Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1464: Flying Eagle Loan

"Go, go, no one can pull me, it's so irritating..."

Chairman Leo slapped the table angrily, jumped up and walked out the door. M

Brad watched Leo go further and further, almost almost reaching the door, secretly anxious, as if looking at the presidential throne he had just sat on for three days also seemed to have long feet, following Chairman Leo’s ass. He twisted and walked toward the door.

What President Brad thinks most at the moment is the 60,000 nations and the Free Army under his interim government.

These people are all waiting for him to pay for his army. They only get 200,000 gold coins a month for his salary. If these soldiers cannot get the money, they will definitely cause trouble. If there is a mutiny and impact on the presidential palace or something, the consequences can be. Unimaginable.

Not to mention the large equipment costs and material costs. President Brad learned from his daughter that the artillery shells of the Fourth Division were worth tens of thousands of gold coins in a day.

There are also the salaries of officials at all levels of his new government, the government's daily office expenses... etc.

Everyone talks to one word here, inside and outside, money~!

After running away, Leo, the **** of wealth, did he get money from there?

President Brad looked at his daughter and wanted to step forward, but Fiona sternly stopped him with her eyes.

President Brad sighed secretly in his heart. This president has just been sitting for two days~!

At this moment, Leo walked to the door, but his pace was getting slower and smaller, and he shouted: "Don't pull me, no one will pull me, whoever pulls me, I am anxious, no, no one pull me……"

Finally, he stepped on the spot at the door.

Fiona sneered and said, "I didn't pull you, you go. Go, go, big deal, I will go to the Naian Commodity Exchange to bid on my own. With the superior conditions of the Semi, I am afraid that I will not be able to find money.

Lei butcher without you. Can we still eat pigs with fur?

Believe it or not, I'm letting go now, and someone will beg me with cash. "

Leo was stagnant, then turned around, trot all the way, sat on the chair again, smiled carefully, and said with a flattering smile: "Sister. Beautiful sister Fiona, she looks like a family. Come on, let's discuss it again, ah, discuss it again, haha. Hahahaha..."

Seeing his flattering smiling face, skinless and faceless, Brad everyone laughed and laughed.

At the same time, it is also certain that it can be shameless to such an extent, and it fully shows: This little hooligan is definitely a qualified black-hearted profiteer~!

You must be cautious when dealing with him.

Thought of this. Brad couldn't help but feel fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, there is a daughter here to help him check, otherwise, he will be pitted by the little gangster~!

He was really sold and counted the money for him.

At this time, Fiona smiled triumphantly, **** the long hair on her shoulders, and said with a chuckle: "How are you going to discuss it?"

Chairman Leo gritted his teeth, showing a painful appearance, and said: "Why don't you do that. I will pay 100 million. I declare in advance that this is entirely based on the fact that we are acquaintances. This is an internal price.

By the way, Sister Fiona, you think you are so beautiful, moving, generous, virtuous, gentle, cute, smart..., but the jewelry you wear is a bit old. what a shame. You can’t bring out your beauty at all, and the boss is so true. I don’t even know how to buy more sets for you.

I also have a set of top Chanel suits. The world is unique, and each of the diamonds on it is the size of a dove egg, which suits you best..."

"The pigeon... the pigeon egg..." Brad felt his forehead sweating just thinking about it.

The conscience of heaven and earth, a diamond the size of a pigeon egg, he has never heard of it, let alone seen it.

And this little hooligan actually said that each one is that big.

This kind of diamond is of legendary level, no matter who it is in hand, it is a treasure handed down from generation to generation, not to mention giving away, it will not be sold.

But Chairman Leo gave it away with a mouth.

Although the little fat man is not tall, at this moment, I don't know why President Brad feels that he is small but himself.

Sure enough, there is no strength in his hands, and he can't even speak hard.

Listening to Lei Er blatantly hinting there, Brad was nervous for a while, and kept looking at his daughter from the corner of his eye, peeking at the look on her face, fearing that Fiona could not resist and was hit by the sugar-coated cannonball.

In truth, he doesn't think he has any resistance to weapons of mass destruction like the'pigeon egg'.

Next to him, the other two Ministers of the Interior and the Minister of Finance couldn't help but feel weak as they listened to their conversation about hundreds of millions of gold coins.

Before this, they were at most a bureaucrat-level official, and their funds were only tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands. They had never seen so much money.

It makes them feel that this negotiation is simply a battlefield where no gunpowder can be seen, even more **** than a real war.

With just one word, tens of millions of gold coins were killed on the battlefield.

However, the two parties in the negotiation did not seem to be serious and did not blink their eyes.

Such things as ‘dove eggs’ are extremely harmful to women. It can be called an epic weapon of atomic bomb.

If it was before, Fiona would definitely not be able to resist, but now...

Now, Fiona smiled indifferently, and then stretched out her hand to pinch Lei Er's white and tender face, and smiled: "Look at your sweet mouth."

Then he paused, instantly transforming into a strong business woman, and continued: "200 million, 50 years of mining rights, after expiration, all the equipment including the equipment will be owned by us."

Leo was furious, and he slapped the table again and shouted loudly, "You are not going to make people live anymore. Zhou Papi is not ruthless without you, and you are drinking human blood!

There is no humanity. We help you, you are so stingy, inhumane~!

Quit doing it, saying that you don't do anything, your condition is that you can't fool anyone to invest in Parthia. "

Listening to him pulling his throat there and howling like a pig, Fiona interrupted him coldly and said, "I will let you build a railway in the Semitic."

Leo's howling suddenly stopped.

He stared at Fiona in a daze, then slapped the table, and categorically shouted: "I'll give you two hundred and fifty million~!"

After a pause, he hurriedly added: "But this must include the railway communication dedicated line. There is also a 100% controlling stake."

Fiona said: "No, we want 70%."

"It's impossible, I'm the investor. At most, you can take the land into shares."


Brad watched his daughter and Leo arguing constantly there, and he was full of emotion for a while: It seems that this daughter is really grown up.

He couldn't understand just the string of professional vocabulary, what railway, special line, communication company, he was confused. The head is two laps bigger.

But looking at Monir's face next to him suddenly realized, and for a while, he was surprised and surprised. Now he knew how intense the negotiation was.

He stood up immediately, and ordered a few words to the Minister of Internal Affairs next to him, asking him to go to the kitchen and prepare more refreshing drinks to quench his thirst.

It is foreseeable that Leo and Fiona's negotiations will not end in a while. It will take a long time. They definitely need these drinks to moisturize their throats.

Seeing Leo's small face flushed, rolling his sleeves, and looking excitedly bargaining with Fiona, Brad's eyes could not help but a glimmer of envy flashed in Brad's eyes: How good would this little fat man be his own son ~!

That guy Julian really got a bargain for nothing.

But immediately he chuckles: If such a treacherous and cunning fat man should be his son, he would have already had a headache.

I remember that Fiona mentioned in the letter before that this little fat man was so dark-hearted. Even his father has calculated it more than once.

If so, it would be better for Fiona to give birth to such a cunning little fat man in the future, and then make Lorraine's **** little white face a headache for a lifetime~!

Interim President Brad issued such a weak curse, then took the door and walked out.

In the history books of later generations, there has been mixed praise and criticism for the plan led by Leo and Fiona, which is called the Flying Eagle Loan.

Some people think that this is a union of capitalism and feudal aristocrats. Furiously plunder the rich resources of the Semites. Exploiting the industrious and kind-hearted Semitic people, the Flying Eagle Group and the Semitic Republican government made high profits.

Some people also feel that it is precisely because of this flying eagle loan that ample start-up funds have been provided for the development of the Semites and the normal operation of the new government and military has been maintained.

With the help of this loan, the Semi can get rapid development in the shortest time. Thus stepped into the ranks of the modernization of capitalism.

Due to the awakening and growth of capitalism, the feudal system that ruled the Semites for more than a thousand years collapsed in just a few years.

In the end, with the joint efforts of the Semitic people, a democratic system of the bourgeoisie which was relatively democratic than feudalism was established. It became the first democratically elected government in history that was completely elected by the people.

As for whether the two parties are right or wrong, even after a thousand years, there are still arguing, and there is no correct answer.


When Leo and Fiona were arguing about the future of the Semites, in a barracks of the Fourth Caribbean Division, Corporal Amu, six in three rows in the Seventy-one Regiment, was carefully busy.

He squeezed the rag in one hand, wiped his boots vigorously, and then looked at the sunlight from the window. The thick and beautiful uppers reflected the dazzling sunlight and were spotless.

Amu nodded in satisfaction, then put down his boots.

After the Caribbean Fourth Division surrendered...Uh, no...After the battlefield uprising, in order to make these cunning and cunning small merchants and hawkers become a bit like a soldier as soon as possible, and set an example for the Semites, Lorraine Sir Alex Ferguson sent the most brutal instructors in the security army and **** them hard for months.

For the Caribbean, it was a hellish day that couldn't bear to think about it.

Carrying a gun to walk, carrying a gun to run, carrying a gun to eat, carrying a gun to sleep, carrying a gun to the toilet... and you have to run two kilometers at every turn, like a dog.

A little dissatisfied, those devil-like instructors kicked their boots with iron palms, and the group of Caribbean people who kicked them screamed.

If it were the past, the Caribbeans would have quit the strike. But now none of them dare to do so.

There are even rumors that the boyfriend of their biggest backer, Miss Fiona, Lord Lorraine, has also publicly stated that each platoon allows two or three death indicators, and no one will care if the instructor is killed.

After hearing this, no Caribbean didn't feel the scalp exploding, and there was a small cool breeze on the tailbone.

In this fascist brutal and high-pressure training, the officers and soldiers of the Caribbean Fourth Division spent a period of military training that was worse than death.

Whenever I think about it, Amu can't help but shiver. I felt a faint pain in the place where I was kicked by the instructors.

Under this kind of high-pressure training, what Amu and the Caribbeans of the Fourth Division learned the most profoundly were two things, wiping boots and washing the toilet.

Now the Semites and the Fourth Division of the Free Army are up and down, shining shoes and cleaning the toilets, including Amu.

Seeing that the leather boots can shine brightly, Amu put the leather boots on his feet. Then he picked up the new military uniform that was hung on the bed and put it on his body, and pulled the lap of the clothes vigorously. For today, he even gave the clothes to the washerwoman to wash them.

Then buckle the armed belt, put a bayonet and a bullet bag on the belt, and finally took the rifle leaning against the bed and hung it on his shoulder.

There was a whistle nearby. Lamy looked at Amu up and down, and said angrily: "You little guy who is lucky enough to go home, it's not for you to go on a blind date, are you?

Why did you stupid win the lottery? "

Amu smiled silly, and thought it was incredible, after taking over the Caribbean. As everything stabilized, these soldiers from the Caribbean were allowed to go home to visit relatives in batches of vacation.

Among the lucky ones in the first batch is Amu, in fact he is the only one among them.

Sivir stretched out his hand and patted Lamy's head, and said, "You **** don't talk cold words there, it will be your turn."

Then he stood up and said to Amu: "Before you leave, go to the military welfare agency to buy more things. The things here. It's not that you can buy it with money."

With that, he passed a few gold coins over.

Amu hurriedly declined, but Sevier said, "You haven't been home for two years. Bring more good things to my old lady. It's not worth the trip that we have gone through this life."

Hearing this, Amu's body shook, and he couldn't help feeling for a while: The Semitic people around him fell in batches, and blood stained the battlefield. Can't come back again. They thought they could not come back, but...

He actually survived in the end and returned to his hometown alive.

It's really good fortune to trick people~!

He was not polite at the moment, and took the gold coin. He smiled and said, "I'll pay you back."

Sivir nodded, and said, "Of course, I'll go home and have a look later. You can't let me empty-handed, right?"

Hearing what he said, the Amu group laughed suddenly.

Next to him, Lamy and Anderson looked at each other, and then smiled awkwardly: "Sorry, you know that we are both moonlight clan, the money is gone as soon as we get it."

For soldiers who have been on the battlefield, this is a normal state. After all, one of the tragedies of life is that people have not spent money without spending.

Therefore, after seeing life and death and discovering that life is impermanent, these soldiers always like to enjoy life and spend every penny they have.

Sylvie frowned and reprimanded: "You two, you can't be soldiers for a lifetime. Remember to save a little money. You can find a way out in the future."

But Anderson grinned and said, "Boss, you should worry less. It is said that the army will soon implement a new system. As long as the sergeant is rated, you will not retire. You can take it after you have worked for thirty years. Retire with a full pension.

It is said that the pension has thousands of silver coins every month"

Sylvie couldn't help but pause, which was good news for him. Then he leaned in and began to sound in detail.

Amu listened to them for a while, then raised his head, looked at the sky, and found that it was late, and immediately saluted Sylvie, saying: "Sir, Corporal Amu applied to go out, please instruct."

Sylvie waved his hand impatiently, and said, "Okay, go quickly. Be safe on the road."

The three of them sat together, carefully calculating how to find the loopholes in the regulations, so as to take advantage of the public house-this is also one of the tough characteristics of the Caribbean, and it will not stop if it does not achieve the purpose~!

Seeing their selfless devotion, Amu knew that they would not be able to wake up within an hour or two, so he sighed and then turned and walked out the door.

He came to the military welfare agency, spent half of the money, bought a lot of things, stuffed it into his bulging backpack, and then turned around and walked out of the barracks.

He came to the street and squeezed past the children who curiously circled the barracks. After arguing the direction slightly, he walked firmly along the street and out of the city.

Along the way, the people looked at him with a look of awe in their eyes.

They all knew that it was a very powerful magic gold training weapon, and a powerful dark knight could be killed with a single finger clasp. Humans rely on this weapon to easily defeat the powerful Semitic army. Defeated the Lich of the Undead.

Amu was eager to return home, and he didn't care about the attitude of ordinary people. He went all the way, passed the city gate, and walked more than 20 miles forward, and then he saw the scenery in front of him become more and more familiar. He couldn't help but become more and more anxious.

He walked quickly over a small and immediately saw a dilapidated village made of thatch in front of him.

Amu's nose suddenly sore, tears filled his eyes. Then he yelled and rushed down.

He ran all the way along the familiar road, not caring about the horrified eyes cast by everyone in the village, and rushed to a familiar wooden door before he stopped breathlessly.

Looking at the concealed door, he wanted to open his mouth, but found that his voice had been choked and he couldn't speak at all, and then his knees weakened and he knelt on the ground.

Finally came back~!

The hometown that I thought I would never return to, the homeland that was once haunted by dreams, finally... finally arrived~! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.)

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