Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1445:  Training team

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"Very well, rest for fifteen minutes, Erlian is on alert~!"

With several short commands from the officers, Sylvie, the leader of the Sixth and Sixth Row of the Seventy-one Regiment of the Lingshi Nation and the Fourth Division of the Free Army, let out a long breath, and then sat wearily. On top of a bare stone.

He took out a pack of crumpled cigarettes from the pocket of his jacket, took it out hard, took out a few curved cigarettes from it, and scattered them to Amu, Lamy and Anderson beside him.

The last one was skillfully clipped to the ear, and then the torn cigarette case was thrown on the ground in a ball, with a long sigh.

After more than a year, Amu, the youngest in the team, has grown up. He is no longer the thin boy who had just been arrested before, and the soft hair on his mouth has not faded.

Now he has grown a lot taller, half a head taller than many in the team, because he has been eating canned beef from Nian's for the past two months, his face has become ruddy, and he is wearing a beautiful new military uniform. With weapons on his shoulders, his walking behavior is rusty and windy, with such a soldier's temperament.

The Lingshi Nation and the Free Army, the name is known at a glance, Lord Luo helped them to get it.

In fact, they were the formerly shining Caribbean Fourth Division, led by Fiona's cousin, General Melun.

Only after the change of flag, in order to show the difference from the previous, Ferguson helped them change a new name, still under the command of General Melun.

The rest are the Thundersand and the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Divisions of the Free Army and so on.

More than 60,000 Semitic troops rebelled on the battlefield of Ryde City. More than 80,000 Semi soldiers surrendered and were captured in other battlefields. It is easy to organize a few divisions like this.

but. In order to avoid military ambitions, Sir Alex just changed their names. As for the staff, they didn't move at all. The Semitic generals were still in charge of the Semitic soldiers.

It would be extremely unsafe to do so in the past. Because such troops have no loyalty, they are likely to be mutiny again. Even if you turn back in front of the battle, you might get a bite at a critical juncture.

However, Sir Alex Ferguson didn't have the slightest worries about this, and let alone his control over these Semitic armies, the entire Semitic armies had all given their names.

As long as someone dares to show the slightest thought of rebelling, the person next to him will tear him up without hesitation, and everyone knows the consequences of rebelling.

And even if some of them had a brain, they got rid of the light, resolutely and resolutely reinvested in the arms of the dark reactionary high priest.

As long as Sir Alex took out the vote certificate, the Dark Council would definitely not be able to forgive the vicious slander and attack the high priest. The guy who corrupted his reputation.

The undead tribe doesn't care if these little soldiers signed this kind of nomination under persecution, they only saw these sinners desecrating the sacred seat of the undead high priest. He has committed heinous crimes and must be dealt with in the world.

As for whether these soldiers voluntarily, in the eyes of the undead, the Semi soldiers can and should choose not to sign and fight to the end. This is their duty. It is an honor to be loyal to your Majesty.

So in fact, Sir Alex Ferguson really hopes that such a person can do this.

At that time, you can use a **** lesson to educate those Semitic puppies that they have been tied to Sir Alex Ferguson's chariot, and they can only go down one road, either turning over to become the master or die.

But until now, no such fool has appeared. Perhaps such fools were killed by their own people on the day of the uprising.

In short, Lord Lorraine found that the Semites he saw were smart people.

On the contrary, many stragglers, You Yong, who fled into the mountains after the defeat, heard the news, ran out in groups, and then held up the slogan'The Undead High Priest is Dasha 13' and ran over the mountains. They are not stupid to surrender to the United States. If they surrender to the local garrison, they are likely to be beaten to death by the locals, or sold to the black brick kiln and black mine to die.

The banner of surrendering to the United Nations has become a talisman for these defeated Semitic soldiers. The big hooligans in the United Nations can't afford these small countries.

Seeing the soldiers of the 4th Division resting, the Freeman National Free Army soldiers from the other division also swayed over with their big blade, then stretched out their hands and shouted to Sylvie: "Hey, brother-in-law army. Brother, share a cigarette, right?"

Due to the brother-sister relationship between General Melun and Fiona, and the performance of the Caribbean Division in the war, the Fourth Division, composed of civilians around Caribbean City, was highly valued by Lord Lorraine after the change of flag.

More than 10,000 people in the entire division immediately changed their clothes, Lord Lorraine, and released two thousand Caribbeans who were captured during the landing from the prison camp in Vantino.

Now the Fourth Division of the Lingshi National Free Army is fully loaded, and it is the number one elite in the entire Lingshi National Free Army.

The big guys are all made in one water Nian'an, and the military supplies are exactly the same as the Nian's army. They eat canned military beef from the Flying Eagle Group.

Lord Lorraine and the coalition command unit agreed that in the war against the Semitic, the attack on the heart is the top priority and the attack on the city is the bottom. The coalition does not want to stupidly fall into the ocean of the Semitic People's War.

Sir Alex knew that even if he had an army of three million hawks, he couldn't win this kind of war. Maybe in the end, I will be dragged down by the protracted war.

Eliminating the resistance of the Semites makes the Semitic people feel that their savior of the allied forces is the hope of the Semites, and it is the force of benevolence and righteousness to liberate them, which is the primary goal of the allied forces.

Therefore, the Fourth Division of the Lingshan National Free Army is a benchmark set up by the coalition forces, a model division, for all the Semites and Semitic armies.

This shows that the coalition forces treat the Semites equally, and are to liberate the Semitic people enslaved by the undead, not to rule them.

Equip the Fourth Division as the elite of the coalition forces.

Because of this, none of the remaining Semitic troops were jealous. My heart was also secretly dissatisfied. The same is the rebel army. This treatment is too bad, right?

Is it because the commander of the Fourth Division is the brother-in-law of Marshal Lorraine?

After the change, although they also changed their equipment, they were all eliminated by humans.

He also had a spear and a big knife, although those were all sophisticated steel weapons, much better than their original standard equipment.

But compared with the spears and cannons of the Fourth Division, it was... it was just shit.

Therefore, when everyone saw the Fourth Division, they no longer despised as before. They called the "Sweeping Stars" all day long. The Fourth Division is now a lucky star. If there is no brother-in-law of Lord Lorraine, they just want to revolt, and humans would not necessarily give them this opportunity.

Therefore, everyone kindly referred to them as the "brother-in-law division".

If it was called by someone else, it would have been a fight, but this group of puppies in the Caribbean are also extremely shameless. For this title, they are not ashamed, but proud.

Is Fiona really the daughter of the Caribbean Lord? The city lord is the parent official of the Caribs, and the eldest lady of the city lord’s house is naturally the eldest sister of the Carribeans.

Sylvie rolled her eyes irritably. It was like seeing a group of poor relatives coming from the countryside to eat a meal, and then painfully took out a pack of unopened cigarettes from the bag, took out a few cigarettes and handed it over.

The soldiers also gathered around immediately, took the cigarettes one after another, and then lit the Zippo lighter issued by Sylvie's army and immediately started smoking.

Dispensing cigarettes is a treatment that the elite security forces, Ruman officers, and the high-level coalition forces have. These little soldiers can't turn it. The three or two cigarettes in the can are not enough for a few minutes.

Some people were not used to it, and couldn't help but cough two lowly, causing the people next to them to laugh.

Although cigarettes are harmful to health, they are popular among soldiers.

Cigarettes are men’s pets. When you are tired, you can smoke a cigarette to relieve fatigue. And when the watch is on duty at night, just order one to relieve the boredom of the long night.

The crowd gathered together, smoking and chatting.

They looked at the brand-new guns and guns in everyone's hands, all with envy. From time to time, someone has to reach out and touch it.

Every time at this time, Sylvie immediately slapped everyone, slapped each other's paws away, and then held the gun tightly in his hand with a vigilant face.

The soldiers who provoked a lot of complaints. But no matter what they say, Sylvie will never let go.

In fact, these soldiers are not blamed for being stingy, but because of their training.

Immediately after the change of flag, the Fourth Division was pulled out alone, and the instructors of the Security Army were ordered to transform them into a kind of soldier as quickly as possible.

I take them out for exercise training every day, and before going to bed at night, after taking off their clothes, they are all in the style of "Full Metal Armor", carrying guns in the dormitory, while walking in unison, singing: This is my life. Gun, my cock, my gun...

Through this easy-to-understand and deeply rooted traditional fascist education, they all regard guns and guns as their second life, and they will never allow others to touch a finger.

When everyone was fighting, a whistle suddenly came. Immediately afterwards, the roar of the officers also rang.

"Get up all, get up all."

"The rest is over."

"Keep going, keep going..."

Amid the roar, a group of soldiers complained one after another. At the same time, they also stood up, took their weapons, and moved on towards the mountain.

Sylvie took the shotgun in his arms, stood on the rock and looked back, and the whole harbor was in sight.

I saw that in the sea bend, densely packed with ships. Outside the harbour, there are still a large number of ships slowly starting to move towards the distance.

He spit heavily, spit out the cigarette **** on the ground full of ashes, and then continued to climb up the mountain.

I saw him beside him, front, back, left and right, all the figures of soldiers, like ants, covered the entire hill.

They were all fully armed and slowly climbed up the mountain.

The original lush mountains and forests have long since disappeared, and they are all exposed with charred black rocks. In some places, there is still a faint blue smoke. The choking smell of fireworks filled the air.

With the arrival of the fleet. The liches saw the general trend. They fled and evacuated, leaving behind their undead.

After the undead spirits lost their command, they became a piece of scattered sand. Although they did not cause much harm to humans, their roaming and howling in the mountains and forests all day and night still caused a lot of trouble to humans, as well as the danger of causing plague. Had to strengthen the defense.

To this. Lord Luo thought of a good way, and set a fire at the foot of the mountain on a sunny morning.

After the fire was over, soldiers were sent up to search the mountains to wipe out the remnants who wandered bravely. And this glorious task fell on these newly changed free armies.

This kind of work is easy and simple, the task is not heavy, it is very suitable for these people to come to practice hands, increase the experience value. At the same time, they can also make their vote a little stronger.

Because this is the first mission. It has a very important political significance and is naturally very popular among the Semitic Free Army. Those who rank low. It’s not the turn of the bad relationship.

Sylvie climbed to the top of the mountain, sweating profusely, then condescendingly, looking down.

The back of the mountain has also been bombed and burned. There are burnt black, bare tree trunks and black ashes all over the ground.

And not far from the other side, another hill was also full of smoke and dust, and some scorched human figures could be seen lying on the ground, exuding bursts of stench. Some were still twitching and struggling slightly. It was those who fled. Necromancer.

Seeing the dead spirits, the soldiers immediately walked up and slapped them.

With a burst of crackling gunshots, the dead spirits immediately became motionless. The soldiers didn't care about them, and then moved on. Afterwards, priests and priests will come up and deal with the dead spirits properly.

In this case, the soldiers found that their work was a bit dirty, but it was extremely easy, just like shooting a target. Find the undead, then pull the board to hit the dead, and then continue to find the next undead... …

Therefore, after the initial discomfort, all of them are relaxed and freehand, talking and laughing, as if traveling at public expense.

They climbed three hills in succession, and then they saw that the scenery in front of them began to change.

Although it was burned by the fire here, some unscorched plants can still be seen, and a few touches of green can be seen under the mountain corners in the distance.

In some places farther away, you can also see lush mountains and forests. Obviously the fire set by humans did not reach here.

Sylvie thought for a moment, pointed his finger at his feet, and then Amu and Rami ran over carrying the machine gun, and then quickly set up the machine gun and looked down at the entire hillside.

Sylvie thought for a moment and said, "You two, be a little clever."

He took the gun and walked down the hillside carefully.

"Undead~!" At this moment, a soldier on the front line suddenly screamed.

Everyone involuntarily shrank their bodies, and then looked in the direction of the voice.

Sure enough, a tall dark knight was seen turning out from behind a rock.

It roared like a beast, brandished the epee in its hand, and rushed towards the soldiers not far away.

Everyone was shocked, this was the first time they saw the legendary Dark Knight. When I was in my hometown, I often listened to adults telling stories about how brave the dark knights were, a knight who could kill twenty humans.

Although now, everyone has turned away from the dark. They were also ready to fight the undead, but they were better off killing ordinary undead, but suddenly they found that they were going to face the powerful Dark Knight, they were instinctively a little afraid.

The soldier was also frightened and stupefied, until the dark knight's epee cut over, and then he reacted. He yelled, threw the shield and knife in his hand, then turned around and ran.

The Dark Knight walked away, looking at the soldier's back, he couldn't help but feel a little strange: Why is the opponent different from the original enemy?

At this time, Sylvie first reacted. Pulling his throat, he shouted: "Fire, fire, fire..."

As he was too nervous, his voice became a bit sharp.

But everyone didn't have any mood to laugh at him at this time, and they all took up their guns and fired at the Dark Knight not far away.

I don't know if it was because of timidity or unskilled, although dozens of people shot at the same time. But the dark knight only shook slightly. He immediately stabilized his body again. Most of the bullets missed.

It roared, turned around, and rushed in the direction from which the gun had just fired.

It has strong abilities and moves extremely fast, like a tiger pounces on its food, and in just a few seconds, it has rushed in front of the soldier.

Sylvie's eyes narrowed involuntarily. It was Anderson.

at this time. He was pulling the bolt desperately, but because of tension, his hands kept sweating and slipping, and he couldn't put the second bullet into the barrel.

Seeing the dark knight rushing in front of him, a look of despair flashed in his eyes.

Seeing this, Sylvie also jumped in a vertical step, and shook the trigger against the Dark Knight.

With a ‘pop’, gunfire sounded.

The Dark Knight was immediately beaten and took a step back.

Sylvie didn't dare to neglect, hurriedly pulled the handle to load it, and shot the Dark Knight again.

The shot hit his black armor. There was a burst of sparks, and the dark knight who had struck took a step back again.

It couldn't help raising its head. Roared at Sylvie.

Sylvie knew the situation was urgent, so he gritted his teeth and shot the Dark Knight again. It took another step back when it hit.

At this moment, he had come to a distance of less than three meters from the Dark Knight, then raised the muzzle slightly, aimed at the Dark Knight's head, and shook the trigger again.

The gunfire of ‘pop’ sounded.

A steel ball rushed out of the muzzle and hit the dark knight's helmet accurately. Under the strong inertia of the bullet, it flew the heavy helmet up, revealing the half-rotted head inside. Vaguely you can see the surprised look in the other's eyes.

Sylvie stepped forward again without hesitation and pulled the trigger. The bullet roared out of the gun, blasting the dark knight's head into a cloud of blood.

The dark knight's body stiffened, then he leaned back and fell straight to the ground.

Sylvie took a breath, then strode forward and kicked the corpse hard, but the corpse didn't move.

Sylvie spit on the dark knight's corpse with a "bah", raised the gun in his hand, looked at the soldiers around him grimly, and shouted: "Grandma's, you cowards all give it to I listen carefully.

In the past, the Dark Knights were very powerful, it was because we men didn't have guns in their hands. And now we guys have guns in hand, and we are afraid of a bird~! "

Having said this, he stretched out his hand and pointed downwards, and screamed: "Isn't it there? In front of the big gun, the Dark Knight counts as a fart. Before he pounced, I shot him away~!

All **** cheer up. As long as you have a gun in your hand, the Lich is here, and we don’t need to be afraid. Don't forget, all of you have turned in certificates.

If in the future, who will squeeze the **** thing again, don't blame Lao Tzu for being polite~!

I **** want to go home alive to honor my old mother. "

Under his ferocious gaze, everyone couldn't help but flinch. At the same time, they all clenched their weapons.

The living example just now told them that as long as there is a gun, there is no need to be afraid of a **** dark knight~!

But immediately, I saw countless figures flickering in the distant mountains and forests.

Immediately afterwards, the crowd rushed out of the forest like flash floods, rushing towards them.

Everyone didn't dare to neglect it when they saw it, they raised their guns and fired one after another.

Those who did not have guns took out grenades one after another and threw them into the distance.

At the same time, the machine gun on the top of the mountain rang ‘suddenly...’.

Sylvie hopped back to the top of the and picked up the heavy phone on the back of the correspondent next to him, and shouted hoarsely, "Quick, quick, war fortress, dispatch war fortress. We are affected. The attack of a large group of undead..."

After a while, I heard a sharp whistling from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, three war fortresses appeared above their heads at the same time. They lined up in a row, passed the Semitic soldiers, and came to the sky above the undead.

In the next second, three heavy bombs fell from the air and exploded among the undead.

Through the orange flame, you can clearly see that countless dead spirits were blown up to the sky.

Those war fortresses did not leave, but lowered their height and began to bombard the remaining dead spirits with the artillery above.

Boom, boom boom, boom, boom...

The flames of the explosion continued to bloom like fireworks, and black smoke billowed into the sky.

When these war fortresses were full of prostitution, they finally turned away triumphantly. On the battlefield behind them, a scorched body remained.

Sylvie stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded. After a while, he smiled reluctantly and said to the soldiers behind him: "What am I talking about, this is a very easy task."

The soldiers immediately nodded like chickens picking up rice: With the perverted human uncles, this task is not easy, it is difficult~!

(To be continued)

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