Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1418: Surrender can also be a big discount

As the generals secretly guessed the identity of the third person, General Merlot clapped his hands and said loudly: "Gentlemen, be quiet, be quiet. I have something to say."   

   After listening, everyone couldn't help but glanced at each other, then holding the wine glass, they spontaneously gathered around General Merlot.


  Mello looked at the people, and then said: "Today is a rare good day. The reason why we can hold this banquet here, we must first touch human beings, and they did not open fire on our heads."


   Everyone couldn't help but chuckle.


  Mello turned his head, looked at General Melun next to him, and said: "Then I want to thank General Melun. It was he who contributed the materials he seized from the class."


   He knew clearly in his heart that although he had Lorraine's guarantee, he would definitely be scolded when he surrendered.


   The hatred value must be full.


   Therefore, Melan was deliberately dragged out in the speech. This is a Caribbean, and he is also the eldest brother-in-law of the human flying eagle and **** of war, saying that he did not collude with humans, but he did not believe it himself.


   is simply a pure sky, green and clean deputy tank, can help him share the hatred.


   The generals at the scene looked at each other, then burst into laughter.


  Everyone is a soldier, although the publicity is great, glorious, and just. The generals are all iron-blooded, brave, loyal, and disciplined... but in fact, no one knows what the other party is.


   After entering this big dye vat, don't even think about going out cleanly.


  Especially the Caribbean Division, they are a little bit tired, who doesn't know what is going on. It's just that because they can get something that suits everyone's appetite, they just opened and closed their eyes.


Seeing everyone laughing, Merlot also felt that he was telling lies in front of so many sensible people. Some were not appropriate. He couldn't help but laughed, and then added: "By the way, although I am not used to smoking cigarettes, but The canned food tastes really good."


   For this point of view, the generals were quite in agreement and nodded.

The supply of food has always been the biggest headache for all military forces.


   In this era, because there is no preservation measures. Coupled with the problem of road transportation.


   All kinds of fresh vegetables and meat can only be slaughtered and eaten.


   The army can only be like locusts, what to eat on the road. Once you can't find fresh food, you can only eat the flatbread. This also makes the non-combat attrition caused by malnutrition and incompliance in the army very severe.


   It is said that when Washington Hua led his little brothers and the United Kingdom, he gnawed rough noodles. As a result, twice as many people died of diseases due to malnutrition.


   This shows the importance of military rations.


   And the Semitic army, like all armies of this era, is what they catch and eat. If you can't catch it, you just don't eat it. Sometimes you can’t even drink clean water.


   It is especially difficult when the city is besieged like this. Even the generals’ tables disappeared.


   But the canned food produced by the Human Eagle Company made its debut like a savior at this time. Easy to preserve, good taste, large meat volume, especially fatty meat, fragrant, most importantly-hungry.


   As long as one can go down, do the rough work for a long time, and feel hungry.


   This also made the generals amazed: the creativity of human beings is rich, and even a meat can make a variety of cans.


   At this time, General Merlot gave a light cough, and then said loudly: "Gentlemen, next, let me introduce you two heavyweight guests."


   Everyone was shocked, and the highlight finally came.


   They set their eyes on the young man next to Merlot, and then secretly guessed in their hearts: where is this young man sacred.


  Holding Jinshan's wife and concubine, using soldiers like a god...


   How could it be possible that this kind of character that made everyone kneel has never even heard of it?

General Merlot opened his mouth and suddenly felt a little short of breath—as long as Lorraine’s identity was revealed, this mutiny was like a dice thrown out, and he could only continue with his scalp, and there was no room for recovery. .


   Lorraine glanced at him faintly, then walked forward, and said faintly: "Hello everyone, I think you all have heard of my name..."


   The generals looked at each other, and they all saw the disdain in each other's eyes: the young man's tone was so big. All of them should have heard of his name. I am not afraid that the wind will slap their tongues.


  Young people are young people, all arrogant and arrogant. I really don’t know how many bowls of dry rice I can eat...


   At this time, I heard Lorraine continue to say: "My name is Lorraine. Lance. Lorraine."


   When all the generals heard him say their names, they all looked at each other in amazement. Immediately there were discussions.


   "Lance, Lorraine?"


"who is this?"


   "Hey, don't tell me, this name sounds familiar to me."


   "Yes, I seem to have heard of it somewhere."


   "Yes, yes. I'm familiar too, but I just can't remember where I heard it."


   Sir Alex looked at them, and for a while, he lost his temper.


   They can't be blamed, after all, they are in their own barracks, and the other party is personally accompanied by General Merlot, which makes them fall into a misunderstanding of thinking. Desperately leaning Lorraine on the noble generals on the Semitic side, he would never connect this young man with the coach in the opposite military camp.


   is like bin Laden, Deng suddenly appeared in the White House of the United States. It is estimated that many people will not recognize him. Even if someone can recognize him, they will think that the person is pretending to be, and he ran over to perform some anti-terrorism drama.


Fiona looked at it, but she curled her eyebrows with a smile—women are such a complex complex of contradictions. Although they don’t want others to speak ill of their lover, they often look at their Flattened in front of you.


   Next to Kalma looked at her and said, "Miss, you praised him like a flower, but now it seems that your boyfriend is not very famous?"


   Fiona glanced at him contemptuously, chuckled twice, and then mocked: "I don't even know the dignified Flying Eagle God of War.


  When you mention him in ordinary times, you all hate it to your bones. Do you want to cut the skin and eat meat?


   The high priest actually has a bunch of stupid men like you, I really feel sad for him. "

After hearing this, Kalmar couldn't help furious, and said: "What flying eagle **** of war, when did our Semites"


   At this point, a flash of lightning flashed across his mind, and he suddenly understood. Stuttering can't go on anymore.


   The rest of the people were also stunned for a while, and then fixedly looked at Fiona, only to see that she looked like a fool. Her eyes were full of mockery.


   They looked at Lorraine next to him again, and then all turned their eyes to General Merlot.


  Even though they all understood in their hearts at this time, they were just like abandoned women who were unwilling to believe the fact, and they all looked at Merlot with blank eyes.


Under everyone’s gaze, General Merlot smiled dryly, and then bit the bullet and said: "Ah, cough, let me introduce it seriously. This is the commander of the human army, the famous flying eagle war god. , Lord Longyacao, Lord Lorraine."


   There was a general who looked at Lorraine in a daze, then tremblingly stretched out his hand to Merlot, and said: "My lord, you tell me this is not true, it's just a joke you made. Tell me..."


   The tone was very sad. Even if the lion listened, he couldn't help crying.


  Moren coughed slightly, and then said: "This is true, I can prove it."


She reached out her hand and pointed at Fiona and said, "This is my cousin. Fiona, Iskander. She is the daughter of our Caribbean city lord, with royal blood on her body. I think you all know that. During that marriage, she and Miss Adling both took refuge and came to humans."


   Fiona stepped forward generously, and then gave a squat in a very graceful manner. Although he was wearing a military uniform, his posture was elegant and smooth and pleasing to the eye. Even if the most rigorous royal etiquette teacher came, he could not be faulty.


   General Kalmar rolled his eyes and passed out.


   There was a commotion among the generals.


Lorraine looked at the people coldly, and saw some of them yelling loudly, some of them secretly gritted their teeth, some touched the sword at their waist, some had their eyes twirling around, and the faces were like ashes... Various situations vary. And foot.


   General Merlot waved his hands again and again, saying: "Gentlemen and gentlemen, be quiet, be quiet..."


   But at this time, wherever someone listened to him, the generals were still waving their arms and shouting loudly, and some people started to sneak out secretly under cover.


   Lorraine saw this, immediately changed his hands, took out a gun from behind, and then opened the insurance, drew the trigger at a distance of about five inches above the crowd, and fired back and forth.


   "Da, da da da da da..."


   The crisp gunfire was as continuous as the sound of a typewriter.


   Thompson blasting machine gun, also called Chicago typewriter, commonly known as crushing a donkey.


   is powerful, firepower, and suppressive. It was the Chicago Mafia fighting in the streets and home travel must bring equipment.


   Due to conditions, the powerful Eagle Weapons Company is only in the trial production stage for this weapon.


   When all the generals heard the gunshots, they all bent down and squatted on the ground. Hearing the bullets whizzing past their heads, they were all shocked and dejected.


   After a while, the gunfire stopped.


   Lorraine looked at the crowd coldly, and then took a light breath at the light smoke coming from the muzzle. Secretly sighed in my heart: No wonder this gun is killing the donkey. Under the muzzle, even the donkey with the stubborn spleen has to bow its head obediently.

As he thought, he took out another drum and installed it on the barrel, and then pulled the gun harder.


   Everyone was startled again when they heard the crisp metal hitting sound when the machine was pulled. Looking at the muzzle of Lorraine's black hole, he suddenly felt a chill.


   At this time, General Merlot also set off a series of stormy waves in his heart: amazing, really amazing.


   When the weapon hits, it's like rain pouring, and it's deadly.


   In the face of this weapon, there is nowhere to hide.


   How are you going to fight this battle?


  How can we fight this battle~!


   Those who have lost money have surrendered now, and if they are later, there really will be no chance of surrender.


   But immediately, he thought about it, but felt a moment of fear: the sound of gunshots will surely alarm the lich in the city~!


   Lorraine looked at the generals present with cold eyes, and the generals who looked at were pale and hairy in their hearts. But every time he touched Lorraine's gaze, he turned his gaze carefully. I'm afraid this master suddenly swept the shuttle at everyone.


   After a while, Lorraine smiled suddenly and said, "Generals, don't be alarmed. Actually, I'm here this time, not asking everyone to surrender."


   The generals looked at each other.


   Well, you are not asking us to surrender, you are here to invite us all to dinner.


   Grandma's, do you really think the big guy is a fool?


   At the same time, they became more resentful, and kept peeking at Melun next to them with their eyes: These **** Caribbean people, Xiang Rui's name is indeed not for nothing.


   pit up teammates, just like pit godfather.


   When you eat a meal, you can recruit the enemy's SS.


   This is too cruel, right? ~! !


   At this time, Lorraine continued: "Dear generals, in fact, this city has become a solitary city under the siege of my millions of troops. There is no rescuer outside, no food and grass inside.


   Actually, I think everyone knows that even though the slogans are beautiful, they are just waiting to die.


  Think about the children at home, the mother at home, think about your wise wife, and think about those beautiful little lovers. Are you really willing to be the cannon fodder for the high priest? "


   There was a wry smile: Isn't this nonsense? If there is a way, who wants to be cannon fodder? Who doesn't know that now is a dead end. But under the severe order of the high priest, who would dare to resist?

Lorraine paused, and then continued: "If you really die, someone will live in your house, sleep with your wife and lover, drive your mother out, and finally beat your children."


   At this point, he changed his tone and said very slowly: "So, I have no other meaning here, just to give you a chance. So that you can go home safely."


   At this time, there was a loud noise outside.


   Apparently, the guards on patrol heard the gunshots and rushed over.


   But then he was stopped by the guards of General Merlot and Melon.


   The two sides quarreled loudly for a few words, and immediately the patrols were kicked off.


   General Merlot cast a wink at Lorraine: I am still living in the town for now, but we must hurry up. Once the troops below become suspicious, it will be too late.


   Lorraine nodded to him, and then looked at everyone present.


   When there was a noise outside just now, a few guys looked wrong and seemed to want to shout. But in the end he saw Sir Alex's muzzle and gave up.


   Lorraine thought for a while, then laughed, and said, "Gentlemen, if we surrender now, we can get a 50% discount."


   Everyone was shocked: Is this thing too bargaining?


   Lorraine continued: "We humans are very reasonable. As long as we surrender now, we can count him as a battlefield uprising.


   Pass by, pass by, don't miss it. I missed this time, but there is no next time.


   Gentlemen, there is only one life, I hope you can consider it carefully. "


   As soon as his words fell, the generals present were in an uproar.


   Battlefield uprising, although on the surface, it is not much different from surrender, but there is a substantial difference. This also means that everyone does not need to surrender or enter a prisoner of war camp. No need to accept human judgment. Instead, it became a vassal army of mankind.


   For these generals, this condition is quite attractive.


   Lorraine continued: "In the near future, we will conduct a counterattack, and you don't have to worry about not being able to return home.


  In the future, wait until we win. You are the founding fathers of the new Semitic. All the Semitic people will thank you. I'll give you a monument.


   You will go down in history.


   When you get old, sit in front of the warm fireplace, happily watching your grandchildren around your rocking chair, telling them your legendary stories.


   At that time, if you think about the current choice, you will be grateful for what a wise decision. "


   His tone is full of allure, like a professional MLM lecturer.


   The generals couldn't help but glance at each other.


   Many people are a little tempted.


   After all, I was here as cannon fodder, died in vain, and became a vassal army, returned home, and saw my relatives again. There is a huge difference between this.


Someone immediately gritted his teeth and stood up and said, "Earl. Dear Lord Lorraine. If I surrender now, will I be able to go back now? After all, my troops only listen to me. Other people will never command. ."


   Lorraine smiled immediately and said flatly, "Of course."


   He looked at the other person, and then asked: "I haven't asked your name yet."


   The humanity said: "Karen, my lord. I am Karen from Vikal Division."


   Lorraine smiled and said: "Very well, General Karen. You are the third uprising. Here I will remember you first."


  He paused, then looked at other people, and said, "Is there any more, is there any? I only give you three minutes here. If you revolt after this, your work will be lost."


   The generals suddenly felt a tumbling in their chests and abdomen: This grandson is really vicious. Surrender...Bah, baah, the uprising, and the uprising does promotion. Actually even engaged in a limited time promotion~!


   I bought a watch last year, it is really inhumane~!


   But Several generals moved very reluctantly, bowed to Lorraine, and then stood beside Karen.


Driven by them, most of the people present also slowly stood on Karen’s side. The remaining few wanted to continue to support themselves, but immediately looked at Lorraine’s gun pointing at himself intentionally or unintentionally, immediately. No longer hesitate, but also walked over.


   Lorraine looked at it and couldn't help being extremely satisfied. Nodded, and said: "Okay, very good. It seems that our Semitic generals are all very knowledgeable.


   Now I declare that you are all outstanding generals of the uprising before the battle. applaud. "


   said, clapping his hands seriously.


   Under his stern gaze, the generals present also clapped their hands.


When the applause was over, Lorraine immediately laughed again and said, "Since everyone is up, then I will make a small request, which is not excessive at all. I believe you will not refuse. In fact, there is nothing more. , As long as everyone writes a small paper."


   At this time, someone had already sent pen and paper to the generals.


   This made everyone feel shocked: What is this?


   Lorraine looked at everyone with a smile, and said, "Come on, let me say, everyone write together. The high priest is stupid 13."


   Everyone couldn't help but was taken aback, and looked up at Lorraine in surprise.


   but seeing Lorraine mouth full of white teeth, smiled like a strange girl seducing little Lori with a lollipop. (To be continued)

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