Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1448: Necro donkey

Mellarence could tell at a glance that the shadow was a weak and insignificant undead creature.

   The only thing that supports that body is a ghost. To put it bluntly, it is the soul of a deceased, the lowest creature in the family of dead souls.

   The vast majority of ghosts don't even have a physical body, let alone any attack power.

   And many of them have no wisdom, and their thinking is as simple as lower animals. A small number of savvy people only retain their grudges before they die, turning them into the ghosts that humans often say.

   Among the undead that respects strength, this kind of creature is at the lowest end of the biological chain.

   And because they don’t have much power, they are inferior to ordinary skeleton soldiers. At best, they use their resentment, sorrow, and howl to influence other people’s emotions.

   Therefore, Mellarence frowned when he saw the ghost. How dare such a humble ghost disturb his conversation with Cameron?

   But this ghost is different. He seems to be forcibly attached to a body, with a normal body.

   And the soul aura revealed is far stronger than ordinary undead creatures, either his soul is naturally very powerful, or he carries some undead treasures.

   But Mellarence clearly felt that he didn't have any mana.

   "Why is there such a strange thing in the headquarters of the immortal?" All kinds of abnormalities made Mellarence puzzled.

   Next to Cameron, seeing his doubts, he chuckled twice, and then said: "Melarence, don't underestimate this adult.

   He is the senior staff officer next to His Majesty the Gods. The teacher trusts this man very much, and even His Majesty follows his advice. Moreover, he is an old friend of Master Edwood. "

   The light in Mellarence's eyes suddenly shone, and he said in his heart: So it was him~!

   He also heard about the undead who suddenly appeared next to the high priest. He was invited by the high priest from a certain place. He has always been courteous and even called him "Mr.".

   It is said that this undead is hiding in the shadow of the high priest, helping the adults to make suggestions, which can be called an arm of the high priest.

   But what makes Mellarence a little strange is that Cameron's tone, he seems not interested in the undead.

   And in the words, there is a faint ridicule.

   From this point of view, there is a bit of disharmony between the two.

   Thinking of this, Mellarence couldn't help feeling a little heavy.

   Cameron and this undead can be said to be the right arm of the high priest. Cameron is loyal to the high priest. Needless to say, this undead is also said to be very hostile to humans.

   Now that the enemy is now, the millions of human army have hit the door, and the undead high priest is seriously injured. It is the time when everyone is united and unified, but there is no harmony between them.

   This is not a good thing...

   Even though Mellarence was a lich, he knew it was a taboo in war.

   At this time, Cameron suddenly smiled weirdly, and then said to the undead: "It is said that your Excellency is a military expert, known as a famous general.

   I don’t know what you have to say about the current situation. We can also discuss together, haha, hahahaha..."

Mellarence couldn't help shrinking his body, bowed his head respectfully and looked at the floor. From Cameron's laugh, he could clearly hear that the Lord God disciple was full of disdain and mockery of the undead, and there was also Several copies of madness.

   This is also a matter of course.

  Although this time the war failed, the expeditionary army was annihilated, the navy was almost destroyed, and the war fortress suffered heavy losses, but Cameron has always been in charge of the Semites, managing the rear for the high priest, and managing the Semites in order.

   not only provided a large amount of military resources at the beginning of the war, but also provided continuous support to the expeditionary army in the rear, suppressed the increasingly arrogant insurgents in the interior, and stabilized the situation of the Semites.

   The high priest was seriously injured and could not be pro-autonomous. As the first disciple of His Majesty the Lord, he also naturally took over the ruling power of the Necromancer.

   Several powerful and prestigious liches sat down by the undead high priest, dead and wounded.

   Herod and Edwood fought for hundreds of years for the position of the first person under the seat of the high priest, but now one does not know what to do, the other is frustrated.

   At this time, no one came to compete with him for this position.

   Now he can be said to be under the undead tribe and the Semi tribe, above the ten thousand people, with a high position and power over the world~!

   controlled the still powerful dark wizard world and the entire Semitic in his hands.

  Under this situation, he naturally puts no one in his eyes.

Cameron even thought that if it were not for the teacher to find these unreliable guys to blindly command, and he assisted in the human continent, the Semitic army would not lose so fast and so miserably.

   Facts have proved that none of the ideas given by the lich around the high priest are reliable

   Mellarence took a peek at the undead, for fear that the two of them would make a fuss here.

But to his comfort, the undead was not at all angry. It seemed that he must not have heard the sarcasm in Cameron’s words. He just bowed his body politely and said calmly: "Your Excellency Cameron, I still insist Past claims.

The enemy’s military strength is strong. We should not start a battle over one place and one island with humans. Instead, we should decisively abandon these useless places, shrink our forces, and reclaim all forces on the Necropolis Island, and establish a solid defense there for ten years. , Even stick to it for a hundred years.

   Let those humans toss in the Semitic.

For these human invaders, we only need to pull their hind legs behind and light a few fires. The Semitic people and the nobles will inevitably unite and rise up to resist, turning the entire Semitic into a huge quagmire and deepening them. To sink in.

   And we can use the vast space of the Semites in exchange for the time we need most. We can hold on indefinitely, but how many years can human beings stay in the Semitic continent?

   When the high priest recovers from his injury, at that time, we can turn the Semitic continent into a **** for humans. Let them not go back alone. "

   Mellarence couldn't help but nodded secretly, feeling that what the undead said made sense.

Cameron, who was on the side, was furious, and sternly reprimanded: "What are you talking about? Although the necropolis is vast, no one inch of land is superfluous. The Semitic continent carries our war strength. Lost land. And slaves, how do we collect troops and supplies.

   You are raising their morale and destroying our prestige.

  I admit that the human fleet does seem to be very powerful, but in the face of our fierce offensive, they still shrink back?

  We immortals are the most powerful people in the world. As long as we immortals are united, everyone is brave and brave to move forward, those human beings will inevitably be defeated by us~! "

   said, clenched his right hand into a fist and raised it high. It seems that without this very literary and dramatic way, he cannot show his incomparable determination and conviction.

  Melarens was also excited for a while: Yes, the future world must belong to us~!

   Compared with those inferior human beings, the immortals have advantages that they cannot match.

   The undead smiled indifferently, and continued patiently: "Your Excellency, we..."

   Cameron waved his hand imperiously and shouted: "Stop talking, you will only ask us to retire, retire...

   Where do we retreat?

   Dead Soul Island?

   What should we do if the humans hit the Necropolis but the high priest still does not wake up?

   Could it be that, continue to retreat to the end of the sky? "

Listening to his cannon-like questioning, the undead sighed softly, and then calmly said: "On the Necropolis Island, we have a geographical advantage. The most powerful fleet of mankind and the large number of troops are unable to function. .

   We can arm the entire island. It becomes a huge grinding wheel, consuming all the enemy's power..."

   Cameron couldn't help but snorted coldly, and said: "I can turn this place into a millstone now and consume all the enemy's strength~!"

"And I have succeeded." After saying that, Cameron reached out and pointed at the sky, pointed to the black smoke in the sea floating to the sky, and then continued: "I didn't see those enemies but dared to stand far away. , Dare not come over.

  We are holding on, and they consume a lot of supplies every day. Above the vast sea, but unable to get any supplies, he could only retreat in the end.

   We are stuck here, as if we are stuck above seven inches of a poisonous snake. The enemy has a huge fleet but it can only do nothing.

   As long as we persevere, their seemingly huge expedition will inevitably return without success.

  In the future, as long as we learn lessons, build more warships and war fortresses, and cast more artillery, whether it is a hundred, five hundred, or a thousand years, we will surely be able to make another expedition across the sea and wipe out all mankind. Conquer the whole world~! "

   Mellarence was listening with tears and nodding his head again and again. This was the ultimate goal of their immortal.

   But the undead sighed as if there was nothing, and then didn't say a word again.

   It took a long time for Cameron to wake up from the narcissism of dreaming about future victory.

He looked at the undead and saw that the other party had been silent, thinking that he had been overwhelmed by the reasoning he had given him, and could not help but snorted: A little undead who came out of nowhere, just knows a little about the military, you have to His Majesty's boundless favor.

  Speaking of which, His Majesty is also unknowable. It is this idiot who has been spoofing and making out of ideas, which led to the failure of the expedition.

   It's fine if he doesn't hold him accountable, and now he actually runs to the one who is gesticulating in front of him. I really don’t know how high the sky is~!

   Thinking of this, he grew more angry, and immediately flicked his long sleeves, snorted coldly, turned and left.

   Mellarence saw this, and hurriedly followed Cameron to leave, but before leaving, he hurriedly bowed to the undead—this undead was also an arm of the high priest. Cameron was offended, but he couldn't afford to offend him.

   But it was as if the blind man was thrown to the blind by winking. The undead didn’t pay attention at all. He just hid in the dark, staring at the vast ocean in the distance, as if thinking of something...

   Mellarence followed Cameron closely, turned and walked down, and came to a huge cave. The top of the cave is covered with inverted stone bat ghosts, all wrapped in their wings, as if they have fallen asleep.

   Cameron looked at the bat ghosts hanging upside down in the air and couldn't help but nodded slightly. Although these bat ghosts are ugly, they are true heroes.

   is that as soon as they are dispatched, they frighten the enemy back.

   Next to Mellarence waved, several dark wizards dragged a cow over with difficulty, and then respectfully led Cameron to his side.

   Cameron reversed his right hand, and immediately took out a pale white bone dagger, and then plunged it into the cow's neck, then pulled it out, and the blood splashed out suddenly.

   The cow screamed and then fell to the ground.

Smelling the scent of blood, the bat ghosts suddenly opened their eyes, and a red light seemed to light up in the dark cave.

   In the next second, the bat ghosts have already flown.

   They kept screaming, flapping their wings, and rushing towards the cow. Then he tore the flesh and internal organs of the cow vigorously. The fight is like a pack of coyotes.

   Cameron looked at it, immediately opened his hands, and shouted: "Eat, eat. My children. Hurry up and get full, so we can go out to fight again..."

   In response, the stone bat ghosts screamed louder.

   Cameron couldn't help laughing out loud.

  Sharp laughter, screaming of bat ghosts, flapping of wings... all kinds of sounds gathered together, and then reflected from the high dome of the cave, forming a terrifying sound.

  At the same time, a group of dark wizards kept sending various living creatures into the mouths of bat ghosts, among them... there were even living humans~!

   Cameron and the two fed the bat ghost, then came out again, and then returned to their residence along the tunnel.

  When he passed a hole facing the sea, Cameron suddenly stopped. Mellarence was not prepared and almost didn't hit him.

   He couldn't help but feel strange, he was about to ask, but at this time, Cameron had already walked forward again. Mellarence stunned, then stood in Cameron's position, looking through the hole to the sea.

  On the turbulent sea, a clipper was raising its sails and slowly sailing away from the bay. On the bow, there was a black figure standing.

   Although it was far away, Mellarence still recognized at a glance that the man was the mysterious ghost.

   He hesitated for a moment, then pointed outside and shouted: "My lord, my lord, that... that..."

Cameron stopped again and didn't look back. He just said indifferently, "Let him go. It's a low-level splashing ghost. Anyway, he can't have much strength. Without him, the crow is clamoring around. , We can be quieter, can't we? Hahahaha..."

   Listening to his laughter, Mellarence also laughed a little bit of fun. At the same time, he has been staring at the Clippers.

   At this time, all the sails on the ship were hung up, and then under the blowing of the sea breeze, it turned around the bay and turned and galloped toward the west.

   When the ship was about to disappear into the sea, an impulse arose in Mellarence's heart, thinking of jumping on the ship, and then fleeing the battlefield with the ghost.

   But in the end, he used his own reason to force this impulse down.

   He glanced at the sea in the distance for the last time, intending to leave, but stopped again.

   I saw a black spot in the sky, passing through the clouds in the sky, and it was coming quickly.

   But what is strange is that the height of the black spot is very high, a full kilometer, although it flew to the front, it still did not get much larger.

   Mellarence hesitated for a moment, and then said respectfully: "My lord, look, the enemy's war fortress..."

   Cameron couldn't help but shook, and came to him a few steps, then raised his head and looked towards the sky, but then he sneered and said: "What are you waiting for, please order the bat ghost to move."

   Mellarence smiled bitterly and said, "My lord, the war fortress flies too high, let alone manta ghosts, even our war fortress can't fly that high."

   Cameron couldn't help but stagnate. Then he looked at the war fort with bitterness, and said: "A bunch of cowards, if there is a kind of thing, fly down to fight us to the death."

   Although he was swearing there, the war fortress didn't notice anything, and he still flew straight above the island without a change in speed.

   Cameron turned his head and said to Mellarence: "Strengthen guard. As long as the enemy comes, we will fight out fiercely. We must never let the enemy come closer, you know?"

Mellarence immediately nodded and said, "Yes, sir. Don't worry. We must guard this island like an iron barrel. They don’t come, they will inevitably meet and break the blood. , Paid a heavy price."

   Cameron patted him on the shoulder immediately and laughed. Then he turned around and disappeared into the depths of the tunnel.

   In the next few days, human warships and war fortresses kept coming to harass. But every time they approached, they saw bat ghosts dispatched here, they immediately retreated and fled.

   Several fast cruisers took advantage of their high speeds and deliberately n* bat ghosts chased after them. When the bat ghosts stopped chasing, they turned their heads again, and leaned in again without skin and face.

   Mellarence was anxious, and directed the bat ghost to chase down, and they ran away again. Once, because they chased them too far, they chased them for hundreds of miles. The bat ghosts were all exhausted and almost unable to return.

   Further on, those humans dispatched a war fortress and used high-altitude bombing to destroy the ships parked in the harbor. But because they fly too high, the accuracy is not enough. It took ten rounds to complete the task.

   This made the liches sigh for a while: MLGBD~! These humans are really rich~! In order to blow up a few ships, so many bombs were thrown.

   The situation has been deadlocked day by day.

   On this day, the Grand Duke came to the bridge and looked at Lorraine, who was in deep thought with a pile of materials in his hand, and could not help wondering: "What is this?"

   Lorraine pointed to the pile of information, and said: "This is the information collected these days about the undead on the island."

   said could not help showing a smile.

   Grand Duke frowned, and said, "What's so funny about this?"

Lorraine smiled and said: "This reminds me of a story about a donkey. There used to be a place where there were no donkeys, but then someone transported the donkey in. The local tiger saw the donkey and thought it was something amazing. The animal ran away in fright. Later, after layers of trial and error, it was discovered that it was just a donkey, and immediately rushed to eat it."

   Grand Duke looked at Lorraine in a daze, although he knew that his cheap son-in-law had an active brain and had always liked God's development. But after listening to his explanation, I still don't understand. What is the inevitable connection between the current situation and the donkey?

  He paused, took a sip from the wine glass on the table, and said carefully, "You mean...that island is that donkey now?"

   Lorraine nodded immediately and said in admiration: "His Royal Highness is indeed a wise martial artist, wise and unparalleled."

   Grand Duke curled his lips, then said: "Then how do we, this tiger eat it?"

   Lorraine glanced at him in surprise, then asked: "The undead manages this island like an iron barrel, why should we gnaw this hard bone?"

   Grand Duke dumbfounded: "But...but..."

   Lorraine smiled and said, "This is just an island. We have all bombed the boats on it. They can't get out anyway. So why don't we just bypass it?"

   The Grand Duke suddenly woke up like a dream, and slapped his forehead hard.

(To be continued)

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