Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1419: Hongmen Banquet

The generals all looked at Lorraine in amazement. M.

Although this sentence sounds very childish, just like street hooligans jumping and scolding, the generals sitting here are all the elites of the Semitic society. Everyone would not say that when scolding people. This term is really very. vulgar.

But don't forget, the subject is high priest, high priest of undead, great, sacred, merciful, and there is absolutely no room for doubt.

The actual supreme ruler of the Semites, the benevolent father of all the Semites, and each Semitic must come from the high priest whose soul respects and loves.

It's just like the attitude of human beings towards God of Light.

Not to mention writing and scolding the God of Guangming, as long as people hear bad things about God of Guangming, report it to the local priest-the simple people are very keen to expose people who do not respect God. This is recognized by the Holy See. One of the shortcuts.

Immediately there was the black-skinned dog of the Inquisition, brandishing a knife, and ran over to check their water meter.

He smashed open the door directly, buckled the thick black shackles, and tied it behind the horse to drag him away.

In case it is a little serious, the attitude is a little bit strict, the one who does not admit mistakes, refuses to repent, if nothing else, just drag it to the square, tie it to the cross, and burn it into a fragrant roast suckling pig in front of everyone. .

In the same way, once the sentence cursing the high priest is written, it becomes an ironclad evidence of treason.

Even if he didn't really want to revolt, he had already become a Semitic traitor that everyone screamed, and he could only run to the dark one by one, which was a capital crime.

After all, for the crime plot is not particularly serious, the Holy See is still very tolerant.

After all, the phrase ‘God loves the world’ is not for nothing.

They have always been aiming at curing diseases and saving people. Just write a letter of regret, confess your mistakes in the referee with tears, pay more fines or something, run off the relationship, and let them go.

The priests knew that if one more person was killed, one less tax would be collected.

Even the fallacies like Copernicus's propagating the ‘sun’ as the center of the myths passed by with one eye closed. Everyone is usually very busy, and no one has the painful time to play with him.

Of course, if you are like Bruno, who has been persuaded for several years but still gritted his teeth, does not know how to repent, and walks to the dark one by one, there is no way, only to purify his soul with fire.

But the undead high priest is different. He never forgives the betrayers. He firmly grasps the Semites with iron and blood wrists and suppresses the Semites with darkness and terror, so that they dare not resist.

Any act of disrespect to the high priest is a capital crime, without exception.

Seeing Lorraine doing this kind of thing and being so familiar with it, everyone can't help but wonder: Is this master a general or a bandit?

How come you are so familiar with the unique culture of the bandits like "touming zheng"?

One move will pinch their lifeblood.

At this moment, Lorraine suddenly changed his face, pulled the bolt, and then shouted with a grinning grin: "Write~!"

The sound was like thunder, and the generals of the shocking Semi tribe couldn't help but tremble, revealing a look of fear.

Lorraine continued to shout: "Those who don't write will die~!"

The generals were shocked again, and immediately lowered their heads, and reluctantly drew on the paper.

Seeing everyone lowered their heads and writing like primary school students, Lorraine couldn't help but nod in satisfaction: It seems that if I were a teacher, I would definitely be a good teacher.

The students taught must also be elites from all walks of life. Nobel prizes, Pulitzer prizes, Oscars, Grammys, model workers, March 8th red flag bearers, etc... No more. They can all be taken by them.

For all the generals, they were all weeping, holding their pens and procrastinating for time, as if this note was like their death sentence, and they were reluctant to sign their names on it.

After signing, there is no turning back.

Lorraine waited for a while, but found that no one had finished writing, he couldn't help sighing quietly: It seems that although the high priest has left, it still has a great influence on these generals.

After all, they had never been born before, and they were educated to fear the high priest, and they had seen the vicious methods used by the high priest to punish traitors. The family members were still in the Semites.

Especially that General Karen, although he was the first to stand up to respond at the time, but at this time he did not surrender the name, a pair of eyes and thieves looked around.

From this it can be seen that the **** is absolutely not scheming.

Lorraine clamped the **** under his armpit and added faintly, "If you can't finish writing in one minute, you will die~!"

After speaking, he glanced at Karen.

Karen was looking at him sneakily, then hurriedly lowered his head.

Lorraine's index finger buckled on the trigger lightly moved, and he sneered in his heart: This dog dared to play tricks in front of Sir Alex, so he must take care of it.

Karen was also extremely witty, and found that Lorraine's expression was wrong, and immediately sweated down. Then Yunpen Rufei finished writing the note in the first time, and then respectfully handed the note to Melun next to him with both hands.

Melan didn't dare to be careless, he looked at it carefully, and then nodded to Lorraine, feeling that his brother-in-law was a bit scary.

Lorraine immediately laughed and said, "General Karen, it's really good, I took it down. Come here, let General Karen take a seat. Good wine and good food are served.

This is our own. "

Karen couldn't help but grinned, and showed a bitter smile: Come on, with Lorraine's words, he is firmly on the thief ship, and he can't count on it anymore.

Now I can only hope that this thief ship is hard enough to knock over the undead high priest.

He also broke the jar, sat down on the chair next to him, then picked up the wine glass and drank it.

The big deal is also the difference between dying sooner or later. Merlot colluded with Lorraine. If they didn't surrender, and they wouldn't live for a few days, they would take a gamble.

Seeing someone taking the lead, many generals dullly finished writing the notes, and then handed them to the hands of Melan next to him so that he could check them one by one.

Because people get together, it's quite messy.

At this moment, a guy in the crowd suddenly threw the pen in his hand, and then turned around and ran out, while running, he shouted: "Come on, come on. Melo rebelled... "

Everyone couldn't help but stunned.

The escaping person knocked over the seat and pushed down several people in succession. There was a sudden chaos in the room.

A few Semitic generals were very quick when they saw the opportunity, reaching out to Murren's hand to grab the note he had just written.

The other few people also had fierce gleams in their eyes, glanced at Lord Lorraine, and reached out to touch the long sword at the waist.

Under their lead, the remaining generals were also a little ready to move.

Seeing this, Lorraine couldn't help but sneered: These dogs really don't know whether they live or die~!

He didn't come forward to chase, but turned around, jumped onto the table next to him, and looked down at the fleeing general.

Since there is no blocking from the crowd, the shooting boundary is extremely clear.

Lorraine immediately raised the crushed donkey submachine gun in his hand, flat-end it at his waist, glanced briefly, and immediately squeezed the trigger.

‘Da, Da Da’ clear and loud gunfire sounded, a short burst of three shots.

I saw that the running general seemed to have been hit heavily by something, his body suddenly leaned back, and immediately fell to the ground.

The crisp gunfire also silenced everyone.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet, and everyone stared blankly at Lorraine's muzzle that was still smoking.

At this time, Lorraine strode through the crowd without hesitation.

The generals were frightened by his aura, and they all moved away from both sides.

Lorraine came to the fleeing general, his gun lowered, and then another trigger.

‘Da Da Da’ is another three in a row.

In the gunshots, the person's body twitched a few times like an electric shock, his back was soaked with red blood, and he could not die anymore.

The generals looked at each other for a while, and couldn't help taking a step back in shock.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a loud noise outside.

Immediately afterwards, a group of guards armed with swords rushed in, ignoring the guards' blocking.

They were patrolling guards. At first, when Lorraine shot, they faintly realized that it was wrong, but they were perfunctory by the clever guards.

But this time, someone yelled ‘Mello Rebellion’ again, and there were strange gunshots. They couldn't help coming over to check anymore.

Seeing the strange situation in the field, these guards couldn't help but stunned.

Looking around, all the people present are generals, and the Venus on the shoulders can make the little soldier's eyes blurred.

And one general fell in a pool of blood, and the rest were all squatting on the ground like prisoners. Only one young man stood in the middle holding a weird weapon.

They can't help but feel quite at a loss.

At this time, Melo had already stepped forward and said sternly: "I am General Melo, what are you guys breaking in to do, don't you go back quickly, be careful with military law~!"

The soldiers looked at each other, and they were about to leave.

At this moment, a general in the crowd stood up suddenly, pointed at Lorraine, and shouted hoarsely: "Fidley, grab him, he is Lorraine..." Don’t wait for him to finish, Lorraine With a backhand shot, the general was about to fall to the ground.

The guards couldn't help but shook, then shouted, they were about to rush forward.

Lorraine shouted sharply: "If you want to live, squat down."

After listening to him, Melo and Melun beside him also screamed in unison.

"Squat down."

"Squat down."


These orders may be invalid for the patrolmen, but they are extremely effective for the guards of both of them.

The guards of Melon and Melo immediately hugged their heads and squatted on the ground honestly, especially the members of the Fourth Division, wishing to lie on the ground altogether.

At this time, the guards on patrol had already screamed and swooped towards Lorraine, only a few steps away from him.

What made the guards puzzled was that the young man on the opposite side did not take a step back, but looked at them with a grinning smile, and slowly leveled the weird weapon. .

In the next second, Lorraine's right index finger shook the board.

‘Ta, ta ta ta...’

The crisp gunfire of the Chicago typewriter sounded, and along with the sound, a string of bright flames jumped out of the muzzle.

Although it was in the daytime, the shining orange light pulsating from the muzzle made Lorraine's face extremely bright.

I saw him pursing his lips tightly, his face was cold, like a killer demon.

Opposite him, the guards on patrol were like straw being cut to the ground. They fell in groups without knowing what happened.

The gunshots continued for about ten seconds. When the gunshots ended, the tinkling sound of the shells falling on the ground had not stopped, and the Semitic generals looked intently.

I saw that the patrolmen had all fallen to the ground, their bodies twisted into strange shapes, pressed one by one, and stacked a thick layer.

Bright red blood flowed from under them, and within a short period of time, a creek was formed on the ground and flowed towards their feet.

The generals evaded one after another, as if they were afraid that the blood would stain their beautiful leather boots.

Lorraine let out a long sigh, changed his guts, and cursed in his heart: Grandma's, there are really many hard-boned guys in this group of dead Semites~!

He turned around, looked at the generals, and immediately changed his face, and said sharply: "Are there anyone? Anyone who refuses to accept it and wants to explode?

Grandma's, really shameless. Do you have to annoy Sir Alex and make you all abrupt, so that you are happy? "

With that, he levelled the submachine gun in his hand and aimed it at the generals.

Those people suddenly hugged their heads and avoided.

Those who did not hand in the slip of paper also hurriedly wrote it, and forced it into Melan's hand.

Melan was also a little annoyed at this time.

At this time, people like myself are trying their best, risking their heads, just to save their lives. Otherwise, why bother so much? Call them together and throw a grenade to solve the problem.

But there are people who are ignorant and have to act as loyal ministers.

Once a loyal minister succeeds, traitors like yourself will definitely lose their heads.

In other words, these dog things not only passed with Lorraine, but also passed with his own head.

I wasted my kindness, but raised a bunch of white-eyed wolves. It is unavoidable to be a little angry on someone else.

Seeing that the guy who had just pulled the note from his hand handed it over again at this time, Murren immediately sneered and said, "Oh, guys, didn't you just **** the note? Why are you still coming back? Keep it as a memorial."

His voice is also unusually loud.

The scared people all shrank their necks and turned to look at Lorraine. Seeing that he didn't seem to pay attention to this side, he was relieved.

The headed general smiled and said, "Brother, my dear brother Murren, what do you mean by this? Brother buys things from your Caribbean people, but he never bargains.

We just looked a little messy, so pick it up for you, pick it up. Haha, hahahaha..."

While smiling, he lifted the ring from his hand and slipped it quietly into Melun's hand.

At this time, we can see the difference in politically sensitive surnames between Melun and Lei Erye.

For this kind of gift-giving and sincerity behavior, Lei Erye generally refuses to come, and will bang the bamboo sticks until the other party is in pain.

Let the other party clearly know the fate after offending Lei Erye, wait until the other party is honest, develop him into his own downline.

But Melun was not used to this behavior, snorted coldly, and continued to sarcasm a few more words.

Fiona glared at him severely next to him, strictly forbidding him from this ineffective and likely counterproductive method.

It's an urgent juncture, even if it's upset, take a small book for him to write it down, and wait to come back to clean up. At this time, the task must be completed as soon as possible.

Only then did Melan understand. In less than a minute, he collected all the pieces of paper, and then slightly counted: Well, one is not bad. All the generals who are still alive have written.

Lorraine took the gun away, then put on a smile, and said, "That's right. Gentlemen, we are civilized people. If you have something to say, you are your own people now. You are welcome..."

As soon as I said this, I suddenly saw those generals scratching again.

Lorraine was taken aback for a moment, then followed their gaze and looked up. I saw a few strands of black smoke appearing in the originally blue sky.

They rose from the direction of the Ryder City Palace and rushed towards this side. Obviously the liches were also alarmed.

The generals couldn't help but panic again, and some almost turned around and fled.

After all, writing that note now is equivalent to getting on the thief ship of Lorraine.

Those witches don't care if you want to, as long as you dare to commit the crime of blaspheming the high priest, you will be executed directly if you catch them. To show their fanaticism and loyalty to the high priest.

But what made them frightened was that Lorraine looked at the black smoke and didn't panic. On the other hand, he murmured: "I just came here at this time. The reaction of this group of liches is really a bit slow. One generation is worse than one generation~!"

The generals almost didn't cry: This master is...really a master~! At this time, I still care about the reaction speed of the Liches.

But immediately, Lorraine was waving the submachine gun in his hand, and said: "Sit down, sit down, sit down, panic. The lich is here, and Sir Alex is here, it is not your turn to be afraid."

The generals wanted to escape, but seeing the submachine gun in Lorraine's hand pointed at them intentionally or unintentionally, they had to bite the bullet and sit down again.

The body of the guy who wanted to escape just now wasn't cold, and no one wanted to follow in his footsteps.

In the blink of an eye, I saw that the black smoke had reached the sky above their heads, hovering slightly, and then rushed straight to the ground.

Pillars of smoke slammed heavily on the ground, and immediately turned into human figures, appearing in the sight of everyone.

They all wore ragged black cloaks, with their faces hidden deep in the hood. Through the tears in their clothes, one could vaguely see the rotting internal organs or Bai Sensen's bones.

It was the liches sitting in Ryder City.

The generals turned pale when they saw them. These liches were specially left by the high priest, all of them were powerful and ruthless.

Those liches came to the scene, looking at the sitting generals, they couldn't help but be taken aback.

The leading Lich stepped forward, looked at General Merlot, and said solemnly: "General, what is going on?"

Lorraine smiled, then stood in front of General Merlot, and said: "This is very simple. Actually, it is rare to have a good weather today, so everyone is discussing how to rebel."

The Lich couldn't help but stunned, could hardly believe his ears, and said, "What did you say?"

Lorraine said: "They are discussing the uprising and taking refuge in the human side. Don't you believe it? Look, they have written their names. Look at this one."

As he said, he took out those pieces of paper, took out one at random, and then read: "The high priest is stupid 13, the head of the Vikal division and division leader Karen handwritten." He said while holding a piece of paper. The strip dangled vigorously in front of the lich.

The Lich squinted his eyes, looked at the piece of paper carefully, and suddenly became furious. Green fire came out of both eyes, shooting in all directions, looking for Karen's figure.

Karen was so scared that he almost didn't urinate in the back, and shrank himself behind the others. Do not dare to move.

Lorraine was still thinking about it, and then continued: "Look, there is another one, which also says that the high priest is stupid 13. Kalma, the head of the Karma division. Grandma's, this word is really bad. I almost missed it. I didn't recognize it..."

The Lich interrupted him and hissed, "Shut up, who are you?"

Lorraine grinned and said, "Are you asking me? My name is Lorraine. Lance, Lorraine. By the way, if you are not familiar with it, I also have a little nickname, Flying Eagle God of War."

"Flying Eagle God of War~!" All the liches were shocked and took a step back. This name is a taboo for liches.

They hadn't reacted yet, and several dragon masters who had been waiting for a long time threw out like lightning.

These dragon masters didn't talk about knighthood at all, and attacked directly from behind.

Their bodies are tyrannical, moving like lightning. In addition, the liches were shocked and unprepared. One is going to go down and the other is up.

Four or five people were recruited all at once, and they took the phylactery out of their bodies abruptly, and then they were crushed into pieces.

The liches screamed screaming, and they fell to the ground like off-line puppets.

Two others escaped the sneak attack, but they were also seriously injured.

Seeing that they had not succeeded, the two dragon races immediately flushed with shame, grinned, and chased the two liches.

Lorraine stood on the ground, looked at them, and shouted: "Hey, brothers, remember to leave a living, let him go back and report the letter."

The generals looked at Lorraine with a bit of grudge: Let the Lich go back to letter to report? Isn't it the letter that they got on the thief ship?

This **** is afraid to tie himself down enough~!

Lorraine turned around, looked at everyone, and smiled: "Well, generals, our army will have a big action right away, so please go back and try your best to restrain the troops. If something embarrassing happens, that would be the case. I'm so embarrassed.

Don't forget, you have already written your name certificate. As long as the high priest is alive, there will be no place for you in the Semitic Continent. "

The generals looked at each other, and then all turned away in despair.

General Merlot looked at it and couldn't help but wondered: "You are not afraid that they will turn around and lead a counterattack, kill us and rob those...those names?"

Lorraine smiled and said, "No doubt, no doubt about employing people. Besides, I still have a special force that is useless."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand, took out a flare gun, and then fired three flare flares toward the sky.

(To be continued) q

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