Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1446: Forbidden Island

The Fourth Division of the Caribbean...Uh, the soldiers of the Fourth Division of the Spirit Flash Nation and the Free Forces are performing the task of cleaning out the remaining undead creatures on the island of Mourning day and night.

  Though the undead had lost the command of the Lich or Dark Mage, but because of this, the uncontrolled undead fled all over the mountains and plains.

   These undead creatures still retain the most instinctive habits,

  Moreover, there are many dark knights with wits in the middle, they are high-level powers under the necromancer.

These dark wizards either fought hard against the humans, or fled to a cave deep in the forest and hid them, and waited until the night, and then sneaked out to harass the humans, killed a few careless hapless ghosts, or quietly put them aside. Put the fire or something.

   This greatly increases the difficulty of cleaning up. It took a full twenty days for the 50,000 to 60,000 people of the Liberty Army to search all the peaks and valleys on the island several times before they basically cleared the dead spirits on the island.

   After there were no threats and harassment, the construction work on the Island of Sorrow immediately began. Flying Eagle Construction was racing against time to build the dock and barracks on the island before the next fleet arrived.

   At the same time, Lord Luo has led the strike fleet composed of the Nian fleet and the battleships of the Elven Kingdom to set off again, reaching the edge of the second island on the route.

   Lorraine stood on the ship island of the Enterprise, raised the binoculars, and looked into the distance. Behind him, the most powerful fleet in the world was slowly unfolding.

  Looking through the binoculars, Lord Lorraine clearly saw that the sky over the distant island was densely clouded. A black swirling storm hovered over the island.

Thunder and lightning flashed in the slowly rotating dark clouds. It looks weird. The sailors on the fleet even held the cross and prayed to the God of Light.

The surrounding area of ​​   Island is covered with a layer of gray mist, and the sea area around the island is so tightly shielded that people can't help but wonder whether there is something terrifying such as a ghost ship hidden inside.

   At first glance, I knew that the island was definitely occupied by the dead.

   Lord Luo didn't even need to go forward and reconnaissance, he could know that the whole island is now very solidly managed by the liches, and it must have been armed to the teeth and laid countless traps. Just waiting for them to come forward and throw themselves into the net.

   This is the terrible thing about the liches. As long as a few witches, they can turn a city into a deadly ghost domain, and become a forbidden area for all creatures.

   And even if the Elemental Mage struggles his life, he can't do this.

   "Trouble..." Lorraine could not help but cursed inwardly, then handed the telescope to the hand of Grand Duke Julian next to him.

   As the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, this old guy should have been sitting in the rear and strategizing, instead of staying in the forward team as he is now.

   But the chief of the general staff of the coalition forces, General Wabador, led the Maple Leaf Danlin Military Observation Team.

   original. This time the commander of the expedition is likely to belong to Wabador, and Grand Duke Julian is from the Ruman Empire. Many countries are opposed to him continuing to serve as the commander-in-chief of the continental coalition forces.

   This position must be filled by a neutral task, and the deputy commander-in-chief is Lord Lorraine. Together with their son-in-law, the coalition army will become the ruman's common sense.

   But the old fellow Wabadol is too old and lacks energy. The commander of the coalition forces is the busiest person after the war. He has to work all night long, naturally, he has to be energetic and bright-headed.

   Coupled with the cross-sea expedition, it is easy to become dissatisfied with the water and soil, and maybe it will die sometime. After many weighings and the lobbying of the Ruman people, everyone elected Grand Duke Julian to take up this role.

Although it was elected by the public, Wabador also got the post of Chief of Staff, who was considered the second-ranked figure of the coalition army, half a rank higher than Lord Lorraine, but the old guy was extremely unconvinced.

  Vabador himself did not want the position of commander-in-chief of the coalition forces. He could not command the army of the Ruman Empire, and he did not understand the tactical system of the security forces.

   But Wabador is most taboo about who says he is old, and the reason for vetoing him as commander-in-chief just touched the old guy's shame.

   And Wabador is addicted to alcohol, and he has to drink a few sips every day. What's more terrifying is that the wine of this old thing is very bad~! ! !

   When I drink too much, I get drunk crazy, pick up the guy, and sign up with the Duke in public, so that everyone has a good look at the dog's eyes. In fact, Mr. Wa is also young and strong, not old at all.

   Although Archduke Julian is known as the General Butcher, it is also a headache to watch that old white beard get tangled up, and then he found a chance and ran out.

   left the observation group composed of the old man and a group of little kids behind.

The Grand Duke took the binoculars at this time and glanced around carefully. He couldn't help but frown, and said, "Lorraine, what's going on? According to the latest information a month ago, this island is the same as the island of Sorrow. The garrison of the Semitic army.

   There are only a thousand people on the island, and the defense is extremely lax. How did it become like this now? "

   Lorraine stretched out his hand helplessly, smiled bitterly, and said, "Those liches are not fools. They used the dead to successfully drag us on the Isle of Sorrow, but they strengthened their defenses at this time."

   Grand Duke looked at him in surprise, and said for a long time: "This...this is not scientific~!

   When did the Liches know how to war? "

   Lorraine sighed, this is really unscientific.

   Edwood is a rare clever man among the Liches, but a few years ago when he fought with Vera and himself, he would only release skeleton soldiers desperately.

   I didn't even think about using a lollipop, so I abducted Vera's stupid girl.

Lorraine said, "It's been a while ago. Uh, I remember I called the report. We have already seen it on the Island of Mourning. At that time, they attracted our attention from the front and sent some people to sneak around behind. If it weren't for us The firepower is so strong that we may not be able to get out.

   I reminded the staff that if you encounter undead in the future, you have to change your tactics. "

   Grand Duke couldn't help taking a breath of air, and muttered, "This is a troublesome thing."

   The undead who don’t understand the art of war are enough to cause headaches. And now. With command, their combat power will at least double. It will be more difficult.

   Lord Luo gave him a dissatisfied look: Obviously, his cheap old man didn't read his report at all, and he even kept it out of order. He had been stuffed into the toilet as toilet paper by a bureaucratic pup.

  Because of taking care of the interests of all participating countries, the current coalition headquarters is probably the most bureaucratic place in the world.

   Seeing Lord Luo’s dissatisfaction

, The Grand Duke couldn't help but laughed twice. He didn't even turn over the one-foot-thick reports piled on his desk.

   This uncle had a headache when he saw textbooks when he was young.

   then continued: "This is still unscientific. If the undead really understands the art of war, why don't they strengthen their defenses on the first island?

   At that time, our army came from afar. It's time for exhaustion. "

   Lorraine was also stunned, but after thinking about it carefully, he burst into laughter and said, "Your Highness, I think the reason should be very simple.

   Are you missing something on the sad island? "

   Grand Duke was startled, and said, "Is something missing? What?"

   Lorraine smiled and said: "Ship~!

   The undead do not have wings. They transport troops, transport supplies, and deploy such a scale of defense. They also need ships. "

   Grand Duke reacted immediately. I couldn't help laughing, and said, "I said. Looking at the sea, there are a layer of dead bodies floating on the land, but I still feel that something is missing.

   These bone sticks are dead and poor. One has no money, two has no ships, and learns from others to fight. What a bunch of silly 13~! "

   Since the last time I checked the assets of Flying Eagle Company, especially the market value of the stock market, after knowing the wealth of Catherine and Lei Erye, Grand Duke is now shaking.

   Although Dagong is not the rich generation, he is not short of money to spend, but he is the father of the rich generation.

   Now, the tiger's body shakes at every turn, showing the majestic style of a big dog.

   No matter who you catch, you open your mouth and scold someone for the dead and poor.

   If he is still the same pauper as before, the point is that now, he is indeed very rich.

   Therefore, every time this time, people will get angry and angry, and there is no way to use him, but in my heart, I can only curse in my heart: what to do, it is not a good daughter, a good son-in-law.

   The Grand Duke was also very proud of this, and then declared that he finally understood the true meaning of the ‘soldier without a fight’ in the Eastern Art of War.

At this time, the Grand Duke was also the same as before. The tiger's body was shocked, revealing the majestic appearance of a nouveau riche. He curled his big mouth and glanced at the distant island, but he couldn't help sighing and said: "If it really is If this is the case, then it will be troublesome here."

   Lorraine also nodded in agreement: There are no ships on the island of Mourning, which shows that their capacity is insufficient. Facing the lightning assault of the human fleet, they can only, and only have time to set up their defense on the second line.

   And since the Liches gave up the first island so resolutely and bravely, their defense on this island must be extremely strong.

   The Grand Duke looked at Sir Alex with some glee, and said: "You have always been the leader, what are you going to do now? If there is no other way, why don't you let me take the lead?"

   Sir Alex could not help being furious: This old guy has been thinking about the credit of robbing Sir Alex in his first battle, and it is not a day or two.

   He immediately sneered, then waved his hand down and shouted angrily: "All attack~!"

The adjutant next to    watched the quarrel between the two of them, Weng-in-law and his son-in-law. They were beating drums in their hearts, and secretly doubted, didn't they say that the relationship between mother-in-law and son-in-law was incompatible? Why is this the same between the old man and son-in-law?

The current prices are so high, the house is so expensive, and the wages are so low... If you say that you will marry your own wife in the future, the old man and your mother-in-law will join forces to attack yourself and you won’t survive. Up?

   For a while, the young adjutant was confused about the future, and he hardly heard Lord Luo's orders.

   Lorraine couldn't help turning his head and glared at him severely.

   The adjutant reacted immediately, and hurriedly hurriedly yelled, "The commander has orders, all attack~!"

   "All attack."



   "Little bunnies, level this **** island for me~!"

   Following a command, the battleship suddenly accelerated and rushed forward. in the mean time. The horn has sounded.

   beside them. Those mighty and mighty battleships. The cruisers moved one after another and rushed forward. Behind them, there were waves of white waves.

  The battleship galloped to a place more than ten kilometers away from the island. At this time, the war fortresses on the mothership took off. They stayed in the air for a while, formed a huge formation, and rushed to the island first.

  The war fortresses gathered together, and the huge roar sounded like thunder. Deafening.

Lorraine stood on the bridge, holding a binoculars, and staring at the war fortress in the air.

   saw them whizzing through the gray fog, and then there was a flash of fire in the gray fog. Immediately after that, huge explosions came one after another.

   Hearing the sound, Lorraine couldn't help but glance at the Grand Duke: This is a bit wrong.

   The war fortress just rushed into the fog, and there should be some distance from the island. Why did they drop bombs in a hurry?

   And listening to the sound of the explosion, it seemed that they were all thrown into the water? ? ~! !

   Almost at the same time, Lorraine and the Grand Duke all yelled loudly: "Quickly. The battleship swayed and sounded the alarm. All personnel entered the first level of combat readiness."

   "Level 1 alert~!" The messenger shouted hoarsely.

   "Everyone goes to the gun position."

   This is the instinct of good commanders.

   They don’t even need to look, just listen, or even intuitively, they can analyze and judge the comparison of forces between the enemy and ourselves and the detailed situation from the chaotic battle, and then make an accurate response in the first place.

   Maybe their order was too hasty, which made the atmosphere on the ship suddenly tense.

   The war sirens one after another.

   At the same time, one after another warships began to turn their bulky bodies, and their gun doors opened one after another. Through the cannon window, we can see that the soldiers inside are rushing back and forth, filling the barrel with ammunition, and then pushing the muzzle out of the window.

   After a few seconds, I saw black spots on the distant islands quickly passing through the mist and appearing in people's sight.

   Lorraine raised the telescope and observed carefully.

   That is the war fortress that just rushed in.

  'One, two, three...' Lorraine counted quietly while watching. Each of these war fortresses is the heart and soul of Sir Alex, and there is absolutely no room to lose.

   Fortunately, there are 24 seats, no shortage of one. But then I heard that an officer next to him started counting twenty-six, twenty-seven. Sir Alex Ferguson's brain burst out immediately.

Grandma's, she's blind.

   There are only twenty-four seats in total, how come out twenty-seven? Could it be that he can't return his mother's cubs?

   Sir Jue raised his binoculars while cursing secretly, and looked at it again. He just glanced at him, and slapped the young officer next to him on the head. He cursed harshly: "The **** enemy behind, quickly order the remaining light war fortress to take off."

   The officer was slapped and staggered by Sir Ferguson, and then he reacted, hurriedly wearing a straight hat, and shouting loudly: "The light war fortress takes off to meet the enemy. Quickly, take off to meet the enemy..."

   Amid the shouts, several war fortresses on the deck have rushed to the sky. These light war fortresses are specially designed and manufactured for aerial combat. It is fast, flexible, and powerful.

   It was just a few breaths. Those light war fortresses had already crossed our own war fortresses and rushed towards the enemy's war fortresses behind.

   didn't see much movement, and saw two of the enemy's war fortresses flashing fire, and then they fell towards the sea.

   Everyone looked at it and cheered for a while.

   But then I saw more black spots on the island rushing out of the fog and appearing in the sun.

   They looked very small, but densely packed, like a flock of They gathered together to form a huge dark cloud and flew towards the war fortress. There were faintly screaming calls coming continuously.

   Lorraine frowned: What is this?

   At this time, the war fortresses that went out to bomb have returned to the mothership.

The war fortress headed by    did not wait to stop, and then officers jumped off from above, and then jumped to the bridge.

   Anxiously, he didn't even have time to salute Lorraine, and he already shouted loudly: "My Lord, it's a gargoyle. There are a lot of gargoyles on the island."

   Everyone was surprised when they heard it.

In this war, due to the rapid human counterattack, especially during the Battle of Vaticano, most of the enemy’s ships were sunk, which made the undead lack the means of transportation. Even if the undead forces wanted reinforcements, There is nothing I can do, but I can only feel sighed.

   The war that this made can end in less than two years, but this does not mean that the undead is not strong.

  Stone bat ghosts are one of their units. Although their strength is not strong, they are numerous. It is fast and is often used to sneak attacks on human wizards, priests, or archers. And because of the rapid action, it can often cause considerable losses to humans.

At this time, the officer continued to shout: "When we rushed in, we were unprepared and almost succeeded in a sneak attack by them. Fortunately, the brothers were quick-eyed, picked up the guys, and blasted them down. But behind. Several bat ghosts climbed onto the outer wall, and we dared not fire on our own.

   My lord, find someone to clear them..."

   will not wait for his voice

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