles without breathing.

But Amu, such a young man, could actually keep up with them and did not take the next step, which inevitably made them feel strange.

Among the impressions of everyone, those soldiers who can walk ten miles and twenty miles are already as tired as dogs.

When did their physical fitness become so good?

If all soldiers are like this, what should they do when they come to catch them for tax evasion?

Amu drove on the road without saying a word, deeply grateful to his former devil instructors. It is under their hellish training that now he has such a strong skill.

If it were to be replaced by the past, he would have been tired and half dead and fell on the road.

Only soldiers on the battlefield know the importance of hard training.

What he didn't know was that behind him, the young man who had quarreled with him, Kane's second son, Mark, had a fierce look and kept winking at Kane.

Now the surrounding mountains are densely covered with forests, and the roads are rugged, which is a good place to kill people and make money.

It's better to make this big soldier here, just dig a hole and bury it, and I can't find it.

In the past, they did this when they changed their jobs to become green forest heroes and robbed past business travelers.

Get rid of this kid and save him to make himself irritated again. And it can also kill chickens and monkeys, so that the cowardly villagers will shut their mouths honestly.

The Caribbean has been in turmoil over the past year. The government has not cared about them. The hunters of Kane and the others have had a better life and their minds have become more active. The reason why they are causing trouble is to see if they can occupy this place and make a strong one. Squeeze blackmail, collect protection fees or something.

But the sudden landing of the human army disrupted their dreams, and these guys were angry.

Kane hesitated, but then shook his head.

Amu is a soldier, and also the soldier of the Flying Eagle God of War. Once he is murdered, the military will definitely not give up.

Everyone saw that he was following this group of hunters, and when the time comes, they will be held accountable, saying that the entire Orion village will not be implicated.

Humans can kill without blinking.

If you want to kill...

He looked at Mark's annoyed expression, couldn't help but grinned, then pointed to the distant mountains.

Mark also reacted immediately.

If you want to kill, the best way is to have the tiger kill him.

In this way, everyone can plausibly tell everyone: beating tigers is a very dangerous thing, we don't want him to follow, he has to follow, and now he is dead. We can't blame it.

Even if someone from the military came, they couldn't fault him.

Mark now gave Kane a thumbs up.

Kane smiled, then looked at Amu in front of him, as if he was looking at a dead person.

The poor young man didn't know the conspiracy of Kane and others at all, and was raising his kettle, sipping water.

He wiped his mouth, and then asked, "How far is it?"

Someone next to him replied: "It's not far, walk ten miles further, and it's almost there."

Amu agreed, put away the kettle, and then tightened the spear on his back, planning to continue on his way.

The person next to him finally couldn't bear his curiosity and said, "Brother, I have been watching for a long time. You are a soldier, but where are your weapons?"

After hearing his words, the rest of the crowd also pricked their ears. For this question, they were also curious for a long time. Since he is a soldier, he should at least be carrying a strong bow, holding a spear in his hand, and a sword hanging from his waist. But this Amu was dressed in casual clothes, and he carried a strange burning stick on his back.

Amu was taken aback, and then he reacted. He smiled and patted the spear behind and said, "This is my weapon."

The hunters looked at the spear and couldn't help but stare at each other.

Someone murmured immediately: "You just fight with such a fire stick?"

Amu grinned and said innocently, "Don't underestimate this... this burning stick, mine is pure steel."

The man shouted immediately: "No matter how pure steel, it is also a fire stick."

Amu shook his head helplessly: I think back then, when I saw a human soldier holding this burning stick for the first time, the brothers in the Fourth Division were all laughing.

But later, when looking at the flames from the burning stick and turning the person who beat him upside down, no one could laugh out, all of them were cold and horrified, and their faces turned blue.

He glanced at the hunters around him, and he was looking forward to the look on their faces when they saw the power of their rifles... (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome Come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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