Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1420: MLM persuasion

The signal bomb rose to the sky, and immediately burst out with a dazzling light, and then slowly fell to the ground. M. You can ensure that you can see clearly within a dozen miles nearby.

The Semi soldiers who were basking in the sun raised their heads to watch, because every time a human flare was lit in the sky, nothing good happened.

Either the blanket bombing of the war fortress, or the indiscriminate bombing of human artillery, anyway, after seeing the signal flare, the best way is to hide.

But at the same time, everyone was surprised: the flare seemed to be shot from behind. The flares of the old days have all risen from the east.

When did the Semites also have such high-tech things? Besides, there is no need for them to fire signal flares, unless they want to attract human artillery or bombing.

Could it be said that some human JXs have come in?

The soldiers were only slightly worried, but in the next second, they were gloating: Look at the location of the signal flare. It should be the place of the Caribbean Division. It is located in the center of the city. The Caribbean Fourth Division has been there. Be your own reserve team.

Those scourges who caught and killed others are finally in bad luck today?

It was really pleasant, the Semitic soldiers had no affection for these black-hearted Caribbean people.

The prices of this group of grandchildren have risen too fast, just like the record reported by their division commander Melun.

Yesterday a double gold chain with precious stones could be exchanged for a can of canned food, but today it can only be exchanged for a piece of hard bread.

And he didn't dare to complain. If he complained, the Caribbean wouldn't even sell half a slice of bread.

Now it is a complete seller's market, and the Caribbean people have said that they love buying and buying, not buying and rolling.

The soldiers even prayed that the human cannons would be fired on time, and that the gang of gangsters and small men would be killed.

The guards on patrol rushed over quickly, provoking a lot of hoops, and the soldiers who were resting were all yelling: Anyway, what happened to the Caribbeans and what they did so quickly in the past, just catch them and collect their bodies.

But it was immediately stopped by the officers.

Although the Semitic legions were trapped in the siege, they did not lose the pride of their elite troops, especially since there were two divisions of the Imperial Guard.

At this moment, although there was no order from the superior, many officers spontaneously ordered the soldiers to prepare for assembly, put on armor, take up weapons, and stand by at any time.

In case something happens, they can take the lead in fighting.

After all, the generals are not there and the signal flare suddenly fired in the city, this kind of thing is really too weird.

Amid the roar of the officers, the soldiers jumped up from the ground one by one, and then reluctantly took up their weapons while swearing swearing secretly, and gathered according to their respective troops.

The atmosphere in the city became tense for a while.

At this moment, several black spots suddenly appeared in the sky.

There was no warning beforehand. They seemed to have been hiding behind a certain cloud in the sky until the flares hit, and then they suddenly rushed out.

These black shadows, like meteors, galloped straight toward Ryder City.

In the first second, it was still a black spot, but in the next second, it became the size of a soybean. When people blinked and wanted to distinguish between them, they had already flown to Ryder City. Overhead. Seeing the familiar dark shadow in the sky, the soldiers in the city who had just gathered together were in chaos.

"Air raid~!" someone shouted hoarsely.

Immediately afterwards, the alarm bell rang quickly.

The soldiers suddenly turned into a pan of porridge and ran around.

Someone wanted to rush into the street, some wanted to get into the trench, and some were hiding, ignoring their buttocks and got into the next house.

Since human beings have not launched shelling from yesterday until now, this is really rare after they were surrounded. In the past, Grand Duke Julian used artillery to greet the Semitic people in the city every meal.

Sometimes when I woke up in the middle of the night to pee, I would use cannonballs to remind the Semi soldiers to pee together.

The calm that lasted for two days seemed very abnormal.

The Semitic soldiers wondered whether the human army had insufficient shells. And today's sun is too bright and warm, so these soldiers relax their vigilance.

So that when they reacted, the fortress of war had flown over their heads

Those soldiers who hadn't gotten into the trenches closed their eyes in despair.

They all have deep memories of human air strikes.

Although they haven't learned Lord Luo's famous saying "Truth is within the range of a cannon" is very yellow and violent. But it's all clear: no matter how great a hero is, he can't block the route of a cannonball.

Not to mention the heavy bombs dropped by the war fortress, a few bombs can completely razor a palace.

But what made them strange was that when the war fortresses flew over their heads, they did not pour down artillery fire as before, but flew past them quickly.

Behind them, a torrent of turbulent air flow was left, causing countless weeds and smoke.

The Semi soldiers couldn't help but be astonished, staring blankly at the back of the war fortress: What is going on?

Immediately they saw the war fortresses flying over the Caribbean Division's defense zone, stopped, and then quickly lowered their altitude.

Immediately afterwards, there were a few muffled noises faintly in the distance, and even the ground under their feet was shaking. In the direction of the Caribbean Division in the distance, a few plumes of smoke splashed. Covering the huge body of the war fortress completely, it can be seen that the momentum of the landing is very fierce.

When the smoke cleared, everyone looked intently again.

I saw that the several war fortresses in the distance had fallen steadily on the ground, like a tree with roots, motionless.

The soldiers looked at each other: What is this?

If it were before, they would definitely think that the fortress of human war is coming to their side. But now, if you think about it again, you must have been caught by a door or kicked by a donkey since childhood.

Just as they were puzzled, the organic officer reacted.

Today, the generals all went to the Caribbean Division to participate in a banquet. Now the fortress of human war suddenly passed...

Aside from anything else, it must have been a beheading operation, so I slapped the rabbit and caught all the generals.

For a time, officers at all levels looked at the war fortress in the distance, all in a mixed mood.

The boss is arrested, can I be promoted a little bit and move forward?

If it is normal, this is also a good thing. But now, surrounded on all sides, once humans invaded and captured their captives. Will the punishment be increased in the future because of his official position?

But if he refused, wouldn't it be cheaper now for the puppie next to him?

The next step is the sea water, and the step back is the flame. This feeling is really painful.

Some loyal officers blew the whistle and began to assemble their troops, wanting to rush to the garrison of the Caribbean Division and rescue their generals.

Immediately afterwards, the Semitic officers from all walks of life also reacted, blowing their whistles one after another, assembling their troops desperately.

The enemy carried out a beheading raid, and no one was sure what they were going to do next.

At this time, whether it is dealing with the enemy's upcoming all-out attack, or rushing back and regaining his own general, he can only deal with it by gathering his troops first.

The sharp whistles, one after another, resounded through the world.

The soldiers hurriedly gathered their weapons amidst the roars and kicks of the officers.

An order came immediately, asking everyone to return to their positions and not to act rashly.

The officers from all walks of life were all surprised: thinking this was a false order, almost all planned to disobey.

But then, the generals of the various ministries appeared in front of them with a blue face. He first scolded the officers, and then pulled them all into his command post. Of course, it seems to be intentional or unintentional, they are also outside their headquarters, all their guards are arranged.

Major Piero, the commander of the 4th Battalion of the Karma Division, walked into General Karma's command in confusion.

At this time, many officers had gathered in the headquarters.

Seeing him come in, everyone greeted them one after another, and then gathered together and whispered.

"What happened today looks a little weird."

"Yeah, yeah. What is going on?"

"Don't understand, don't understand?"

"I looked like a necromancer had passed by, but after a pinch of time, it seemed that he had left after a few seconds."

"Yeah, brother, I also calculated it carefully. When I went there, there was a lot of black smoke, but when I left, there were only two."

"It seems that I don't know what happened there."

Just as everyone was discussing, a guard suddenly shouted: "The general is here~!"

All the officers got up immediately.

Immediately afterwards, I saw General Kalmar coming in.

As soon as he came in, everyone immediately discovered something was wrong.

The general has been crying and grinning from time to time, as if his teeth were on fire, and as if he had stepped on shit.

General Kalmar did not make a sound, and went straight to his seat to sit down, and then looked at the ceiling blankly for a long time.

The officers could not help but be astonished. Although their general was rude, he was always full of energy. If something is all right, you have to say a few swear words, scold someone or something. I have never seen him look like a chicken.

But according to the military regulations, he did not speak, and everyone did not dare to speak.

The command was silent for a while.

After a while, Kalmar came back to his senses and watched everyone cough slightly, and said weakly, "Brothers, brothers, I don't need to say much about our current situation.

Surrounded on all sides, there is no reinforcements on the outside, no food and grass on the inside... When I watched it, he said...

He sighed for a long time, and then continued: "Brothers, you say, how have I treated you all these years?"

A group of officers looked at each other, and then shouted loudly.

"it is good."

"Nothing to say."

"Master General is so kind to us."

Listening to the flattery of the crowd, Kalmar waved his hand and said, "Do you not listen to what the general said?"

The officers couldn't help but stunned.

Do you still need to ask this question?

Military orders are like mountains. This sentence is not for nothing.

Just pull out and behead your head if you don't obey.

The sky is big and the earth is big, nothing is as big as a head.

Who dares not listen?

Therefore, they nodded one after another.

"Listen, of course."

"Who dare not listen, the general doesn't need you to do it, the younger ones chopped off his head first."

Hearing this, Kalmar immediately slapped the table and said: "Okay, okay. Since you all trusted this general, that general has also told you the truth."

He paused and then continued: "Today, when I went to a banquet, I met someone.

He said he could help our brothers to jump out of this siege. "

Everyone was startled: Is there such a good thing? Who is so capable?

It was actually able to rescue everyone from the encirclement of the army of nearly a million. You must know that even the high priest did not have this ability.

But having said that, there are so many mountain monsters and trees in this world, who knows if the general has run into a great shaman or something.

Kalmar was very satisfied with the performance of the following people, and then continued: "However, he also made a condition and asked my brother to do something that violates the principle and write him a note."

Everyone was even more surprised: what piece of paper is so magical. Just write it and let the other party save nearly 10,000 people on and off.

Someone said loudly: "My lord, have you written yet?"

Kalmar snorted coldly, and said, "As a chief, in order to save our brother's surname, brother, I don't care even if I lose my head. Of course, I don't hesitate to care about the principle of distinction, and I wrote it immediately. "

Everyone suddenly let out a long sigh of relief.

Kalmar raised the glass, took a big gulp, wiped the corners of her mouth, and said, "But after reading the note I wrote, he felt a little unsatisfied. He also said that our division has nearly 10,000 people. It seems a bit too cheap to rely on my brother."

Everyone could not help but stagnate.

Someone asked, "What should I do? Do you want your old man to write more?"

Kalmar shook her head, and then said solemnly: "No, what he meant is, let each of you write one too."

Kalmar paused, looked at everyone, and said in a deep voice: "For the sake of our brothers and sisters. I didn't frown, and I wrote it right away. For the surname of our brothers, do you have Who doesn't want to write?"

Everyone glanced at each other. Since General Kalmar wrote all by himself, it shows that there is no harm to them. At most, it is an IOU or something. Of course you don't need to be afraid.

Thinking of this, everyone immediately shook their heads one after another, and some people found something was wrong and immediately began to nod again. The scene was quite chaotic for a while.

The clever guy shouted immediately: "Since you have written all the generals, then the next official is naturally the horse Ji who follows the general."

"Writing, whoever doesn't write, just follow the surname of the brother in our division."

"Write, whoever doesn't write is the grandson. Brothers will never let him go~!"

Listening to the enthusiastic expressions of the people, General Kalmar burst into tears in his eyes for a while, saying: "Okay, okay, okay, I deserve to be a good brother who lives and died with me..."

Immediately he waved his hand and shouted: "Send all the paper and pen to the brothers."

At the moment, an attendant sent pens and papers up, and sent them to the officers one by one.

General Kalmar looked at everyone taking the paper and pen, and then said: "Okay, I said, you follow along. Don't make a mistake. This is related to the surnames of nearly 10,000 brothers in our division. Fate, something went wrong, and I will never spare him."

Speaking of later, gritted his teeth, his tone was full of murderous intent.

The officers felt strange in their hearts, but they didn't think much about it for a while.

Someone yelled, "My lord, just say it."

"Okay, I'll read it, you write it." Kalmar took a deep breath, and then said every word: "The high priest is..."

Having said that, he stopped.

Everyone was familiar with this half-sentence, and immediately wrote it out without hesitation, and then hovered over the pen tip, waiting for Kalmar to say the final object.

After stopping for a while, Kalmar then continued: "Stupid 13."

Many people slipped their pen nibs and poke a hole in the paper. Then all raised their heads and looked at Kalmar in amazement.

Kalmar smirked, then clapped her hands.

Immediately afterwards, a large group of guards rushed in. Holding a sword in his hand, coldly facing a group of officers.

The officers could not help but scratch.

Kalmar looked around at the people and said coldly: "To tell you the truth, I went to see Lorraine today, and yes, it is the human flying eagle war god.

He personally said that as long as we write a note now, it is not a surrender, but a battlefield uprising.

Follow him, the salary is high, the treatment is good, and there are many vacations.

At that time, follow him to attack the mainland, and see his parents, wives and children in his hometown again. Once successful, everyone is the founding father.

General Merlot agreed, General Karen agreed, and the commanders of the other divisions agreed.

Seeing that the momentum had gone, for the surnames of nearly ten thousand brothers in our division, I could only agree to it. Otherwise, in order to perform meritorious service, other troops will first kill us and destroy us.

So, now we are all in a critical moment of survival.

If any of you doesn't agree, you will have trouble with me. Just can't get through with our brothers in the division.

Then don't blame me for being cruel~! "

He said, staring a pair of eyes, looking at everyone fiercely.

Even so still some officers jumped out, pointed at him and shouted: "Traitor, the high priest will never let you go."

But immediately, the guard who rushed over was chopped up to the ground, and then all the knives were thrown down and cut into sludge.

The rest of the officers saw this scene, all silently.

At this moment, the murderers looked up at the people around them regardless of the blood stains on their faces.

General Kalmar couldn't help sighing. As a person who had just experienced all this, he was very aware of the psychological changes of everyone, and immediately said: "Within a minute, everything that cannot be written is also dead."

Saying, waved.

The guards walked forward with a grinning smile, and put their knives on the necks of the officers. Although many of those officers were also highly skilled in martial arts, none of them resisted at this time, letting the opponent press the knife on his neck.

At the same time, they also breathed a sigh of relief one after another, then lifted the pen and wrote on the paper. q

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