Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1447: Necro donkey

Seeing the dense sky, like a cloud of gargoyles, everyone on board could not help but feel their scalp tingling.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

I was surprised that this was too much, so many terrifying monsters could be hidden on a small island.

Although they now have more than a dozen battleships, including one aircraft carrier and four battleships.

The entire fleet is equipped with thousands of artillery pieces, with strong firepower and sufficient ammunition. It is no problem to destroy the enemy's entire fleet of hundreds of scales in a short time.

And it can guarantee zero casualties.

But to deal with the tens of thousands of gargoyles flying in the sky, they are still slightly inadequate.

Those gargoyles are not big, but they are numerous, and they are very flexible in the air. They look very similar to bats from a distance, so humans are called bat ghosts.

And in the first wave, there were so many gargoyle RUSHs, who knows how many gargoyles are on the island? Will there be other enemies? ..

What if this wave is not over and a group suddenly bursts out?

At this time, I saw that the gargoyles had already entered the course of the battleship cannon.

"Grenade, one third lead."

"The angle is twenty, the journey is three thousand~!"

"Fire, fire~!"

Under the hasty order, each battleship chose different shells and targets, and the artillery fired one after another.

"Boom, boom boom..."

Hundreds of artillery roared at the same time, the rumbling of the cannon continued to sound, and a burst of white smoke emerged from the side of the ship, which was then blown away by the sea wind.

At the same time as the sound of the cannons sounded, they saw fires exploding among the gargoyles.

The gargoyles in the air are too dense, like bats flying out of a cave in groups at dusk. The shells from the battleship smashed into the middle of the gargoyle. Just by impact. He tore the gargoyle into pieces and exploded in the middle of the gargoyle.

Groups of orange-red fireballs flashed in the black torrent of gargoyles, and the blood and flesh of the gargoyles that were blown up flew across, falling from the air like rain.

Looking down from the air, you will see that the dark cloud seems to have been dug out dozens of holes, but immediately the hole was filled up by the gargoyle rushing up from behind.

Their number has never decreased~! ! !

At the same time, they also found that the firepower here was fierce, and they were screaming loudly. Vigorously fan the wide wings and fly towards the sky.

At this time, the weakness of the human warship was exposed. Although they have strong firepower and extremely long range, but like all naval guns, they are not anti-aircraft~!

The naval gun has a limited maximum range and cannot attack monsters flying overhead.

The gargoyle also seemed to have discovered this weakness of human beings, and flew to a high place one after another, preparing to dive down from directly above.

There are not many people on the human fleet. The reason why it is strong is that it is equipped with cannons.

And because of changes in naval battle tactics. In the past, the tactics of jumping from side to side are no longer practical, and there is no need to keep a large number of melee sailors on board.

The battleship except artillery and sailors. Even the Marine Corps was transferred to the USS Enterprise.

And now the enemy evaded the shè world of the cannon and rushed towards the battleship, like the sharp arrow penetrating Achilles' heel, grabbing the battleship's weakness.

Once they land on the ship, they can easily rely on their quantitative advantages to submerge all human beings.

The war fortress on the Enterprise was originally a weapon for fighting for air supremacy, but their combat object was a hostile war fortress, and the gargoyle was not considered.

On the battleship, everyone turned their heads to look at Lorraine, hoping that the uncle could lead them to create another miracle. After all, dealing with the undead high priest and the lich was his specialty.

Lorraine looked at the dense gargoyle for a while, and then found that everyone was looking at him, and immediately shouted angrily: "What are you still doing? Are you running away? Are you still waiting for them to serve us? Hurry, hurry, hurry..."

Amid Lorraine's urging, everyone suddenly woke up like a dream, and it turned out that the master didn't recruit either.

The officers and soldiers on board took action one after another, shouting loudly, issuing orders one after another.

"Blow the trumpet, notify the remaining ships, retreat, retreat quickly."

"All the war fortresses take off, take off, don't leave one on the deck, all go up to cover."

"Turn the rudder, turn the rudder fast. Full rudder to the right, heading zero and nine zero."

"Engine room, accelerate with all your strength."

"The Marines are all out."

"Magic, call the magician up."

"Machine gun, put the gun on the deck..."

"Add shells to the 40th Cannon."


In the shortest time, the order was passed on one by one.

The battleships suddenly became busy. It is not unreasonable to select them as the forward fleet. The sailors on board have been trained thousands of times, knowing what to go there and do when the crisis comes. Everything is urgent but in order.

The battleships sounded their air horns or horns one after another, and then their huge bodies twisted, like awkward behemoths on the sea, slowly turning around.

The only troublesome thing is the battleship of the Kingdom of the Spirit Kingdom, the Royal Ark has a large tonnage and is not equipped with steam power. It is powered by pure sails.

But at this time, these jīng ling navy embodies their extremely high military quality.

Immediately after receiving the order, countless sailors climbed up the mast and adjusted their sails in just one minute.

The three masts before and after a dozen sails were filled with the sea breeze, and the speed of the vessel's turning around was no slower than that of the steamship, and even more quickly.

Seeing their swift action, Sir Alex Ferguson was very suspicious: Did those puppies intend to escape from the beginning?

This tune is too quick.

And because of the low speed of the Royal Ark, their turning radius is also small. When the human warship turned its head, it had already leaped a great distance.

Lorraine could imagine the mocking face of Ling Haijun at the moment without looking.

However, the battleship Nian made was not built, although the start was a bit slow. But the power generated by industrial civilization far exceeds that of sails.

Propelled by the "rumbling" steam engine. The propeller stirred up the sea water. The white waves surged onto the water, and it took only three to five minutes to get on the Royal Ark.

A few cruisers with lighter tonnage did not control their speed well and even ran to the front of the Royal Ark.

Only at this time did the jīng spirit navy understand. It turns out that human warships have always been hidden and tucked on this road, and their maximum speed has not been exposed.

These cunning humans~!

In a hurry, everyone stood on the side of the ship, waving their fists. Shouted at those puppies.

Human beings are not to be outdone, waving their fists loudly and cursing the ugly manner of escaping in panic.

Because the battleship is heavy and slow to start, the gargoyles are getting closer, getting closer...

People who are near can see their hideous faces with naked eyes.

At this time, the war fortress had been lifted into the sky, while they retreated, keeping a distance from the enemy, while firing at the black bat ghosts.

Boom boom boom...

The sound of the cannon continued to sound, and the flames exploded in the bat ghost group. And this time, those bat ghosts were prepared as if someone had reminded them. When they fly, the gap between them is extremely large.

Often one shot went down, although the same bombed bat ghosts flew around, but they couldn't beat a few.

At this time, the forwards of those gargoyles have arrived over the mothership at the tail of the line.

They looked at the sailors on the deck who were rushing back and forth, and immediately put away their wings, screaming and dived down.

At this time, the marines on the deck raised their guns and fired at the enemy who was in the air.

The machine guns in all corners also raised their muzzles high at this time, spitting out flames towards the sky.

The forty-millimeter quick gun throws shells into the sky at the fastest speed.

A dense fire net was formed above the warship to intercept the gargoyle that fell below.

The magicians stood on high places and did not spare their mana at all. They waved the staff in their hands, and threw chain-locked lightning into the air against dense enemies. This trick was the best.

The cardinals were also unwilling to be left behind, singing prayers loudly, holding the holy rod, and immediately saw the white holy light burst out from the end of the rod, shining toward the bat ghosts.

Wherever the holy light went, the bat ghost in the shè spit out a ash flame from the body, making ear-piercing wailing, while other bat ghosts hurriedly avoided.

From a distance, the bat ghost looked like a huge black arrow, thrusting straight into the deck of the Enterprise.

And the entire deck is like an active volcano, spewing hot flames and magma, flying towards the sky.

Immediately, the black arrow and the crimson flame collided, and immediately burst out in the air countless red sparks... uh, blood sparks.

Those bat ghosts exploded in the air, bright red blood, huge corpses, broken limbs...falling from the air like raindrops.

Some soldiers were unable to dodge, and were immediately splashed with blood, and even injured by those stumps.

At the same time, the offensive of those bat ghosts suddenly slowed down.

The ship withstood the attack of the bat ghost in the multi-layer interception fire net composed of multi-arms cooperation.

At this moment, the steam boiler finally began to operate at full capacity. Under the joint promotion of the four steam engines, the company's body was shaken, and the speed immediately increased greatly, and it suddenly leaped forward.

The bat ghosts who originally hovered over the Enterprise suddenly lost their targets, and couldn't help being taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, the battleship Victory plowed the waves and inserted it obliquely. The portholes on the side of the ship opened, revealing the raised muzzle inside.

Because the bat ghosts swooped down, their height from the sea was greatly reduced, only a few tens of meters, and they had entered the battleship's realm.

Immediately afterwards, more than fifty cannons fired one after another. Amid the huge roar, puffs of white smoke erupted from the side, which almost enveloped the battleship.

Due to the short distance between the two sides, all the artillery used anti-personnel shotguns for cleaning the deck and personnel.

The quantity of such artillery shells is small, but it is extremely vicious.

Although the shell distance is not far, it is only a hundred meters away.

However, hundreds of finger-sized shotgun steel **** are produced in one shot, but they are distributed in a radius of 20 square meters, and they can penetrate through multiple layers of wooden ship boards.

It's like a big broom. Easily sweep away all the creatures in front of it.

It only takes a few shots to kill all the personnel on a battleship.

After the cannon sounds. The sailors on the battleship saw an insect-like black dot in the air. Fly towards the manta ghost on the opposite side...

In the next second. Looking at the bat ghosts again, that huge attack arrow seemed to have been erased by a huge eraser, and only the upper part remained.

And the lower part was gone, except that countless black spots fell from the air, and fell into the sea. The sea area, like a pot, splashed with countless white waves.

But then. The bat ghosts reacted, flapping the huge and ugly black and red transparent flesh wings, climbing towards the sky, and continuing to chase the battleship.

At this time, the speed of a group of warships had all increased.

Even the Royal Ark of the Jīng Ling Navy reached a speed of eight to nine knots. Not to mention human warships, as long as they twist their buttocks, they can run to speeds of ten to fifteen knots.

At this time, the machine guns arranged on the deck of the battleship kept firing, and the tracer shells crossed the sky, forming a line of fire, and the war fortress also kept firing against it.

In order to chase the battleship. Those bat ghosts only braved human fire and flapped their wings desperately. This can barely shorten the distance between the two parties.

Neither human warships nor spiritual warships need human power. Everyone just needs to run around on the deck, but the bat ghosts have to fly desperately with their wings.

Although at the beginning, the gap was not visible, the later time, the more beneficial it will be for mankind. After all, the ship is not tired, but the bat ghost does.

The two sides held a stalemate for about an hour. Every time the bat ghosts desperately approached, they would be hit by human firearms. But when they reacted and wanted to fight back, humans would rely on their powerful steam power at this time. , Escape again.

Unconsciously, the two sides are getting farther and farther away from the island. It is more than ten kilometers away.

Suddenly there was a sharp whistling sound. The bat ghosts heard the sound and immediately turned their heads, flapped their wings, and flew back towards the island.

Seeing that large cloud of clouds drifted away, everyone on the battleship breathed a sigh of relief. The Marines who had been fighting for a long time looked at each other, and saw that everyone was in a panic, with everything on their heads. With blood stains, some people still have disgusting internal organs and stumps hanging on their bodies.

If you change to someone else, you might have vomited out long ago. But these puppies are already used to seeing the killing array, and they have to tease each other a few words, or they are hiding aside, looking at the distant sea, and smoking cigarettes in silence.

On the Enterprise's bridge, the officers looked at the small island in the chart but were silent for a while.

This is the first time that human beings have actively retreated in battle~!

This small island really looks like a hard bone, it's not easy to beat~! ! !


On the other side, the Lich Mellarence walked briskly through a tunnel.

Although his footsteps are extremely light, in the silent cave, there are waves of strange echoes, as if a ghost is whispering.

He walked for a while, then turned, and immediately saw the light in front of him shine, and he saw a blue sea in front of him.

Although Mellarence had long been disinterested in scenery and the like, he couldn't help but feel inexplicably awe of nature's supernatural work every time he came here.

This is a cave on a cliff. The cliff towered into the clouds, flat and smooth like a knife. However, there are countless tunnels in the cliff, leading to the top of the cliff.

And there is a huge cave on the cliff that can overlook the entire sea.

Right in front of the cave, there is a slender figure with his hands behind his back, lonely but proudly overlooking the sea.

Mellarence saw the man with a trace of admiration in his eyes, then bowed and said, "I have seen Lord Cameron."

The man turned his head and glanced at him lightly. It was Cameron, the first disciple of the high priest.

Because the high priest was seriously injured and retired, he is now in charge of the entire necromantic affairs.

Cameron said calmly: "The bat ghosts are back."

When Mellarenston became excited, he said, "Yes, my lord. My lord, you are really amazing. Just mobilizing the bat ghosts, they fled with the human battleship and ran away dozens of miles away.

What flying eagle **** of war is nothing but this. "

Cameron listened to his flattery. Although it was extremely useful, he still had a calm face. He shook his head and said calmly: "It's a pity, it's a pity. Human defenses are too strict, and the firepower is too strong. Our mage can't take the opportunity to sneak attack. they."

Mellarence hurriedly said: "My lord is wise. But these humans are really too cunning."

As he said, he glanced bitterly into the distance, and saw several black spots on the sea, and strands of black smoke floating above their heads.

After such a long time, those black spots still haven't disappeared, and it is obvious that the opponent has stayed there again.

Mellarence couldn't help wondering: They didn't and didn't plan to leave. What's the use of stopping there?

As if to see through Mellarence’s doubts, Cameron looked at the fleet in the distance, smiled disdainfully, and said: "I have read an Eastern Art of War. It says, gusts like wind, Xu Rulin, aggression like fire, no Moving like a mountain.

We are here to stand still, can this group of humans play a flower? "

When Mellarence heard this, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "My lord, you have actually seen the Eastern Art of War. It's... it's..."

As a lich, his flattering vocabulary is quite limited. In the end, he still finds the right words and can only say: "It's... it's amazing~"

Vaguely, I heard a low chuckle not far away.

Mellarence couldn't help but frowned slightly, then turned around, and saw a dark human figure standing in the dark of the cave. It seemed like a ghost...? ? ? ? (To be continued...)

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